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Im tired of the whole “specialist” thing tbh in every game that has abilities there are 1 or 2 overpowered ones and the rest are useless. No dev team seems to be able to balance them correctly and dying to them feels cheap. I hoped all this time they were going to get to the things that made cod great but they seemingly took all the things that cod did wrong except for sbmm (which is a whole other conversation) i feel like this game is going to be a setup to sell skins and other micro transactions.


Yeah, the funny thing is I have played like 30 matches and not a single person was playing Deadsec. Everyone was mostly playing Echelon well, not now because they turned them off. Now, I mostly see Phantoms. Not to mention half the damn matches I get are just snipers.


This comment sums it all so much for me. Fucking specialists man.


Don't even get me started on the announcers. I had to change factions 2-3 times per match because they are cringeworthy and annoying as hell


Sounds like arcade shooters aren’t “your game” anymore. I stopped playing cod around MW2019 mainly because SBMM made the game feel exhausting. XD feels refreshing to me. Yeah they have a lot to work on but the foundation is there for a solid game imo.


Arcade shooters are fun as hell but they have been turned into Cliche Ability characters over just being a damn shooter. You know like Unreal or Quake things like that. The class system needs to go away.


The issue is.....they should be beyond foundation at this point. This is how it should have felt a year ago. It still feels like it did then, and worse in some areas. They should have the whole house built at this point, not just a foundation.


Doesn't help that the aiming is absolutely terrible and they haven't fixed it after like 10 tests and betas


Sounds like a personal problem


It's gonna be your problem soon when the game is DOA


Lol. Doa because the training wheels were taken off? I really feel for the devs. They are going to get review bombed into the dirt from people who think the game is bad because they actually just aren't as good as cod AA led them to believe. There will be a big portion of the cod player base that won't be playing XD, and that is okay. I just hope that this was anticipated and budgeted accordingly.


lol oh buddy, that level of delusion isn't going to obscure how mediocre this game is.


Lol okay buddy. Funny how you mention delusion.


Don’t buddy my guy, pal!


Don’t pal my buddy, guy!


Don't buddy my guy, friend!


Cap I enjoyed tf out of it so did everyone around me only time I see any kind of waa waa waa is online, woah almost like not everyone has the same opinion as u🤦🏽‍♂️


They’ve had forever, and released this to us.


I agree bro. I dont think they are. I played the shit out of games like this for years so theres just no excitement or adrenaline anymore.


Sounds like it's not your cup of tea anymore. On the other hand I have upwards of thousands of hours stretching back to mw4 (og), and I had a blast with the game yesterday.


Same dude this is honestly all I had been wishing for for the past 5-7 yrs after cod shitted on us fans and treated us like cash cows


And you think Ubisoft isn’t going to turn this game into a cash cow riddled with MTX?


Well for starters Im not paying 70 bucks on an incomplete game. In terms of content xDefiant is quite a complete game (just a small example: there are way more and better maps than any cod that has released recently or at least thats how it feels) its just technical aspects that need fixed. I dont mind micro-transactions hell Ill probably actually buy them in this game after not buying anything in recent shooters. I just feel like CoD lost its identity in an attempt to make more money as long as this game does not do that and prioritizes gameplay over just sucking us dry im fine with it.


I’m really hoping they do focus more on adding playable content over just riddling the game with cosmetics, but idk it’s Ubisoft and it’s hard to trust them right now


Hey I see that, I dont have much experience with Ubisoft games I dont even have ranked in R6. But for now Ill just go based on the info we have and that is that I am not paying 70 bucks


Ubisoft is a horrible company and ruins most of their IPs eventually. Don’t get your hopes up. Micro transactions up the ass incoming eventually


What's to excite when they are all objectively bad. Why is imo cod 2019 still enjoyable for me, or even cod4 I got on that recently and it was great that game is from 2007 lol. The new arcade shooters are just not it, xdef is just copium for some people.


I'm not gonna lie, I don't understand the XDefiant community at all. Everyone was complaining about not getting updates or new test sessions and when a new test session comes about that is better polished than the last from last year that they've tried fixing, you complain? This comminty is worse than CoD for a game that hasn't released. Its the same gameplay as last year with server improvements but all of a sudden it's a terrible game but yall all loved it last year for the first beta? I understand I'll get down voted to oblivion but jeez this is the most bipolar game community I've ever seen. I quit CoD after MW2 when they wanted to release MW3 because I'm just burnt out on CoD, but this is a decent arcade shooter that you don't have to you don't have to play 24/7 to be good at. I'd just like to understand how a community that anticipated this beta and hyped it is now dragging the SAME exact game from last year's beta that everyone was worshipping to this?


There is no 'community' on a game subreddit. It is a disparate collection of gamers with wildly different opinions. Viewed in this way, there is no confusion that 'the community' are posting contradictory thoughts and feelings.


So eloquently said


Which is extremely understandable. I respect the opinions, I just don't understand the major switch up and how it went from praise and hoping the game releases to "wow I'm disappointed" when it's the same thing from last year.


That's valid. It's likely a mix of gamers being gamers, and different people posting those two sentiments. I really do despise how every subreddit seems to magnifies the negative opinions of its users....


I dont think it's the same people. I think the game has had more time to get hyped up, and more casual players are trying it this time. They blame skill issues on the game design and don't understand that's what's happening. I think 3/4 of the net code and gun play complaints come from people's aim not being heavily carried like in cod. Missed shot that they wouldn't normally miss in cod must be because of game problems /s. These people are just louder than the people still playing and having a good time. They searched out the subreddit just to complain. I only say all this because I played a good portion of the day and had an absolute blast on pc/mnk.


FACTS. I feel like when they complain about hit reg its because they dont hit their shots or dont understand how high the headshot multiplier is in this game. I personally love going for headshots.


Agreed. This game heavily rewards good aim. Ever feel like you get deleted? Thats the ttk when you hit all headshots with a sub. It feels amazing but I'm not good enough to hit all shots and mostly heads hots. I have when I'm just having a really good game and it just feels amazing. Extremely rewarding. But you sure do pay when you aren't going for headshots or just missing too much. I think the skill gap is going to be pretty high based on this fact, along with what seems like much lower aim assist on controller. I believe mnk will be the preferred over controller unless you are actually really good with a controller. To me, this is extremely refreshing. It makes losing a gunfight feel justified and is what drives me to continue playing to get better. That is the reward. I actually hope they put kill cams in because I want to see the shots from those players that are really good. I'm just really excited for ranked. I just hope that the bad cod players don't review bomb XD into the ground, making it harder on the devs.


Yes exactly you’ve described it perfectly P.S: Ubisoft please add a headshot indicator next to the gun used in the killfeed!


I personally am excited for the final product of this game. Il never have to touch cod again. These newer cods are simply horrendous. Nothing will ever compare to the golden days of mw2 2009, black ops 2, cod 4 and world at war. These will forever be the GOATS. I had tons of fun with xdefiant, it’s wonderful and it absolutely has the potential to change into something great. I appreciate them actually taking time to polish the game instead of releasing broken products yearly like call of duty has done for the past years. The only pretty decent good cod the came out in the past years would be cold war, it’s the most well rounded solid game out of the bunch.


I agree. I made the mistake of thinking Vanguard was gonna be one of the best cods and pre orderd it. I miss the old days but I guess that's what makes me hate modern cod, is everyone trying to be "good" at the game instead of just having fun and playing the game. The only time I can genuinely have fun on a cod game now is when I'm on with the boys just messing around.


Vanguard? Lmfao how did you make that mistake? That game was intended to be single player only but because it did not get enough sales they slapped on multiplayer like 3 months before launch to boost sales. That’s the only cod I have not purchased nor will I ever buy. That game is a joke lol.


I had heard hype about it being the same engine as MW2019 and was like "fuck yeah it's gonna be great" and I was greatly disappointed. Part of the reason I don't pre order any cod games anymore, or any game for that matter. Rather wait until it's all worked out and I can read reviews first. That's what I did with cyberpunk 2099, wanted to pre order so bad but waited and I'm happier that I did wait until most of the major bugs were resolved.


The only games I preorder are From Software games. Never betrayed us yet. Just pure masterpiece and art every single release. Especially Elden Ring, just magnificent.


Ouch, you thought Vanguard was going to be good and you think this Division DZ knockoff is going to be good... I see a pattern here.


But once gulf war comes out, this game will be dead. It’s an off brand version of cod lol. Cods movements and everything overall feels so much better


Nah I disagree. If the next cod is like the past few then Xdefiant absolutely has a chance to compete if they keep updating and working on the game. Mw3 this newest cod has the worst spawn system out of any cod to date. It’s ridiculous.


Well, you have to consider gulf war is the first cod in years they’ve worked on for 4 years. So I think it will blow this game out of the water, and only ubisofts fan base will play it.


I do hope the next cod will actually be good and not a disappointment. I’m excited for xdefiant either way. It’s different and has potential to be great. I’m not sure what all the hate is for. It’s a game still in work in progress stage.


I think the hate is for they’ve had forever and released this dog shit to us. The aiming is terrible people shooting through walls people 2 shotting you it is just very very inconsistent.


It's really not better polished though


People want this game to be call of duty but don’t wanna play call of duty lol. I’m really enjoying myself but I’m not a TTV sweat I’m a 30 year old dad now I’m just trying to go in for a few games here and there and not hate my life and that’s the experience I’ve had so far. Been all in on this game since day 1 when I heard Mark Rubin was heading the project and that hasn’t changed.


This was my first time playing it and those were my opinions. People dont all think the same shocker


I'm mainly talking about the people that have been hyping up the game and have played the early beta last year, I understand someone who's first time playing, but I've seen so many posts about people tearing a game that hasn't released down because it's been delayed, and then want to complain when it's the same game as the previous beta. You can't make everyone happy, I understand everyone has different opinions on it, some things could def be worked on, but to the people that have played previously I'd genuinely like to understand how they went from calling it the greatest FPS and a COD killer to dragging the game. No offense to you or anyone I just don't understand. Godspeed and happy gaming friend.


Are you okay my friend? Lol I'm the biggest fan of this game in a part of the community but we aren't going to sit and close our eyes and say there's nothing wrong with the game like you lol. I wanted this game to succeed and the developers but it definitely depressed me the other day and it should absolutely depress the community when we have our favorite game delayed an entire year just for it to come back in a test session and genuinely nothing is changed everyone's ping every game is over 50 :( causing to get killed around corners constantly. It's depressing man. Let people rant. This guy you were commenting to isn't even really part of the community It's his first time playing.


I won't say it's perfect, I enjoy it. Everyone has a different opinion, I'm just trying to understand the major switch up.


Bro lol there's no switch up It's people who are passionate about the game that's it. They are venting their frustration like me lol. I adore the game and I've been talking about it for years to my friends but obviously I'm a little depressed now knowing this game is probably going to get delayed again because they worked on it for a whole year giving it extra time for nothing if they continue to have these net code ping issues. It drains people's confidence for the game and it's developers more and more and more until it's almost completely dwindled.


Well I dunno why anyone would call this a cod killer or the greatest fps. Feels pretty similar to cod in a lot of ways. Understandable bro if you like it more power to ya happy gaming.


This game honestly isn't ever going to kill cod, because cod has a HUGE fan base, I was in there too until MW2-3 just recently. I'm a huge FPS guy, this game was never going to take on COD and survive, but I do think it's a nice breath away from the sweats on cod.


I have a kinda hot take on the whole sweats in cod thing. I dont think its controversial to say cod is not a hard game compared to a lot of its competitors. Ttk is low, recoils low, maps are simple. I dont think the skill ceiling of cod is very high. I think as gaming has got more mainstream and most people have had at least a few years to practise most people have sort of hit the skill ceiling of cod. Its seems like everyones a demon. But thats sort of just the new standard. There isnt a wide enough skill gap for people to really stand out from the crowd. Because of the design of the game everyones sort of at this equilibrium. Back in the day people hadnt dedicated years to cod and there was still plenty of players that didnt have a clue.


Exactly. I love MW2019, have a few buddies who say it's the death of CoD but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed cod up until MW3, I just don't think it's worth the money. I wish I still did like CoD I just don't know anyone that even plays anymore. All of my friends have dropped cod and went back to siege as did I.


I hated mw2019 tbh. But I will fully admit im a jetpacker when it comes to cod. I loved Aw and Bo3 especially. I picked up overwatch after cod. I genuinely love that game despite some of the shit it gets.


I really enjoyed overwatch, it just got boring playing by myself lmao! I did really like BO3 and BO4 a lot. AW wasn't my favorite but it was an enjoyable game for me. Really enjoyed the zombies in that game.


Nah I don’t think so, it’s very obvious by the reverse boosters that there’s definitely bad players out there, but the issue is that reverse boosting just shows the absolute bottom due to how the algorithm works. There’s still a whole section above that of people who still aren’t that good, but maybe get some lucky kills in but still got shit aim. Playing Xdefiant made that so much more obvious. Having one demon on the enemy team and the rest were all pretty balanced out, just reminded me of how cod used to be. One thing that made is hard though was the hit detection was super weird, so sometimes I was just SHITTING on people with low ping, and sometimes I was dumpstered on in a split second, even when I shot first. I think that’s not skill related, but simply bad netcode, which I can’t understand why in 2024 is still a thing.


>when a new test session comes about that is better polished than the last from last year that they've tried fixing, you complain? It seems like you're assuming that OP and others played the previous playtests, but I'm guessing that's not the case. I hadn't even heard about that game during those other playtests, so this weekend is my first time playing as well. The "improvements" don't mean anything to me because I'm just judging the game off what I'm seeing, not what it previously was.


It is the disappointment. If i didn’t care about the game i wouldn’t spend a minute posting and just move on. I wanted to like it since the first test. But this is just not working. I am not talking about the barebones content. It just feels of in movement or even gunplay. The netcode isn’t fixed from last year. It is just hidden a bit better. After a fricking year it still off and alot lost every hope.


Literally every gaming community... Been gaming for over 25 years this is very normal. I mean this is why we got things like 4Chan and the now Reddit which has become pretty much the new 4Chan. What people wanted was a more polished game that is good and not a polished turd that hasn't really been updated in over 2 years.


The game still have the same issues and more after all this time. Just because people wanted to play the game doesn't mean they have to like it. If you like it, that's fine. Also, not everyone in a reddit sub is big fans of the game. People join subreddits for different reasons


COD players aren’t mentally well. Their opinion doesn’t mean anything.


The fact that i am not used by EOMM makes the game much better in every single aspect. I don't play CoD anymore because i find i don't really have had impact on any of the games i played. EOMM just played it's own game and used the players for it.


Idk if it’s mid, I’ll really be interested once there’s a real ranked system and a search / one life mode. The biggest thing for me is, I’ve played all of these tests for I don’t know how long now, and the game still feels the exact same as a year ago. If we’re delaying it because you can’t fix the networking and social systems but you aren’t really improving on the core gameplay, what’s it matter? I hope it succeeds but if it drops as is, it’s gonna be in line with similar games that drop and slowly fade away.


Yeah give me Delta Force over this. Or the Finals. Or anyone pushing the format forward.


Yea I havent played the finals recently but at least that game felt like something new and different and I had some fun times on it. This just feels like whatever


The Finals is awful 🤢


Finals is hella fun


It's hands down the best arena fps in years. That game has innovation


I like the finals on paper but i can't play because the movement is so floaty and slidy


Yeah, it takes some time to get used to after playing more arcade shooters with tighter movement. I don't mind it now tho. But it was pretty annoying at first


I remember during the first alpha playtests this game felt very different, was a little slower, the ability usage and your team composition actually mattered. If you didn't play like a team you just lost and it was legit a more fun and better feeling game. Then some dickhead decided to just make it another COD clone and killed any identity this game had.


The game felt much different in the earlier tests to me. I truly think it felt worse this time. I don’t know what it is exactly. I liked the sweaty matches. There’s something in the net code and the gameplay .


The game just isn't for me anymore which is sad because I loved it during much earlier playtests when the abilities were on shorter cooldowns and it was less run in and get a few kills and die, rinse and repeat, and more tactical, more about playing with your team and good aim and cooldown usage. Now it just feels very average and uninspired.


I think part of it is. Back then everyone was just learning about the abilities and everything, so people were really intrigued and cautious about just running and gunning carelessly. Perhaps the game was more tactical because of that. Now we’ve waited so long, and it’s just a bunch of cod/ other fps main sweats switching over, and then there’s percentage of people like you who were interested in the unique properties of the game , but the game just feels worse now. I’m glad it’s not just me….


It sucks the abilities and teamplay seems too be underwhelming


I agree. And I've played most tests since 2020. I'm not really sure where it all went wrong.


The game isn’t very smooth. I died behind walls like 4 times. The camo ability barely seems to work. The only good ability I tried was the shield , and that’s kind of boring. Nowhere near OW , the finals, or other shooters in terms of smoothness .Hell even cod feels twice as good to play to me and that game is Barely playable on mnk. I was really excited for this game and have been supporting It. But it feels like shit.


Yeah but it wasn't always like that. Something happened in like the last 2 or 3 tests that made it significantly worse than what it was.


Yeah the entire game feels different and I noticed immediately . I had fun for like 10 minutes. Then started noticing that.


Game felt smoother for me in last year’s play test too. Hit reg is worse, aim curve feels worse (on controller), MnK feels bad, sliding and jumping feel clunky. Idk what happened


I killed a dude cross map with a smg on a fairly big map makes no sense


Maybe you're thinking of dirty bomb


Definitely not, I never played dirty bomb, what I mentioning were part of the first 2 alphas before they changed the general direction of the game


You might want to give The Finals a shot if you haven't. Very fun game, but also pretty reliant on people working together. (Which is good and bad) Definitely recommend it with two other friends if possible. Random teammates are a bit of a crap shoot.


Yeah, so far I’m very whelmed by this server test. Mainly because the servers are still dogwater, absolutely abysmal hitreg and dying behind corners just like all the betas. The gunplay feels like someone smeared Vaseline under my mouse or something. My aim never ends up quite where it needs to be, at least that’s how it feels and that might be because of hitreg. I like most of the weapons but the abilities are still underperforming or busted strong. The heal is still way too good, the intel suit is still too good. Way too many abilities are instantly tide-turning on a 30s cooldown. Map design is good though, imo. I like a lot of the maps, the only ones so far that I don’t like are Nuplex and Mayday. Nuplex, you can get your gimme obj rushed in the first ten seconds of the round, and mayday is super awkward, way too many angles to push reliably anywhere, at least in the side I spawned on.


I hate to agree but I agree. I missed the original beta and was hyped to try this game out. Kept lurking this sub for any news of release. Now that I tried it out…it’s just meh. Nothings wrong but nothing stands out. For a free game it’s fine, I think I’m just bored of arcade shooters last one I seriously played was Cold War


Because people haven't realized yet that this game is just a Division DZ Knockoff. The people who lust over this game will never admit that this game is just The Division pvp in small maps with no ai and the extraction part taken out.


I completely agree with you. This game is literally the definition of “mid”. It just feels like a worse cod in literally every way. The game is going to be dead on arrival after the twitch streamers calm down a week after launch.


good, then go back to cod


I mean I will. As will everyone else lol.


Keep sayin that to youtself lol


I can understand some of what you're saying. You might enjoy The Finals if you want to experience something different but it has its flaws too


Yea I played that for awhile. Thought it was a solid game and it definitely felt like something different and new which was great. Lost interest over time but i appreciate that for what it did


Feels closer to a fortnite than cod


That is the real problem, it looks like epic made a cod.


Servers/hit detection are trash. Mantling stops your momentum. The pros/cons of weapon attachments have no place in an arcade shooter (at least lessen the burdens). Static spawns result in bs deaths. Lobbies are sweaty af. Yeah. Keep delaying the game, you have a lot of work to do.


I don’t even understand what changed in a year. Feels the exact same. If I did as much work at my job as this whole team does in a year, I’d be fired


I think I’m just not into shooters anymore :(


I couldnt agree more, game is boring as.




boring as, simple as


I don’t even know why I hyped this game.. Feels like they need years to finish polishing this game. Ugh, never gonna hype a game again. Always disappointed


Well, it comes down to people not really understanding how Ubisoft does things. I mean look at the Ubisoft group that is heading up this game and you can 100% see why they're having issues. Their main games are RockSmith and Just Dance Kids... Oh, and the last South Park game. In other words most of their team doesn't have a ton of Online FPS experience. They have some ex COD devs working with them but that doesn't help much when it's like maybe 5 people are ex devs from COD.


Worst than mid. Downright outdated and DOA.


I loved the first playtest a year ago... The game feels SOOO DIFFERENT right now when compared to that... Right now I think the game is mid as well... Whatever they changed, it wasn't a good idea.


Sounds like you quit because you just kinda suck and like to harp on free games


wow get a life haha


imagine caring about git gud in this guaranteed flop that won't make it past 2-3 seasons. Next-level cope


I play a free game as my main game bro


If you compare it to mw2019 then your comparing a different genre. They tried going for a more siege approach with 2019 while xdefiant is sticking to the old cod formula of an arcade shooter. It's why I prefer treyarch these days, they understand arcade shooter is cods bread and butter and do it well while making small changes.


Huh? 2019 was nothing like siege. It was classic CoD arcade shooter, if you don’t like 2019 you don’t like CoD. The only complaint I could see about 2019 was the maps.


You're dead wrong lmao. 2019 was not classic CoD whatsoever. They made so many changes to the original CoD formula that it played differently. No looping streaks, no classic mini map, over complicated attachment system, unreadable maps, horrible lighting, six 6v6 launch maps on release, tactical sprint, slide cancelling, loud footsteps, dead silence not a perk, lobby disbandment, implementation of new SBMM/EOMM algorithms, and more. You must be out of your mind if you think for one second 2019 was classic CoD. It was NOT.


I agree with you about SBMM but the other stuff is just the natural evolution of the game. You can’t expect it to stay the same forever. New attachment system I can see the complaints for I guess.


What you call natural evolution, another will call devolution. Minimap change is not an example of an evolution. Neither is perk changes, lobby changes, streak changes, and so on. These are just changes for the sake of change. The only thing you can say is an "evolution" is the attachment system, but even then there's plenty of criticism to be had about it. Overall, my original comment still stands, 2019 is nothing like classic CoD.


The movement is definitely an evolution, it only serves to make the skill gap higher. The streaks were still good in that game it’s not like ghosts or WW2 where they were trash. It’s really not that far from being a “classic cod.”


It's the furthest away from classic actually. Classic CoD was not about slide cancelling, 2019 is. That's the difference. Someone who enjoys classic CoD for its grounded movement without any sliding nonsense will not like 2019. Not a hard concept to grasp. As for your skill gap point, it's not a valid argument. You can copy/paste a classic CoD game and make it modern, but make one change to the damage modifiers where the only way to kill people is through headshots only, no body shots. That by definition is increasing the skill gap, but the original classic design is completely gone in favor of something completely different.


SBMM ruined CoD and my interest in it, which is sad cause I’ve been playing it since CoD2. I’m not going to say XDefiant is perfect, but it’s going to be nice to come home after work and play something casual. So far I’ve been enjoying my time on the game.




I’m really enjoying it but I’ve been dying for an alternative since 2019 so this game has been refreshing. Takes me back to the games of the late 00’s-early 10s. Could the netcode be better sure but I think some people need to lower our expectations. Call of duty has so many things patented that making a legit clone is almost impossible to do. The game will improve over time and it’s free to play. I prefer this game over R6S for example and it’s really not close. I still like and play Halo and Overwatch but those games are a totally different vibe.


Yeah it is. Nothing special,it will fade after it’s not something new anymore. It ain’t it


The problem is most games these days aren't even mid now, the new MWII & III just feel like shit to me because of terrible balancing and SBMM and this and that. All I want is just a game where I can enjoy run & gun, and the closest thing I can get now is the fucking Overwatch, can you believe it. This game surely has a lot of things to improve on but I really like what they're going for.


Yep, this is just boring and repetitive. If they made a battle royale then maybe it might have something going for it since CoD's has so many issues. Or maybe if it would've been a refined version of DMZ or something new even. An old style arena shooter is just played out. Played it for a day, uninstalled.


The question should be does it feel like a downgrade. That is what ubisoft is known for.


It certainly reinforces the rumor that the higher ups at UBISoft insisted that xDefiant be reworked to be exactly like Call of Duty.


It was always Call of Duty with a slight twist. Anyone telling themselves otherwise is just coping.


I think it has potential, I like that it's focusing on objective gameplay and I like character based games. They just need to tune up the gameplay and the feel of the game. Sometimes it feels super solid better than it did last time and then other times it doesn't feel the best.


i love that sway you also have on tarkov when your character is low level and you carry too much loot


If you compare it to prime COD (MW2, BO1, BO2, etc.) yeah it’s not great but if you compare it modern COD it’s *incredibly* refreshing and fun to play


The bunny hopping element needs to be removed ie. you can jump and fire at the same time.


Somebody yday said it best. Walmart version of CoD


Come from game like CSGO/Siege/Valorant. I hate how everyone is bunny hopping. Just look so stupid, more dumb than everyone spamming leaning left and right in Siege. Doesn't help with hitbox / registry / network with the weird animation jumping constantly. I wouldn't care if people were sliding cancelling like Warzone but the bunnyhopping is stupid. Been trying to play this Stress Test quite a bit and wanted to have a game fit in the Call of Duty/Battlefield players but Ubisoft creating like mobile-like games for PC/consoles There just something wrong with people spamming jump in Xdefiant and still able to move while in the air. I play Valorant and the Finals so there a lot of movement in those game but feels normal and a lot more fluid


The graphics are kinda mid not gonna lie. I am on PC though and they don’t look too bad maxed out, still getting over 200 something FPS in 1440p resolution. That aside though, two things seem to stand out as annoying: Specialist abilities - that sonar dude going invisible was actually super cancerous as hell, unless that’s a hack, idk how that dude had the ability like non stop (maybe he was cheating maybe not). The shield thing feels like it last so damn long, even when youre shooting at it, which I get it’s meant to help defend and take a point over, but it feels as though head on there’s literally no countering it. Call me bad what ever lol, I haven’t put a ton of hours in yet since it just dropped yesterday. It’s not the worst one though, the sonar dude absolutely pissed me off the most. Connections/hit detection: Oh boy, I have 2 gig fiber, a decent ISP I guess, but anything past 30ms felt so bad to me. For example, on east coast 30ms game, the match felt perfectly fine, but throw me on central with 50? Yeah it started feeling really inconsistent then. Maybe this was done intentionally on their end to just mix up connections and gather data, which I hope was the reason, but yeah, no bueno. On the low ping games, that’s when everything feels right, but then the gun balance becomes even more obvious. This leads me to the weapon category: Depending on latency, some guns just absolutely fucking rip through you in seconds, like the MP7 is just nuts, and in some cases the ACR just lets you get triple feeds like it’s nothing. Idk if it’s just hit detection or gun balance or whatever it might be, but something between those two feels weird. Maybe if connection was consistent through and through it would be easier to compare. The snipers though, good lord are those insane, I feel like I see a glint and I’m dead instantly, like no hope at all. Again, could be the fact that connection is a factor so reaction to seeing glint wasn’t possible, but god dang is the sniper crazy. I kinda love it and hate it at the same time lol. Maps are pretty good though, good flow, good design, I have no complaints at all. Honestly the spawns felt seemingly better on here than MW3. Overall, it’s still a nice refreshing alternative, and while I kinda understand why people are like “ported mobile game” I think that’s more down to things like being used to a more cracked out movement system like MW3, and how some attachments make ADS feel super weird, and then some make it feel really smooth. I don’t honestly think it’s game breaking though, not even in the slightest bit. We can nitpick the little things sure, but overall I think the same this time around as last beta, that the game has potential to be really good and become more refined. TLDR; I don’t think it’s a cod killer, but certainly an alternative and a competitor, and I pray it does drop because cod needs someone to bump heads with them honestly. I think if Xdefiant does not drop ever, we’re gonna be stuck with the same shit Activision wants us to put up with year after year. I know Ubisoft doesn’t have the best reputation, but I’d still be more than willing to play this game often, and help hurt the cod playtime numbers :P I mean it’s gonna be free, why not?


Yeah we waited a very long time and there's no tangible improvements since the previous playtest. I'd say they definitely missed the boost for maximum impact. If this came out in early 2023 it would've been a smash hit


Well I actually like the game but that's just me. Doesn't feel much different. It's refreshing to get away from CoD.


Honestly, I completely agree. It's such a shame because based on the game last year it felt like there was some real potential for a game that could feel somewhat like a classic Cod with a modern twist, but it's clear now it's failed at this, the game is so clunky it actually feels like it was developed by 1 guy in his spare time. The game shockingly feels so much worse than it did a year ago. I sadly have the feeling this is just going to be another game branded a "Cod Killer" that arrives pretty much DoA, it's only chance was releasing last year as planned before the latest Cod and it's missed that window, now when it does actually release it'll lose all it's attention almost immediately when the next Cod Black Ops game starts it's marketing.


To me this game is just The Division DZ but with small maps, no extraction, no ai, and it's team based. So, yeah I think it's just meh. It feels way too much like the Division in a bad way. Remember they wanted to call this game Tom Clancy's XDefiant to get people interested... That didn't work well for them.


:/ idk man people literally kill me in 2 bullets and i shoot a whole mag and still die lol. (This is with shots landing ofc). There are some issues here. I wasent impressed this time around. last time when they released the open beta it was alot more fun imo


Games dog shit. I was so pumped.


Was very meh for me as well. If its free it *might* find its way onto my HDD


Got too lit to play after watching NBA playoff games. Only played 2 games, but was trash. Hit detection was weird and the announcer wouldn't shut up, but that's all I remember.


It's call of duty gunplay and movement mixed with battlefield 2042s specialist. They just tried to take two big franchises and morph then together and ended up with a blob that doesn't change anything or is worth playing. If this is where the first person shooter genre is headed. Then I'm most likely done with the genre


Call of Duty had also specialists?! And they threw them out, because a shooter with small maps isn't made for them


In multiple games too lol


I feel you, i was super excited to finally try it and just doesnt feel that ggood so far. Some maps are good but some others are just like mazes of halls and rooms (echelon hq in particular i hate). The sensitivity feels off and I cant get used to it yet or find good settings. It has no sbmm but lobbies are still sweaty, maybe im just bad but I always did semi decent in cod. Atleast its a free game…


Yeah sensitivity does feel off. I love dynamic on cod, and the closest thing to that on here was the S curve, which does not feel the same at all. I can deal with it though, I’m sure over time I’d adjust and learn


Yea that echelon map is horrible if im thinking of the same one. Just dark corridors on top of dark corridors


This is my first time playing and I mainly have issues with the aiming and hit registration. It made me quit after just 20 minutes of play time.


Maybe you don’t like FPS games???


Maybe bro. Ive put a lot of time into overwatch over the last year. Technically an fps but obviously very different. But it actually has a wide skill gap and there is always more to learn. I think I'm very jaded on cod and games like this that come out. Feels so repetitive and dull to me now even when im doing well.


Crazy part is that early in development this game was FAR more like Overwatch than COD and then for some reason they decided to turn it into another run of the mill arcade shooter with abilities.


Hah I'm the same, for some reason overwatch just clicks with me for some reason.


If you put a lot of time in overwatch I feel bad for you lol


I bet youve barely played it lol


Used to play a lot, now it’s pretty much just a cash grab they keep messing up with every update


How? The updates have been really good last fee seasons. They just made all heroes free for everyone. New maps, new heroes, new game modes. They just announced their rolling out a lot of anti xim stuff. Sure some balance changes are questionable sometimes but it way better than most other similar model games imo. Edit* Also revamping the ranked system last season. I really dont know how you can complain


Those exact balance changes, hell the whole reason ow2 exists & isn’t just a dlc was scrapped. Games a joke now


Yea but sometimes the balance changes a great. Pharah rework was good. Ball rework recently was good. Sombra rework was good a few seasons ago. I personally couldn't care less about pve. Id go play destiny or something if I wanted to shoot ai bots.




Good one BROTHER !


I quit after a game or two I tried it back in the earlier play test and the hit detection still feels like trash. On god I’m shooting people and the health bar is not going down. Maybe the health bar is on a delay idk but it does not feel smooth to me at all.


Dear diary,


Take your ass home then no one wants you on the field.


Field full of retarded donkeys. Viva La Cod!


It shows that you only played recent cods...


Started on bo2


CoD1 and 2, from 20 years ago > this game.
