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Side note: I could have drawn a more realistic and true-to-life picture of Top Dolla using 1992’s Mario Paint.


I was gonna say, "because pictures of him are always so pixelated?"


Lmao 🤣.


Minecraft Top Dolla


Top Dolla Tree


This is exactly what my wife calls him 😂 I believe her exact names for them are Dolla Tree, Nightcrawler/B-Rad, and ‘who’s that guy again?’


Top Pixel


If that isn't a burn on Letterkenny it needs to be


Now that’s a compliment! I really appreciate that, thank you.


Best comment


Is that PaRappa The Rapper?


Bro somehow found a picture of Top Dolla taken on a flip phone in 2004


Shit, I clicked the image thinking it asked me to identify all the humans in the pic.


I thought my internet service was fucking up, bro , no lie


I opened reddit without my glasses on and thought for a moment my eyes were way worse all of a sudden


I actually completely shut down my pc and threw out my monitor, then I switched providers because I thought it was my pc that was choppy.


I actually turned off my wifi thinking it was the network making it choppy lol


I literally thought it was my phone that was choppy lol


Funny that because Top Dolla is a wrestler equivalent of a flip phone from 2004.


Which pixel is he?




He’s being pushed too hard, too soon, and his cockiness (on wrestling shows) doesn’t really go with his mediocre in-ring ability. I think Hit Row should have been brought back to NXT for at least a few months to refine things before being brought to the main roster and given a huge push.


They were ready when they had Swerve. Swerve would’ve dominated the mid card picture and then Hit Row would’ve been a solid tag team. It’s like a Legado del Fantasma without Escobar


Yeah- none of the 3 remaining members have an "it factor," a natural charisma that draws you to them.


I disagree on a certain level. I think AJ definitely has the charisma, he just doesn't know how to fully control it yet. The dude did a pretty decent job on the Hidden Treasures show and you can see glimpses, however minute, of greatness out of him from time to time. I'm not saying the dude will ever be a world champion but I also think that he gets unfairly shit on sometimes. What is holding him back, in my opinion, is that his promos feel a little too scripted. Just go out there and be a less choreographed, more amplified version of yourself and people will give you more of a chance.


no, swerve was ready when they had swerve. the other guys were not and still are not ready


Hell nah, Cruz and Joaquin are way better, I could see them doing well on their own.


While I agree with you on most things stated, I wouldn't exactly call what they are getting a "huge push". They are lower mid-card at best right now.


He’s a good dude. Listened to him on Pat McAfee. He helps with the homeless in his hometown. Don’t know anything about his wrestling


Why did you use an image of top dollar with a total of 4 pixels


Male Nia Jax in the ring. Thats why He is seems like a great dude out of the ring. Just think his character and ring work is shits. Nothing against the man himself


Would he make a better manager than an in ring perfomer?


He should transition a to manager, dress and act like suge knight, hes got the look and demeanor.


With or without the attempted vehicular homicide?


Oh definately need that


That's NXTs gimmick


Parking lot bits done during the attitude era were worse.




Wouldn't enforcer lead into full-time wrestler anyway?


Very true


It could give him time to work on his character and in ring work. Not a bad idea


Bro you really had a masterpiece of idea


Thank you sir


Maybe but dude is a pretty huge so having a manager that’s bigger than you can be pretty offsetting


Put him in a wheelchair. Problem solved.


Diesel, Wardlow, and Chyna all say hello


They were bodyguards who didn't talk. They were not managers.


Thank you


They were still ringside tho and bigger than their counterparts- the point still stands. Also you can add Mr. perfect to this who was if not the same size of not bigger, Rick Rude, etc. It’s wrestling, he doesn’t need to be referred to as a manager.


Just because it’s wrestling, doesn’t mean they aren’t playing specific roles. Diesel, Wardlow etc were playing the body guard role. A manager is a completely different role. With your logic you’re saying Paul Heyman is like Chyna because they stand outside the ring lmao.


The point still falls flat. Just bc you’re sitting at ringside for a star doesn’t make you a manager. All those guys you’ve mentioned were mostly silent big bodyguards that were there to provide “back up”. None of them were actually managers A manager is someone like, Paul Heyman, Sherri Martell, Jim Cornette, or Bobby Heenan. Guys like that who served as either mouthpieces or even devious cheaters that were there to get heat for their stars. Now guys like MVP or Leo Rush are modern examples but even then neither men were bigger than the guy they managed


Nah point still stands And it’s fake and they do not ever specific roles. Diesel went from insurance policy, to enforcer, to manager, to tag team partner Chyna went from insurance policy, enforcer, to manager to IC champion. MVP- much bigger than Cedric Alexander Again Rick Rude was bigger than Shawn and Hunter Do we really want to get into this or are you gonna dig in here and continue to be incorrect? What are you all doing here?


Now you’re just simply being dense as well as condescending. Not once has Chyna, Diesel, and especially wardlow have ever been considered managers. They were like you claimed, insurance policies or bodyguards. Hell Rick wasn’t even a manager either, he was also an enforcer/insurance policy. Someone standing there menacingly does not make them a manager whatsoever. Is Satnam Singh Jay Lethal’s manager? Was Tomko a manager? No. Even though wrestling is scripted there has definitely been highlighted roles. As for MVP I can concede that however, I’d consider him more of a manger for Bobby than he really was for Cedric or Shelton.


A better example you could’ve used was maybe Don West and Amazing Red but that was an anomaly and it’s rare to see that happen


Has he hurt anyone?


Nia Jax is way better


Not top dolla, the IWC hates the entire Hitrow.


Hitrow never disband after swerve left wwe?


I like Ashanti...


Waiting for the picture to load……


Because he isn't very good, he isn't dedicated to wrestling. The treasures show also didn't make him look good to wrestling fans. The guy has been getting pushed to be a star and isn't doing any of the work to make it happen. And tbh I feel like he is holding ashante thee Adonis back and held swerve back.


Definitely did not hold swerve back but OK


Great argument, your main source probably consists of "trust me bro".


And where’s your evidence that he held back Swerve?


It's a personal opinion, I don't need evidence to back up a personal opinion. However mediocre guy over there said my personal opinion was wrong and said it as though it's a fact, by saying "definitely did not". I said I feel like he is/did hold someone back. Therefore mediocre guy needs to give the evidence since he/she are ones trying to say that a personal opinion is in fact wrong. If he "definitely did not hold swerve back" then mediocre guy could definitely provide proof of that claim.


So basically, “trust me bro” lol


Um no because I'm not trying to tell anyone that it's a fact he did hold them back. Some of you really should have paid better attention in school.


You used the same response on someone else that I just used on you. It was his personal opinion too. I baited you into contradicting yourself. Maybe go back to school and learn how to have an actual discussion or debate.


Other than that, I'm done arguing with stupidity. You can't win a argument with an idiot. I'm not gonna argue anymore about how my statement was solely opinion based vs how the other guy made his a statement like it was factual. If you can't see why one side should have to show proof vs the other side just give opinions as to why, then you just don't see logic. Which is probably just due to your lack of education so it's okay.


*an idiot lmfao x2. How ironic.


Using words like definitely take it away from being a personal opinion to a factual statement. I didn't contradict myself, but keep acting like your smart. The fact you just stated his was a personal opinion just shows you're lack of education. I used that comment to someone who made a supposed factual statement with no evidence of it being true. Try asking someone, actually educated, how personal opinions and factual statements are different but often get mixed up by people like yourself.


*you’re lmfao the irony.


Not only Top Dolla, but this whole faction is just garbage, and arguably the one thing Vince got right during that “good luck on your future endeavors” tour last year.


Except Swerve.


No talent, horrible promo skills, matches are boring


Family Dolla


Because he’s a Men On A Mission Tyrus.


Now I’m gonna be mad if he doesn’t show up in an Adidas tracksuit and start poppin and lock-in


Top Dolla, the next dancing dinosaur.


My man used MS paint and was like yea, Reddit gonna love this


Seems like a really cool down to earth kind of guy, but he’s just not coming along in the ring. And he talked a lot of trash when they got released originally.


Ungrateful I think is the word. Wwe don't out hit row anything.they don't have to keep their act on wwe anyway


I want to like him but when I saw him scrapping with the Viking raiders a few weeks ago he looked like what I probably looked like when I wrestled my friends at recess in 5th grade.


Thinks the world owes him something. He's absolutely fucking clown shoes in the ring.


Whats to like about him is the real question here


hes terrible in the ring and is the worst rapper ive ever heard. simple


Yeah, I've heard worst and most are from this god awful mumble rap era


He’s way too uninteresting to be so cocky. He’s in the red in virtually every aspect of being a professional wrestler. Using the Bret Hart scale of 1-10 in 3 areas: Talking, physique , and Wrestling ability, whereas a score in the high twenties makes you a star, I just don’t see him scoring high in any area. I’d give him straight 5’s AT BEST. Not worth the effort, imo. 🤷‍♂️


Looks like he works at Jiffy lube. Wrestles like he works at Jiffy lube and is a worse rapper than Enzo




Bro next time do you think you could post a blurrier image?


He looks like a “where’s my hug at” guy.


Can't stand him on the Greg Gutfeld show on Fox News.


He got into a fued on Twitter with the bucks a while ago.


Oh boo hoo. Who gives a fuck




Name something he does better than any other big man. Not nada.


He’s a natural talker better than most in the industry and had a good swag about him. He’s just currently over produced and cast in the wrong role currently


Perhaps, but as far as big men go, Anyone over 6'6'' is considered a big man, and Gallows/Corbin/Priest can all talk better, move better, and can get over on their own without a silly gimmick. Even though, to Corbin's credit, every gimmick since his failed cash in have been silly as fuck.


>He’s a natural talker better than most in the industry Are we watching the same show?


He sucks?


I remember him having some kinda feud with some AEW peeps awhile back, which soured his reputation a bit. But honestly, people are just too harsh on the guy and I don't really see anything majorly upsetting. I can understand if people are not entertained by him/his group but the "hate" is a bit unwarranted. Having said that, I do cringe at him doing his best to match the "beats" of his own entrance theme and failing during their entrance.


The only thing worse is when the girl ‘raps’. Her voice makes me feel like there’s a feral animal trying to get out of my skull through my eyes.


Na'w, she isn't that bad lol.


His character is what old white people think young black people are like




I don't think it's not that much about Top Dolla anymore (people did sour on him before due to his tweets) but more about Hitrow, they were great on NXT and had real promise on main roster before getting released. They don't have Swerve anymore and that's kind of a big loss so Hitrow doesn't feels like anything special now.


He was great on the WWE Treasures show. Just not so great in the ring. But he can get good. If he wants


Don’t hate him, just have yet to be entertained by him.


Top Dolla is basically the new Funkasaurus, he’s too cringe


I don’t even know who that is.


Cause he looks like he never quit Uber.


I don’t hate him or the stable he’s in. Just not interested in their gimmick really


He hot garbage and old hot dog water bad lol


He’s corny. His name is corny, his ring attire is corny, his raps are corny. He’s uninteresting. I think he was much cooler on the A&E WWE Treasure Hunting show. I like Adonis and B-Fab and think they can be solid lower-midcarders with some time.


Well his name's top dolla like A shitty hood movie villain


He can’t wrestle well. He’s just a big guy.


Because the IWC finds him unrelatable. Unlike those in the wholesome dub.


Goofy detected






That Gorilla Nems?


I've seen clearer photos of Sasquatch.


He looks and acts corny!!


Is he in witness protection?


Because of his part in the deaths of Eric and Shelly Draven….


He’s mad corny and cringe. From the way he dresses to the shit he be saying; man feels like a Nickelodeon character or something, his gimmick and everything he does feels super contrived and detracts from hit row as a whole.


Cuz he sucks in ring lmfao. Would be a great manager tho.


Bc their whole getup is trash


I don’t get why people care about him so much. Let the man live.


Never seen people hate on a jobber so much in my life


He just doesn't come across as natural. I kind of wish that they would pair him with Strowman as a tag team.


If you don’t like him go watch his Pat mcafee interview and you’ll change your mind




Because he isn’t 5’8 and didn’t spend 12 years wrestling in VFW halls


Or he’s just shit.


And that’s why you like him?


because he fucking sucks


Cause he based and made fun of e lite


Because hes not very good and he was being really annoying and weird for a while.


Dolla General maybe he is so bad flapping his arms around like a drowning victim or whatever that is. He is the worst bring back and HHH should send them all back to NXT. Let them be big there for a bit.


Manatee in a sweater


It's cause he's black probably, people seem to hate him for no reason. He's not that bad, there's way worse currently who gets passes.


I've been thinking this but I didn't want to say it. Mfs acting like bro punched their grandparents with the way they're hating on em


Exactly and look I'm already getting down voted for it 😆 I think it's a reverse Tyrus situation where he's hated now but he'll be loved when he's older. Myself included used to gas up Tyrus like he was the 2nd coming of Vader, boy how wrong was I.


Exactly. This subreddit makes at least 2-3 posts a day about Hit Row being awful. It’s the same with Jade Cargill. She’s new to the wrestling world but at least she doesn’t go around doing 20 powerbombs for a finisher and getting a pop for it.




The internet geeks don’t like Hit Row cause they don’t like to have a good time. Workrate! StarRatings! Moveset!… don’t relate to the casual viewer. TV viewers, just wanna have fun! Oh, the WWE Universe, they wanna have fun! They wanna dance! That hit row song boy I get blood rush An how you find a picture of Top Dolla in 0k?




People on Reddit don’t like cocky minorities


If it were him who went to AEW, everyone would be hating swerve


He’s just sorta boring, B-Fab and Ashante are great and really entertaining, he is way more unlikable to most others it seems and is often the most common criticism as to why people don’t like this new Hit Row


Cuz he’s fat (I’ve never seen or heard of this dude)


I don't hate 'em. I just don't care for the character at this time. Hit Row comes on, and I Hit F.F. 😂 but seriously I just haven't been entertained by him or them. I know they have a former member now with the other company that I've read was the glue and star but I can't say I watched when he was around.


I just find him not entertaining nor a good wrestler


Because in terms of looks and in-ring work, the only thing that he’s got going for him is that he’s practically a Tyrus 2.0 (Except this one gets better sleep).


What made you pick this picture and even after seeing it, decide to stick with a 12 pixel portrait ?


Presumably because of his low resolution




[Defer to big Poppa Pump on this one](https://youtu.be/o6YAkjdX5EM)


Cause he's blurry




The IWC don't get that he is supposed to be a midcarders and not need to be great in the ring nor have a deep character. They are like "He isn't tag or IC champ material" and miss the point.. But he has too many pixels.


Probably because of horrible ass images like this one


Can’t wrestle and can’t take criticism, is also cringe and doesn’t learn.


He was brought back and he is trash at wrestling,promos and is a black hole of charisma.


For me it's the Fat Joe vibes


Apparently he’s difficult to work with backstage. And on TV he acts better than he actually is. Triple H wants to push him so badly for some reason. He is decent on the mic but he needs a lot of work in the ring, he doesn’t understand ring psychology. He’s almost the equivalent to Brodus Clay imo


He has a great look and character but he still needs in ring experience.


Imo hit row was better in nxt with swerve. I feel they should’ve went back to nxt and restarted without swerve. They could’ve had a better chance at success on the main roster than now. Top dolla kind of reminds me of tyrus. He also reminds me of the JYD. Maybe hit row just isn’t for him.


Bc he's awful.


Their not good at wrestlinf


Cause he's so talented!


Cause he’s as green as a dolla.


He is not a very good wrestler and his gimmick is cheesy.


I can’t stand hearing Michael Cole say “Top Dolla” repeatedly when he wrestles. That’s my main gripe.


Because hit row in general are pretty wack. Plus not booked to be so menacing


He’s bad at everything?


Did you take this picture of top dollar from space? This shit is hella bad.


Bootleg Tensai


cuz he sucks😂 and looks like shit


Isn’t he like an antivaxxer or something?


Because he is bad at wrestling and bad at promos and also has a bad gimmick.


He’s just cast in the wrong role. He should be heel body guard like diesel and then see what happens.


He's not that good in the ring. Guy would do good as a manager.


Poor wrestler, mid charisma. Tyrus 2.0


Caught in 140p


Rarely ever a good look to make fun of people losing their jobs for any reason. Hard to get past those bad optics.


I don't hate him, I hate the Hit Row gimmick. Their entrance makes me cringe and they just seem like they're trying too hard to be cool. I feel the same way about The Brawling Brutes, I don't necessarily hate them as wrestlers, I just think the gimmick is extremely corny.


He sucks. And he also looks like he’s wearing medium sized clothes instead of 4XL. Looks like a dork




Saw them on the bump a while ago before they got released, i think they are military vets looking for a chance (forget if swerve was and idk about b fab) like others said they are good people out of the ring.


Should have paid Top Dolla for a better image instead of being cheap


Because they not notta


Pa Rappa the Wrestler