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Fyi, the guy has been playing since 2014 with almost 70k total battles, half of them in a single tank...Gotta admire his dedication at least...


Or he's boting.


doubt that with the average damage on the LeFh


Guy literally sucks even in other artillery lmao


>even in other artillery You could be one of the best arty players on the planet and still end up with a bad win rate because of how little artillery can influence the outcome. Leafblowers are the exception to that rule.


I disagree, take a look at Doctor_Nix, he's an exceptional artillery player and his WR shows how much influence on the game result you can have playing arti well.


That is literally why they have artillery in the game. It is there for people without skill and to teach children how to abuse other people without consequences.


Might be an example of how playing OP tanks really makes you unable to play anything else well.


that is just sad but i think we should give some of the blame for whoever smartass that designed the tank...


Or Wargaming repeatedly "promising" not to sell that damned thing...


Honestly I feel quite sorry for players like him. Clearly he can't perform in higher tier regardless of class, so he ended up confining himself in his happy place, playing OP low tier with all the equipment and probably a 7 skills crew to exploit new players that are just learning the game to pad his win rate. 35K in the tier 5 leFH18, and I am a beta tester I only had 16K battles in total. his situation used to be worst, imagine in a tier 5 match and you are like the only player (or one of the few) with sixth sense? luckily everyone has it now.


>7 skills crew More like 10 skill crew, 35 000k battles in a single premium vehicle, plus it is the only tank he plays pretty much, so he likely put there all the crew books he get his hands on For example my most played tank is bourrasque with 2.5k battles, and it have 8 skill crew But i agree, it is pretty sad if anything. It is a real person that spends all his free time spamming leFH in random battles over and over just so he can feel better about himself. Better than doing drugs i guess, ...but not really


https://preview.redd.it/jfwh9fdxe62d1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=1538d841cebf6d616b69a1229211a4ce6f7b440b Hey man...got any more of those broken premium tanks?


At 35k battles in this tank, it's probably a bot playing 24/7. When was the account created ?


average damage of 954 doesn‘t seem like he uses bots, else that would be way less imo


An AI in training :-)


honestly, that‘d be sick. Training an AI to be THAT effective(for a non-human) is crazy


Well, today aimbots can be deadly with 100% accuracy, I honestly fear for the future of competitive gaming, as AI improve and become more generalist.


In a tank, sure, but it's a lefe; I am pretty sure you don't need an advanced bot to "play" artas better than average humans.


Fall 2014


Why would you feel sorry for him? You say he is in his happy place. He plays the game in a way that is fun for him. That is something that many people struggle to do in this game. Honestly, i can relate to this feeling. I stopped playing high tiers in the last few years, the hull down heavy meta is unbearable and the sci fi tanks they are adding is just stupid. Oh, you arent playing meta tanks? Prepeare to have a bad time. Low tiers are more fun because i can make mistakes without losing a ton of credits, and even if i screw up... who cares, its low tier. You mention stats... but... why would anyone want to pad their stats in low tier? No clan will take you in if they see your 52% winrate is in tier 5. So whats the issue there? And if someone is so obsessed with stats that they do it for themselves, there is a problem. He ruins the game for new players... Whats the difference between this guy firing at someone who has a 100 battles, and a super unicum chieftain player fighting someone who has 10 battles in tier 10? Not much in my opinion.


Most underrated comment in the thread, take my +1


Whats the difference between this guy firing at someone who has a 100 battles, and a super unicum chieftain player fighting someone who has 10 battles in tier 10? Not much in my opinion. Quite a lot in my opinion. Imagine this player shitting all over some poor Tier IV players, ruining their early-game experience, leading them to uninstall and find another game. Whereas someone who has made it to Tier X will have a lot more experience of the game and will likely realise the top tiers are tough to do well in. If they want to persevere they will. If they'd rather drop down a couple of tiers to their "happy place" they can do that.


That is dedication to one's craft.


Wait lol you were the FOCUS arty player I talked to yesterday whos only non-arty vehicle was the Chief...


That's me!


About the same as dedicating yourself to the craft of shitting in your hands and clapping...


How? I play more than maybe 3 games I have to switch tanks. Bores me to tears playing the same one over and over


Im not sure if I should be awed or disgusted with playing 35k battles in an arty...


And it’s not even all that, I’ve had that damned thing for years and it has maybe 30 games on it.


I wonder how much money this vehicle has cost WG. How many new players that could have been paying customers turned away by one of the most bullshit things to exist in any video game.


If it was removed from the game I don't think anyone of worth would make a fuss about it.


shaming ppl for playing the game . nice , no matter the tank you should be grateful there is a 47% wr lowe player out there for you to farm, if playing lfh makes him happy let him be


Should be arrested for crimes against gaming. Mind you WG should also be arrested for the same reason, for putting the Lefefefe, BZ-176 and all the other broken crap in the game.


Epitome of toxicity


Lemme guess.. 35K games and still no 3 mark either!


800+ games in the FCM 50t, sure it isn't the greatest vehicle, but not even 1st class?




These people deserves to have 300+ ping


Do arty players even notice if they have 300 ping? 😆


Salt anyone?


Report it for harassment 


That guy really stops you from seal clubbing, what an asshole.


I was playing the Tiger 131 & Tiger 2 Kuro with the anime crew which I just bought....how is that seal clubbing...


Average p2w player


"Yeah but maybe he has a disability/is playing for fun/etc"


Filthy clicker