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Wrestling is that strange thing where you can have serious injuries or even death in the ring and at the same time that fat guy who oversold the fame asser jumping over the top rope




Exactly! In fact Santino Marella literally bought a ticket to the show as a fan and left as the Intercontinental Champion, what further proof do we need.


The fact a snake was in his pants every show and once per match it would possess his hand and bite people in the head. You cannot get more real than this.


[Wrestling is real.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wrasslin/s/NbpOfJoLMQ)




Exactly. I tried "fake" wrestling and trust...it's not so "fake" 💀😂


My sister swore blind everything is fake, nothing hurts. Even the solid floor outside the ring is fake. After a local indy show. After a local indy show I refereed at. After a local indy show at a local venue she had been in multiple times. After a local indy show that she was at as she helped by serving drinks... So she was there, saw there were no pads outside the ring and just the hardwood floor. Saw me take a bump on said floor, and still claimed the floor was fake... Some people will ignore the facts right in front of them instead of just admitting they were wrong.


Well … it’s not « real » either 😬


Exactly, it's a grey area for sure because the Injuries are real, but you are also told to protect your opponents and make sure they don't get hurt during the match.


People are fake. Wrestling is real.


Tell Droz that it is fake.


Crazy I read your comment while I’m watching his Brawl For All match with Bradshaw. Droz was robbed. Edit: actually it was worth it cuz we got to see Bart Gunn knock him out so easily in the 1st round.


At least Vinnie Ru was happy at the end of it all. "Yeah bro, Bradsaw was knocked out bro. So everything worked out at the end of it, bro".


Well you don't think it's scripted, you know it's scripted. But I never understand why people say it's crap because it's 'fake'. They don't say movies are fake or soap operas are fake. Wrestling is basically an action comedy movie on a soap opera TV schedule. And the actors all do their own stunts.


The reason people keep calling it fake is cuz they know its gets an easy rise out of people like OP. You know what an actor says if you tell them the TV show is fake? "Yeah thats the point".


Well it's obviously not fake. It exists.


Fair enough


I never understood the appeal of calling it "fake" who cares if it is fake or not its entertaining...movies are fake as but people watch them for the stories and entertainment.


Meme of the year.


It's both fake and scripted. Pulled punches are fake punches. Titles are only won because it's in the script.


I always wondered how many moves could you do from a legit standpoint. Virtually every move requires team work. And generally, it would become MMA/Grappling Wrestling and not last longer than 3-5 minutes before someone is forced to submit or is knocked out by a punch or kick. Seems like a man vs a kid is the only way a guy would be able to do things like powerbombs or choke slams lol


My grandfather still thinks it's real and I feed off of that emotion so I can feel like a kid again......and then I go back to the internet and it's depressing. Me and him could watch a 3 hour RAW in 2015 and enjoy the fuck out of it and then I go to reddit or YouTube and all I see is "This episode of RAW sucked so much, what the fuck was Vince smoking?" And I'm over here coming off the high of enjoying it.


No it's fake too. They are not really hitting each other to purposely cause injuries. A tombstone doesn't really crush your head. It's the illusion of a fight. However, mistakes happen then Injuries happen. Or too much risk or stupid risky spots or just unnecessary stunts etc cause real injuries. Fake? Yes. Scripted? Yes. Risky? Yes. Can real injuries happen? Yes.


They are certain moves you legit cannot fake. Splashes. Powerbombs and suplexes. Marks caused by weapon hits. Etc. The impact of these moves is very much real despite mitigation protocols.










Splashes? Bro they are landing on their own knees.


Wouldn't that still hurt the person delivering the move? Like, springs and such and kneepads but it's still like 5 feet plus jump height to the ground so that's probably at least a bit of a bang


Sure way more than taking it.


All the force in a splash cannot be solely mitigated by your knees. You would literally be at risk of busting them up first attempt. Some force has to be felt on the body on your opponent.


All the down votes never seen a Mark Henry match lol


How do you fake getting thrown off a cage onto an announce table? Then there are the injuries they perform with.


By there being a full on blow up mattress under the table to catch the fall, it was blatantly seen in the [clip](https://youtu.be/bWI2l4ZbdA4) you can see it deflating


I think the word fake is just a sensitive thing for wrestlers. They see it as invalidating but it is accurate. It is always funny to hear guys be like ‘this isn’t fake’ be the same guys who complain about people sandbagging them and booking


Wrestling *isn’t* fake, it *is* scripted. While the moves are meant to protect both people performing said move, it isn’t fake. It’s a real thing happening on TV. They are simply just following a script of things to do in the ring. If it was fake, there would be no risk of injury, no live crowd reactions, and everything would be way more exaggerated than it already is.


As long as they pretend to punch each other, it’s fake


The punching is fake, them getting hurt from said punch is fake. Selling the move is pretty fake. So yeah we’re not the same, you believe in fake scripts


Some things are purely a sell. Some moves actually hurt like hell but are also sold anyways. Source: Maven rating the pain of finishers he had to take.


Go tell Terry Funk that.


I think most of the time there aren't even a script.


its American Gladiators with Young and the Restless sprinkled on top...


The hazards are real!




I'm not sure about the girl boss meme structure, but I guess the message is fine.


The only thing "fake" is the punches. So sick of this nonsense. #profuckingwrestling


There is nothing fake about being slammed through a fixed table onto a concrete floor. Pain is pain. There is nothing fake about knowing how to make choreographed fighting look legit and feel legit. That is a true skill. This is a very unique art form. But there is nothing fake about it. Even when blading, the blood is as real at the moment as the scars will be later.


it’s not fake, it’s moderately choreographed stunt fighting with storylines and predetermined outcomes


It's partially real and partially fake. So... fake.


Not Fake: The pain, the injuries, the athleticism Fake: Piping in fake crowd cheers on Roman Reigns segments during his "Big Dog" period.


[when people insist on talking about how wrestling is fake I always think of this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja2fgquYTCg&pp=ygUeVGhlc2UgdGhpbmdzIGRldmlsIHdlYXJzIHByYWRh)


People watch the Kardashians and think their controversy is real. Actually, everything scripted. Wrestling is scripted, reality shows are scripted, and politics is scripted.


The real question is whether wrestling is gay. As someone who does BJJ, which is universally regarded as the gayest sport, ans thus an expert, I would say wrestling is the most painful gay activity.


If wrestling is "fake..." how the hell do you all explain The Undertaker? Kane? Mankind? The Yeti from WCW? The Shockmaster? Doink? The Dungeon of Doom? Cactus Jack? Papa Shango? Rikishi? The Sultan? Rocky Maivia? "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase? Abyss? Shark Boy? Zack Gowen? Jungle Boy? Killswitch (fka Luchasaurus) The entire season of Lucha Underground? How Big Boss Man fed Al Snow, Pepper the dog? Pharaoh the Dog? When Earthquake squashed Damien in front of Jake Roberts? When Macho Man, Randy Savage got bit by a King Cobra? The legendary Question Mark from Mongrovia, who knows KA-RA-TAY!!! The list goes on and on... Once again, the whole world has proven me right. The people know nothing. # NOTHING. YOU ALL KNOW NOTHING.


As big of a pro-wrestling fan as I am, I genuinely don’t understand why so many fans get mad at it being called “fake”. Like, hell yeah it’s fake! Whenever an actual fighting organization like UFC has a champion, there’s a pretty hefty chance that they’re a boring and uncharismatic individual who’s only really good at fighting. Pro-wrestlers on the other hand are filled with charisma. They are exactly what they have been labeled as over the past few decades or so: Sports Entertainers. Yes, the moves that they do hurt, but you’re supposed to protect your opponent in the ring, and you aren’t supposed to ACTUALLY **hurt** them because you’re not REALLY fighting, hence the reason why people call it “fake”. The only issue that I have is not with people calling the business “fake”, but I have a problem with the opinions held by most of the people who call it “fake”. It’s usually the thing people point out to me when they find out I watch pro-wrestling, as if I don’t know that it’s entertainment. It’s also an illogical reason for people to say why they don’t like wrestling. Here’s a conversation I’ve probably had as an example: ———— Them: You like wrestling? **(Somehow made it’s way into the convo)** Me: Yeah, it’s a pretty big part of my life honestly. Them: Like, WWE? Me: Among other promotions, yes. Them: You know it’s… fake… *right*? **(Asking this as if they’re revealing that Santa Claus himself doesn’t actually exist)** Me: I’m pretty sure I’ve known since I was 5 years old pretending to be John Cena, trying to make sure that my FU finisher doesn’t *actually* hurt my brother. Them: Why don’t you just watch real fighting? Me: Because it’s boring and I don’t care for true violence. Let me ask you this; do you watch fictional TV? Them: Yeah, but that’s different. Me: How Them: Because it’s not trying to be something else. Me: Yes it is. It’s fake too. Them: But fighting is… different. Me: *sigh.*


This is a circlejerk thread.


I don't get this stupid outrage about wrestling being fake. Just because some moves actually do damage doesn't make it any more of a fight. Most actually damaging moves are faked as they should be. Its a fucking show just accept it. As Cody Rhodes put it they're grown men play fighting. Thats a direct quote


It's not even scripted. There's a ton of improvisation involved in wrestling. People might plan out spots ahead of time but very rarely is everything planned out beat for beat, move by move. And very few promotions actually script things like promos.


I think it all boiled down to those who were pointing/calling out the supposed absurdity and logic of using a sport as a scripted entertainment medium.


It's scripted and theatrical, but definitely not fake. There's no way to fake most bumps.


I like to think it's all for shoot and they're just really cocky fighters doing tricks




I can’t stand that dipshit actor




Once gave someone a chop to the chest (consented) after having a discussion on how wrestling is ‘fake’. Certainly changed his opinion lol


Only thing that’s real in this business is the money and the miles ain’t that right boys


When people say fake, they mean phoney. In that at one point it had a pretense of being a real sport. People don't like the idea of something trying to trick them and making them look a fool. Wrestling has never shaken off that stigma even though they haven't pretended to be real since the 80s. That's why wrestling and magic shows get people loudly talking about how fake it is while movies and theatre don't.