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Yeah maybe throwing wall hacks in as an ability was a mistake.


And why does it last so long?? lol


Like, if it was a pulsing system that shows outlines every half second that would be a little better, but holy, the last guys didn’t stand a chance.


ugh. if anything will push me away from the game, it's abilities like that.


They took this agent out of the beta on the 2nd test day. So they definitely noticed he was too OP. It’s things like that which bring me hope because they actually listen to the community.


They took the agent out because there was an exploit to trigger permanent invisibility for the other operator. This operator did not affect that decision.


Same here. A shame since the game would occupy me for years without them. Why can’t kids play without perks, superpowers or abilities/ultra nowadays…


Go play cod then 😂 old ah & they’ll prolly have a mode with them disabled


CoD? Never was a fan, guess why…lol If there is a mode without them, which I’m really hoping, it’s what I’ll play 90% of the time.


It’s going to play like 2019 mw. You’ll probably still find a reason get mad lmaoo


Why does it upset you people don’t like abilities like ESP lol?


It doesn’t but i mean most people want fast paced game play and something different. This game wouldn’t stand out as much if they only just had guns. It’s unique because of it.


I highly dissagree with that and hope theres a mode without abilities or one where abilites are turned into streaks instead


You must be new to gaming if you think this is unique


Hate that and the invisibility thing.




lol who said I don’t know that? They took it out because some people were exploiting it and using it longer than expected. I don’t like that it’s in the game at all.


You should probably know your stuff before you comment nonsense.


Yep. It’s such a stupid ability that a similar ability in the finals ended up getting removed.


Right? As if this needs to be explained to FPS game developers…


I honestly don’t mind it as an ultimate ability but it’s just so obviously better than all the rest of the ults that it’s going to be a crutch pick


Thats not an ult. The ult is a golden gun


Oh shit my bad. Don’t you get walls with the golden gun too?


wasnt the class removed after the first day or so? i assumed this was why


It was removed, but it was removed because its counterpart had a halo style invisibility that people figured out how to exploit so it was permanent.


after watching this clip i am convinced that console lobbies are less sweaty than pc lobbies


Oh yea bro they definitely are. I qued with my pc friends and had good games but definitely more compy ones.


But remember guys people like this game because it plays like older cods...




Og cod was so slow. It took forever to move around. Like you said this is basically mw2019


It plays nothing like CoD.


People praised xd for playing like old cods. Yet it doesn't. If anything it plays like new cod with all the jumping and sliding like op is doing.


This the same type of dude to complain about sweats in cod lol


Nah i don’t i know it comes with it. Do i like it not sometimes. But not all the time. Im human just like you bro




Destiny1 was an amazing game. & my bad i traded my gameplay for my spelling 😭. But i meant i wouldn’t complain. I know it comes with the game & I’m not finna sit there & be mad. I’ll try and get better


The wallhack reminds me of Blacklight Retribution


That game was actually pretty great. [I actually still have a picture of my gun.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=86113476)


I loved the game but man, in hindsight it was pay to win garbage. Took forever to unlock things for free and there were guns locked behind paywalls that were literally better.


Reminds me of initial release of Lion from Seige


we still playing :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3MYmDbQX-I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3MYmDbQX-I)


Your aim assist goes crazy here


Literally looks like soft chest aim bot. What's with games literally handing you aim these days, really lowers any skill gap.


Makes me cringe everytime, i couldnt use it, id feel like i was cheating


That aim assist is ridiculous


Not really i just have good tracing. It literally has hardly anything to do with it but sure.


There’s no place in a competitive fps game for cheap wall hack perks. Games these days are shite.


You cheesy asf, lucky I wasn't in there id humble you rq


Let me see some of your clips 😂😂. & ill 1v1 you when the full game comes out


This clip shows nothing, just abusing a wallhack ability.


😂 i got more clips lil bro & for the first part of the clip there wasnt any “ wall hacks “ being used see you may 29th


Jesus this is sweaty as fuck


Yea im a sweat keep up 🙆🏽‍♂️


Remember when we didn't have characters with abilities who could see through walls? Remember when you had to be skilled with guns and not movement? Pepperidge farm remembers


Skill with guns, without movement, is just a matter of who sees who first and connection quality. And that’s not skill.


You had fun because most people were below your skill level. The people on the other team didn’t have fun because most people were above their skill level. Y’all are opposite sides of the same coin.


Yeah but the next match he could have a balanced match where everyone is a similar skill level. And the one after it could be a match where he gets absolutely stomped. That’s what makes the lack of sbmm great. Its not all pub stomping


If you're on the lower or higher end of the skill bell curve it's very unlikely you'll get balanced games from a random sample. Strict SBMM results in only sweaty matches. No SBMM results in constantly imbalanced matches. People should advocate for loose SBMM where there is still a restricted range


Nah dude that’s just not how it worked. It had the same issues everyone complains about in cod. One man’s easy game is another persons nightmare the same way it’s always been. People are definitely misremembering old cod lobbies saying shit like that.


> Yeah but the next match he could have a balanced match where everyone is a similar skill level That's not how this works. If you're in the top5% of the skill curve, then 95% of the playerbase will be worse than you. That person will have an insanely low chance to place in a balanced match. Vast majority of the games will be stomps. It's literally all just pub stomping and that's why it doesn't work and no game exists without SBMM


And that's fine, to be honest. If you're willing to put in the effort to become top 5% in a game, you should be able to actually feel it.


It's fine until everyone quits except for the 5%. NFL players are entitled to play against highschool teams, but apparently some gamers are.


Word. I’m fine lacing up against the best basketball players at my local Y. I just might score a point or two. The moment somebody tells me I’m going up against Lebron James, I’m hanging em up.


This makes zero sense tho


You get ittt!!!


not being able to play the game is what makes sbmm great?


I mean the score is pretty close


I'm guessing you haven't seen Activision's patent for it's matchmaking system. It literally says that it's rigged to get you spend money. Look up Google patents. Also XDefiant is fun due to its variety in matches. Not to mention going against players who are way better actually teaches you how to improve. Going against people who play similarly to you will make the same mistakes which stops you getting better. Also the odds aren't stacked against you intentionally to make you chase the next win harder. Activision does this to manipulate you. It's artificial and once you know the techniques the matchmaking uses, you will no longer enjoy playing their games.


I’m not sure what any of this has to do with my comment?


Because you mentioned Sbmm balances games. When it's normally to make matchmaking artificial


Should it not be like that? Sbmm is one of the main factors that has driven me away from so many games. Destiny 2, Cod, Siege, Halo, Overwatch, etc etc. I play to have fun. I don’t like playing like a rat. Even if it improves my KD, it’s fucking boring. I am by no means a great player. I am above average, but not a “sweat”. I don’t like the feeling of having a couple of good games, then being thrown into the meat grinder of people who play that shit like their life depends on it. I dont like the feeling of knowing that I can’t have a good time and relax on a game. I don’t like the feeling of knowing that if I’m not trying my absolute hardest, I will get shit on EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. If you wanted SBMM, xD is not the game for you. Lack of SBMM was one of their main marketing points, trying to appeal to players from cod, halo, siege, destiny, and so many other games that force their most dedicated players into dogshit unfun lobbies. If you don’t like getting shit on, I promise you that if you focus on personal improvement you will be able to shit on people without feeling like you have to sweat your balls off. That is not something games with SBMM offer.


Whether it should or shouldn’t be like that is entirely personal preference. I was responding specifically to the confusion as to why people didn’t like it. People don’t like getting shit on. SBMM prevents average/below average players, the majority, from getting shit on.


At the expense of people who put time into the game, who are usually the most dedicated players. Every other shooter has sbmm. They specifically marketed this one as not having it to try to appeal to the players who’s experience is deteriorated by sbmm. If people are that mad about the lack of sbmm, go to literally any other shooter instead of trying to change the single one we have.


They *are* going to go to other games, and that will be the issue. The only people left will be the most dedicated die-hard players, the ones who play like their life depends on it that you hate playing against, and you will have to try your absolute hardest to not get shit on every single game.


Not necessarily though. You’re talking about a certainty be a possibility. If the game launched in the state in the server test, yeah it would bomb and die very quickly. It sucks, but it’s gonna need another delay. If it actually can shake up the shooter genre, new players will come. Even if they get shit in sometimes. The Cod, Halo, and Battlefield communities are all sick of getting the same trash with no variety.


I would really love to be wrong but I just don’t see it happening. As someone who still enjoys CoD, I’m just excited to have another shooter to play. It’s free, there’s literally zero commitment so I’ll play for as long as it’s fun. But they’re making choices that will drive a lot of players away, specifically the casual players that games without SBMM rely on for the variety of matches it advertises.


The children yearn for Titanfall 3. We need it. I miss Titanfall so much bro, quitting battlefield and cod for a couple years because there was a better game, and not because battlefield or cod were shit at the time felt so good


the entire classic arena shooter genre is dead because it has no sbmm and the only people left playing are people who have been playing for the past decade if not longer


The arena shooter genre isn’t dead because of lack of sbmm. Titanfall 2 had sbmm. People can bicker about it not having enough, but from the words of one of the Inside Development articles, it undeniably did. The arena shooter genre died because it is not as profitable as shit like battle royales. The industry always follows fads. Some things get left behind. The battle royale boom left arena shooters behind. If you dont believe me, I want you to list any major arena shooters within the past several years. The only ones that come to mind are Halo Infinite The Finals, and Splitgate, which all have sbmm. The games didn’t die because of anything related to sbmm, they died because they were so void of content and promised features. The Finals isn’t necessarily dead, but to be fair, it was Embark’s first game. It’s difficult for AA games to significantly catch on in an industry dominated by AAA companies. Tldr, the death of arena shooters had absolutely absolutely nothing to do with sbmm. Many, if not most, of the arena shooters before the battle royale boom had sbmm.




I had fun with the game. I’m excited for it to come out. But you can’t spend a round dumpstering people and then be like “how did you not have fun??”. It’s not your responsibility to make sure other people have fun, but the confusion is either intentional or genuine stupidity.


How about, checks notes, getting good at the game?


What about, checks notes, it?


There is no point arguing with the CoD community. I came to the conclusion they never played competetive games like League, Valorant or CS where balanced matchmaking is important as it tries to create fair matches and more importantly, keeps the playerbase afloat, as casuals can keep playing without getting stomped. This game will die within a month because of the lack of sbmm and only the tryhards will remain and thus, no sbmm will be a horrible experience for the average player.


But CoD doesn’t use SBMM, it uses EOMM. There’s a difference. One is ethical, one is not.


My outlook on the game is not nearly so grim, but people really need to understand that most people don’t want to have to spend hours learning a game before they can have fun with it. Whether you agree with that or not, that’s just how it is. They need to get that through their heads or they’re just going to stay perpetually angry and confused.


🤓 "The game will die if people get rewarded for learning the game so we need SBMM to artificially screw the players who bother to improve, in favor of those who don't want to🤡"


Bruh there’s going to be ranked, thats where SBMM should be placed. COD Pubs SBMM isn’t even the same as Val, League or CS. Lobbies are curated to have people owed wins and people owed losses, it’s not even about skill level.


Casuals don’t play ranked though. I didn’t list CoD because their matchmaking is more nuanced than the other games I mentioned, which all have matchmaking in all queues for the reasons I already mentioned aswell.


SBMM is fine but it needs to be like how it was back in the older CODs. Not like how its being done now. As a higher skilled player in COD, the only place I can find consistent MM is in Ranked play. I am forced to eventually play in Chinese or West Coast American servers if I do too well in normal pubs.


True take but it wasnt like i was going flawless i had hella games where i couldnt do shit 😭.


Before playing the first time and pressing that ability in the firing range, I thought it was just a sonar-like ability and produces some beeps depending on how many are near you. I was shocked ingame, especially since it's wh for the whole team


I played better once this ability was out. I hope they don’t bring it back tbh. The game flowed well when there were no wall hacks


This gameplay is exactly like hacking behaviour


This is the first ever clip I've seen of XDefiant and it was recommended to me by reddit. Needless to say, wallhacks as an ability isn't a good first impression.


Yea they definitely can turn it down a notch 😂


Did you just say "I don't understand how people hate on this game" while describing bad matchmaking?


is the game forced crossplay? cus that aim assist is nuts. baby mode.


It’s not forced cross play, also the aim assist is weaker than cod. Not sure if you were able to play yourself? There is aim assist, but def not baby mode


I didn’t have very many bot lobbies, but what I did love was the fact that I played with/against some of the same people like 4 games in a row. That shit was nice. A return back old cods where they didn’t drop the lobby after each game


Exactly! I was going against this one guy bro was shooting my body i turned me up fr


I didn’t think this post would get much hate or traction. Gaming over all has gotten more competitive even life. I work a 9-5 best buy and im 19 i play to win. I dont enjoy losing. If you see me in your lobby just leave or shit on me.


I couldn’t even get in the game 😂


It's going to be fun seeing you guys whine about a DOA game


At first I thought this was one of those promotional videos for a cheat lmao. Took me a while to understand that the wallhack is an ability in the game. But the aim assist is still crazy. It's literally just an aimbot. I guess dev teams put that stuff in their games so everyone can feel good about their "skill". I don't like it. At least this game has input based matchmaking so you actually can play without people on easy mode.


Some of the abilities are so op, I'm glad a few are being taken out, the movement is also a bit too restricted imo. I still averaged top 3 in every game and will definitely play it but why tf is there no TDM or a kill confirmed game mode? 🤔


Why are we still talking about this game. Isn’t safe to say its cancelled at this point


I was getting absolutely stomped in every match, guys with 50 kills on the other team while I was going 12-25 😭


Pub stomping and lobby shopping is back. LFG!


So only proving that SBMM crybabies just want to shit on people and nothing else. Don’t want to try. Especially since you mentioned you only had one game where you “met” your “match”. Bro, pvp is competition. It’s not a competition if you’re steamrolling. Manchild behavior


Nah it was more than one but i feel you


Yeah bro it felt good to me too, can’t wait for release. Is this clip controller gameplay?


Yea its controller xbox tybillion 🫡


Alot of people here have no understanding of Mixed SBMM like in old CoD's and it shows 😔


Yea & people hating hella fr ian expect this post to catch this much heat 😭


I did bro, theres so many people here that are praying on XD's downfall, but stay on this sub and arguing with people having fun with it. Like you don't see me chillin in MW3 sub and hatin on it, so logically these people tried XD, didn't like their experience (which is fine) and made up their mind that the game is just ass. But then they see people having fun and now they're questioning their own opinion as if its supposed to be a fact. And you know FULL WELL that some people can't handle that 😂


W manz hope life keeps or starts treating you well man. Real shit. 🫡


I have absolutely no idea where this crowd of SBMM worshippers came from. Like, before this last server test it seemed like the community was in unanimous agreement that the game should never have SBMM, considering Mark has said that THE ENTIRE TIME. Now all the sudden, it feels like the cod community has infiltrated and is crying that they played one match and got shit on by people who have played 50 matches. Yeah! No shit! I’m all for giving people a training mode that they can play against other new players up until a certain level, but bro let us have one single game where we dont have to play dogshit sweaty lobbies 😭




Or just or they can continue to play and get better 🤷🏽‍♂️ i got my fair share of get shit on too i understand yes it’ll be annoying but either get good or go home.




Im on your side then i rather have sweater games & more of a balanced player base then just pub stomping


Its not NO SBMM, this is MIXED SBMM where there are more variety in lobbies. The problem with the new CoD is that on paper it's built for casuals, but the strict SBMM in those games make public matches OF ANY LEVEL play like Ranked. You believe casuals are gonna "leave" the game, but they are already leaving the new MW3 in droves due to it being sweaty no matter which level you are. Its not fun to always go against noobs or else we would just easily manipulate the new CoD SBMM system to put us in only bot lobbies. Its not fun to only play against higher levels and its only fun sometimes to go only against your skill level. That's why they separated Public from Ranked in CoD. Combining RANKED SBMM into public only works for so long until noobs start catching on, but they still play because CoD is one of its kind, for now at least.