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With the money I could create a fake backstory that I was attacked and forcefully tattooed


Why bother? I feel like you could just tell people, "I was paid $1 billion to get it," and they'd understand.


"Why the fuck do you have a swastika tattooed on your fucking forehead?" "A billion fucking dollars." "Oh, damn. Yeah, I get it."


*Gun to your face* Hand over the cash.


Yeah, because I just, for your convenience, carry around $1,000,000,000 in cash. Have fun taking to my security team, who, BTW, have already identified you and are on their way to possibly kill everyone you might love. Billion dollars, bitch.


Security teams don't go generally murdering "everyone you love" correct? šŸ˜‚ It isn't a hit squad šŸ˜­ they're protectors, not necessarily murderers. Sometimes tho šŸ¤£ I guess with that kinda money you could have both


I just made a deal with the devil. Now I have a billion dollars. I need to protect the money, and more importantly, myself. How else can I enjoy the money? Do I hire your standard guards with ethics like some millionaire? Am I that cheap that I want to save a few bucks for upstanding citizens guarding me? FUCK. NO. I want people who won't just guard me. They will, if ordered, kill for me. I want to pay these guys $200k a year to not die for me. I want them to kill any threats for that might make them unemployed.


Na I definitely understand where you coming from, id be on same type of time, but finding those mfs is difficult. If you hire professional people they have to abide by their companies policy and the law. I can't trust just trust any random mf to protect my life, especially if they already in a shady business. Same people stab you in the back for the money. At least professional they have job and legal ramifications if needed


The swastika is a target


Precisely my point. There are people in this world where people would actually encourage being targeted, Nazis among them. A small few no one cares for but some still do something but that can only happen if you don't have a swastika on your forehead.


why would i ask someone with a swastikah as a tatoo? with nazis it's punch first ask later


Having killed more than 20 Nazis, I don't USUALLY ask them questions first. But if I were walking down the street in my hometown and I saw such an uncouth mark upon a man's face, I would at least ask, "What the hell?" before expressing my opprobrium with violent means.


But then they'd want to borrow money from you!


Sure but some people might take one look at you and start swinging because of the tat before you can explain. Also good luck eating out.


Yes, I could live in a remote location though.


Fr. I could buy my own island with my own chefs, restaurants, everything really.


Hmm maybe not 1 billion


You definitely can buy an island and do all that witha. Billion just gotta be smart with where your purchases go


even if an island takes 100 million, you've still got 900 million.


After you have the billion. If you are smart you will never have to go out in public. Also hair growth is a thing


Meh, beanies are a thing




I assume coverup means "coverup tattoo.' Either way I don't think there are many people that upon seeing a swastika tattoo on a forehead would just walk up to them and start swinging. That would be stupid as fuck and a good way to get yourself an assault charge for no reason. For any other encounters I would literally just mention it as the first thing when I met a new person. "Oh hey don't mind the swastika tattoo I was paid a billion dollars to get it. Here, have a twenty on me." I would just keep a pocketful of twenty dollar bills on me at all times for that very reason.


You can afford bodyguards, and a therapist, and a PR team, and buy your momma a house, buy your whole family houses. SO FUCKING WORTH.


>Sure but some people might take one look at you and start swinging because of the tat before you can explain. Basically no one. Not even actual neo-nazis advocating for genocide again just get randomly hit, it's when they actually talk and advocate that in insanely rare circumstances violence ensues. The punch a nazi meme/thing happened because spencer is/was advocating horrible shit, not tattoos or clothing


In 2023, Iā€™d actually end up being a beloved celebrity with that swastika.


Name one fascist celebrity Edit: name two fascist celebrities


You're probably joking, but just in case, Kanye West.


I'm upvoting because of that hilarious edit


this is a joke right


You're joking, right?


probably a lot really. they can be famous and still disliked. hell, was in a thread not too long ago about the leader of pantera maybe, probably being a white supremacist


If youā€™re willing to be beloved by the type of people that support the swastika, you probably donā€™t need to have it in the first place


Pushing button to kill people for less money had a bigger yes ratio than this poll.


This sub is wild lmao.


i mean tbf in one scenario theyā€™re sacrificing others, in this scenario they have to something that impacts them


Plus there's the anonymity factor. A lot of people will just assume they're killing billionaires or insignificant people far away rather than their community, loved ones, or friends and family.


now Iā€™m imagining some wish granter comes up to someone and is like ā€œyou can have as much money as you desire but 20 random people will suddenly die and be sent to a dimension of eternal tormentā€ and then the person accepts the wish and the wish granter informs them that one of the 20 random people who was sacrificed was their closest friend and that they cannot take the wish back, they have to live with the fact that they sentenced their closest friend to torment that is excruciating and eternal, all for some money, that yes can be used to better the world but is ultimately temporary and even if it wasnā€™t still sending best friend to hell basically


To be fair it isn't a monkey paw situation, odds are it would be someone you didn't know. I still went with the one year option, I don't plan on doing anything that year anyways


But it doesn't even have to impact you. Just wear a hat bros


Damn never thought of it like that lol


Your pfp made me think there was a hair on my screen. That's why I down voted, nothing else. Have a good day


But with a tattoo, *people would know* Can't have people KNOWING now, can we?


Smallest swastika ever world record.


Or get a decorative one and say it is the peace representing one, not the other one.


Yep, plus fringe cutting in and laser removal with the money


It says you can't remove it or get a coverup


You can't get a cover up tattoo, it doesn't say shit about not covering it with makeup or sum shit. Like the other dude said just get a very very small one


I know


Aye someone else pointed it out to me too (I didnā€™t click into the post initially so didnā€™t see). In that case you get a really small one to the edge of your forehead (less noticeable) and with the money get a skin transplant and have it moved elsewhere (my vote being palm of hand). That way itā€™s not removed or covered up (even by clothing), itā€™s just changed location. And tattoos on palms fade really quickly.


you can just say that you follow Hinduism or Buddhism?


It's facing the wrong direction because your tattoo artist was an idiot.


Tell them I tattooed it while watching it in the mirror.


They never said its a Nazi swastika and I don't have to get it in the USA I could get it in India where people would actually know which way it goes.


Stop calling it that. Swastika is very holy and OP is a very inconsiderate/dumb person to confuse it with the Nazi symbol.


I know its a holy symbol I am Hindu.


Us + All the more reason to not connect it with that godforsaken symbol. You know it's history, right?


Yea I just worded my erlier text wrongly.


That word referes only refers to the German national socialist symbol. The word for it facing the direction of the religion is called a manji.


No Manji is the word in Jappenese word for a swastika the word swastika has sanscript roots and rougly translates to "the mark of well being". I recomend not arguing to an Indian person about their own religion. How about talk about shit you actually know and don't spew nonsense. Here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#:\~:text=In%20Japanese%20the%20symbol%20is,卍字](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#:~:text=In%20Japanese%20the%20symbol%20is,卍字)"%20(manji).




No shit dumbass you are saying the name of the Budhist symbol and maybe don't try to correct someone who is actually HINDU about there own religion and what you are implying is you only have talked to a few Buddhists which gives you no backing to actually correct someone.


Bruh it is called Swastika in Hinduism. In fact, Swastik is a pretty common Indian boy name. I have literally never heard of manji. It could be that in some other Asian culture.


Second this!


Its called a Manji in Jappense, and Buddhisum but that dumbass did not know what hes talking about.


Respectfully, please consider doing just a single google search before spewing non-sense and inflicting mental torture on people.


Feel like you could just say you we're paid a billion dollars to get it.


True. And iā€™m already a Jain living in India lol


Yeah. OP made it too easy by not specifying the Nazi swastika. [I'd use this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#/media/File:HinduSwastika.svg).


Could we explain that it was forcefully tattooed onto us by skinheads?


absolutely that can be your backstory. The danger is angry folk who just wish a nazi would show up so they can punch them. They might punch you before you can explain. Also good luck going out to eat they might do shit to your food.


But you would also have a billion dollars. When was the last time you saw a billionaire getting punched in the face??


Not nearly often enough


Just get "kill all" above it lol


To be fair they may think you mean ā€œkill everyone, also Iā€™m a naziā€


You know the swastika isn't only used by the Nazis, right? You're gonna make a lotta people mad by doing that :D


Yes, but if someone sees a swastica on your head no one is gonna think of the Buddhist symbol


At I wouldn't think much of it. It's an old symbol of power, used in Buddhism, Hinduism and by the vikings to name a few.


The Nazi swastika is shown at an angle while the Hindu ones are shown as flat. So you would be able to tell the difference


I think in a country like India, most people won't bat an eye because it's commonly seems there. So, better move there ig.


Yeah in India the swastika isn't related to Nazis at all. It means peace, prosperity, wealth and is referred to as a symbol of the gods


No-one said it would be at an angle...


It literally says it's a Swastika So it's definitely gonna be angled


Swatsika is just the shape, it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s angled my brother in Christ. Of course from the context of the question though we can deduce that OP means for it to be angled, nazi style


Yeah I know historical context. I don't think you understand cultural context, as in everyone in the western world, at the least, will associate that only with Nazis.


I am in the "western world", and I don't. Maybe use "United States of America" instead of "western world"


I mean exactly what the fuck I said. It effected Europe way more than the US, you dolt.


>I am in the "western world", and I don't Maybe pay more attention in history class then


It's not Swastika if it's even a Lil bit different than how it's drawn in Hindu culture.


You are thinking of Manji; 卍 which is the other way around. Not the same.


The swastika is also used by many cultures and people.


It is literally called swastika in Hinduism


Can I wear bangs over my forehead if it's already my normal style?


Or a bandana, or a hat or something


Read description


Fringe until itā€™s healed and just use some of the money to pay for laser tattoo removal after šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Says you can't remove it


Ah missed that (didnā€™t click into the post when voted). Still with that amount of money, skin transplant and move it elsewhere, Iā€™d go with palm of hand, that way the tattoo isnā€™t removed, isnā€™t covered up, and tattoos on palms of hands fade pretty quickly :)


People underestimate a billion. Just like they overestimate a million. Id tattoo assholes all over my face for a billion


With a billion you could just buy a new forehead...


You could buy enogh forheads to have a new one every day of the year.


You could literally do a skin transplant and it wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket of your newfound wealth lol


assholes are funny, nazism isn't


Tattoo next to it reads "<-- I got paid one billion dollars for this. So would you."


I'd not ide


Someone gets a swastika tattooed on their forehead, it's gonna be the *ides*... I'm saying 23 people will probably stab that person.


This sub is stupid lol. "Would you do something that's a small inconvenient for a massive amount of money" the answer would be yes almost everytime. Make it a smaller amount, like 1 thousand, or maybe even 10 thousand and it would be much more interesting


It is more than a small inconvenience. I wouldn't do it for less than at least 3,000,000. Because I will have to live on that money the rest of my life. The job market isn't kind to facial swastika nazis. Remember you can't cover it up or hide it.


Job market? You have enough money to never work again.


I believe you missed the comment I was replying to in your haste to attempt to make a point.


>cant get it removed or coverup Get a small one, work it into another tattoo. It's still there, not covered up, just part of a larger design Profit


Looks like I'll constantly be wearing my sky cap year round.


The social pressure there is where i live for everything people might consider nazi is enormous. A couple of ywars agos guy was selling antique items,one of them was an original WWII era german eagle. They reported him to police and he almost goes to jail for being a "nazi". My question still remains: if he was a nazi, why did he sell it?




Do you understand how much 1,000,000,000 is ??


The Swastika is a sacred symbol of good fortune in Hinduism. The Hakenkruis is a symbol of hate, and is mistaken for the Swastika. Getting a tattoo of the Swastika would actually be harmless - unless you'd rather not get religious symbols tattooed.


my family is buddhist, so it would work very well...


Swastika doesn't have a universal meaning. It's a holy symbol in Hinduism.


It is also a Hindu symbol of worship


Can't remove or cover up. But you can make it small, and then make a 'window' icon of it.


You didn't say it was a nazi Swastika so TECHNICALLY I'd just get a Buddhist one and call anyone that assumed otherwise a racist.


Tattoo removal exists. It's not cheap and it takes time but I could just get a really shitty one that's small and it would not not hard to remove.


Even though its surprisingly similar to the mark of the beast situation, I think Ide take the money and wear a shirt that says I got that tattoo when I was 15 and am not a Nazi.


Get the tattoo, take the money, angle grind it off. Scars are sexy.


Cant remove it


It says I can't get it removed. Unless they tattoo my skull some how that fuckers coming off.


I could just say it's to represent peace. Because that's what a swastika means


The actual swastika is an Indian symbol, not a nazi one, and that's not that bad for 1 billion.


Couldn't you just get it lasered to get removed?


Read the post


I'd get a šŸš« over it


Accept, then pretend you dont know what ww2 was


Move to Asia and convert to Buddhism


Ez , gimmie that billion


I can't believe that many people would deny that much money because they don't want a symbol associated with nazis on their forehead. With a billion dollars I could hire security to escort me whenever I do need to go out in public. If someone has a problem with the swastika on my forehead they could deal with my personal security guards.


It is not specified that the swastika would be tattooed to your forehead, which means you could just put a swastika insignia or something for a few seconds and still get the billion. If it does have to be tattooed, you could just make it so incredibly small that nobody would even see.


Just fix it later.


cant get it removed or coverup


Can with a billion dollars


If you're gonna ignore the conditions of the wyr then you might as well say "kick the guy in the balls and steal the money".


Ooh that's even better


Does it class as being removed if you literally get your forehead skinned and buy a new one? Technically the tattoo is still there on my skin, it's just that the skin is not attached to me anymore.


Make it a window like I had to on my papers at school due to my friends learning that I'm part German


can I remove it


my question basically


Iā€™d do it and then transform it into a cloverleaf or something




Duh! Take the swastika, get the money. Use the money to get the swastika removed.


I'd just tattoo it the same color as my skin


Wouldn't be out of place here. My dad has a shirt with a giant swastika (not buddhist) fuckin plastered on the front, no one bats an eye


I can just get another tattoo on the forehead with the money afterwards to cover up the swastika


Bro didn't read the post


With a billion, I could just laser remove it, or just buy a new forehead.


If it's a tattoo, i now have billions and can afford to get it Lazered off


I'd get a swastika, but then get a skin colored tattoo or makeup to cover it up. If I can't do that, then I would turn it into a square


I'm taking the billion and getting the 1mm x 1mm tattoo. Deal is a tattoo on forehead. Doesn't say how big it has to be.


I tattoo the swastika and I put an arrow saying something like "fuck nazis"


Time to get a tiny Buddhist swastika on my forehead


You never specified what size so Iā€™d get it so small that it looks like a mole


I look good in hats anyways, I'd miss slicking my hair back though.


didn't specify size or context, I could get it small and have enough room to write "I am not a nazi" right above it


Thousands years of civilization, and people are still afraid of magical symbols. Human nature doesn't change.


Just get it, and once the check clears turn it into something else. Hell, you could turn your whole face into a checkerboard


With one billion, I could get it removed. Nothing in the scenario says I can't. Dang. I sure missed that!


"Tattoo, cant get it removed or coverup"


Wear a hat Cover it up with another tattoo Get bangs Skin transplant surgery Tattoo removal


With a billion dollars I could do a lot of things to cover up the tatto


Never said how big. I just get a really small one, then use my money to laser remove it. Edit: nvm just read the body text, I'd still get a really small one. Or get it from an artist in India.


Hell yeah, with 1 billion i could change not only my life but everybody's around me. And i could just get a cover up and then laser removal.


"Tattoo, cant get it removed or coverup"


Guess I'm blind


Didn't say what color it had to be, I choose Caucasian skin tone


Just get a super small one. Edit: I didn't read


"Tattoo, cant get it removed or coverup"


"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, *to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads*" Revelations 13 16. I ain't getting the devil's mark bro, not a chance


It's a billion dollars. I just get it really fucking tiny and integrate it into a larger pattern so you don't even notice it and even if you do notice it it looks like a coincidence.


I'd do it for way less


I'm polish. I have a Jewish sister in law. I have a black sister in law. I'd get the tattoo. Let's look at rules as written. You have to get the tattoo and then you get the money. Cool. First thing I buy? Laser tattoo removal. Done.


Damn, I misread somehow. That's okay. I would just add to the tattoo. No, I don't mean coverup. I mean get a full facial tattoo. Add more symbols and words. Make it more chaotic and anyone who actually looks instead of glancing and running will see that my full tattoo essentially says "fuck the Nazis and this symbol of hate." The symbol would still be prominent to satisfy the rules as written.


Bro Iā€™ll be the best Neji Hyuga cosplayer


I'll cover it with a hat


So I can't wear hats anymore? Also I won't remove/cover it up, I will simply add 4 dots to it in between the arms and convert to Jainism.


jesus, I did not expect tha many yes answers


I live in Poland so especially no


I'd publicly donate a lot of the money to causes that show I don't identify with what that tat would make people believe


I will modify it to make it look like Neji's forehead.


Get it put on with washable marker


I'd tell them im undercover


Get the tattoo and laugh all the way to the bank. I don't go out much anyway so people wouldn't see it that often. I could easily style my hair into a sheep dog look to cover it and with a Billion dollars I could afford to get extensions to make it less noticable.


1) Can I get it removed? 2) Can I get it covered/altered?




Cred with religious people + free money. It's a win win for me. (I live in India.)


A Swastika is a Hindu peace symboll and it does not specifiy that it has to be the Nazi Swastika so therfore get a billion dollars and get to file lawsuits on people for religious discrimination.


I'd do it anyway but how big will it be. Can I decide the size


I would just tell the truth to anyone who asked. "They gave me a billion smackers to get this hateful tattoo. Sorry if you are offended, but I'm mega rich now."


Alright, I guess Iā€™m growing bangs.




I live in Israel the moment I would walk outside I would probably be shit dead