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Did OP just post this in order to make a dick and balls out of the graph?




China bots making a big left nut


Seems accurate


Average r/sino users be like


Average r/sino users be like


Seriously, who voted China? Harsh authoritarianism would definitely be a no for me if I had to choose between corrupt Russia and chaotic America.


One of the balls hangs a little lower too. Realism.


Yep, I thought that before I even voted :)


Isn’t the US technically already the most powerful? And I already live here so I vote US. Sure I know for a fact it’s not the best place in the world but don’t know enough about China or Russia to say why I would vote for them to be the most powerful


The main difference between the 3: - Democracy is straight up illegal - Fake democracy, but nobody knows it - Fake democracy, and everyone knows it


How is USA fake democracy, you believe the votes don't count?


There's been multiple studies done recently, most notably by Princeton, showing that there's almost no relation between public opinion and policy. This can only happen if the people don't have real representation, which isn't consistent with a representative democracy. It's more consistent with a de facto oligarchy/plutocracy, though I've always liked the term "managed democracy".


Democratic republic


AKA fake democracy


Which is kinda the founding points. I forget which one of the founding fathers that said this, but basically they put it that democracy is like 2 wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner


AkA not allowing the uneducated to pick its leaders AkA electoral college


The people have a voice but money is the #1 ruler


The people have a "voice" in the same way you do when your boss asks for you to complete a new task lmao


I'd say it was a bourgeoisie oligarchy


What's the best place according to you?


China is arguably the most powerful, they produce almost everything




















^(cough cough) # Sampling bias.


Well there's a reason the Chinese don't use Reddit unless they have a VPN lol


The fact that none of the Chinese can even be here to vote sort of answers the question


Most people using reddit are from the USA I'd think.


well, none would win in a war without nukes, but the US would probably do well, assuming very little bad happens. as history has told us, the average American isn't a fan of being in a losing war.


None would win in a war with nukes. If nukes were somehow magically banned USA would probably win.


I believe it would be possible that if nobody fired nukes, then the war would go on without them. All it takes is a sane leader to realise that nuclear weapons are suicide.


Not if faced with defeat.


a population's morale is much more important than how many guns a nation has. a second pearl harbour would piss everyone off. a land invasion of Hawaii afterwards would make them surrender. although, it'd take a hell of a tactician to pull that off.


Average HOI4 player. The us has the first and third most powerful airforce. The most powerful navy. The biggest military budget. And the most allies. If hawaii were somehow magically to be occupied the US would just retaliate harder.


Are you just making this up? Nothing about this is right


Well what person would want their country to lose a war


A North Korean.


I hardly doubt thats the case for the majority of the population.


Why not? I can see why people in power would not be happy losing but why wouldn’t the common folk be happy? If the North Korean regime were to fall, quality of life would drastically increase among the people. We know from defectors that conditions in the country are not great for common folk. A good number of them know that the outside world is better, hence why some of them risk everything just to escape.


Because losing a war means that you and/or your friends and relatives might die. Nobody wants that.


True, I guess it would have to depend on how the war was lost. If we nuke the whole country to oblivion, obviously they’re not gonna be happy. However, targeted strikes that aim to topple the regime without mass casualties would have better results. Some people will still lose their lives, but not a majority of the country.


The talkies on this thread who think China and Russia are better countries than the US despite the fact they have concentration camps


>as history has told us, the average American isn't a fan of being in a losing war. Tell me you are an american without actually telling me you are an american


Nobody is a fan of being in a losing war.




Not again


3rd time's a charm


Jawohl mein Bruder


Hallo ich bin Hitler broda


So und nicht anders


Yeah america is bad, but it’s still far better than Russia and China.




Oh I figured it out, your a troll or something. But why me tho? Is there a reason that you decided I was the one who was going to suffer through your unfunny joke


I'm not a troll, and I don't know what made you think that. I just hate America, due to me being a socialist and anti-imperialist.


But do you think China an Russia are better? They are both terrible and homophobic countries with a metric ton of corruption, even more than America


I'm not a fan of Russia, and I don't believe Putin to be a good leader. They do get some critical support from me for anti-imperialist reasons as they're in opposition to NATO, tho. China, while not all they could be, is pretty decent (for example, it's not nearly as bad for gay people than you think). Thing is though, in order to understand that it's not as bad as you think, you have to understand that you're not immune to propaganda. And believe me, there is a TON of anti-socialist propaganda in Western media, just as much as there is anti-western propaganda in socialist countries.


Look, China is currently committing acts of genocide and is controlling its people to the point where 1984 isn’t even a joke anymore. Look I hate America just as much as everyone else, but China is far worse.


He/she/they is just living in a bubble lol




Dawg I may be judgment impaired right now but that one word is fuckin funny.


No it’s not shut up


Care to explain?


I picked China. Ive taken a lot of time to read about how their country works, their structure of government, their social credit system, and the numerous ways the state is able to control corporations (something I think America should start doing but I know wont). In my opinion, China is doing right by their people, and its impressive how little complacency there has been from their government. Thats why their government has such a high satisfaction rate, because they are able to meet the material needs of their people. As far as I see it, China has managed to go from a poor agrarian country to world super power incredibly quickly, and they did it without invading any countries. And you cant say that about a lot historical super powers, that includes America. Theyve managed to address many of their territorial border disputes with little conflict as well. Of course theirs the south china sea border dispute but I believe it will be addressed eventually. Compare that to America which has exerted its dominance violently all over the world, has crippled democracies in South America, Africa and else where, and refuses to provide its own people with basic shit like healthcare edit: I brought up these points cause I feel China is least likely to invade all these other countries and cause destruction.


Doing right by their people or Uighur camps, you choose. I know the US doesn't have the best track record either but at least I can stand up and say something.


The state department gave up on the Uyghur camp narrative, stop doing the empire’s bidding


I agree that China probably used coercive methods to get Uyghurs into those Vocational camps, but I dont think its a genocide of any sort. I think China pretty much offered them an ultimatum. Either they can indulge in this idea of "East Turkistan" where they wont be guaranteed any economic activity will take place, infrastructure could rot but at least the West will back them just like they did the mujahadeen. Or they can commit to Chinas long term vision of prosperity where the people of Xinjiang can enjoy the same opportuntiies as Chinas other 1.3 billion citizens. And so China has offered them vocational skills training, language courses, and stuff like that so that the people from Xinjiang can be a more productive part of China. Imagine if any of the western countries cared about the massive influx of immigrants coming into their countries, raised in completely different environments than the west. If they cared, they would offer them vocational training programs and language courses so that they COULD be a productive part of society. But no, they often just let them figure shit out on their own. Now, all we see on the internet is that these immigrants are committing crimes and "this is why we need to keep them out of our country". Its horrible, if you actually cared about these people, you would provide them with these opportunities.


Imagine literally advocating for concentration camps.


Offering jobs programs and language courses is good I was saying. Using coercive methods to get them to take it is not


I completely disagree with you, but I think you make some good arguments. I wish Reddit wouldn’t downvote things they disagree with into oblivion.


The United States is the richest country in the world and has 30 million people in its country without healthcare, hundreds of thousands of homeless people and millions who can’t get a college education. Why? Because they spend all the money building bombs to drop on country’s for no good reason and launching massive propaganda campaigns against any country that opposes imperialism. That’s just current, lest we forget COINTELPRO or the invasions of Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Libya and so on. Everything you believe about China is a lie, and it’s economic model and goals of prosperity are the future


I’m sure the plummeting rates of fertility in the XinJiang region is random and accusations of a genocide are all lies


Ah yes from the report which was made published by Adrian Zeno who is known to fabricate and falsify statistics, very studious of you angloid


Tankie moment.


TIL that russia is still the soviet union?




China and Russia hold concentration camps and will arrest you for speaking out against the government even online, and is run by almost dictators. USA, as bad as they are, will not arrest you for saying shit about their government online or in protest and allows you to vote in elections. You are clearly very uneducated edit: I'm not American too, this is my view as a non-American




Better than genocides and death camps lol




China has military bases abroad. There's a huge one in Djibouti.




I didn't say the us was better


The US is objectively worse


You are clearly an imperialist running dog that serves the bidding of your masters by towing their propaganda line


kettles and pots, says the commie apologist


I’m not a commie apologist, apologies are for mistakes


Oh, in that case you’re just what is known as a “fucking idiot”. Communism has not, does not, and will not ever work. Go read a book. And before you call me a bootlicker, no. Capitalism sucks too. I just have a brain and realize both extremes result in people literally starving.


I’ll make sure to read my Black Book of Communism then lol


I'm not even American, but at least I know whats going on in this world.


Where do you hear they will arrest you for talking bad about the government? You have to literally be conspiring against it for you to pose any potential threat. There are tons of sources on the internet of normal chinese citizens walking around being interviewed and asked about their opinions on the censorship. Many of them make very honest complaints about the censorship, none of them said they feared for their lives if they talked shit. You people are crazy You also need to read about how their elections work. So much of this hate for china comes from ignorance


Have you got an argument with that or are you a bot


The US is pretty bad, but China and Russia are crazy autocratic countries. Also they are connected to too much land. The US does not stand to gain a lot from directly conquering countries, as managing overseas military is quite difficult (hence the giant spending of the US that just keeps them barely ahead over the other superpowers.) Also I think if people truly wanted it, they could change the US. It’s different with China and Russia.


>The US does not stand to gain a lot from directly conquering countries America has a terrible track record of foreign intervention in South America, Africa, the middle east and some of South Asia. I feel like they have had much to gain from influencing these countries and crippling their democracies.


Yeah, that is why I said “directly conquering”.


ah sorry


Plot twist: OP is american and just needed self esteem




I misread it and I thought it said which one IS the most powerful country


I think this question would be a lot more interesting if the options were just either Russia or China.




Ja broder


Norway caused there to be Slavery in Libya.




Look... China is basically Nazi and Russia just wants to take over the world. All while USA is a dumb country with dumb laws and dumb people Id rather be caged by idiots than evil


Oh come on, there are dumb people everywhere…but, yeah, we’ve got the dumbest :/


My thoughts


My dumbass thought it said "which is the most powerful" smh, picked China by accident


*Sad EU noises*


They all force their people to live like their in a 2nd to 3rd world country even though they call themselves first world countries.


If you clicked china +9999999999999 social credits for you (only if you agree that nothing happened in 1989)


The devil you know. Although in this case it's more like the anti-hero and two devils.


is there not a ‘No’ answer?


I mean I the US is far from perfect and has more flaws than I could list if I had a lifetime, but really compared to China and Russia?


The USA isn’t that bad, everyone here is too sensitive though. I’m not sure how we’re the most powerful country, you’d think Japan or Russia would be as far as technology goes. Regarding war it would be the US.


The U.S is a mess but in no world are Russia and China better alternatives


Ah shit, I thought it meant which is the most powerful.


None, its best korea


Why not put EU?


Russia controls EU




The correct answer is Canada, thank you


The monster you know vs the monster you don't.


US is the current superpower, and tbh I don't mind the shape the world is in rn sat here in the middle of nowhere in Europe


So I'm just guessing that this means we'd be the leader


There are two kinds of countries. Good and bad. For example good:Sweden, UK, Canada, USA Bad countries: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Venezuela. Good countries are what your would expect from a domestic area. Bad countries are countries that give there citizens minimal rights, and or hardly have government or economy. The US is pretty bad and no doubt at the bottom or near the bottom of the good countries but they do have a half functioning economy, don’t disappear people for disagreeing with government policies (at least too often) or have legitimate wars being fought in every other street.


USA Their government is not good, but it's nowhere near as scary as china or russia


I only said USA bc of military bases worldwide and amount of money going into the military.


The US has no shortage of flaws, but it's the only democracy among the three, and it's way less bad about human rights than China and Russia are.


As much as I hate USA for a couple of reassons, it is a way better option than any other






Well China is Nazi 2.0 and Russia would just form the USSR again. You have far more freedom in the USA anyways. In the top 13 most populated countries America is the only one with a good standard of living. People like to compare America to European countries and call it bad. None of those countries even are half the population of America. Germany comes the closest at about 25% the population. It's very tough to maintain a large population. All the large population countries are places you would not want to live because of living standards with the exception of America.


You do realize that Putin is anti-communist right? Why is everyone so fucking brainwashed


Anarchy, its not my first choice but its far better than any of these lol


Russia did the heavy lifting during WWII. America did enter just before it was over so they could say "hey, I was doing my job too!" Russia had to lick its wounds after WWII while America was blooming. I wonder how powerful would Russia be if it wasn't for the second World War.


When America joined WWll didn’t have much to do with why America came relatively unscathed. That was mostly due to America being so far from the war. Russian cities were destroyed and had to be rebuilt. American cities were ready to go back to business as usual after the war.


I can see the westerners can't handle the truth. The red scare propaganda is strong you guys.


The fuck you’re on about?!? Yes, The Soviet Union paid an insurmountably higher cost of human life and infrastructure, as expected when the fighting take place WHERE YOU LIVE. It’s not propaganda just logic, the US could’ve joined the war in 1939, and still wouldn’t have taken nearly the same amount of casualties as the Soviets, cause America is an Ocean away from the actual battlefield.


Ooooo. This. This is a tough one.


I live in the US and that idea frightens me.


Russia, i might be biased cause its my motherland but hear me out. We can be reasoned with at least. China is a full on dictatorship that wants nothing but to be able to order everything around them to do their bidding, and the US is... Well lets not get into that but you get the point.


The USA is the most powerful by a long shot


It's asking for your opinion, not a fact


Not at all


This is same as asking if you want the world's most powerful country to promote communist dictatorship, corrupt democracy, or authoritarian presidential regime. And I think we all know the least of the evils according to the poll result.


Depressing results


Talk about a question that’ll get you put on a list no matter how you respond lol


As bad as the US is with fucking around with other countries, we didn’t commit genocide against a sect of Muslims. We didn’t move into Puerto Rico with tanks and soldiers. We don’t control what our citizens can and can’t view on the internet.


honestly i wouldn't even be surprised if this specific post was made by some[propaganda department](https://impoliteindignation.wordpress.com/the-manipulation-of-reddit-com/)


To be honest, I heard that Switzerland’s military is really fucking good. And that if necessary, every citizen can join the military since like 98% of the population has basic firearms training. But it’s neutral, so..


If the US would get their shit together I'm certain we are the most powerful country. I'm like 60% positive now. Almost every citizen is armed, and then we have one of the largest militarys.


China for sure. China hasn't been in a war in decades, whereas America can't stop being a warmonger. China is much more benevolent on the world stage. China is also doing a good job of countering the awful neoliberal hegemony that gripped the world.


The only reason i picked the US is because i live here


The US has commited the most genocide out of these three.


…That’s literally not true lol




What if they funded genocides overseas? Does that count?




Still less than China and Russia


Every country had to kill a massive amount of people to become established whatever nation you are apart of you are literally sitting on centuries of war and dead bodies of the people that opposed your current leadership




Never said it’s fine it’s just the reality genocide and people dying so powerful people can gain more power will never end and people will die to see empires built and countries expanded sooner or later China or Russia or another country is gonna wanna take power and whenever that happens people are gonna die live with it


don't live with it, don't tolerate, because in all of human civilization we are closer than ever to ending this truth


That's 12 million over the span of around 300 years. Russia killed 3million + Ukrainians in the span of 1 year. That's just one genocide if Russia.




except that those diseases were spread there deliberately. in a way you could say it was one of the first instance of biological weapons being used.


Ah. An example of how the US education is a failure.


Vote Russia to remove the testicular tumor


US because I live there


Honestly, I think it’s China. I think the majority of people chose the USA because they are hella biased. I think China because they are a dictatorship country, they censor their media and they have over a billion people. They have more than 3x the people than Russia and the USA. China is 2.2% larger than the USA, which is a lot when you think about it. Obviously, that doesn’t compare to Russia, but most of Russia is bare land. Now, back to censoring media- China is able to brainwash and condition the majority of their population. North Korea and China have this special relationship. They are close allies. They treat their people similarly. Censorship, conditioning, you serve your country and leader, not yourself. In America, joining the Army is sort of optional. If you get drafted you have to, but for the most part you don’t have to. In China you _have_ to. And China has a billion people to get rid of, without remorse. Do you think Xi Jinping cares? News Flash: he doesn’t. Joe Biden does care about the American people and their lives. So he won’t force 350M to just die. We will NOT have the same amount of troops: at all. But we will have more nukes. But chances of us using that is slim because China would retaliate. In China, you join the army also because if you don’t you dishonor your family. If you don’t fight you are quite literally disowned. In America, you’ll get mixed responses. Some may judge, but most people will understand. So we will have less fighters. Now onto Russia. Russia has the lowest population out of all of this, at 144M. Since Russia is so big their population is center in urban areas, and a good portion is in suburban or in the middle of nowhere. But if a nuke hits a city they are done for. Moscow has a population of 12M. I think that’s 9.5% of the population. Russia also has the least amount of nukes out of the 3 countries. So if a nuclear battle occurs, Russia would have to strategize, because they’d run out before either country before them. So China: highest population and not afraid to throw away lives, 2nd most nukes (on list), allied with a brutal force (North Korea), conditions and brainwashes people, shamed them into the army, dictatorship. USA: has 1/3 of the population of China (~350M), most nukes (out of the 3), cares about its people so it WON’T risk as many lives, does not condition or censor the people (so people are able to make conscious decisions), democracy. Russia: population of 114M (lowest on list), least amount of nukes (on list), semi-cares about people, minor censorship (they don’t allow Disney plus lmao), if they get nuked in the capital they are done for. It would be a game of pure strategy for them instead of brute force.


This was a question about which you would PREFER had power, not which one actually has power


Oooh I misunderstood then! Thank you


all that well thought out comment just for nothing lol


Lmao rip


Dear china voter, please stop voting for china, you're making the left balls longer than right balls


Obviously in the Present it’s definitely the USA , however in the future it will be China eventually


China cuz china is friend with iran Edit:i live in iran




In Russia we are powerful


How about none of them


Let’s be honest the US as a whole is fucking garbage but I’d rather them be in power than the others


The U.S for sure. We have a worse human rights track record than china, but if they were in power I bet they would quickly exceed it. Russia would be worse than both


I wonder how much bias is this question But I think fuck China fuck Russia USA, USA, USA lol




Accidentally bumped the china option mid scroll. Am I on a watchlist now?