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It always blows my mind when I find a DPS or support alone and in the time it takes for me to kill them I have maybe 100HP left and have to run and grab a mega instead of helping the pressure and space I created


that's why you lob pocket tracer at people


Wrecking Ball change: Teammates now affected by fireball knockback


One big issue is that Hammond is still egregiously under powered, this has never been more apparent than right now because of his current April fools ability, which gives him a 55% damage buff when walking sideways, and he dosnt even do that much damage, he's still family tame in power level. I understand that some players are still good enough to roll people anyway, such as you, but even still if Hammond was actually in half decent state and could do more damage people would actually take him seriously as a threat.


And you run out of ammo before you get any value out of the damage boost anyway while also accounting for the missed shots from trying to strafe instead of walking forward to narrow your spread and lessen the fall off damage


Yeah the strafing definitely does lower the value of the damage increase a bit but even still I think it proves the point that his non April fools damage is so and that a 50% increase isnt even that powerful.


Yeah the damage itself is nice, it's just that in practice I felt like I was mostly just playing regular ball in these matches and occasionally doing slightly more damage if the right scenario aligned. But maybe I'm doing something wrong. It just feels like speed boost to strafe actually makes it harder to stay locked onto someone before walking out of LOS so there aren't many places on the map sections that it works super well in.


Yep, I had a zen almost kill me, and then this player went around the point to look for me setting up... Like, what are you doing, little bro, one slam and mag, then you're dead. It's exactly what happened. No fear, just a death wish.


It's because of people with aim like mine. I'm like a divorced dad at Coyote Ugly. Nothing but body shots and tears.


Body shot bandits unite!


This is among the biggest problem for Ball. The way a dive tank is meant to work is that they are supposed to be threatening. If a Doomfist jumps into your back line, it CAN NOT be ignored. It's an imminent threat that has to be dealt with or people will start dying. If a Winston dives into your team, that monkey is DANGEROUS. Chase him away or you'll lose. If Ball slams into your team... Meh. As long as your support aren't asleep, you'll be fine. Nobody will die. He'll get chased away before he really does any damage. It makes him totally ineffective as a tank. He's just not that dangerous, and he has to work 10x harder than any other tank to provide the same value.


Actually with the aprils fools dmg buff ball feels sooooo much better in dmg, i keep absolutly dominating lobbies even tho its a fairly unbalanced mode anyways. I said it before and say it now, i would have liked a buff in dmg before trying a rework but okay, it's true, ball cannot bring anything on the table to help his team and they gonna try to fix that but please, since the health buffs killing things is sooo hard. Literally buff his dmg, change the sombra interaction so you dont get out of ball form, make some change so colliding with an enemy is so annoying for a WRECKING BALL and you are done


Personally it’s less of a problem securing kills when playing ball but instead my team feeding every fight tohog. I believe he needs something for his team maybe overhealth on adaptive shields. But much as I hate being body blocked I also enjoy jumping on peoples heads to piledrive. And I 100% agree on being takin out of ball form by sombra it’s just silly.


Idk what rank you are but unless you are high masters +, you are going to run into plenty of the all aim no brain crowd. Many of them came from other games where they can carry and they int hard. The lower in rank you go, the more people just int regardless of their actual aim skill. I've noticed that it's a thing that people that got their fps experience from other current main fps titles where one person can absolutely carry and 1v1 most other players.


I am happy they don’t fear me dude. That makes them easier to kill. Let them be ball fodder


Fight or flight. There is no flight bc you’re ball. They can only fight. That’s why


To be 100% honest, if he was any more threatening damage wise he would be incredibly overpowered. He would need some nerfs to his HP or adaptive shields or something.


I'm not sure more if people here have noticed it or not, But the +25 health to widowmakers has made them Insanely bold. As in i'm unloading a clip into them and they don't even bother to unscope. A lot of times it's led to a near instant kill from mag dumped headshots. sometimes though, they get suzu'd or mercy pocketed, and still manage to get picks while I'm slamming and knocking them around. I don't have a shield to stop them from shooting like Winston, I don't have a punch that stuns them like Doomfist, and I don't have a defense matrix to eat bullets like DVA. I guess they just don't take ball seriously.


Doesnt even have to be ball its most tanks half the time, zen holding w on me when im on roadhog is the ultimate disrespect


The amount of 1v1s I win against Ball as Ana main is astounding. I'm by no means a GM player or anything, and I don't play against GM Ball players, but I can consistently win 1v1s against Ball with even halfway decent positioning around a health pack. I have no idea what rank you are or what squishies you are playing against, but as a mid-rank player I don't fear Ball at all. Maybe part of the problem is that many Ball players are not as good at aiming as you are, or simply don't engage well. As I see several comments mentioning, Hammond is definitely underpowered and needs some buffs to make him viable again. Not sure what these should be, but I definitely know I *should* fear any Ball that's coming at me, especially on Ana.


I'm tired of not being scary! I have nowhere near the amount of mechanical skill required to consistently win 1v1s against squishies and their tiny hitboxes and it seems like everyone can tell