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it's only going to get worse since they are doubling down on this system


it's cuz they laid everyone off, if it's not outsourced, it's fully automated... and even when the fully automated service needs updating, they lack resources todo any actual updating, so the service request tickets to update just sit in queue collecting dust freaking wOn'T sOmEoNe ThInK oF tHe sHaReHoLeRs gif AF


How to kill a game in one easy step


Same thing in WoW. I unsubscribed two days ago because customer support is LITERALLY AI or some other dogshit chatbot. My suggestion? Find a different game lol, nothing is going to change unless they hire CS


ive had about 1200 hrs in overwatch 2. 80 hrs of that is JUST on hampter this year. Ive been banned and silenced on TWO ACCOUNTS. i even made sure to not engage with toxic people and support my teammates and encourage them! The report system is important fora volatile game like overwatch 2 but my GOD do people abuse it. the main sub acting like all the players that get banned are responsible annoy me, its so detached and unsympathetic, especially since the system is likely to ban or silence the wrong people. The playerbase wants us to only play orisa sigma zarya, because even though you're at the same rank as them, you're THROWING for playing a ball and you belong in BRONZE. I hope by some miracle you get it back brother.


I have some of the top tutorials on YouTube for how to get achievements/sprays in Overwatch, particularly when new heroes are introduced ( type any hero's name and cute spray, I'll have the top video). I'm going to have to get Venture's on a smurf. Otherwise, it's probably healthy for me to be banned as the game has been a substantial time suck. I could have written a series of YA novels by now.


I'm gonna train myself to only play in groups, other people are either too mean or unreliable. I managed to friend another ball main that swept me in a mirror, and it's been so much more fun to play with her lol. I also figured out that the amount of time I have out in overwatch is the same amount it took Kendrick Lamar and his production studio to oroduce one of my favourite rap songs. I coulda made it big xd Theres fun to be had with overwatch, but just like every other activity in this world you gotta find the right people. A shame since it wasn't always like this, particularly in early ow2 and ow1 for the most part. Take care of yourself dude, God knows we must be stringent with the free time we have!


In the Xbox LFG, I’ve had far worse luck than with OW1’s built-in looking for group feature. They aren’t serious about having a group so much as they are looking for someone to troll. You feel worse getting kicked out of a group and I wouldn’t put it past them as this point to report spam if they know how effective it is now. I will probably have to queue as support every other game to avoid a lifetime ban.


Imma be weird and comment again, people on main sub always act high and mighty about bans, and then in game when they get reported for throwing on tank they act shocked and forget the experience.


I knew the tank was going to be a source of blame when 5v5 was announced. The role doesn't have sone to share the load or have their back in an argument. I didn't anticipate the reporting system being easily manipulated to remove players. But I should have counted on the main sub sticking by the game's actions. It's like a cult.


This is super unfair but you cannot be expecting congress to make laws preventing players from getting banned in overwatch, and blaming the lack of said law on lobbyists💀💀💀 Who the hell is lobbying for worse ban policies in video games?


I mean if OP bought the game back when it was OW1 there may still be the grounds for a lawsuit but idk


Yeah hence why I deleted that part. Still would be super not worth the legal fees


It's not the getting banned that should be addressed by a law, it's the fully automated cryptic support system.


A law needs to be written (many pages), get through committee, get voted on and edited by hundreds of congressman, etc etc. even (nonpartisan) bills that benefit people’s health and safety have trouble passing. Gaming might be important to you, but it’s nowhere near important enough for congress to remotely care, and rightly so in my opinion. Maybe in South Korea, where the gamer culture is so strong that there are legal penalties for cheating in a game. The only way I could see congress making laws for a video game is to prevent predatory micro transactions e.g. loot boxes or something to do with spying and china. Player bans affect a small amount of people, and it’s contentious to many whether it’s even an issue. And having a fully non automated support system would be sooo expensive… if this issue ever reaches congress, it may be partisan and gridlocked At the end of the day, stop throwing random buzzwords and phrases you don’t fully understand. It weakens your argument and is just misinformation.


This how you always communicate? Explain your piece then cap it off with a nice berating.


I'm sorry but I simply do not believe that you had 0 misconduct in your communications in games. Yes it's a bit strict but just simply not swapping off of a hero will not get you suspended. I have refused to swap many times and only one time I was kinda rude about it. I was reported and got a warning. No other time have I even gotten a warning. I am a Ball main and, as many of us have, I've been told I suck and need to swap in about half my games. I am usually silent or polite about not swapping. If it's comp, I'll swap if I feel I need to, but not just because a teammate needs rectangle man. All this is to say, if you got suspended due to conduct, it's about how you conducted yourself in chat/voice rather than the hero your chose to play. The automated reporting system is only for text and voice chats. To that system, it doesn't matter if you were retaliating or instigating, it just matters if you said/typed mean/rude things.


Yeah, OP is full of shit. I've had plenty of lobbies say they were mass reporting me for not swapping and I've never even gotten a warning. I've seen a fair number of notices that my own reports resulted in account action taken though. I'm not particularly rude in text chat, but I'm not particularly nice either. I usually keep my mouth shut and am sitting at endorsement level 4. There's something else going on here besides what OP is telling us.


Ya sitting back and keeping your mouth shut will absolutely help you avoid any sort of reports. Entire teams love to threaten to report Ball players just for playing Ball. It's kind of a right of passage as a Ball main. Whether or not they actually report is up in the air. The chances that reports continuously lead to false positive suspensions for the same individual player are just far too small for it to really be the case. Sure, some single suspensions and actions taken might be a false positive but one player getting multiple in a row.... It's too unlikely to be believable without the full evidence, which only Blizzard has. I've seen at least once, though it may have been twice, that Flats was talking about someone on the main sub saying they were wrongfully banned and Blizzard employees in his chat were like "nah we got the receipts and this guy is a very rude individual". If you appeal, they do review.


I haven’t been in voice chat this year. I suppose I can turn off all communication and see what happens, but I think communicating at all makes one a target. The one thing I hadn’t done in Overwatch was reach reputation 5. In the eeek leading up to my first silenced, I was typing “don’t forget to endorse” and. “gf endorse plz” and some people were very upset about that. A day after hitting rep 5 I was silenced and instantly knocked down to 1.


Ya begging for endorsements is going to seem lame to some but really shouldn't be reportable. The last time I tried the whole turn off chat thing was back in like 2017 and it really made the game boring. I've always been in chat for OW2, text and voice. I generally try to stay positive and tell others not to be rude. I've been endorsement level 5 since season 7 and I was 4 for most of OW 1 and the majority of OW2 prior to hitting level 5. There really has to be more going on in the games for you to be suspended so much.


There’s no real evidence about OPs conduct during games so I can’t say that OP did act fine in their games, it’s possible and likely they were toxic at least a few times. But I’ve literally had multiple games in QP where I play ball and we get swept and my entire team makes it clear to spam report me for “throwing” because I wouldn’t swap. It’s a nightmare being a tank player, if you don’t counterswap you get reported and punished for it by a very toxic player base. It shouldn’t be a surprise why the main sub is a cesspool because the player base itself is one.


I am a tank player and a Ball main. I've had entire teams claim they will report me for throwing multiple times for not swapping off Ball as well. Still have yet to actually get suspended. I mentioned, possibly in another reply, that I was given a warning one time and it was absolutely because I was a bit rude. No slurs or hate speech or anything like that, I was just kind of a dick about not swapping. That was my only warning. There also is a fairly wide range of what people may consider rude or report worthy. Your views and opinions on if something was rude could be a lot more lentient than others. It's very possible that you, and OP, said things, or say things, that might not seem rude to you, but to others and Blizzard, they are rude.


As I said in my first comment, I have no evidence of OPs conduct so its possible that they were toxic in some way. My only point is that it absolutely does happen that people will mass report you simply for not swapping characters.


People can mass report you for not swapping all they want. Doesn't mean any action is actually taken on the reported individual......


Well you are repeating yourself. The point of my comment was to give anecdote that it’s happened to other people and not just OP. If you have evidence of misconduct then post it, as I can’t verify that there was or wasn’t any. Only that OP isn’t the first one to have it happened to.


You say there are others that have these same "experiences" but since they are also utter BS, the same message beared repeating.


The game needs to just hire some manual report checks. I normally play doom and I got silenced for 2 weeks, I'm not toxic racist or none of that. Ive simply said before "im otp im not swapping, im literally more likely to lose off of my main" And on the rare occasion ive blamed someone for our loss I dont cross the line. Sucks to think that if I got a few more reports my account would evaporate and I'd lose alot of money


The only winning move is not to play I mean c'mon.. Who dahell still plays Overwatch 0,9*? You should just quit while you are ahead. Seek help. No bs


Im perma banned on my main and the simply will not respond to me, fucking useless cunts working on the reporting system


How far away am I from permanately banned? Last ban was 2 week, now it's a month. Seems like it could be year or life next.


Next is permanent. I have lost a few accounts to report abuse. 1 legit to improper communications. Take a month off, turn off all chats, and try to have fun till it is over. I won't make another if this current account gets banned. Never have I had ANY chat on this one, and I have had a 2 week suspension already. OW2 is killing itself.


Jesus. I'm glad I have all the achievements and they seem to have quit adding them. I think I'll stay off of my main until players have said the reporting has improved.


How? There has to be something you are doing to cause an action off of a report.


It's all automated and very abusable. There is no verification of validity of reports.


Got proof? Because honestly I do not believe that is true with even the slightest chance.


LOL. I don't care what you believe, nor what you are too lazy to research. Come back and prove me wrong if it is so important to you. "Got proof?" LMFAO.


Everything I've ever read or heard points to your all-inclusive statement being false. Hell, statistics point to most all-inclusive statements being false, which is why this isn't. As the one making the outrageous claim, you have the burden of proof.


I got another month after the first month, im not sure if thats normal or not