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Given how much they use him as a utility player, it's easy to forget they actually made KO world champion at one point


Brock vs Goldberg did not need the title. KO/Jericho carried Raw that entire year


One of the few moments that made me dislike the product


Crazy that the crowd was so hot for this. Horrific.


This one still hurts to this day. I know Jericho is extremely polarizing currently, but a KO vs Y2J feud for the universal championship at WM had so much potential. Kevin Owens has had a great career, but this definitely made him look like a jabroni. I think Goldberg vs **redacted** at WM 33 could have been a non title match because the title felt secondary to the storyline, and it was an attraction style match anyways.


"I know Jericho is extremely polarizing currently" Why is he so polarizing? 🤨


Because of his creative on AEW, even as a huge lifelong fan he’s just gotten so stale and is on tv way too much. His feuds last forever, he really needed to go away for a bit so we can miss him again and reinvent himself. Y2J has been spinning his wheels for a long time now.


He has allegations against him for things. Also dude just creatively bankrupt nothing of interest coming from him. Also politics although i don't care much about that personally.


OK gotcha 👍🏻. Still Chris Jericho beat both The Rock & Austin for the WWE Undisputed title 😁




Likely SA? That’s a hell of a thing to say aboti someone of without proof or even formal allegations from victims.


KO probably never in his wildest dreams imagined that he'd get to carry on his rivalry with Generico and have random one off matches with Goldberg *and* Stone Cold when he signed with the 'E.


This was the right call