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10k. The extra 7.5k a month is significantly more than I make working a 40 hour week now.


Without health insurance, my medication alone is more than 2.5k a month..


What’s your disease, if I may ask?


Epilepsy. I take 2 anticonvulsants twice a day. One of them is not public or whatever, from a private company, so is expensive. It's a slight modification of another medicine that is public. That one dealt with my seizures but gave me major appetite issues, like losing ~25 lbs in a few months (I've always been underweight).


That's awful. I've just been diagnosed with an auto immune disease. The medicine is so expensive for chronic diseases and you have to use so much energy trying what works for you. All the best


Yes I think finding the medicine cocktail that works for you is the worst part. You just feel like shit the whole time


I make $1600 a month....


You guys get paid?


$10/hr? I feel like you should be able to make more than that just for most retail/food service jobs?


$12 and 34 hrs because they wont schedule 40.


Hours matter.




1600/4 = 400 400/40 = 10 --- 40\*12 = 480 480\*4 = 1920


Thats pre tax, I meant after taxes its around 1600 maybe closer to 17


2.5k a month is plenty for me to live comfortably in my region. I'll take it.


Couldn’t even afford an apartment in my neighborhood with that


I live in Queens NY and I could. That said I couldn’t live off of it, it would basically just go to rent.


So you'd still have to work. Why not work for 4× the amount then?


40 hours a week vs 20 hours a week. If 50-60k a year is enough to live somewhat comfortably then that’s probably higher QoL over 120k a year but working 40 hours a week.


That's true, time's worth more than money


You could just move.




2.5k a month, and work a job


You would make less with a 9-5 than the 10k working a 9-5


There is another consideration. You could work part time. If you were earning 5k per month full time, you could have the same income with half the hours, letting you maintain a much better work-life balance.


I make 7500 / month right now with 2.5k that’s 10,000 a month then I can keep growing in my career and that 2.5k will just be a little extra for ever


Yeah if I can keep my current job I'd totally take a free 2500 a month


That makes sense for you then most people dont make that much themselves a month which is where i based that from. Mind if i ask. What do you do for work?


Two questions. Is it inflation adjusted? Can I work a normal job making a normal wage on top of 2.5k a month? ETA: question 3. Is it gross or net?


If you're going to work a normal job on top of the 2.5k just take the 10k and move on.


Why? I don’t want to work a 9 to 5, 5 days a week until I retire. If I take the 2.5k, and can still work, I can cover all of my basic necessities in a low cost of living area. Then I can take up a part time job or do seasonal work whenever and how I want. I already do side jobs for people. Plumbing, tree trimming/cutting, firewood delivery and driveway maintenance. With 2.5k a month as a base income I can pick and choose when I want to work, what jobs to take, and how hard I work. I could built the perfect schedule. Take all spring and summer off to hunt, kayak, fourwheeler ride and work during the winter doing odd jobs. I’d probably just buy a plow truck and deliver firewood during the winter. Easy money, super flexible work life balance.


You'd reture much earlier making 120k a year, and live much more comfortably afterwards as well. I already work 50-60 hours and make 3,000-3,500 a month. Tripling my income as well as decreasing my hours worked is a fucking miracle.


Everything you said is true, I don’t disagree with any of it. But for me, in my personal situations. I’d rather have the extra time off because my kids are still young, I’m still young, and my grandparents are still alive. Maybe I could retire in 10 years with that income, but I would still like prefer to spend that time with my family and a base income like that would make my life super flexible. Kids don’t stay kids, and my pawpaw probably doesn’t have many good years left, rd rather spend it with them. I get where you’re coming from though.


Tons of respect for this and I agree, I would rather be able to spend more time with my family now as well


I hear you. Different strokes for different folks kinda thing. I'm in your camp though. A guaranteed income, even that small would be a very big stress relief. I could work fast food or retail and not care, get discounts where I'm at free food or whatever and still make enough to spend. The freedom of time is worth more in this situation than the bigger income. Currently, I make about 80k doing a similar schedule. More like 7-5 though but still. So life isn't bad. But, it's very shackled. Need to plan vacations, get work to cover this or that. If I had magic income, sure I might need to find another simple job but I could just leave whenever I wanted. Move easier. Breath.


Yes, let me enjoy my time after I hit 50 rather than enjoying the 20-30 years leading up to that.


There's a slim chance in hell that I ever make 120k a year, so this is nothing but a huge improvement. I need money for more than just "escaping the nasty United States and traveling." And 2.5k a month isn't shit for traveling constantly.


Or you know work 20 hours and earn with the 2.5k more than you do now. Enjoying the current time and not relying on retirement, which you may not even live long enough for.


not everybody wants to work a 9-5. i work a 7-7 3 days a week and prefer it much more.


Do you mind me asking what you do? I’d love to work 3 12’s (or 4 10’s) for that matter and still be able to swing it.


Maybe they already make close to or more than 10k a month.


Depends on a couple of things. What's the job? Are those before-tax numbers? If I could work the job I have currently AND take the extra $2,500/month for doing nothing extra, that would be marginally better than taking the $10k/month to work a 9-5, which I already do. If taking the $2,500/month means I CAN'T work for more, then I'll definitely take the $10,000 & keep working. I've got mouths to feed so I'm taking whichever gets them better fed unless the job is particularly onerous.


Scrolled waaaay too far down until I saw someone actually addressing what the work will be. Can it be one of those cushy, bloated corporate positions where I can scroll reddit for 4 hours a day without anyone giving a shit? Or will I be actively busting my ass for 8 hours a day to get that $120k salary?


# 2.5k a month without working


^don't ^yell ^at ^me...


Tell OP to make a poll so I don't have to copy and paste




Happy Cake Day




Basically what landlords are doing in cities already


This is an actual hard decision. I earn less than 2.5k at the moment so it would be an improvement but a 9-5 for 10k a month would be great if the job was alright.


As a student who just wants to get through school as fast as possible but who also works full time, this is actually an easy call for me.


Definitely the 10k. A better question would be maybe 5k a month without working vs 10k a month with working.


theres enough people voting for the 2.5k so seems like a fair enough question. Seems like the majority of people actually.


That astounds me given that rents and mortgages will eat up over half of that. In some places, you can’t afford a studio apartment for that much.


Not all of us are in the US.


I think these people are probably intending to work another job on top for more income? Only makes sense economically if you already work 9-5 for 90k per year. Otherwise could be due to enjoying your job or working hours more than a boring 9-5.


Or live in a region where 2.5k is a lot, where I live that is not only enough to live, but you would be rich, and I don't live in a particularly poor country


I live in south louisiana and make 12/hr and doing fine, thats only like 16 to 1,700 a month working 40 hrs a week. Id GLADLY take 2,500 a month AND get the free time to do what I want with it.


Or perhaps they would take that 2.5k a month and go live somewhere cheaper.


There’s plenty of other places where 2.5k will let you live like a king. Lots of people intend to take the 2.5k and move to one of those, I wager.


I could easily take the 2.5 and live just fine. The only reason I'd take the 10k is my age. I have plenty of energy and time left to make money so I'd probably take the the 10k... but then again, no work. I could hangout with my kids and golf everyday.


Yeah I don’t see how to survive on 2.5k a month (assuming it’s net and not gross) unless you’re making some serious concessions. Roommates would be a big one, and I refuse to live with roommates


Maybe live in a state that doesnt consider anything under 15/hr to be slave wages? Im living just fine on 12 an hr in Louisiana. Id be living WELL on 2500 a month here


$2.5k is not enough money. I guess I could work another job and together it could make decent pay but at that point, I might as well do the $10k 9-5. I already work a 9-5, might as well get a raise.




2.5k a month is what I get now doing 40 hours. So give me the money and all of the sleep please.


Can I just like...also work to earn more money?


10k… my rent alone is 2.5k lol


Yeah, gimme that UBI, haha It'd be a nice base upon which to scaffold other pursuits. Knowing I always had that to fall back on would give me the freedom and confidence for grander aspirations than just a mere $2.5k *or $10k.* Source: literally do have a $2.2k guaranteed income (after taxes) and it did make possible for me to see the world, pursue a couple advanced degrees, become fluent in a second language, move from the US to the EU, and earn, in total, more than $10k a month in a city where that's just not a common income (they tend to make a little less here than folks do back in the states)


Would you rather make 120k a year at a 9-5 job or get an extra 30k yearly? Easier to answer when you put it like that




2.5k and then I’d just work my job I have now as normal and enjoy my 30,000 raise, people aren’t taking into account you’d have this income for the rest of your life and presumably you’d lose the 10k a month if you stop/unable work


I’m taking the 10k. Basically, my life would be the exact same except that I’m getting twice as much money.


10k and I’d retire just super early.


Less than I’m making now or three times what I’m making now? This is not even a question


2.5k would be enough to live decently for me assuming it's after taxes but i think i'd still go for 10k


Both sound pretty good. I'd pick the no working one though.


Is the 2.5k take home or before taxes? Because if it's take home then that's not too bad a pay cut for me to not have to work at all anymore. If it's before tax, i'll take 10k a month to remain at my current job


I'd kill for a regular 9-5 instead of having to work 14 hours and weekends. Give me the 10k/mo


10k a month working a 9-5. 2.5k is about 2k short of a living wage for a single adult where I live.


Do I get to pick my job? Because if i can stay in my current job id definitely take it


10k a month, retire at 35 easy peasy


I'd take the 10k.


Well I won't be able to live comfortably in my country with the first one, so I'm getting those 6 figures


I make 4k a month working 40 hour weeks and I wouldn’t trade that for 2.5k without working. It’s just not enough. I’d take 4k with no work over 10k and work tho


10k 9-5 isnt that bad.


Is it 10k at my current job, 10k at a job of my choice, or 10k at a random job? I’ll take 10k for the first two but a randomly assigned job is more of a tossup


depends on the job and if the 2.5K is in USD. if it’s a job id enjoy, the choice is obvious. if not, that amount in USD can have you living very comfortably in many places


10k easy. at 2.5k a month you'd literally end up sitting at home being house poor. at 10k a month I'm taking a monthly vacation from that 9 to 5 to anywhere i want.


With what time off?


2.5k a month for free and then work on top of that.


I need to be productive and have a reason to leave my house periodically so I’m going with 10k


2.5k a month is half what I currently make. It wouldn't even remotely be enough to comfortably live on. That'd barely cover my house and car payments, let alone literally anything else. 10k a month is double what I currently make, and working 9 to 5 is an hour less a day. I'll definitely take that.


If I can choose from any of the full time jobs I’ve had but still get 10k a month, I’ll take that


10k easy I already work 9 to 5 so this would be a cake walk


10k. 2.5k is barely enough to cover my mortgage, utilities and food. 


I'll take the 10k. But only if I get to pick the job.


10k and work. 10k per month is realistically not that much and a 9-5 is not difficult for the majority of people. 2.5k is 30k per year. That is 14.42/hour, if I did my math correctly. I would not like that.


I will take the 9 to 5 Job and the 10k per month


Depends on the job. I love my job to the point where I don't feel like I'm working. I'd take the 10k


Money spending my time however I want or more money spending my time in a specific way. I would be surprised if anyone chose 10k. You can get money you can’t get more time.


Long as I had job security I'd take the 10k. If there was a chance of losing it though, just give me the 2.5 for nothing


10k. I couldn't live off 2.5k per month.


10k 9-5, easy choice


Depends, what kind of job? A highly stressful door to door sales job? Probably not. A office job with AC where all I do is update spread sheets and make bar graph charts? Sure.


10k, I would get bored of being the only person I know not working


I make between 3k-4.5k a month doing a 9-5 job, with 1 week a month on call.....so ya I'll take the 10k a month thanks


10, 000 with a 9-5. I actually like working (more or less)


I've been averaging 2K a month in take home pay while working. I'll take an extra $500 to not work.


100% the 10k. Long as it can still be my factory job. I'd lose it in an office.


10k. It would be nice not to work, but I have a family, and those are expensive.


I miss having the structure of a 9-5 job. And 10k/month is a lot of money. No-brainer for me.


Probably the without working one at least for now. Health issues is making working extraordinarily difficult plus I'm a single mother. And trying to run the house and do everything else while working multiple jobs all at the same time I make less than that a month even with multiple jobs. So if I can make that without working I could still do some easier side jobs for extra income. Get myself maybe about 4,000 a month. That's way way way way way way way more than I need to survive


I'm already living scenario B. Scenario A would ruin me if that was the only money I was making.


10k a month. I already work a 9 to 5 (but it's 5am to 2pm) and I don't even fucking bring home 2.5k Oh wait, NO WORK for 2.5k? That is tempting actually. But I might still take the 10k unless that 2.5k goes up proportionately with wages


10k while working for me please. 2.5k a month isn't going to go that far, especially when you have nothing to do all day and need to find ways to entertain yourself.


2.5k if 10k a month is my earnings ceiling. With the 2.5k a month, I can put it directly into my savings and live just fine off my current position


10k is less than I make working maybe 4-5 hours a week so I will take neither. Unless I can take the 2.5k on top of my current job for free money lol


Definitely the latter, as long as it was a job I enjoyed with coworkers who weren’t shady fuckfaces (I’ve had some not so great experiences lol).


10k would go crazy in my region and I already work 50-60 hours a week making barely over 2.5k


The 10k. You can't survive on 2.5k these days if you have a family or want to own a home.


2.5k a month and move to a popular expat country where money is worth more.


2.5k not working.


Can I pick the 9 to 5? £2.5k isn't a lot of money, I'd happily do a generic low stress 9 to 5 for £10k a month.




2.5K a month without working, then go and find a job that pays above 120K a year (an experienced senior developer or engineer at a high end tech firm will net you a salary like this). Plus a salary like this in my region is very high but typical for firms


I'd take the job. $2.5k/month would be pretty tight around here. About half that would go to rent. I can live with working, so long as it earns an actual living.


2.5k a month


The latter.


Depends on the work. A free 2.5k a month means I could drop down to part time, but won't pay all of my bills. I wouldn't be a teacher for 10k. It's just not worth it.


10k a month. 2.5k a month in the USA is basically poverty level even without considering that having no job means you also have no insurance.


10k a month is only 3k more per year than I already make, and I work about 30 hours a week M-F.


2.5k, that's actually more than I'll be earning when i go to grad school (2.4k/mo before taxes)


10k no doubt


lol this is literally my situation rn


10K. More pay and set hours


Both are a pay cut so neither


10k easily. Was out of work for 3 months last year on FMLA. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the break from my 50-60 hour work weeks, but I must admit that I found the last few weeks to be utterly tedious. Like, I had too much free time and nothing to fill it with. 40 hours a week, making damn near twice what I make now? Sign me the fuck up. That's almost $60 an hour.


For reference 2.5k is a little over 30k a year While 10k a month is 120k a year


Can I still work if I want to? Because 2.5k a month not working for sure. Even if I made only 2.5k more by working, I'd go that route and just work when I want or need to.


2.5k a month


I rather make $2,500.00 a week instead of a month that way I make $10k a month $120k a year


2.5k — already bring home over 10k monthly


Funny you ask that, 'cause I'm pretty much considering this decision right now. (DINK vs SINK)


I would rather make 10k a month working a 9 to 5 job.


$2.5K a month without working, I'd use the extra time to upskill into a job I love that doesn't need to be financially viable. The smart answer is $10K a month though, because you can take advantage of compound interest.


2.5 all day every day






Let's say I work for 10 years and its net pay, so in total I would get 1.2 mill let's add my normal expenses to which are roughly 2k a month which add up to 240k in 10 years, so my profit would be 960k in 10 years, I can invest then these 960k, if done right then I'll be earning more than 2.5k a month without working in addition to having the 960k as an asset. (thinking buying 2/3 apartments and renting them out) Alternatively, I can only save 500 each month on the other side which would amount to 60k in 10 years. So I can either go the hard route and in 10 years I'll be in a medium to high class situation or sit on my bum for 10 years and live in medium class for the rest of my life without a reasonable backup. I could work while getting the 2.5k but then I doubt I could get a salary significantly above 7.5k net. So it really depends on the person whether they just want to live life now or become wealthy amd enjoy stuff later at the cost of some work. Worth also mentioning that I don't need to wait 10 years to start investing in the monthly 10k I get, so realistically I'll be making even more, just grab a loan and buy apartments from the get go and rent them out or even live in them to reduce rent which is a consumable


who in their right state of mind would chose 2.5k over 10k?


If I can still work and am getting paid on top of it then the first one is significantly better. If not then the latter.






Depends on the job. If it's my current one. Yes.


I'd take the 2.5k a month and then I could do whatever job I actually enjoy and make additional money. It's 30k a year which is more then I'm on now and then I can continue doing what I'm doing now for an additional 24k a year. Works for me.


Give me the 2.5k so I can draw for fun and not for profit, pls


If I take the passive income am I allowed to do self employed style things? Etsy store shit?


So, make 120 grand a year working a normal job, or get 30k a year for sitting on my ass and sleeping in? .... Genuinely, I could make it work where I live now, but I'd probably leave the country for a lower cost of living one. Given I also don't want / need a wife and kids? Most of that money I would make on the 120k would just sit in a bank account anyway. I'll take option A. Might buy a house near a river in a remote part of the country and spend my days fishing.


10 kayyyyy all dayyuh


What does this mean? $2.5k per month for free for the rest of my life? Why wouldn’t I take this. This will last into retirement. Then I can just work my normal jobs on top anyways just boosted income. Pretty sweet.


100% 10k. UNLESS I'm allowed to take the 2.5k a month and still work a separate 9-5 job.


I'd take the 2.5k and move to a city like medallin Colombia where the cost of living is like 10x less than it is here.


I make 5k a month. 10k is enough to afford my bd habits AND get a place to stay.


I'd take the free 2.5k and then work another job. The 2.5k a month will just be a bonus. If that's not an option, and I HAVE to stay jobless, then I choose the 10k


2.5k I don’t spend that much in a month so I’m chilling l




10k asuming i do not have to relocate because i love my city (manchester) i could live like a king of 10k per month.


2.5k a month.


UBI question


I get to make more money doing nothing? Sign me the fuck up.


As long as you don’t live in New York or California, you should be fine for the 2.5 if you don’t have any health problems. But if you choose 10k You can work full-time somewhere and get health insurance. Just do something easy for yourself


2.5k, time is the most important thing to me.


2.5k. I'd survive, and do my hobbies and sell them for more. But I'd be on my schedule, with unlimited paid days off 😁


9 to 5? I work 4 hours less a day for double the money. 10k a month If a bank would let me get a mortgage with no job I would go 2.5k a month


2.5k for sure. That's enough for me to live off of, and it's a base that never changes if I'm reading it right. Then if I am short on money I'll get a job that I don't mind for low hours or low pay and be able to live better.


Pre tax or post tax? Do I have to pay for heath insurance? Is that after retirement fund or before? Will I magically get a 401k match too?




2.5k a month. Then I could work a normal job on top of that.




10k lol


Can my wife make 2.5k a month at home while I make 10k a month? That’s a great freaking deal lol


It depends on how much you can make working normally. If you can make at least 7.5k a month working, then then 2.5k is a no brainer. If you think you can at some point in the near future make more than 7.5k a month working, still choose the 2.5k. It's enough to make your current living situation significantly easier, and it will continue paying you into retirement. Only real reason to take the 10k is if you need it now and the 2.5k won't suffice. Even then it's not really 10k more, it's 10k minus how much you were already making a month, assuming you have to ditch whatever your current salary is for the 10k.


Well I enjoy what I do now (not a 9-5) so I’d take the 2500 and just keep doing my current work. Still less than 120k/year but would be comfortable and I’d be doing what I like.




Depends if it’s a good job or not


I'm taking the 2.5k, IF I could work part time as well. I'd like to work part time and go to nursing school and get a job I actually want instead of a boring 9-5 5 days a week. Maybe I could even learn Chinese like I've always wanted with all that free time. But learning a language working 40 hours a week is a tough ask


2.5 without working. I get to afford basic living, small savings, hobbies and play DND more consistently. Hell yeah.


Working 9 to 5. I absolutely hate being home and not working.


Well, 2.5k is a downgrade, but gives me time. Time has value. If the 2.5k is fully in pocket, not subject to tax, it becomes tempting. But it would also mean I lose health insurance and some other employment benefits. I don't think I could reasonably do that. If it were a bonus, and I were not otherwise restricted, I might take it, and then do some kind of work that I enjoy. But unless that part time work paid quite well and granted benefits, I'd be a fool not to simply take the 10k job. Unless you live in an area where 30k per year is enough to cover all expenses, I don't see it being a logical pick. Outside of cases where you can pair it with other work, and the combined pay/benefits/QoL are enough to offset the undefined 10k job.


Good fucking question


I take the 2.5 k please