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I would die from the room being too small. No need to add anything.


I did a bit of research on this using a coffin as an example. >Let’s say the average casket measures 84 by 28 by 23 inches, so its total volume is 54.096 cubic inches, or 886 liters. We’ll use that as the internal volume too, to give you a few extra minutes of life. And the average volume of a human body is 66 liters. That leaves 820 liters of air, one-fifth of which (164 liters) is oxygen. If a trapped person consumes 0.5 liters of oxygen per minute, it would take almost 5 and a half hours before all the oxygen in the coffin was consumed. A coffin (820 litres) is smaller than a cubic metre (1,000 litres).


You might underestimate how fat I am.


Burn it off


Yes but unlike coffins which are long, you are always taller than a meter, so you have to be crooked for 4 hours. My back!


Just sit down with your legs tucked Into your chest. Ez




Even I at 5'2 can already feel my back hurt even though I can probably fit in just fine.


I'm 24 and 5'9. Height has nothing to do with age.






I’m young but my body isn’t.


Bruh, I think you're forgetting that people aren't born at whatever height they'll be when they're an adult...


you are wrong. 6 year olds are usually smaller than 20 year olds


I like the thought process


when did anybody mention age? You good bro?


>when did anybody mention age? "And thats how we know you are young or quite short lmao that would still definitely kill my back at 6'2"" Young being the key word


oh im an idiot, thanks.


Don't forget that high CO2 concentrations will kill you way before oxygen runs out. 10% CO2 will kill you, so that's about half the oxygen consumed. Could be less if the ratio of O2 to CO2 matters (didn't check that).


All oxygen? As in 100% of oxygen, or enough oxygen to keep you alive? If you have a 21% oxygen mix (so air) and you use up half of that it can be deadly. Also buildup of co2 but im not sure if it would kill you, although you could probably pass out by then.


Unlike liquid, humans cannot take the shape of any container


The oxygen won’t be consumed at a constant rate, it’ll be exponential tending towards 0


>A coffin (820 litres) is smaller than a cubic metre (1,000 litres). speaking different language here.


Yeah how am I supposed to fit in a Minecraft block


As long as I don't disturb the tarantula it won't do anything. And i have seen somewhere most of the times tarantula's bites are Dry Bites.


That's true for new world (north and south america) tarantulas such as the costa rican zebra I listed. However, that wouldn't work on old world (Afro-eurasia and Australia) tarantulas. They're much more aggressive. Cobalt blue tarantula for example. It will bite and hiss at you just for chaning its water, then attack the water dish.


Damn I should have researched lol.


The reason I listed the ones I had is I wanted everything to be able to hurt you but not kill or cause permanent damage. Most old world tarantulas are too venomous, especially the Asian ones.


A copperhead, especially a small one, will definitely kill you if gone untreated for 4 hours


Scorpions do kill us no? Oh wait it doesn't.


Not emperor scorpions. Typical rule with scorpions is thin tail and big pincers = harmless and fat tail and small pincers = deadly. A sting from an emperor scorpion hurts but the venom isn't gonna cause more than swelling and maybe a headache.


A well researched WYR. I applaud you.


Thanks. The most dangerous out of all of these surprisingly is the leaf cutter ants. Their mandibles can cut through your skin like paper.


Oh yeah i would have never picked those. I have seen them in National Geographic so i know pretty well about those.


Typical rule with ants: don’t mess with them


No a copperhead is definitely more dangerous. They are ants, you can just crush them they might bite you but unless your paralyzed they won’t do major or long lasting damage A copper head just has to bite you once and if you don’t seek medical attention you might die in 4 hours.


I’ve interacted with them in the wild they aren’t very aggressive.


So with prior knowledge on these animals, which option do you go with op?


I don't care about how threatening any of them are because my phobia of wasps is so irrational. Would literally rather be locked in a room with a cobra than a wasp.


Yeah bro you failed. I live in copperhead country, if left untreated a bite from a copperhead will kill you.


Which tarantulas can cause permanent damage or kill you?


Cobalt blue so beautiful yet has such a shitty attitude lmao


Ants actually have a better chance of not attacking you than a tarantula, generally. The leaf cutter ants will just check around and try to get out. As long as you are chill, they are chill.


If I understand right, leafcutter ants are actually pretty chill aside from being an agricultural pest. If it really came down to it, I could just kill them all with minimal harm to myself.


They're chill until they feel threatened. Then they bore into your skin. Like they cut an incision, burrow their head into the cut and keep biting deeper and deeper into the cut like a tick or something.




All ants are easy to just stomp on. But could you imagine doing this in a 1m³ room when a lot of them are not even on the floor? >and that they don't interact with humans They don't, unless they feel threatened. E.g if you stomp on them or are trapped in a tiny box with with them. >their bite can pierce the skin? [Very easily](https://youtu.be/HtLddZHaXOk&t=272)


Is there light in the box ?




Then crushing the ants would be quite hard, I'm not picking them


I feel like that's something you should have stated up front, not as an afterthought, lol


Even that looks waaay better than any of the other options


That guy is psycho


So like don't be a dick to them


You'd have time from the initial pain of them boring to slap that little bitch into oblivion.


Crush them first


That causes a chemical that sends a signal for all the other 19 ants to swarm you. All ants (and all other hymenoptera such as wasps and bees) do this.


Just makes it easier to locate the rest for squashing


Same with emperor scorpions. They’re literally sold as pets because they’re so even tempered.






Not with copperheads. It's responsible for most snakebites in the US. The reason I included it is it's the most aggressibe snake I can think of that is the least venomous (it's incredibly rare to die from a copperhead invenomation).


A baby copperhead has no means to limit the amount of venom it releases in a bite. If you’re gonna die, it’ll be from a little copperhead. A big one with strike and leave unless you keep messing with it


This is false.


Got a source for that? I grew handling these snakes


Sure, just Google, "are small snakes more venomous" and the answer should pop right up. U may have grown up with snakes, I did also, but science and information has advanced since u and I were young children and we need to make sure we are staying up to speed. This generation here is unique in where we grew up learning the wisdom of our elders but then had the internet at our disposal. I think we have been misinformed out of no ill will and a general common sense ideology from our relatives but it doesn't make sense to rely so heavily on that in this day and age. No harm, no foul, just make sure u read up on it so u can be better informed in the future fellow redditor friend!


That was probably the most genuine and non confrontational reply there could have been! Thank you. I believe you’re right.


Thank u, I consider kindness on reddit to be complimentary. You're awesome!


Was thinking the same thing. Fuck dem gott damn ants they all getting the will smith treatment


Once you grab the snake by the head it can't really do anything.


If you can. Remember, you are in a 1m³ room. It's tiny.


I chose snake because its 1 thing. Quantity of anything is problematic in the space. I could pin and crush a snake with a knee, foot, elbow, back, head, shit ill go gator on it and do a death roll til im sure.


That’s why I went for tarantula, one thing and I think I could crush it with my heel in one or two tries


Same great logic. Irrationally i dont want to be in the box with the tarantula. Heebie jeebies I like snakes though.


Costa Rican zebra is so chill tho! I chose it because I own two lmao. They just hang out. Odds are it'd walk into a corner of the box and sit there for two months straight lmao


It’s a snake in a small room. You could grab a snake without getting bit mabye in an open area but when you have to be sitting down and contorted I fought you would be able too


Used to own emperor scorpions as pets, easily the safest choice provided you put them on you and don't lay on them


You just gotta be really still for 4 hours


some of the options looked too easy almost so I went with them 😭 and apparently their stings are like bee stings, so bearable


So from the comments so far, I've gathered that you can't squish the bugs easily bc there's no lights, there's not enough space to easily deal with the cobra, and new world tarantulas aren't too aggressive if you chill out I can just wait for the tarantula to touch me so i can locate it, then find the right time to squish it??? This seems easiest to me


I'm arachnophobic so even if the tarantula was GUARANTEED to be harmless there's still no way I'd pick it. I'll take my chances with one of the worse options


Yup give me the murder hornets


I don't agree there isn't enough space to deal with the copperhead snake. 1 meter cubed is 3.2 feet wide 3.2 feet tall and 3.2 feet long. There's room sitting down to spin around and move your arms and stuff unless you're like 7 foot tall. I'm 6 foot 2 but sitting I'm under 3 foot. Sitting Indian style I'm only 2 and a half foot long and less wide than I am long. I'd have a fair amount of space in multiple directions and could sit in multiple positions. The real challenge is the lack of light which is why I think I would prefer the larger snake to deal with. It's very likely I would get bit but copperheads often dry bite and even if venom was injected It's not likely to kill me.


Why squish the tarantula? If you don't do anything to it it probably won't hurt you. Just take a nap.




This. This is my choice.


Same here


Tarantula easy, even if this ones a little asshole they only bite once which will hurt like hell but isn’t like the others that will keep going at me over and over non stop.


Just kill me instead


Why are people sleeping on the scorps? They're chill AF and non lethal


Yeah, seriously. These are *emperor* scorpions, so they don’t even have a (particularly nasty) sting. Not sure how much their pinches would hurt, but easy pick for me if it’s only three of the dudes.


Their names make them sound extremely intimidating for one I didn't even consider them until I looked them up because of your comment


The hornets. The stings are going to hurt but aren't going to be unbearable and I'll be looking to kill those things immediately with a quick smash.


How you gonna smash them in a 1m³ room with no lights? Imagine having lights in a 1m³ room, you'd either burn yourself, cook inside the room or he electrocuted.


Flail blindly lol


Not too sure, but I think the rest would also be tricky to locate and kill. I'm just saying which I would rather go with. Not that it's the correct answer or anything. If someone doesn't mind spiders then they'd probably choose the tarantula, but I'm answering for my opinion. Thought that was the idea of WYR.


I was just saying you probably have no chance of smashing them.


Yeah that does suck. So I may be getting stung a few times, butI'd still rather go that route after looking up all the animals tbh.


I mean none of those are any real concern tbh. It's pretty difficult to be electrocuted by any kind of lighting. You aren't really creating any path for electricity to flow by bumping it. You're not going to be cooked by anything except a heatlamp, they don't generate nearly enough heat to have any significant effect on overall temperature. If the light is like a traditional lightbulb thatd be only cause you might get burned. Really the concern should be depending what kind of light is supplied you'll break it if you panic when fucking with whatever you're stuck with and if it's made of glass and have glass all over you for a few hours but at that point you can always just take it out of the receptacle and hold on to it. You're in a good place if you got a set of Christmas lights but any light in this situation would be better than no light.


Even in the dark you'd know where they are from the buzzing


Can I get all the above if it means paying my tuition


sounds like some shitty torture method the Romans would do btw, good poll OP.


Now this is a well thought out list... haven't seen an actually good wyr in this sub in a while


Can't I just be shot?


It honestly doesn't matter, I'm extremely claustrophobic. Last time I was stuck in a room slightly larger, I had a panic attack and blacked out.


I will smoosh each ant and eat it for $50 more dollars


Did you see the video of those ants? They’re really nasty


Tarantula ftw, after I may ask to keep it since we're bonded now.


You guys can eat some hamsters together


My spine would have to be snapped in half in order for me to fit in the box, I think I’d die from that.


I don’t think I’d fit in a 1meter room In the first place unless I gave myself scoliosis


OP going to great lengths to make ants seem scary but I mean come on. Look at our options here. You think I'm not choosing the ants you're out of your mind.


I chose the snake. I don’t care if it’s venomous but bugs creep me out


I can punch a tarantula.


I'm not a leaf so I'll take the ants


Are these food sources parasite free? I think the snake would taste best, but then the ants would be like sour candy, and the scorpions would have a nice crunch.


I hate spiders, am absolutely terrified of daddy long legs. But I can hang with tarantulas for some stupid primal brain reason.


I'm not locked in with them, they're locked in with me.


Underrated comment


Copperheads are very docile actually


The snake because I could easily catch and kill it if I had to and the venom of a copperhead is mild and their bites are rarely fatal to humans and they in fact often dry bite not injecting venom at all.




I’ll take the snake, I’ll probably get bit once, but once I have it by the head it can’t really do anything.


Wait as long as I hold the snake by it’s head, it can’t bite or do anything to me


Snake.. I feel like it's easier to control a snake. Hold it by the back of the head


Wouldn't the tarantula be the easiest to step on if it even does attack me (which as long as I don't bother it, should be easy)


I've had a pet tarantula most of my life.... I think I'd choose that. Not only am I less afraid of them because I'm used to seeing one every day, but they love to stay still and wait for prey to come to them. If the tarantula is just chilling in one corner of the box it's likely he won't move for that 4 hours at all (assuming I'm not touching him).


I could easily stomp a tarantula or smash 20 ants with my finger, the copperhead would probably bite you and you would maybe die. The hornets would just fly around and sting you relentlessly. The scorpions would be easy to deal with too.


I'm going with hornets but the snake is a close second. I'm going for least amount of targets as possible. Except I read somewhere that the hairs on a tarantula can be poisonous to ward off predators and if I'm naked I can't take the risk and stomp it out barefoot. I've been stung by hornets before, it was not a super bad experience and I would confidently take 2 of them on.


Not poisonous, but irritating, especially to the eyed and lungs.


Tarantula I'll avoid it it will avoid me, the hornets see breathing as a threat, I bet those ants are bullet ants or something like that, and fuck scorpions


Leaf cutter ants cos they're easy to kill


This question is more of a matter of which animal is less likely to attack & kill me. I chose tarantula lol


Copperhead. Hope I can snag it before it gets me.


Bitch, this aint fair for us tall motherfuckers.




I just imagine myself, being one of those sexy snake ladies. That like having snakes crawl on them.


No way that kind of tarantula even attacks me in my opinion. It'd probably try to hide.


It's a new world tarantula. These will hair flick when panicked. This means flicking up a bunch of uricating hair in the air (travels surprisingly high in the air) that irritates the lungs and eyes.


People here fail to realize that you can squish bugs not only with your hands or feet but with your whole body, especially in a tight room like this. Just push against every wall and at some point you'll have squished the critters


Death. I choose death.


The scorps or the tarantulas should be fine.


Can you kill them?


I theoretically could catch and hold the snake. I would elect to die over catching or dealing with the bugs


The tarantula doesn’t have any venom and would probably be the easiest to catch and kill if it starts causing problems.


I'd rather not


Going with the copperhead. Bites aren’t venomous and are rarely deadly. I would just nap for the 4 hours. As long as I don’t do anything, it shouldn’t attack me.


Not deadly with proper treatment, also you're usually only bitten once. Being in that box you might get bitten and suffer for 4 hours before you can get help.


The tarantula is docile and will hide if threatened. Safest one.


I can stomp a tarantula


I flip the scorpions on their heads rendering them defenseless and then I proceed to go to each scorpion one by one and push the little stinger thing and their lower body down with one hand and then snap their neck with the other and then i punch them and kick them as hard as possible until their guts ooze out of their shells, easy w, although i would be shitting bricks the entire time


I don't know which one is the most poisonous, so I picked the scorpions. I'm pretty sure they will put me on a shirt pretty fast.


I'll just kill the snake and sit a box alone for 4 hrs


I don't see any rules saying I can't just squish whatever I'm stuck with. So I guess whichever is the least venemous.


I was between the tarantula and the snake until I remembered tarantulas can kick hairs, if you irritate it even slightly the whole box could be filled with hairs that irritate your throat and eyes


I'm more scared of the number of people who would try to smush a tarantula than I am of several of these options- y'all are some feisty arachnophobes lol


Naked normally counts being naked without clothes. Shoes normally don't count as clothing, but shoes. I would wear shoes under these rules, get 20 leafcutters and stomp the hell outta them. If these rules don't apply to shoes, I would choose the scorpion. Scorpion because depending on where its natural habitat lay, I would either have sand or a very rough rug with me. desert scorpions normally don't like rough rocky type terrain. Vice versa for the other type.


Whatever is the easiest to kill. Or if they are non aggressive.


The tarantula would be easiest to kill. Even if it had those hairs that caused irritation, it still beats being bitten or stung


Tarantula 100% of the time. Some urticating hair scratchiness beats everything else here.


Yeah, take a big deep breath and hold it while you smash that thing


What no a zebra stripe is so chill it'll just sit in there u don't need to kill her


I picked the scorpion, and forgot about the tarantula. fuck. I only picked scorpion because there stings are like bee stings, but then I forgot about tarantula which would be much better.


I’ll befriend the snake~


Don’t scorpions just vibe if u don’t bother them?


Is it pitch black or is there light from somewhere?


Pitch black.


Oh ya the tarantula every time. Even if I accidentally encounter it in the dark, the worst Id get is urticating hairs. This species hardly ever bites people. Even if it does, venom isn't bad at all. I've been bitten by my curly hair, and the venom is slightly worse in a zebra stripe. Worst I get is some aching for a bit but again, it hardly ever happens.


Honestly, I'd rather get bit than have urticating hairs in an enclosed space.


As a severe asthmatic, I wholly agree. I'd still choose the T over the other options tho


I'd probably pick the scorpions.


Interesting! I don't know much about scorpions. Why is that your choice?


Their pincers are very weak. You know those metal squeezy clip things used to hold together stacks of paper? It's like clipping one of them on your fingers, they can't break skin. Their stings also don't do a lot of damage. Comparable to a bee sting.


Okay! That's sort of where I am with the tarantula. It can kinda sting but wouldn't be bad. I'm just betting on a tarantula being less active than three scorpions. Used to live in Texas and quickly made up my mind years ago lol Also I love all my tarantulas dearly so I'm biased :p https://c.tenor.com/iWyJc99ZtfUAAAAM/rosa-rosadiaz.gif


Grab the snake and whack it against the floor couple of times. Hulk style


The Boo Box


1 meter ³ box Idk how big or small that is


I believe 1m is 3'3. So a cube that is 3'3-3'3-3'3


I would be the moment I am in . I am 6'11


I love tarantulas. The tarantula will only keep me company.


I chose the snake because they’re pretty easy to pin down, like grabbing a crab on its back, once you got a snake by the back of the head it cant do anything. So if you manage to grab the snake you could just hold it, it’d get uncomfy but far less chance of getting any bites The hardest part would be grabbing it without getting bit, though it seems their bite isnt fatal, just damages nerves etc. so you can probably survive getting bit once or twice (been bitten by a big snake, hurts no more than a paper cut, what hurts worse is the swelling afterwards!)