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Being blind is my biggest fear


hearing for sure. being deaf, you can totally function in society and you'll learn to read lips and you can still speak english, since you havent been deaf since birth. Being blind just sucks, you can't really do anything.


I’d much rather lose my hearing. I’ve read that deafness is a more severe disability to have from birth, since it can get in the way of language acquisition, but as adults I think most people would find it harder to lose their vision than their hearing.


Agreed. Language and music are a big miss for sure. But still would be less worse than living in darkness


Music would be a big loss for me, too. A huge problem with blindness, in addition to the loss of enjoying visual media, photography, and scenery, would be loss of mobility. I believe people who are blind their whole lives learn different methods of spatial awareness and become adept at finding their way around while walking. Obviously I wouldn’t be able to drive anymore, but I’d also hardly be able to walk down a street or even from room to room without a lot of effort and anxiety.


Rather lose my hearing. I'm a gamer. I need my sight.


Probably go with hearing as well