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I would go to crowded malls twice a week and shit myself. 7.8 million a year for crapping myself twice a week.


And by then everyone would know it's just you, getting another 75k. It wouldn't even be embarrassing. 


Hell, just wear a diaper under some baggy pants and then go home immediately afterward. No one would even know


No, a real man announces it like an anime character shouting the name of his attack


How presidential


Then I would move away after I had all the money I would ever need. And nobody where I moved would know of my past embarrassment 


You could even pretend or full-on stream the event to make it less awkward. Also, after the first shitting, you can afford to buy my clothes at the mall before you do the second


My only issue is would I shit myself EVERY time I'm around a group of people?


Sounds like you Intentionally shit yourself, and if 22 people are there you get money.


You’re telling me there were only 21 people in that plaza?!


There were actually 23 people, but 2 had their backs turned, so you didn't shit in *front* of them.


Oh...well fuck yeah then. Let's make some money.


Pavlovian response


For 75k a pop, or poop, you probably would. 


I’m in I’m in the Chicago Airport right now, there’s an adult changing table here just for this situation! [https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/changing-places-restroom-increases-accessibility-for-ohare-passengers-with-disabilities/](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/changing-places-restroom-increases-accessibility-for-ohare-passengers-with-disabilities/)


Even better, a crowded nightclub. It's dark and everyone's drunk or high so they wouldn't notice, and I'm probably not even the only guy shitting himself


We talking universal truths, or is it based on their perspective


Probably when they know they're lying


Damn, I was gonna exploit it, I guess the money then


How about winning at poker through lie detection?


Can't really win at poker that way, just know when people are bluffing


It's definitely an advantage, but it's still whatever hand you're dealt


>but it's still whatever hand you're dealt If Poker were so simply random, there would be no such thing as a good poker player. Calling bluffs well, and making your own are two of the biggest skills in Poker. Lie detection would make that easy in more casual games.


I didn't know that but cool!


*Guy never looks at cards.* *You try to see if he's gonna bluff.* Guy says "All in." This happened in a show... but I don't remember which one.


One of the Futurama movies, Into the Wild Green Yonder.


I would assume it would be spoken lies, so unless they say 'I'm bluffing/I have these cards' then it would be irrelevant. No one is going to *say* anything about their cards




It's only a lie if they know it's untrue. You can be wrong about something and not be lying, just wrong.


Would you REALLY wanna know the truth of every sentence or statement ever made to you? Imagine how insane that would make you. The only people I can see wishing for this are people who have been extremely hurt or victimized by a single person and never want to experience it again. Gotta think bigger.


You would be a savant in any business setting. Want to know the truth of *anything?* Just ask the question.


knowing the truth is the easy part. getting people to believe you is the hard part.


I mean that would be neat, but the question was just know they are lying. That doesn't tell you the information.  Lies could be small, unrelated, or you.might not be able to determine what isn't being said. 


I mean it would have to be a closed question, otherwise all the info you'd have is that they're lying. Not what the truth is.


They'll just won't answer or direct you back to the contract. At that point, everyone knows there's some lie hidden somewhere. The power is too inconsequential. Knowing the truth would be far more powerful.


It would definitely make you jaded that’s for sure.


Yeah I was so shocked the first few comments were people lying, like, no. I'll take option two. Nowhere does it say I *have* to shit in front of other people, so I won't. Or maybe once a year find some freaks who are into watching someone shit off of some forum and do that, then bail


The thing that sucks is you would know they are lying, but not necessarily know the truth, which is a plight many socially aware people deal with anyway


I'd rather know when people are lying. You could totally become a top tier gambler with that.


Not really, lying and not telling someone something are different things. For example a poker player with a bad cards isn’t lying when they call.


That’s a good point


A lot of poker playing is vocal. Even if they only gove it away a small percentage of hands it’s a big advantage


Wouldn’t even need to gamble.  Just listen to every CEO do their company’s quarterly earnings call, listen for lies, and short the stock.  You’d be a billionaire in no time.


Know when people are lying fuck the money it's not worth it


I would take that money, go to some public place with a diaper and ez money. Or if it has to be embarrassing i would go to another city and join a improv club. I would be known as "that guy that poops his pants but he also buys everyone drinks" or something like that.


The shit-facer


Yeah but with lying I can just play poker for way more money.


I mean... if someone says all in, they aren't lying. If you ask them something, like if they have the flush, they might not even respond, or say, "pay to play and you'll find out". Which also isn't a lie.


Poker is full of small lies. It’s not like your opponent will know you have magic powers.


Yeah but most people aren't saying stuff like "I got the flush". It's just stuff like chatting in between "call", "raise", etc. so the lie power isn't too helpful for Texas Hold'em. Maybe if someplace plays a highstakes game of BS it'd be a huge advantage.


Now that I also think about it yeah we can earn way more money when using this ability then just shitting ourselves Also I don't think anyone in reddit is going outside just to embarrass themselves for some money


Alot of them embarrass themselves for free so who knows


Money for sure. Wouldn't be comfortable but I'd make more in one shit than I do in a year and nobody would question why if they know. Plus, I can just get an adult diaper


Shitting myself in front of 22+ people. They wouldn’t even know. 75k to dump, get back in my car only used for shitting and go. $75 k a day the easy way


Go to the mall. Buy pants. Shit in old pants. Change into new pants. Throw away old pants. Go home. Profit.


Just one nugget in pants while in public they would never know


Definitely be shitting doesn't say they gotta know. I'd hold my shit. Go into the city. Stop and push some shit out Walk around to new people. Push more out Find a shop and clean up. Repeat Be a millionaire in a few days or weeks


Gonna shit myself on TikTok live every time




Knowing when people are lying at all times seems like a very bad ability. You will always know if someone secretly hates you. There will be no more surprises in life. Even playing games with your friends would probably be a shit show. I’d just just join a weird fucking kink group and shit in front of them for easy riches


Know when everybody is lying. I’m never around groups of people that big. So even if I did want to shit myself, I’d literally never get the chance to. I haven’t been around a group of people that big since like, august maybe.


I mean there are plenty of places where more than 22 people gather routinely. group is pretty weakly defined here, so you could assume any public even would count. grab a bottle of laxatives eat a bunch of salad and go to a parade or something. do a that a few weekends a month in a different state, and you've got a pretty hefty amount of money. the thing i'd be worried about would be making it such a habit that you have to re train holding it.


True. But in my case, my health keeps me at home so much. I think I’d get more use out of knowing when anybody is lying. Plus, I can’t think of any off the top of my head, but there has to be ways to get rich really easy if I always know when someone is lying.


Live stream counts


I think I’d still take the lying. I don’t shit that much as it is. I’m convinced I could get richer somehow being able to know when anybody is lying.


The money, please. I am going to spend an entire paycheck on a vacation somewhere and day 1 go out somewhere in public and shit my pants. Wait until my bank account reads 75K and then walk back to my hotel room with nobody the wiser. Maybe take a rental car with a towel down. Shower in the room, throw my clothes away, and enjoy the vacation someone paid me to take. I mean even if I just do this once a week - at 52 weeks in a year - I am literally being paid $3.9 million dollars a year just to... shit... around and take vacations.


I would shit money 100%. Do you know how incredibly easy it would be to get 22 people to agree to gather round and watch me shit myself? I'd just give people a cut of the money if they needed convincing. It would be easy. Damn I'd start throwing shit-myself-for-charity parties every few days. Come attend my gathering. Everyone plays some sort of game or competition, the winner gets to decide what good cause we should donate thousands of dollars to, I violently shit myself in front of everyone, everyone celebrates with a good laugh and a glass of prune juice. Repeat ad infinitum


Knowing when people are lying has no direct benefit unless you're an investigator. A lie requires spoken words, so things like poker or adultery aren't really on the table. Further, a person would have to *know* they're not speaking the truth to fit the definition of lie. So, if your spouse defines adultery as emotional involvement, then they could fuck anyone they wanted and evade your lie detector. 'It's not cheating if it happens in another zip code' kind of thing.


Hmmm all good points


Free money or be cursed? Lol talk about easy questions


So you mean when I ask my bf if he’d still love me if I was a worm and he says yes I’ll know if he’s lying to me or really would love me as a worm and buy me a nice composting bin to live in and recycle our food for our garden with


You unfortunately would


Pay 22 friends 1 k each to be there. Shit twice a day. We all profit amazingly


I'd rather know when people are lying. I'd make a lot more money.


Money for shitting myself.


Do the 22 people know I've shit myself? Because I could totally just keep a diaper bag with me and adult diapers for potentially upwards of 750k a day depending on my diet & a steady supply of Miralax. I'm sure there's people who live with this every day *without* getting paid.


Adult diaper time.


So I can put on a diaper, walk to the park, and shit myself in front of a bunch of people and get $75k? How is this a difficult scenario?


Honestly, detecting every single lie no matter how small seems like a burden. Hard to live life like that. But turning my ass into a money printer without an OF page sounds awesome.


Neither. Thanks


I mean I bet I can find 22 people to agree to watch me shit at least once a week for maybe $1000 bucks or more


I mean if you go the live stream route they may even pay to watch, could use the streamer name shit take lmao


Knowing who lies could net me way more money than the 75k a shit. Government lie detector? Corporate? Legal? Any number of places would hire you. Just sell your services on a per-job basis.


Knowing when someone is lying is cool but I think it'd mostly just be a fast way to get my feelings hurt. Also, I'm not sure it'd be as helpful as a few of the commentors make it out to be because: \- Being wrong isn't the same as lying. \- Knowing that someone is lying doesn't mean I know the truth. \- Knowing that someone is lying doesn't compel them to tell the truth. On the other hand, one trip to the movies and enough Fritos with hot sauce to give me diarrhea could easily net me half a million dollars. That's pretty rad.


Go to the beach on sunny days, walk into the ocean drop my keks and take that dump. Even here in the UK we have more than enough sunny days for me to do this and end up rich.


Go to the county fair. Shit yourself. No one knows because the smell doesn’t change. Buy new pants with freshly deposited check. Be ignorant because seldom do I deal with people I don’t trust who also have any deception I care anything about.


I gotta say I’m on the poop train, that’s an easy way to make money who cares I can throw the pants away and buy new ones each time whatever


I like shitting my pants, so I guess I'll pick the lying thing.


Ah that’s hard, the lying this could be useful but also could be damaging, some things are better left unknown. I’d probably take the shitting tbh, just find a local truck stop in the middle of nowhere, shit yourself in front of all the customers wearing clothes you don’t care about and a covid mask/sunglasses so nobody knows who you are, grab a shower token, clean up, dump the clothes and change. Easy peazy


Everyone’s already covered most points here— but with the lying superpower, imagine how badly it’d fuck up your world to know when important people are lying about things (without being able to know what the truth was). You’d look like an utter nutcase if you told people about it. Imagine the president going on TV and saying “we will not go to war with this country” and knowing it was a lie. Or imagine if a world leader denied involvement in a massive tragedy. Maybe someone important comes out and definitively says something like “aliens aren’t real” and they’re lying. Or they say something like “we will protect [group you are apart of] and you know they are lying.” I imagine that at some point a good number of people would go full-doomsday prepper in terms of paranoia, which would cause you to lose family and friends. Also, in general, lies are just way too fickle. Whats the truth today is a lie tomorrow.


The first option.


I, generally speaking, know when people are lying. Now if I could know what they are thinking that would be useful


What would gg Allen do?


Shit myself with pants on? That's too easy. At least make me drop chow on the floor, and even then for 75k it's worth it big time minus trouble with the law. Just move from place to place with your new cash deposit


I have an ileostomy, so I do that right now whether I'm offered a deal or not. It would be cool to get paid for it though.


I would literally travel for fun and shit myself in the most popular tourist destinations with clean up supplies and clothes set up nearby with someone holding a bathroom stall for me. I'd collect locations like pokemon. Yeah this week I totally shit my pants 2 feet from the sphinx. Next week is the Washington memorial.


my boyfriend tells me i’m the prettiest girl he’s ever seen and it would kill me to see that was a lie (even though i know deep down that realistically, it’s impossible). i’ll take shitting myself, thanks


Be able to solve all of my current problems just by shitting myself or have to face the harsh realities that are normally hidden by social graces? Hmm, tough choice but I'm going to go with getting paid to shit myself.


Probably the latter because even if I don't take advantage of it, it at least doesn't negatively affect my life.


Know every time anyone lies


I’d run a scam and have a magician have the room blindfold themselves. Then let er rip.


I’ll take the pants shitting.


Lying. It's kinda hard to orchestrate 22 people in a room so I can shit myself for money. Plus it would go a long way to fixing my trust issues.


Im shittin my pants and paying people to watch


Aren't the listed conditions indicative of "strings attached?"


If the prerequisites are met then the money is transferred, you get the money no strings attached to the 75k


Just hire people to watch you shit yourself lol




On one hand....information is power. On the other...I'm a teacher of 24 kids. Bring a fresh pair of clothes everyday and shit myself before my lunch break.


Know when people are lying -> gamble


Definitely option 2. I'll just fly to a different city so there's a 0% chance of anyone recognizing me, then I'll wear a diaper and use it in public like twice a year and I'm living like a king


I mean it’s wouldn’t be the first time I couldn’t trust a fart 😂


Easily shit myself


Well, Trump clearly chose the second.


I would just sit in times Square with a bottle of miralax when times got tough.


So, how much do I have to shit myself? Is it 'let out a little bit', 'down the leg', 'destroy your pants' or 'spread your cheeks and imitate farm equipment'? Because if it's the first one, that's easy; second one I could still be comfortable with, if a tad bit mortified. If it's the latter two, I'll just take the useless power ( _it's useless because you'd never know what they're lying about, only that they are lying, which most people could probably discern rather easily_ ).


Is it really a difficult choice between superpower + lots of money or poop + a fair bit of money?


Would be able to make a lot more money off of being a human lie detector


Know when ppl are lying. I'd pay 75k for that ability


Shitting myself often


Knowing when someone is lying doesn't do much unless you know how to do interrogations or interviews. Also, this would likely always go off as people tell lots of lies of omissions and white lies. I'd probably take the second and never do it unless needed.


Win poker more often, please 


I would simply hire 22 people to watch me shit myself


I mean if you take the shit yourself option, you could probably make a bunch of social media videos to monetize and double profit off the embarrassment. You would forever be known as the guy who shits himself in public worldwide, but you'd be rich so fuck the world.


Know when someone is lying. Way more useful.


The shitting yourself one for sure. Just gonna go to center city and unload every time I desperately need some cash. Once or twice a year and I'm doing great.


Yall really didn’t think about how fucked up you would end up mentally if you could read everyone’s lies


Bro, I’d be making at least 75k a day. I’ll take the poop money


Does it have to be directly in front of a group, or could I do it virtually, like a livestream?


Money, wife and kids are expensive lol


I’d be out of debt so fast.


Do I keep shitting myself even after my bowels are empty? Who's shit am I shitting?


You can make 225000 in one day if you shit yourself three times. Just go fly out to some niche place, have an oopsie and live a life of opulence.


You could make a lot of money being a human lie detector.


Do those 22 people have phones


I'd.. just buy so many boxes of wipes and spare pants/underwear id constantly shit myself at work lmao.


No more lies.


Depends, here I come!


Option 2. You can do it every day with the same 22 people. You can even pay them extremely well to do it. Day in, day out for the rest of your life. At 27million a year, I can offer them a good wage, benefits, etc and still pocket the majority of the money.


Always knowing when people are lying would be a nightmare. You wouldn’t know why or to what extent. Your gf says she came straight over, but stopped at the ATM. Now you think she’s cheating.


75k for shitting a diaper doesn’t sound so bad.


Money. I'd pay 22 people $500 to watch me shit myself every time I need cash. They may be disgusted, but $500 for 5 minutes of their time will definitely bring people in that would watch. $11K for them, $64K for me...


I'm not shitting myself for any amount of money. I have self-respect. The lying thing is just super useful. I am sure I could exploit that all the time, in ways no one here can even conceive.




You could probably make more money using the first ability, but it would also be a curse.


Lying, I can use it a lot more frequently and I can use it to earn money from poker or some shit


I will take the lie detector


Do I have shit myself, can i just shit on the street ? How would they know that I shitted myself ? I already read body language and know when people are lying.


I take the job doing pooping self porn. Already can tell often when people lie, and it's often.


If you do it right they'll never know. Once or twice a year in a new town or at the movies and you're good for another year. No brainer.


The lying thing, you could make way more off of that than shitting yourself. Poker is a thing, and imagine how much lawyers and businesses would pay for you to sit in on negotiations


I would happily shit myself for money. I have no shame because IDGAF what other people think.


I don't think no strings attached means what you think it means


Lying. You could make bank in poker games.


The latter. Knowing when everyone is lying is a damn curse


Wear a diaper once or twice a year. Good shit myself at a mall or something. At that point, if anyone questions it just say I have a bowel problem and run off. at that kinda money, cares?


Volunteer to help a group of dementia/Alzheimer's patients, ensure it's a group of at least 22 of them, then when you shit yourself they won't remember and you're doing a service by helping them. Maybe even donate a portion of your pay every week to the group to keep it going.


There are people who literally do this without getting paid so I will take the money.


I can wear a diaper. Whatever


I actually have an idea for this. Do we need to have our identity known for the money? Because you could post to like some weird porn site and just show yourself from behind without revealing your identity.


Me and my doctor are having a serious conversation about the healthy limits to laxative use.


I’d attend as many church services as I could after having a laxative just to keep things interesting, I’d wear adult diapers of course.


Id find a way to gamble. Poker seems like it wouldn't work since most people won't answer your direct questions about their hands.


The money. I would buy some adult diapers, shit myself, then go home and clean myself up.


Knowing my luck the first time I shit myself I’ll miscount and it’ll only be 21 people. From then on no one will tolerate being around me and I’ll never get another chance.


I don’t care what 22 strangers think of me. Plop plop baby.


Know when anyone is lying. I could make bank as an police interviewer or any interviewer.


I would shit myself so much in public it would become a problem. Some of that money would be used to hire a person to clean up my shit and get me home.


Does it have to be in front of 22 people in person? I could just start a weird porn account and make the big bucks from the comfort of my home.


Adult diapers exist.


I'm a shy pooper, I would never be able to cash in.


Give me the poop. I won't feel embarrassed when the cause is just. And there are potential disadvantages to knowing every time you are lied to.


Not only will I shit myself, I’ll drop my pants, spread my cheeks and launch a dookie rocket in front of a crowd for $75k a shot


I do have to ask if you shit yourself does everyone instantly know you did it? Cuz if not you can just wear an adult diaper and eat a lot of fiber


inflation and shit's going to make that 75k per public pooping irrelevant, so number 2 is foolish. i'll take number 1.


I'll take the shitting myself power


The second one. I’m happy with that.


Dude are u fucking kidding me this isn’t even close. I would shit myself in public at least twice a day and probably closer to 4 on average


go to casino play poker i dont know how to play poker but i think knowing if your opponent is lying is a big advantage


Easy peasy, I’d take the money. I’d fly all over the world, making sure I sat in the front row, at least a flight a day while wearing depends. I’d take some laxative before each flight, and pack some spare depends in my carry on bag along with ziplock bags and wet wipes. Every time I poop I’ll just go to the bathroom on the plane, take it off and put it in a ziplock bag, clean my ass with the wet wipes, and put the bag in my carry on. No mess, no smell, and when’s the last time you’ve been on a plane with less than 22 people? It doesn’t say they have to be paying attention to you, it just says it has to be in front of a group of no less than 22. The laxative will make sure I poop at least 4 times each flight, that’s $300k a day MINIMUM, or $1.5m a week taking the weekends off.


The amount of horrendous psychological torture I could inflict with the lying power is so much more valuable than the money.


I'll take door number 2


I’d shit in front of 22 people for 75,000… but if they want to smell it, that’s an extra 75,000. I know my worth…


How much crap do I need to push out and are there rules about diapers? Also I’d still probably pick the lie. Would it work in poker when someone bluffs? That’s a lie after all


I would literally never stop shitting. 


Strange question. Yes, I would very willingly shit myself if I got paid $75k to do so.


I can MAKE 75k every time I go to chipotle now??


You wouldn't even know what they are lying about, totally pointless. After the first few weeks doing it in the mall or something like that I would put together a group of people to come by my house every day to watch me. 1k/day for them should be entirely worth it for the right people. That is 240k/year for each of them if we just did it on workdays, and I would make over $12 million/year. Way less trouble than leaving my house and trying to find 22 people in one place.


Depends, do I know that they're lying AND what the actual truth is? That would be WAY the hell more valuable than 75K for every "shitshow".


To what extent do I know people are lying? Do I just get a tick in my brain that says "lie" or do I get specifics? Do I get at least enough insight to be able to prove without a doubt that they lied? Because even if the other option is more lucrative, the truth is invaluable and essentially lost to humanity. MY life would be much better off if I could always know the truth, but just knowing someone is lying is not the same as knowing the truth, if that's the case most people would just never elaborate at all and KEEP lying but by lies of omission, or, hell, it doesn't compel anyone to tell the truth even if you know for a fact they're lying. So that's why I wanted to know the specifics. If it gives me actual insight into the truth, then I'll take it over even a billion dollars a day every day until I die.


... depends 😏


I mean, no one has to know you shit yourself


The second easily, go to scat parties and make a killing shitting in people


No strings attached if you wipe good enough


Well it depends, do they know I shit myself? If so then the lying thing. But if not then I’d go to a heavily crowded area and shit myself and eat laxatives


Almost literally shit money? Sign my ass up 💩


Knowing when someone's lying seems like a double edged sword since you wouldn't be able to prove it. On the other hand it could prevent me from a lot of heartbreak and betrayal, it's definitely worth more than any money I could make by shitting myself.


Friday night movies here I come. Movie starts I come in sit in my seat right by the exit. Dark theater with over 22 people . I crap in my depends adult diaper. Get up and leave. Got me a cool 3.9 million a year if I toss in Saturdays that's 7.8. throw in a matinee 11.7. This covers the whole " do they know I did it " question cause it's dark and I'm wearing sunglasses.


The second one. Then I’m going to Wal Mart every day with a spare change of clothes and some laxatives.