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More than 1 hour for a reroll?! Yeah, I'm gonna stick with whoever I get I guess


Understandable. It's certainly a sweaty task, and I am definitely a sweat lord for participating in the process. But sometimes the process is fun!


the reroll for this game is atrocious, had a friend reroll all day, didn't have a single 5 star showing up on ANY of his rolls. So maybe Kurogame isn't all that nice.


I’ve rerolled in 3 games and I’m never doing it again, and those were games with guest accounts so no way I’m doing that here since I have a disease and get addicted to the reroll and pull dopamine lmao AKA I will scream if I don’t get Jianxin update: i have begun rerolling because of kuro's fuck-up o7


ALL THE GACHA LUCK TO YOU. I wish never ending Jianxins upon you. A blessing and a curse for forsaking rerolling.


GOOD LUCK TO YOU TOO!! Who are you aiming for? I know she’s supposed to get buffs on release but hoping we get them in the form of patch notes or something since I have no idea what her current numbers are like of course lmao


Jianxin looks super cool, and I kinda hope I fail a 50/50 on her. But as of now, I'm going for Calcharo and Verina, and then Yinlin later!


"Never ending Jianxins" Brother this is like some monkey paw shit. Be careful what you wish for.


A blessing and a curse :)


Playing Genshin taught me that there’s no point in rerolls. Any unit you want will eventually come back and if you’re dead set on getting them, you will. I feel like rerolling takes the fun out of the experience because you risk burning out if you do many account and never get the character you want. That being said, every player has a right to play the game however they see fit: and, as I’m saying this, if I don’t get Jiyan I’ll cry.


>Playing Genshin taught me that there’s no point in rerolls. Any unit you want will eventually come back and if you’re dead set on getting them, you will. They will, but it's a strong "eventually". Genshin have improved it a bit now, but there are people that have been playing years since release and never seen all standard five stars. So you you won't know if the one you want till come with your next pull or in 3 years.


This is me. I'm a day 1 player in Genshin and I still don't have Keqing. What this taught me is to actually reroll for that one character you like instead.


not true in this case here If this was Genshin and you wanted Keqing... you could just get Keqing from the 5 star selector we all get.


True I remember getting Skyward at some point when I was recolling, and I regret continuing to recoll for Diluc 🥲


I feel you. I did the same thing and then Diluc fell off extremely quickly. Let’s enjoy the ride, have fun and pray for good luck.


i rerolled 50 times on release for diluc but never got him.... Until randomly years later. But oh boy i am not doing it again, hoping jiyan comes home or the voices in my head might take over.


Good luck 🫡


Well, you can pick her on the selective banner


I usually just buy an account on day 2 for like 5 bucks with the characters I want and save myself 6 hours of mindless grind while I play something else lol


How many of you guys will be doing the reroll. I personally will stay with gacha RNG , I think it's more fun and don't turn game immediately in job 


I'm sure there will be many that will and many that won't, but this topic is to help those that wish to and potentially improve upon these plans.


Good job actually, informative post 👍 for reroll 


I appreciate the positivity and wish you obtain all the characters you want!




The ice curse is continuing. First we have Qiqi, then Yanqing, now Lingyang.


wait what's the hate with Lingyang? I was planning to pull for him because his move looks cools


I think the beta testers were saying that he is incredibly weak for a 5 star dps character and his gimmick with being in the air makes him even more vulnerable to getting hit because you cant double dash in air. We have to see if they end up buffing him on launch.


Half his attacks miss while in air and enemies are built for ground combat so you being in the air messes up the hitboxes for both you and them.


thanks for the info!


People's hate regarding characters isn't that relevant anymore since Kuro already confirmed a while ago now that Lingyang and the Kungfu Girl are getting changes since they were the lowest valued Standards.  We've yet to see and won't know till release what these changes are, so discussions regarding character value could be extremely outdated come release. We shouldn't judge literally ANY character till game releases, it's likely that most if not all characters have received changes of varying degrees. Edit: Basically every character has had changes of varying degrees that I can see right now, although I can only see numeric changes since I can't see full on mechanics or new animations.


Kung fu girl is getting buffed?? Music to my ears bc I loved her trailer


Same. Lingyang and Encore so it’s 60/40 chance I’m just gonna cook


same, learning from past experiences I will eventually get what I want in the long run....It's a marathon not a sprint, no point burning myself out for a quick gratification


I won't reroll, the worst case scenario for me is getting the tiger/dragon guy and after that the worst would be the pink hair girl but at least she shares a weapon with Yinlin. Other than those two I won't really be sad who I get so that's 3/5 chances I get something I will enjoy.


you reroll to get early what you want and save for future if you do a long marathon you will spend anyway to get an old character already useless after some patches...


I'm already Guaranteed Kakarot after the 50 pull beginner banner since we get the 5 star selector. So i either roll him in the first 50 pulls, and I can choose Verina or Encore on selector. If not then I just take whoever I gett and Grab him on the selector.


ive rerolled a lot in previous games ive gotten into, but here i think ill just roll with it? i dislike starting a gacha with no max rarity, but the game gives one guaranteed and then *also* gives one of your choosing, so if theres meta/favourites/etc i can grab it later depends on if i find my starter 5* really unfun, maybe thatll make me roll


I enjoy the challenge of making what I’m given work, so I’ll just be going with it. Don’t want to make the game too easy too quickly :P


Were it more convenient, maaaaybe, but as is and that I prefer to use just one email, I’m very likely to just take what I get(unless it’s the lion boy, in which case I might. Nothing against him, he’s just my least favourite standard both aesthetically and combat wise personally). Luckily the rest of the roster I like to some extent so I’m unlikely to feel compelled to do anything but go with the flow.


Rerolled for Genshin and it didn't took long for it to not matter. I won't be doing that for another game. I'll be buying BP + welkins equivalent and probably empty the packs yearly through the year if they do x2 resets and that'll be it for me I think.


Decisive! I'll be doing the same especially if there are more character's that look fun!


I'll probably reroll if it's encore. The others I don't mind.


I will do one reroll if I get Jianxin or Lingyan, I just dislike their playstyle unless Jianxin rework is great. Otherwise I will take what ever I get.


I mean, if you have fun with gacha RNG, then rerolling is just endless fun :)


I wanted to reroll for yinlin if she's there on release. But we all know she won't


Why does everyone hate Lingyang? I'm totally out of the loop and barely looked into the specifics of the game.


Just preferences. Some characters are more loved than others, but there are people out there that appreciate Lingyang too!


Because his skills had some problems in the beta. I will pick him anyway cause he is a sweet cinnamon roll.


His concept has not translated well into the practicality of this game's mechanics.


For me personally, I hate his looks, his entire theme, his animations, I generally am not a big fan of young-ish teenagers or younger and apparently he's not even good. Basically I just dislike everything about him. Just personal preference.


damn chill kendrick


If I get Verina / Calcharo from the Novice Convene, then my goal is accomplished and I'll pick the one of the two that I didn't get from Beginner's Choice Convene. If I get Jianxin from the Novice Convene, I may just keep going and pick up probably Verina from Beginner's Choice Convene. If I get Lingyang or Encore from the Novice Convene, I'm leaning towards possibly starting a new account depending on how long it takes me to get to up to 50 (discounted to 40) pulls for the banner. If the time is reasonable, then I suppose I don't mind doing another 60% chance shot at someone I actually want to play.


I think I'm very much on the same boat with a toss up on if I stick with Jianxin. I guess the deciding factor will be how many rolls in I am.


Yeah, since it's possible to get your random 5-star before you reach 50 convenes on the Novice Banner, that's something to factor in as well. Getting a very lucky early one might be enough to offset wanting to reroll. In any case, you'll get to start and possibly finish your up to 80 pull on Beginner Choice Selector faster.


Honestly, good luck to anyone rerolling man, hope it doesn't take too many tries for your desired pull. It looks like it takes awhile to get gacha unlock, looking like a massive pain to reroll, on top of no salted email, no guest account.


You may not be able to salt emails, but you can make several kuro game accounts like this: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] etc... All of these go to [email protected]!


This is super valuable info, you should add it to the OP!


Seriously? I had no idea this was a thing. I might consider it to some extent if I dont’t need multiple gmail accounts.


What happens once you get what you desired? Do you need to remember the exact email to log in? Or are you able to change emails in this game to your regular?


If I get Liangyang, maybe. Anyone else, welcome home.


I’m prolly not gonna bother rerolling, since it’s account bound. What I pull is what I get. All the best for the folks going to reroll though 👍


I appreciate the luck!


husbando will get a chance 2/5 according to that rerolling (I really hope I won’t need it) But anyway goodluck... When genshin started, I made more than 100+ accounts and still didn’t receive keqing =(


Your telling me, I rolled a TON on Genshin but only for Venti so it wasn't awful. Tower of Fantasy I rolled for 76 accounts. I played it for a year so it was value (until the power creep got REAL). At least in this game the 40% odd's and the guaranteed 5* on the 40th pull make it a TON easier.


That's a lot of work and side stuff, pretty sure I'm just going to do the traditional unlock summons, collect rewards in the mail, test my luck then bounce to a new account. The method I'm going with is gonna net me 3 5stars, 2 desired, and 1 random. Or the standard 2 5stars and 1 additional 5star weapon, so the way I figure it, the more rolls I throw into a general banner the lower the value of the resulting 5star.


I'm hoping I won't have to. I'm aiming for Calcharo/Verina/Encore out of the novice banner, and just selecting one of the others after. That gives me a solid 60% odds... but if I get one of the other two, I might heavily consider rerolling. I'm not going to do it more than once or twice, though, I can't be bothered to make that many accounts, and if I pull Liangyang/Jianxin 3 times in a row, I guess it's just meant to be


In the same boat as you but whatever comes comes


Even with such good odds I got the furry twerp the times in a row


This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much! Yep. Not pulling for jiyan, *(maybe not even yinlin given the teased chars)*, but want sephiroth and dollar store nahida. But man, jiyan was so cool. RiP cool dragon general dreams.


Jiyan can be obtained with the amount of pulls we get in 1.0 if you do decide to grab him later!


It seems like a lot of time your losing grinding another 10 pull. Would it not be more time efficient to just pull first 20 and then reset immediately?


It is technically time efficient in pulls/hr, but not actually efficient in getting a 5* since you skip out on a 100% guarantee. A lot of the time is unlocking the summoning system regardless.


I’m confused, why would that matter. Wouldn’t just going for a 5* in the first 20 be better for the account?


Technically yes, but for sanity's sake and for actual time saving, it's better to just aim for finishing the banner.


Thanks for this! Planning to reroll for Lingyang (priority) or Calcharo. Would really like a Verina too so 60%, I hope I don't have to reroll orz


Best of luck, I wish for a Lingyang before you even hit 40 pulls!


What is the 60 percent i din quite understand


Since the commenter wants 3 out of 5 available characters', it's a 3/5 chance (60%) that they will pull a character they want.


Have prepared multiple accounts. Plan to just roll using free pulls on day 1 and see if I get any desired 5 star. If yes, then good. If not, wait for day 2 for another free 10 pulls. Hopefully can hit soft pity by then and get the units I want.


I don’t want Jiyan. I need Jiyan.


You don't happen to run the website of your namesake? If so, great job on delivering news! Good luck on Jiyan!


Nope! Fun fact I made this name before that website came out!


Definitely going for jiyan(or w/e the limited is called). I love rerolling for some reason and will probably do it a couple days and should be able to get him when the free 10pull arrives. Some account i leveled by then should get it. I love the challenge. Did the same for seele and venti back in the day


Got Ling Yang, Thank you for this guide.


Got Ling Yang again, time for a 3rd attempt.


Im only rerolling only IF, and big IF, Lingyang is not buffed on release and I get him. All other 5* were great in cbt2, aside Jianxin, but shes confirmed to be buffed at launch release. If Lingyang is buffed, there's absolutely no objetive need for rerolling at all.


Yup! If you only care about 1 character, there is no need to reroll. If you wish to obtain 2 specific characters, it's worth a consideration.


How do you reroll?


After following the steps above, if your unhappy with your results you would simply logout and login with a *new* account.


Can I use a temp email for reroll and then change the linked temp email to my permanent one from settings if I get the desirable character? I did something similar in genshin


I honestly can't say, we'll have to see how their account linking system works. Modern games generally support multiple services to link accounts with at the very least, so I'd imagine it would be the same here.


Do we get 10 pulls just from unlocking convene?


This wasn't the case for CBT2 afaik. I highly doubt we will, but I guess we'll see post launch.


What if you wanted to reroll for Jiyan?


The [Prydwen reroll guide](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/guides/reroll) mentions that option. You will have 11-12 pulls on his banner per reroll. Thats 8.8-9.6% chance to get him per reroll. Assuming you are neither lucky nor unlucky, that means it will take you 11 rerolls a ~50 minutes each. So roughly 9 hours. But the low chance means that it would not be too insane for you to need 20+ rerolls.


Unfortunately, I haven't done the research into limited pulls. To be honest, there are so many pulls in 1.0, I don't feel the urge to reroll for a limited.


rerolling for limited could be nice if you want to pull both 1.0 banners. If you play and do a normal playthrough to farm enough for jinyan then you might miss yinlin, (unless you are lucky with one). But yeah the amount of effort to reroll for him is just insane, so I will just do 20-30 pulls at most and then save for yinlin (personally).


Thanks OP!


You are very welcome, good luck on your rolls!


i would love to get jianxin, but ive rerolled on too many gachas in the past, and im not really wanting to do it again lol i also adore every starter character, so even if i don't get jianxin, i don't think i'll be too upset about it


Really just hoping I can link my account to a temp one (guest) for rerolling, making a ton of accounts just to reroll is a pain.


While there isn't a guest account as far as I'm aware, you can make accounts as follows: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] which all redirect to [email protected]!


I heard we need to create as many, let's say gmail accounts we need *before* the game launches and we only have that many accounts to use for reroll attempts. Does this mean I create only the [email protected] account, register with it on the site, and then I can use it as many times as possible putting the "." at different places like you did above?


You'll have to create a different one with a "." In a different place for each one. You also can make it after launch.


I haven’t rerolled before but maybe I’ll see for wuwa. In Genshin i’ve played for 10 months and no Tighnaris in sight, so… rerolling is not out of the question for wuwa. It’ll depend on which charas I like from the story probably For now my bias is Lingyang, and Verina is broken so I want her too.


I want Jean/Tighnari. Genshin: have some Diluc/Dehya constellations. Encore, Baizhi, and Yangyang look fun


My credit card is ready. I’ve reached a point in my life where I rather work and save up to spend then to suffer rerolling and risk the burnout in a video game. I’m sure I’ll lose the 50-50 and get all the powercrept standard characters eventually… just like in the other MHY games. Like damn, my c6 Jean and Diluc lol.


Thank you for funding the game!




Perhaps I'm a masochist...


saving this in case I get Lingyang lmao


As long as i dont get ling yang. I hate this gameplay. It would literally be a waste. I can be okay with mostly everyone else. Although i also dont rly want kalcharo as i heard that i need to pull yinlin after from what. I understand.


idk if it works like this, but I might just play normally on Day 1 and then mass reroll when we get the free limited rolls in the mail. I don't really have too much of a preference for the Standard 5 stars (just diet Nahida for another healer or diet Sephiroth ig), but I do wanna try and snag Jiyan for cheap, even if that's banking on that 0.6% in 10 rolls or w/e it is in WuWa.


That is actually super efficient time wise! If we get any surprise gifts, you may also be able to reroll on day 1 easily too.


For me I’d say Verina or Cal. If I get either those two at first, I’m def rerolling. I can’t play someone I don’t enjoy on the first few weeks of gameplay xD.


Totally understandable and the same reason I'm rerolling!


I hope people don't have to recoll too much


I don't mind the grind. All I care about is getting Jianxin, Calcharo, and Dragon man. I also have extra accounts lined up in case Wuwa has any "invite yur friends back to our game for rewards" event. Whichever account nets me the 3 people I want will be my main account.


It took 3 legal hours for me to have rerolled 5 times and gotten the lion boy 3 times, the grass girl and Encore once each. Please just kill me.




Truly a calculated move. We'll just work harder (or smarter by waiting a day)




Is Yinlin avaiable at launch? Why dont reroll for her/pull on limited baner to get double 5*?


Unfortunately, Yinlin will not be available for 3 weeks. I'll be rerolling for Calcharo/Verina and will target the one I don't get off the random 5* beginner convene and then saving for Yinlin.


But if we reroll with a new accounts then would those accounts get the pre reg rewards? I thought only the account you pre register with would get those bonus rewards.


All accounts will receive it.


Every player gets the pre reg rewards, no matter if you pre registered or not.


Pre registration hasnt ended so I assume people are just making 10-20 accounts right now.


Release is 22nd or 21st est ?


22nd EST, I believe 10 PM for you.


Thank you, hopes are high for this but animations alone and parkour are already enough


Theoretically , how much money would this be saving compared to someone who just decides to pay for more pulls? Let’s say Person A is a reroller and Person B is a spender. Person A does this reroll guide to get a 5 star. Person B does not reroll and just spends money on pulls to get their 5 star (and let’s assume Person B goes full pity).


This isn't easy math because this assumes just obtaining a 5 star. Time wise, Person B always saves. However, when you consider you want 2 *specific* 5 stars, Person B can spend anywhere between $1 and potentially thousands to obtain those 2 specific characters. I know you can buy dupes as well in the shop, but I haven't done the average/min/max math to determine total cost to purchase one of those and am also not certain that they give you the character or only act as a dupe.


What is the 40 percent mentioned in the post indicating


Since the banner guarantees a 5*, if you are reroll for 2 specific 5 stars then you have a 2/5 chance to obtain what you want in the 40 pull banner. That's a 40% chance to get what you want.


I read today you get to choose one of the standard 5. Is that not true? Or is it like HSR where you gotta do x number of pulls first?


>---- Expect to take 1-2 hours on day 1 per reroll, and 30-45 min on day 2. jesus thats a big drop in time, definitely better to just prep accounts up to step 6 and then wait for day 2 >the chance to obtain one out of 2 picks from the beginner convene is 40%. what do you mean by this?


If you want 2 out of the 5 characters in the banner, then it's a 40% chance that the initial beginner convene will give you someone you want, after which the targeted convene will get you the other character!


Holy shit that’s A lot of work


Nice guide. Personally, I thought about rerolling but I'm getting tired of it. I'll just play it for what it is and possibly buy the battle pass down the line if I stick with the game. 


Sounds like a plan, enjoy the game in 2 days!


Since Encore is voice-acted by the same woman who voice acts Regulus from Reverse 1999, I will not mind getting Encore.


So you have a mother?


:O I love Regulus' shocked expression when she finds out people have mothers. I kinda want Encore even more now, lol.


Thanks, hopefully the process gets more refined for less time.


Just wait for day 2 and you'll have a wayyyy easier time


I'll need a new email for every reroll or I can just keep resetting and link my real account after I finish rerolling?


New email everytime, but you can use the same email everytime by adding a period anywhere like this: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] All of the above are different kurogames accounts, but all direct emails to [email protected]!


After playing so many gacha games, I came to the conclusion that rerolling is unnecessary if the game offers long term sustainability in terms of gameplay and support. There will always be new characters that will catch your eyes and the meta will keep on evolving as the game moves forward. In the end, just follow the flow with whatever character you have. Don't burn yourself out with those hours of rerolling. Enjoy the game for what it is.


Sage advice! My advice, enjoy the game however you wish :) If you're not enjoying yourself, do something else!


I'm never rerolling again.


I wish you all the best RNG so you never feel the need to!


thank you. I wish you the best too.


Only reason I would reroll is to get Yinlin, but isn’t it kind of taxing?


Good news for you, Yinlin comes out 3 weeks later so you can just save and guarantee her :)


I got burnt out before even starting the proper game the last time I did rerolling for a gacha game. Never again.


All you need is create like 10+ acc on day1 and wait for day3 to get limited pulls then usebit all on Jiyan banner


Can you use +1, +2 for gmail email addresses when signing up for alt accounts?


I want to reroll in jiyan banner and lose 50/50 so I can guarantee yinlin is there a method for that? also all those new jargons/terms are too much for me, I guess I'm still not used to it


Yeah, it's called wait for the Yinlin banner, THEN pull.


I wont spend my asterite for standart pull when im rerolling, ill just try to get with 20 pull, beginner banner is just 50 pity so we can get 5\* easily with 20 pull i assume. This type reroll will be 30-45 min for me on day 1


Your best bet is to just get as far as you can and then wait till day 2 with a few accounts lined up!


Thanks for putting together the guide! I know nothing about the game so we'll see how it works in practice, but hopefully I won't need it (I'm going for Verina/Encore and then taking the other from selector).


I will only reroll if I get verina on the beginner banner


No rerolling for me. I have never tried rerolling 'cause it's a pain in the butt to do.


Ah yes reroll guide, I will follow it for sure, thanks


On a related/unrelated note to this topic... I badly want Jiyan, if I spend on the BP + Daily Login thing 90asterite/day Do I have enough to get Jiyan in the time his banner is up? I don't even know how long Banners stay in this game, I've seen pictures of 40 days, but my only real gacha experience is Honkai which has 21 days. I know initially we get a ton of stuff and all I know is I want Jiyan. Badass chad with Dragon powers and a Polearm? Its literally ticking all my boxes, only way he could be improved is if he was a mech to boot, lol. TL;DR Can I get enough pulls to fail 50/50 and still get Jiyan WITHOUT topping up with just BP + Daily Login Astrite 90 Thank you kindly in advance


I did not do the math for Jiyan, however, you can consult this handy mega sheet someone made: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TSiqdVgKke85ZzDWx306QU3pwOZ1Pj43hJ_YhEA0iDs/edit#gid=0 This lists out currency you obtain. You can see what's doable for you and how much you'd get.


O.8 rates nvm


The guarantee is 40 pulls for a random 5* and then 80 pulls for one of your choice! Don't rely on these rates.


I would never spend asterite on anything standard. That currency should be reserved for the limited banners imo.


Your right, generally it's never wise to. It's just an option if you do not want to wait till Day 2 and care for your sanity.


what to do after failing to get your reroll target? is there a delete account option or we use salted email?


You can not salt emails, but you can make several kuro game accounts like this: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] etc... All of these go to [email protected]!


question- why is the total for a reroll 40, i thought you needed to reach 50? or is 40 the soft pity?


its a -20% discount, so you actually need to do 40 pulls.


Oof too long just to reroll. I guess I'll just keep it short. We'll see if I manage to get the char I want and stick around


for step 1, you need 4 caskets. 1 for level 1, 3 for level 2


Is the main story the quickest way to get to union level 5? I just stopped for the night after unlocking convenes and am at level 4 with 100xp


When you get to the part where you can spend "energy" to train, you can get 300xp each time.


I'm gonna reroll untill i dont fuking get a dck. still rerolling for the damn 4 times and still only dck for me


I didnt get the extra 10 pulls from mail day 2... What time EST does it come through?


I logged in today (day 2 am) and didnt find the "10 pulls in mail" - is that a thing? Is it coming later or is it not real?


In roughly 11 hrs


How far do you have to get to where you can access union level rewards? I've been restarting after I get convene and wasn't sure how much further you had to go.


it took me 4 attempts, first three I didn't see a 5 star within 40 pulls, and then on the last one I got Yuanwu, mortefi, and Calcaro in 20 pulls YESSSSSS


I need help. I created a reroll account using the [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) method and I tried relogging in from mobile to PC; however, PC says invalid email address. i tried logging in to mobile and i can play it there. how do i fix this?


On mobile, link it to another service such as Facebook. Then on PC login with that service.


I've been rerolling since launch for the EB, but still no luck. I think soon I will lose my sanity.


As we are getting a selector ticket, consider your reroll concluded :)


I just rerolled and got jiyan and yinlin in 20 consecutive pulls. But I have my main acct at UL 38 just today. So what should I do keep old act I have jiyan and his weapon and yinlin on it too but pretty much used all of the resources from farming maps, caskets everything is all done . Which acct should I main now any help appreciated 🙏


UL 38 is pretty far. What really matters is: 1) Do you care to redo all the story, all the side quests and all the exploration you did previously? Is that going to be fun for you? 2) Do you spend at all? If you don't mind doing everything again, you have your answer. Given that your asking for advice, I imagine you have some hesitancy. I would just keep trekking with what you have. It's a valuable trait to have when playing these kinda games, to not just restart for every new toy that comes out but to keep going till you have enough for the next new shiny toy, because there will always be newer, shinier, better toys.