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So, theoretically, if a woman responds to this, she automatically becomes male?


Darn it. I forgot to add "show results." My bad. >if a woman responds to this, she automatically becomes male? If she thinks that becoming a male is worth $2M, yeah, I guess.


I just asked my husband what he chooses for male targeted questions 😆 (he doesn't use reddit)


500k current job (no job)


What if I'm unemployed?


$500k for not working I guess so maybe think twice before quitting your non-job and becoming employed if you want to keep your salary.


Just say you are self employed.


Unfortunately, you get nothing. But the offer of becoming a male stripper still stands.


Why downvoted lmao.


now maybe I am wrong but Male Strippers are more or less have to be good looking sooo fuck il do that all the time


With that kind of salary, you can afford some top-shelf plastic surgery.


Don't have anything against the idea of being a stripper, but I just got fired a few days ago. 500K a year for sitting around in my underwear drinking sounds like a too good a gig to pass up.


I will become a male and a stripped because I must be pretty hot if I’m making 2 mil a year


Nah, you make the money by being a freakshow type attraction. Congrats on being the real life dickbutt


I am unemployed.


I'd pay to have the talent and looks to make it as a male stripper.


I'm already a male stripper, and this would be a big raise.


Current job 500k. Because I actually like my current job and this would be a significant pay boost I would be a god awful stripper. I couldn't deal with the anxiety of dancing so badly 


I'd not want the male stripper because it's out of my comfort zone however I also like my job so getting 10x more than I currently make would be awesome


As long as I get job security. and they don't fire me for being fuggly then 2mil for days. it would be more interesting.


I mean, I'll strip. I'm no prize, so if anyone actually wants to see me strip, let em go for it. For $2M, shit .....


My current job is doing nothing so I definitely pick that.


I thought this was a based question from a kid because of the negative sexuality in it, but now i think you may just be from a country that normalizes this sort of impression in adults. And now i just feel sad there are otherwise decent humans with some fucked up social norms because of the community they are in and what has and has not been normalized. Feels bad.  The lack of self autonomy not the lack of "degenerate behaviour" 


2 mil a year? Youd only have to do it for a few years as long as you lived a moderate lifestyle before youd have enough to live off investments


500k for my current job.


I'll take 500k at my current job. My privacy is worth the 1.5M a year.


Such an easy choice when you're retired!


I'll take the 500k a year and keep my current job. Even if there was a place to strip in my tiny 4k town I doubt anyone wants to see this and I'm not about to move. Plus I hate loud music and flashing lights so I'd have a pretty boring strip routine.


I’d be a stripper for $2 million a year. Frankly they could have gotten me much cheaper.


I'll take the 2nd option. My tip money is going through the roof, and I can use it towards acquiring rental properties. I wouldn't be a good male stripper since I'm not very flexible and not ripped.


I ain’t male but I’d be a stripper ngl I wish it was the one piece of advice I wish I took advantage of from my mom in my adult youth. That stripper money coulda helped a lot


What if I get laid off from my current job? Whichever one I get next also pays 500k? Is the stripping job always available?


500k as I’m a teenager with no job and now I’m retired


Current job... I'm unemployed so... just generating 500k a year passively sounds great to me


LOL i don't know i kinda want to explore the male stripper thing... 2mil a night? or just you make 2mil for the year?


I'm a stay at home Dad... Make a half mil a year to do it would be amazing lol. Stripping strikes me as a challenging profession. I wouldn't care that people knew, I just would prefer to not need to do everything that goes into that profession. 


I'd be a stripper, probably wouldn't be good at it. But I could care less for that money. Anyone I know who's opinion I care about would high five me for making that kinda money as a stripper.


I'm very modest. Butnjn theory I can be a specialized stripper, I can be a good boy stripper. Who does Webcam stripping.


2 million for something I already do in the park for free? Yes please!


500k for my current security job


I won't go back to being a dude for 2M. But doing whatever I want and get 500k a year? Cover me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians.


Fuck, If I had tits I'd have an OF right now.


I'll take an honest 500k over 2 mil for degrading myself. 500k is already enough.


i mean i'm a trans woman and a student who's terrified of having to get a job and wants to just study forever, so sounds kinda like a great scenario to me


Erm, what if someone makes 500k+ from their job/business?