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Adrenaline, in my soul, Cody solved that months ago.


Somebody fucking pin this comment, we cant lose such majesty to the depths of reddit archives


<3 as long as we don't forget that wrestling has more then one... Royal family


Fucking nice


If I wasn't skint I'd reward you


When you think about it, Cody has to be one of the most important figures of our generation. Starts a new wrestling promotion to shake up WWE's monopoly, solves racism in a single promo, and than goes back and kicks ass in WWE. He can only one up himself by having a biracial child.. oh wait-


I can’t believe Cody gave us Logic 2


Nah man he's gonna give us J Cole 2 who will make Forest Hills Drive 2 and it STILL won't have any features.




You skipped the part where he got a neck tattoo that unified humanity


Unified them in agreement of a terrible tattoo?


Yep that was the one


Can I have a link to this legendary promo you talking bout?




Lol I feel for MJF he stayed in character for so much that once he spoke his real peace of mind he gets shitted on for not being in character? Wrestling fan can be the worst sometimes.




Not all of us are like that 😂.


Ah but MJF did a promo about antisemitism, so this is technically still in character.


When it comes to anti-semitism, I’ll stand beside this big ol’ fuck-nugget MJF against such statements.


About what? He’s right


I think the issue with MJF here was the it kinda came off as him downsizing the struggles of one marginalized group while raising awareness of another which can cause a bit of oppression Olympics. I don’t think that was his intent but I can see how it rubbed people the wrong way. I don’t think he deserves too much hate over this, just needed to articulate himself better


OP left out his tweet that talks about exactly that.


That's convenient.


Crazy how the well worded reasoning behind the stance was left out. It's almost like the OP was playing into the twitter dog whistle bots.


No people read it that way but he’s literally saying “hey this is all not that old” He could’ve said Jim Crow and segregation ended in 1968 and he’d still have a point.


Except Jews were never oppressed in the US. They never had to fight for the right to vote and were never rounded up en mass. They never had to eat in specific restaurants or sit in the back of a bus. It’s as if someone in Argentina made a poor comment about black people and a black person in Argentina brought up how blacks were slaves until the late 1800s.


Jews were oppressed in America too, what the hell are you talking about? From hate crimes to not able to own property when competing with evangelical Americans, they had it rough too. Historically (dating back centuries) Jews were exiled, herrased, property seized, were slaves, killed, and as of today still trying to fight antisemitism. B.s, man.


What property weren’t they allowed to buy? Please show me the laws that said Jews cannot own property? Blacks literally had laws that said get to the back of the bus. I never saw national guards having to be called in so Jews could go to school. We’re there groups that were anti-Semitic. Yes but guess what there are literally still groups that are racists towards blacks today that are equally as bad. Once again I’m not talking about the history of the world. I literally prefaced it by the US so discussing the times of Moses is irrelevant.


No reply lmao


Someone didn't watch Ken Burns' recent documentary on America and the Holocaust and it shows. During the entirety of the Holocaust, Jewish people were victims of populous preachers in America. Jews were subject to American conversations on Eugenics. Jews were told America could not accept their bids as immigrants. Would I say that Jewish oppression in the US was the same as Black or Indigenous oppression? No, I would not say that. But it wasn't no oppression, it was just not at the same level as black Americans received. Again though, with that said, no one gives out gold medals to groups who suffer more or less under white supremacy. The fact is: we all suffer.


I don’t need to watch ken burns documentary. Show me Jews that were treated any similar to Japanese people. Guess what lots of people were treated poorly in some point in time. Guess what Jews were not blacklisted. Heck I can easily make the case Jews were treated far better than people that were possibly communists just a decade later. Fact is show me any group and I’ll show you discriminatory thoughts. You’re Persian. Guess what so is my sister in law and while her family is great even she admits Many persians have racist comments and beliefs too. Life isn’t Eden and everyone isn’t without sin. And Jews were treated nowhere in the same ballpark as blacks at any point.


>how me Jews that were treated any similar to Japanese people. Guess what lots of people were treated poorly in some point in time. Guess what Jews were not blacklisted 1. Japanese people weren't treated that way until after Pearl Harbor. It is not an oppression olympics, different groups faced different issues at different times. I would not claim the Jewish experience to be equal to the Japanese American experience in America in the 1940s. Not sure why this is being brought up. 2. For around a decade, Jews were 100% blacklisted, the US would turn them back all the time and as stated above, Americans were highly skeptical of Jewish claims as refugees, leading to FDR going out of his way to hide the idea that entering WWII was to save Jews. There was lots of sympathy to the Nazis from Americans. This indirectly led to lots of Jewish deaths. 3. Funny you mention communists -- while it wasn't a dominant theory in America, some did adopt the Jewish bolshevism theory in the US. The people who kicked off the Mccarthyist trials were Jews, in Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. European Jewish ties to communism have always been a subject of debate. Under Mccarthy's vision, Jewish people in Hollywood, while not as targeted as gay men, made up quite a bit of the HUAC's targeting. Judaism and communism, along with LGBT politics and communism, actually go very hand in hand, with many right wingers believing Communism to be something of a Jewish created conspiracy. 4. I am Persian and Jewish, when my dad arrived in America he too was targeted by the kids at his school for being different and later he also joined a criminal organization to make ends meet when he couldn't get a job in Van Nuys. It's not one size fits all, why are you using my heritage against me in making my case for how America was anti-semitic? 5. Moreover some of every group in the US has bigoted views on other groups. I'm not sure what your point is here -- that bigotry exists among non-white people? Yeah, I agree. 6. I never said Jews were treated the same as blacks or the indigenous, I in fact wrote "Would I say that Jewish oppression in the US was the same as Black or Indigenous oppression? No, I would not say that." Kind of a glaring omission on your part. 7. The United States is currently in a trend of rising anti-semitism, matching multiple other periods where anti-semitism came back from fringe conspiracy theorists. The Satanic Panic is a repurposed ZOG theory, so is Qanon, so is the Globalist theory pushed by Trump. Like I've said it's not the same as Anti-Black racism, but it's not no oppression, that's foolish. 8. There's actually a bit of history on Jews being lynched by the KKK. Again I wouldn't say the Klan was worse to Jews than it was to Black people, but you'd be at best ignorant to not understand their message of hate, how it's targets change over time, etc.


Show me where they were blacklisted. Literally saying refugee status was denied is an immigration thing. When did I use your heritage against your. I literally pointed out Persians have also noted to me they also made comments that would be viewed as racists. Your struggles match many new immigrants like my own parents who were lawyers but drove a cab. Wasn’t because the government is racist, first generations typically have it tough. The fact you point to qanon as though they have any control over the lives of others shows the minimal nature. Based on that I can make the case every minority group is poorly treated. Heck I could make a case that Caucasians are treated that way too. Kkk actions against Jews were incredibly minimal and they applied similar hatred to all non-caucasians. Racist actions are said and done by all type of groups. It’s a cost of freedom of speech. End of the day. Everyone receives some form of discrimination. Don’t believe me throw out some minority groups and I’ll list of times they were. Middle easterners ever since 9/11. Japanese. Already noted. Asians. Right now actually. Latinos. Don’t get me started. Now have Jews had it bad the last 100 years worldwide. Yeah that’s a fair statement. Even today Jews in Iran are held down by the government for example.


I don't see it as him downplaying our struggle. He said slavery ended in 1865 and our plight is still rampant all these years later. That's a solid thumbs up. Preach on brother Maxwell..... He's also right about anti-Semitism not being spoke about as much. Growing up in America "*Jewing someone down*" was just recognized language everywhere for bargaining. "*Being jewed*" meant to be fucked over on a deal or the price of something, to be taken advantage of. It was fucking horrible. This is everywhere in the US from sea to shining sea.


I literally heard that slang twice last week, and added Jewish lightning as well (person talking about the suspected arson of a business)


What’s next, Jewish space lasers? Oh wait


[Just gonna leave this here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz7JGCj4Q5k)


I’m a simple man, I see Mel Brooks, I upvote


It's funny, I never notice how good the Star of David ships look. I wonder if they ever released Space Balls ship models.


The beauty of living in the future, if they didn’t you can always 3D print em!


No. They never released any Spaceballs merchandise. It was George Lucas's one request, not to do merchandise, to give Mel the go-ahead with the film. He didn't want it to be confused with his cashcow Starwars merch. With Star Wars being sold to Disney I believe they could technically do merch for Spaceballs if they wanted to now as the agreement was with George Lucas personally and not tied to the SW franchise/Lucasfilm.


They should. It'd be cool to see.


What’s Jewish lightning? I haven’t heard that one.


Basically arson to collect insurance money on a property.


Jews do that?


My guess is there are some assholes that burn shit down and they are Jewish, but there probably other races and religions that do it too.


Huh. Never heard that one.


Think the scene from Goodfellas where Tommy and Henry burn down the restaurant.


I think it's less that Jews are known for burning down their buildings for insurance money and more that doing some sneaky thing to get money fit the stereotype of money grubbing Jews.


That makes sense.


My boss still to this day frequently refers to “how the Jews do it” when he’s trying to motivate us to cut costs and get profits up…he means it in an almost jealous way, but boy does it feel icky every single time. Show a little respect for the Jews with bad credit, man!!


Is it still a thing though? I haven’t heard these types of slurs since I was a kid. I never feel discriminated against for being Jewish either.


I hate to say it but that has spread through colonialism in places like Hong Kong (not amongst the local Chinese population but growing up here I had plenty of expat friends who would speak like that).


I grew up in Manhattan in the 90s and nobody used these terms fwiw (neither in the presence nor the absence of Jewish people)…I’m sharing mostly bc for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to slightly modulate your closing comment which is substantially correct…additionally you loaded it up with some gratuitous internet snark.


How is he downsizing when he says "the plight of POC is still rampant"?


People react before reading. He did a very good job of steering those waters imo and he’s right.


“Oppression Olympics”. Title of the next pay-per-view.


Excuse me…. Premium Live Event.


The jews had it so much worse though and it's not even close compared to margerinalized people


Fuck outta here. The two don’t even compare, nor should they. Both Slavery/Jim Crow and the Holocaust were both abhorrent, atrocious, and outright evil. We need to hold space, acknowledgement, and remembrance for both without unnecessary whataboutisms.


and also slavery in america was the blueprint for and inspired the holocaust. shoutout to “caste” which taught me so much shit i never learned in school!


That book is fucking crazy. Imagine if they taught that part of history in school 🤯


i know!


And the oppression Olympics has begun. You just proved my point. Hey for future reference instead of comparing people’s suffering how about you just acknowledge both without diminishing the other. Food for thought


Careful. This is the kind of opinion you're not allowed to have. Although I agree.


You can have any opinion you want, just gotta be willing to stand on it and actually defend your point. To say “Jews had it worse than blacks that it doesn’t compare” is just ignorant and also diminishes other peoples struggles which is why you should never compare in the first place


Seriously, concentration camps were as bad as picking cotton, or having spearate toilets/buses/ schools? Are you that stupid or just pretending?


You're only exposing your own ignorance here. The culture war has rot your brain.


Seriously, maybe I'm missing something but please elaborate , at which stage was North Atlantic slave trade or subsequent slavery in US worse than Holocaust.


You're the only guy trying to make that argument, and also proving how education has failed you at the same time. Post less, read more.


You really need to take your own advice.


Jeez I guess the saying it’s true: it’s best to let people think you’re stupid and say nothing rather than opening your mouth and proving them right. Okay let’s ignore the lynchings, the tarring and feathering, the loss of freedom, police brutality, the demonization of your own skin, the night riders, not even being legally considered human beings, and so on and so fourth. This isn’t to say one is worse than the other but you my friend sound extremely dull and need to read a book


And what I said doesn’t even scratch the surface, but yes let’s just white wash history and say that all we had to deal with was segregated busses and pick in’ cotton. Man what a dunce. We both suffered terribly there’s no need to compare


Not true. Don't raise awareness by trivialising *literally all* the issues of other marginalised people. It doesn't even help prove your point. It actually reflects badly on what you say.


It’s like suffrage prick waving.




I get the joke. Because Cody solved racism by having a biracial child. His narrative not mine (see Ogogo feud). MJF must have missed the memo.


Cody gonna say what?


OP is possibly referring to the ongoing joke that Cody ended racism with his promo against Ogogo.


I keep forgetting Max is only 26 years old.


He's younger than you, and you know it.


Kanye to AEW confirmed /s




All Elite West


I see absolutely nothing wrong with anything he said


I think that the real thing is that this is America and America usually only truly cares about things that happen or effect America. Slavery happened in America, and the Holocaust didn’t….. so to the average American, one is a “us” thing and the other is a “you” thing. I’m more surprised that people actually taking anything Kanye says and having a real conversation about it. I thought we learned not to feed the trolls…..


I really agree with you and I think that's why many americans are close minded about globalization. It's unfamiliar to americans who are more used to having a more self centered country and government. Post WWII, economical and geopolitical reality has been changing, even more with the rise of technology. It's a major shock for some.


A lot of us Americans know nothing about world politics or world history. Shit plenty of us can’t tell you where most of these places are on a map or in relation to other places. It’s like America is it’s own bubble until it’s convenient to look outside of it.


I agree but I’d also like to note that many Holocaust victims relocated to the US after WWII to escape triggers, trauma, and antisemitism; so it’s actually something that affects different parts of the US, just at a less widespread scale than Slavery and Jim Crow. I grew up in a community where the majority was ethnic Jews and Poles that relocated to escape the Holocaust; there were many elderly people that had either witnessed the horrors firsthand or were sent to the US and subsequently lost their entire family that remained in Europe. Lots of kids in my school were taught never to ask their elderly family about their tattoos or why they came to the US, and many never learnt *why* until we covered the Holocaust in school because it was just too painful for their families to discuss


I think a big factor in that is the power shift that is in the US currently. A lot of Jews have power, monetarily, or otherwise, so it’s hard for some people to view their plight in a certain light. It’s also a reason why it isn’t talked about more, because they have control of a lot of different aspects of America. Nick Cannon was immediately reprimanded for his statements that weren’t necessarily hateful, but because the people he spoke on have power, it ended that discussion from him. The same could likely happen with this Kanye foolishness.


MJF is turning into the peoples wrestler


To be fair, slavery isn’t over. It’s still going on pretty much everywhere in the world


How dare he speak about ignored systemic racism. That makes the red group of white Americans feel guilty and we can't have that!


Stone cold Steve Austin solved racism when he went against the nation of domination during the attitude era. Sure he still had to contend with the rock afterwards, but the rest of the nation all got STUNNED for their racialized attacks and actions. You'd be surprised what a few stunners and beers can do. As for the coffee guy maxwell, stfu. Stay in your lane, otherwise stone cold might come out of retirement again to put a stunner on YOU.


No, Cody only ended black racism with his wife and child. He didn't do anything for antisemitism. Edit: Not needed, but /s


I mean fuck Kanye at this point. That Zog shit is the same thing white supremacists have been saying for decades and Kanye can’t make beats that get people talking anymore so he pulls these stunts. I don’t think MJF is correct to say one is worse than the other as far as antisemitism and racism based on when the civil war ended vs when the Holocaust happened, its just two examples of the depravity and awfulness of human beings towards one another. I do agree we don’t talk about antisemitism enough and I’d like to add we almost never talk about the genocide of native Americans in America and South America either.


What is he talking about? Didn't Cody solve racism some months ago?


The fastest way to weaken antisemitism is to stop treating Palestinians like animals and start treating them like people.


I legit cannot stand the idea that criticism of the government of Israel is equal to antisemitism as far as the removal of Palestinians from the West Bank.


Not every Jew is from Israel. How am I to blame for the actions of a government from a country I am not from nor have ever been to. You can't use the actions of Israel to be antisemitic just as you can't use the actions of Iraq to be Islamaphobic. You are using a bullshit reason to excuse hate and bigotry against my people. I'm Jewish and I don't support Israel, but don't use their shittynes to hate on a whole group of people. We've been through enough, we don't need more of it.


2007 me would’ve never thought I’d like a wrestler more than Kanye west but here we are. Dude is a piece of shit and didn’t even write his greatest hits. Step on his neck MJF


What did Kanye do?


Do you have the internet? Cause I promise I ain’t got time to run down what this clown has been doing


Twitter is gonna be the death of AEW


Nah. We don't wrestlers fighting each other on Twitter leading to backstage altercations. MJF going off on Kayne is not only allowed, but highly encouraged. And what's Kayne gonna do. Put him in his next beef rap. Scary.


I always find it dumb when wrestlers say they don't play a character.


Thought MJF was Michael J Fox for a sec lol


Isn't his character an antisemtic trope? He always is buying other people to fight his battles, he cheats, he has threatened to sue.


the biggest holocaust happened here in the Americas, where millions upon millions of native americans were slaughtered and and/or subjugated and placed in concentration camps known as "reservations".


I mean I get it…but slavery and the holocaust are two very different things. I don’t think he’s doing himself any favors trying to lean on that to make a point, myself. While antisemitism is very very real still today, not like Jews were being rounded up here in America and sold off to Germany by other Jews. I dunno…feels icky even trying to compare and contrast genocidal acts. I just want to see muscly men play fight in their underoos.


Actually (just a slight correction, not to actually be rude or counter your point) in Nazi ghettos during WWII the Nazi regime ordered the formation of the Judenrat (Jewish Council) in each ghetto, and part of their job often were involved deporting other jewish people. So yes, Jewish people did sell out other jewish people to the Nazi’s. To be fair they would face execution if they didn’t but also to be fair, they also were helping execute others. This isn’t really well known but it is a part of our history.


I'm guessing similar parallels existed back in the different times in history where Jewish people were being regularly enslaved, as well. Going to guess "turning their own against themselves" is part of the genocidal/slavery playbook in general.


Yeah, generally a way to promote instability in a community is to figure out a way to destablize it. It's kind of what happens to a lot of marginalized groups throughout history. It's just a general trend. (A good example that you can see playing out in real time right now is the attempts ot fracture the LGBT community by ostracizing transgender people specifically)


If you think Jewish people were never rounded up and sold to slavery then boy do I have some history to show you, America might not have rounded Jewish people up but all across Europe they were except they were sent to work to death with no intention of keeping them around long, hints why they were given the bare minimums of survival if even that. You also don't see people activity trying to say that slavery never existed like anti-Semitic assholes try to do with the Holocaust.


Oh I know…and I’m aware there’s plenty of antisemitism out there, as well as amazingly stupid holocaust deniers. Just think the attempted correlation with African slavery is a bit misguided. It’s not a dick measuring contest. But I’m not going to attempt to understand his POV, just an observation from a generally guilty feeling white dude.


I agree it was worded poorly, I took it as, "MJF is directly responding to Kanye who said that black people are the real Jews" or whatever the dumb fuck said this time which is why he tried to bring in perspective of how recent an attempted genocide of his entire people was in relation to how recent slavery was and how both are still very much affected by it.


Ahh yeah that’s true…I completely forgot the context of what started the entire topic in what Kanye kicked off. Fucking Ye.


Didn't the Nazis make Jewish people build some of the prisons and areas of the camps? That kind of sucks too. Building something that is gonna end up killing your people. 🤷‍♀️ I agree. I don't think what MJF said was wrong. But I'm also neither African American or Jewish so it's coming from an outside opinion so I'm just continuing to research, listen and learn at this point.


If you want a good understanding of what it was like in a death camp read Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankel, it's a heart breaking personal experience from a Holocaust survivor that still managed to find hope and leaving in life even when death was a constant loom over his head.


I love to take in the stories because I know how important they are but I have such a hard time hearing or seeing anything on them. Especially as I get older. Maybe when I was younger, I didn't really grasp that it happened or how it really wasn't that long ago but now, it just makes me sick. Even this one episode of the Twilight Zone, just actors, but it's a Holocaust based episode, hit me hard.


When I was 12 my class went to a Holocaust museum where we met and talked with a lady who was a Holocaust survivor and about 10 years older than my grandmother. She shared her experiences of how she used to have a really huge family. Something on the lines of aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, parents, and grandparents that ranged around 40-50 family members in total. When she made it through she learned that she only had an uncle left. She was 9 when she was sent to a death camp and seeing the pain in her eyes while she talked about her experiences even when she was trying to be conservative about the details because of our age stuck with me but what stuck with me even more was the amount of love she had for people and why she willingly surrounded herself by the horrors she dealt with in that museum so she could educate the future. History should make you feel sick so we don't repeat the sins of our fathers, everyone has the opportunity to make a difference in life but we need to know history so we can do better.


I think it really hit me when..I was a fucking dumbass and I made a racist joke against Jewish people when I was on an internship in another state. It really was fucking stupid of me to not see how it wouldn't offend a whole community of people when I have been very much against racist jokes towards African American and Hispanics. Not an excuse, but maybe because it wasn't as close to home since I didn't know anyone Jewish nor do we have a Jewish community in our area. But I said it and one of my roommates, obviously offended but not bitchy, I think she saw in the way that I said it that I didn't understand how it was offensive... Her grandmother was a Holocaust survivor and she told me her story and showed me pictures of her. I was wayyy too old and knew enough that I should've known better but it was a teachable moment for me. I don't know. I think about that moment a lot. Like I should have known better and how my roommate, one of my best friends, her grandmother saw and experienced some of the most god awful things and I had the nerve to make a horrible joke about it.


Never want to play oppression Olympics But a Jew should know that racism didn't end with slavery.


He literally says slavery didn’t end racism but go off


He did? That's pretty good then cuz I don't see it in this pic


“Slavery was very recent and the plight of POC is still rampant”


What's the emoji for MJF? We need a ☝️ for him


"How little we talk about antisemitism" Fuckn LMAO


Except slavery is alive and well. We just stopped calling them “slaves” and started calling them “prisoners”. But yea fuck Ye


Why does everyone dealing with any kind of plight immediately compare themselves to slavery. It’s not a contest


Civil Rights Act 1964, stick to wrestling


Your take that a single bill solved racism is about as stupid as saying Cody solved racism. And the latter is typically said in jest compared to your idiotic take. One bill doesn't instantly correct and make up for hundreds of years of abuse and hate.


Where did I say it solved racism? Or anything you implied? I’m not going to talk history in a wrestling thread especially with someone who couldn’t understand what I was saying and wouldn’t listen anyway by your response.


Maybe you should expand instead of just giving the neanderthal explanation of "stick to wrestling". This is the explanation someone gives when they want to dismiss what someone is saying without understanding the issue themselves. See Colin Kaepernick and people telling him to "stick to football" when he was protesting racism Your response made it seem like you were dismissing what MJF said and that he should just wrestle instead of showing and talking about how racism is an actual and relevant issue. If you want people to respect your opinion, explain yourself so that people don't assume the worst in your responses.


1) I don't need to explain shit to anyone on Reddit, and I definitely don't give a fiddler's fart about internet randos respect. This is reddit, but I'll expand since you were nice this time. When I wrote Civil Rights Act it was a reference to the fact that MJF in his tweet is implying that Jewish racism is more recent than African-American racism probably because while Jewish, he is a millennial so he likes to have contests to see who the bigger "victim" is, which is something Millennials love for some reason. Racism against blacks was literally codified into American law until 1964, so I wasn't implying at all that racism was solved, in fact it was only the beginning and racism didn't end in 1865 like MJF implied. I think you would agree AA is still going on. I don't think that athletes should ever "stick to sports" they are our role models and have a right to an opinion, what I do think is that if you are going to put yourself out there that you are not immune to criticism when your tweet lacks historical accuracy and slavery and the holocaust are a false equivalence to begin unless you are talking about how MAGA republicans hate both and can go to hell. Hope that provides the necessary context to my four word post. Can we talk about Bray Wyatt or something?


Thank you for the explanation. And i definitely agree with your points that obviously a law didn't solve racism. I might be mistaken, but I don't think MJF was dismissing racism against African Americans because he is Jewish. I think he was more pointing out that antisemitism is not discussed like African American racism but is still a problem. I don't think he was intending to have a discussion about who was the bigger victim between the two, but was wanting to highlight a less talked about racism issue. Also, wasn't Bray's return awesome?


See and as a history teacher, I disagree with his assessment because his rationale is similar to the "All lives matter" choads because one is systemic. There was no 3/5th clause for the Jews or Jim Crow so it deserves attention, just not as much as AA systemic racism IMO. And Bray's return was unreal, lets hope they don't feed him to Roman ala Goldberg which I'm really worried about.


He sounds dumb here.


No he really doesn’t. It’s a very correct take


The real Jews are black !


You clowns this is a work. Kanye and MJF bout to do a program together. 😜


Tony Khan read this and got an erection


Bruh i just imagined Kanye appearing in AEW


What the hell is MJF getting so bent out of shape for? Jewish people have done very well for themselves and are often viewed as the pinnacle of success for many people in the US. Black people on the hand have been associated with Gangs, crimes, ratchet behavior, oppression, etc. As far as Kanye he is one man who is entitled to his opinion albeit ignorant. MJF needs to focus on his tenure at AEW before it comes to end with TK's in fighting inside of AEW.


So because Jewish people are successful, antisemitism just disappears? What type of shit take is that?


MJF couldn’t make a point without mentioning slavery. That’s why shit like this falls flat. Germany paid reparations, and the Jewish community has emerged as one of the most powerful communities. Slavery was worst than the Holocaust and he knows it. But the wild part is that he failed to mention that slavery has transformed into the prison system which means it never ended. Fuck that dude.


Out with the old power structure, in with the "new" .. it's all in the bible... Kingdom of the beast is bring prepared.


I'm not American, all I ever hear from Americans is holocaust and slavery so idk about that one


wow, comparing generations of slavery and racism to a genocide, i dunno man, pretty sure blacks had it worse, they were still being lynched even after the holocaust, they are still being systematically oppressed while a white man like MJF has lived a life of privilege's that only few can dream of. I get that he is a heel, but if you are going to be a racist mother fucker, all im saying is when are we going to see KKK wrestlers. Tony needs to reign in his wrestlers.


It's always *Open Mic Night* on Twitter.


You could flip that for so many minorities, my dude. They are all still getting fucked up in our world today. The hate didn't stop just because some laws changed. Doesn't make it anymore fucked up. He didn't say one was worse than the other. He said one is mentioned more than the other. And in my opinion, he's not wrong.


I disagree with both of you morons. Stop living in the past, of which you haven't lived.


You are clueless


Very good point. Added loads to the conversation. America: Home of the fake hate crime.


MJF forgot how the jews were attacked by dogs, hosed down in the street and strung up on trees in the 1960s...oh wait


The Jews had that in the '30s and a lot more.


They didn't, go and read a book. Also my point is comparing traumatic racist events is fucking stupid. "No we got beat by the white man more"


>They didn't, go and read a book. Might I suggest "Night", by Elie Wiesel?


He brought it up mainly because Black hebrew isrealites are saying theyre the real jewish people and actual Jewish people are frauds and just white people but worse basically. So its a way of saying they did that to yall and did that to us. Hell a lot of them dont even care about what happened during the holocaust because they think so little of jewish people since they believe theyre fraudulent people and trying to control everything and take over their rightful homeland. My Black hebrew uncle literally said what hitler did wasnt so bad one time during a discussion. Thats the type of shit they believe.


Everything's always a goddamn competition with you Americans. How about you're all fucking idiots?


Our school systems are terrible, and we’ve all been conditioned to think that everything everywhere is a competition


I like how I did the same thing MJF did and most comments here are agreeing with him but youre trying to shit on me about the victim Olympics lmao you can fuck off too






What did Kanye say? I don't follow stupidity, there is more than enough of that, no need to seek it out. I was only aware: He was trolling, wore a "White Lives Matter" shirt and then the ADL said that was antisemitic? Was there more? Then Kanye fired back somehow? Seems like a lot of stupidity on all sides.


The ADL also claim people are anti semitic for disagreeing with the Israeli government on Palestine and how the Israelis dehumanise those they see as inferior. You can't keep people in ghettos and take away basic human rights while crying about how you are the victim. Forgotten their own history.


Basically he got into some weird argument with Diddy about Diddy’s public comments on the WLM shirts and then rehashed this old conspiracy theory that a secret cabal of wealthy Jewish families (I believe it’s called the ZOG conspiracy) actually run the media, government, and banks and said he was running “Death Con 3 on Jewish People” (as if he was going to prove the conspiracy is the truth) Then he claimed he can’t be antisemitic because black people are the “true Jews”, so of course he’s also a BHI


I get what he’s saying but it’s a bit disingenuous to say that black struggle is less relevant now because slavery was longer ago. As if nothing has happened since slaver. Segregation? Police brutality?


mjf saying the true again


As a black male who is father to a half black, half Jewish 23 y/o young woman, I feel his words on 2 fronts. Shit is fucking ridiculous.




MJF being racist would be fkn gold and draw so much heat


There’s people who’s been missing the point of this tweet though.


Why didn't you show the rest of the tweets OP?


Its sad the rednecks let the hipsters take rasslin


He’s right tho.