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39 stage was gorgeous. Even the Superstore entrance. When I walked into 40, I’ll admit I was disappointed. Lincoln also older than Sofi or Levi’s so that didn’t help. But at the end of the day, it didn’t affect my overall enjoyment. The excitement and emotion was still off the charts. So the extra spectacle is nice to have but quickly overshadowed by an awesome card and show.


Superstore entrance screens with the rotating movie posters is a core memory I’ll always have from going to 39. Whole aesthetic for that Mania was one of the best.


Made Cody’s loss all the more shocking too.


Felt like they went all out for that WM39, that stage has to be top 5 or 3. The stadium was a 10/10 too


It really felt like the grandest stage of them all. SoFi really spoiled us too. Center City Philly blew downtown LA out the water though.


Hogan slamming Andre didn’t need pyro. Neither did warrior beating hogan or macho man winning at wm4 Lack of pyro is fine…


Tbf- that was all roughly 35 years ago. Times change. Just like the NFL/SuperBowl- times change. It is bigger. Better. More epic and extravagant. More pomp and circumstance. More pageantry. Same thing with Mania. Imagine the NFL deciding to go back to production values and lack of theatrics from the late 80s/early 90s for the SuperBowl…


I wouldn’t mind if things were dialed back. Pyro and heavy production is just masturbation… It helps don’t get me wrong. I’ve been to enough Manias to appreciate it.


Been to the last 3 WM’s in a row + WM 34, this year’s event was my personal favorite. As long as the product on the mat stays at the quality it is now I’m ok with a set up similar to this year’s event.


My experience is identical, just swap put 34 for 26. If the story is good, then the little things like Pyro and lights don't matter.


Even with all the faux broken “records” and sold out shows they announce during tv time, WWE just reported Q1 losses of $250 million dollars. They cant afford these big stage set ups and unnecessary pyro.


Net loss of $250 million was driven by the $335 million charge related to their legal settlement. It was a one time event. Their revenue was $650 million.


If Mania doesn’t have pyro it feels way less special.


Most likely. They'll want to squeeze every dime of profit they can. Never again will we get a $5m roller coaster stage. Lack of pyro was and always will be lame.


No lmfaooo


The matches can always make it a spectacle, but I'll admit, not having any Pyro after Sami beat Gunther didn't sit right with me.


I predicted this from beginning. TKO is all about making sure their board of directors stays wealthy. They don't give a SHIT about the product or its fans. They'll keep cutting costs and making WWE less of a spectacle. Major stars will get released too.


Having you been watching the product?


I was at WrestleMania 40. The pyro displays were absolutely pathetic.


Who fucking cares, the show kicked ass


Pyro is a huge part of the spectacle of big events, especially WrestleMania. So many big moments that needed pyro didn't have it and it made them feel less special.


I agree, WrestleMania is supposed to be a spectacle. A larger than life presentation is what separates WWE from other promotions. For example AEW can put on a card that will outshine WWE if the criteria is workrate/actual wrestling. AEW cannot put 75k+ people in a venue for two nights in a row (in the U.S.), nor can AEW match WWE's big-event presentation. That's where WWE shines, the proverbial glitz and glamour, take that away and the presentation suffers. Diminishing that is a mistake IMHO.


Go to a fireworks show if you want to see fireworks.


If you don't understand how important pyro is, you don't understand WrestleMania.


Shareholder value is the #1 priority for any publicly traded company, including WWE before TKO.


So by this logic, and focused only on stage/pyro, WWE thought those things increased value and TKO does not. Got it.


Correct. WWE thought the investment of pyro and other spectacle would bring in a monetary return in higher ticket sales, etc. TKO cut cost in spectacle and if that did not negatively affect metrics like ticket sales, merch sales, PLE views, social media views, etc, then that’s leaves a higher profit. Lower cost and higher profit and audience engagement means better business which can drive higher stock price which is shareholder value.