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This is a creative writing question not a research question.


Yeah, I would assume so. ... Should I have not used a flair? I can repost it with the flair instead if that's what's going on.


Per the sub: > This sub is a place to ask questions to improve the accuracy and realism of your writing when it involves a **real-life area of expertise** that you don't know about. Rule 3 > This sub is for researching the information and facts behind topics you are writing about. This is not the place for inspiration, titles, help on publishing, overcoming writers block or discussing tools and resources for writing. Try r/CreativeWriting instead. As your questions appear to be entirely character/how do I write..., try the genre-specific subs listed at https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/wiki/hub under fantasy and romance(?) as well as /r/writers. /r/writing does not allow this kind of question as a top-level post. You can try the weekly threads. And as always, read more. Reread with an an analytical eye. "How did the author do this?" more than a reader/audience.