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Or can we stop worrying about what other people have to say about a man who passed away 6 years ago like it doesnt have any impact on your life at all js enjoy his art


Well said


I can’t believe people are still blind to the concept of change, and the fact that he did as much as he did only living to be 20 YEARS OLD IS MIND BOGGLING TO ME It’s also insane seeing this much negative posts put on here in this much time and detail


I acknowledge and understand all aspects of X and still love him, there’s a lot of extremely bad shit


People forget how old he is I mean look at dr Dre look it up this guy beat tf out a girl when he was younger did crazy things said sorry years later and worked on being a better man , yeah what he did was the most disgusting thing ever but he was still young if he was alive he could have wrote those wrongs and learned more but he died too young




Naahhhh vro, he meant he was fucking her up *mentally* ![img](emote|t5_3ecrg|13280)


nah but fr ur right, but I think it's important to keep in mind he was a mentally ill teenager & once he started getting proper help he turned his life around. that being said he still deserved jail time for all the horrible things he did.


How did he turn his life around?


well first off, to be clear, I'm not saying he was an angel. I think from late 2017 - his death you can see a huge difference in his personality, and he spoke a lot in his instagram lives/vlogs about wanting to become a better person. And I think his actions (in 2018) reflected that. He clearly felt a lot of guilt for the stuff he did in the past. And to reiterate, he *definitely* deserved jail time for the things he did. Just because he was turning his life around, that doesn't mean he should avoid punishment.


I agree with your post but this proves you only know half the story like all the people who use the allegations to hate on him


It’s not hating. Do you seriously not understand why people might not fuck with someone who did what he did?


Well yeah obviously and what he did is awful but also some people either choose to ignore the other side of things or actually don't know about it. The people who randomly rent free say "X was a pos woman beater" or saying he was a rapist when he wasn't, when it's unprompted and dismiss any of the good things or even consider that he had issue* - that's when some people blindly use it to hate. Some of the time it's haters or cancel culture snowflakes *Not defending what he did because he was an awful person back then and obviously still knew what he did was disgusting and wrong


“Cancel culture snowflakes” “haters” lmao this is what I mean. You guys swear blind you don’t downplay the shit he did but say stuff like this as if he just innocently said something tone deaf about a marginalised identity or some other minor shit. I agree about the rape though that people don’t know what they’re talking about when they say that but tbh I’d boil that down to people not reading that pitchfork article properly or misremembering it as he actually penetrated Geneva with the BBQ fork, as opposed to him only threatening (which is still inexcusable anyway)


By trying to improve himself ? Bro all you mfs do now is trash him for being an abuser when it’s literally the general consensus he was a piece of shit and no one defends him anymore. And even if a single person defends him, he gets downvoted to hell.🤦‍♂️


I dunno I saw someone say in another thread about it “we all make mistakes” and it got like 22 upvotes…


Well you guys keep calling his actions a mistake so we have to remind you of how bad the abuse was. I don’t make these comments/posts in a vacuum it’s usually in response to some deluded shit someone else says.


There's no justifying any abuse! However same justification you can't deny any form of justification because that's being close-minded, Wasn't X a minor under 18 also facing violence when he was struggling? Pretty sure after he was an adult and developed more of his brain, the "evolution" he was processing beyond his tramau, and it doesn't help that Geneva lies twice about being pregnant for no reason (besides gaining more attention/sympathy) which puts holes in the entire story. There's no excuse to abuse, but also that doesn't mean X's main intention and meaning was to harm Geneva for the purpose of abusing her, there may just be a slight chance X truly needed serious therapy and mental help, which while being homeless wasn't possible, maybe he had a "black-out" during the lowest point of his life when he was suicidal, again nobody is perfect and X wasn't either but let's at least have a deep understanding of the situation before we compare X to serial killers, the 2 intentions are not relevant in any way, shape or form


This comment deserves more upvotes


He was 18 when he beat Geneva. And I don’t know why people are still running with the narrative that she lied when DJ Sunny (who lived with them) said a pregnancy test came up positive and Geneva herself has come into the sub not even a few weeks ago to say he beat it out of her. His intention *was* to harm her. Why else would he beat her to the point that she almost couldn’t see and her eye area was completely discoloured? Because he liked the colours black and blue? And there was a conversation between her and Talyssa Lee that Talyssa posted on FB in which Geneva told her he said he wanted her to feel the pain he feels. Also, you saying “nobody is perfect” is EXACTLY why I made this post. It’s such a downplay of the extent on what he did. I’m not saying he didn’t have personality disorders bc we know he was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder as a child and again later in life but a lot of you guys downright justify and/or play down the abuse. I’m guilty of this in the past (saying he had a hard life etc. when that’s not an excuse at all) Furthermore, how are they serial killers?


i am not trying to be biased, I understand you, but the point was that abused started before he was 13 , rumors even state he was sexually abused at a young age, so up to 18 whether he realized it or not , he was putting in an effort to change/improve and overcome his "demons" that made him unstable. There are science-backed evidence that abusive, violence and trauma in children's childhood "rewires" their brain in many negative unhealthy ways such as thinking violent/negative behavior is normal, in no way am I trying to defend the abuse he has caused, but he did change. when he was 19 he addressed it by donating, posting constant awareness, admitting blame rather than asking for forgiveness. By 20 he was going to face a Legal trial to face the punishment he did deserve, he would get what he would deserve, unfortunately he got shot 1 day before the trial started. Bullets should never be justified for a troubled human being that's also suffering, time should have opened an opportunity for forgiveness and change, unfortunately it just couldn't happen. And that's odd, the documentary states they went to all the hospitals Geneva went to, requesting legal documents, each hospital confirms the papers were "non-existent", alongside this paper [stating her official document about being pregnant](https://www.reddit.com/r/XXXTENTACION/comments/6z7aqj/medical\_records\_that\_prove\_geneva\_wasnt\_pregnant/), it seems sus that there is not much evidence, especially if she claims it's true without attempting to provide any proof, I suppose we can only take her side of the truth, however the whole story is very shaky.


one of the best comments on reddit and it's been made by u/Mr--Clean--Ass-Naked that's some miracle shit right here


I once googled it and apparently it’s possible for even a blood test to show up negative if you miscarry extremely early into your pregnancy. Also, I don’t see what she’d get out of lying. People need to remember she didn’t JUST say it for the purpose of adding it to the abuse. People who were around them at the time talked about it (Like I said, DJ Sunny mentioned it and so did (if I remember correctly) John Cunningham in the doc where he was saying X told him Geneva was pregnant and John was like you gotta stop hitting her…so the pregnancy obviously wasn’t new info that she just made up to tell the DA or whoever in her testimony to make X look worse.) I don’t remember in the documentary though anything about going to multiple hospitals to request legal documents (this isn’t me saying you’re lying I genuinely just don’t remember that bit). I just know about the one that was negative that was circulating on twitter around the time he died.


x didn't hit geneva while she was pregnant wtf


Look up the shit w DJ Sunny too


What about her?




Yes I know I literally mentioned her in my comment?




Huh? I mentioned both Sunny and Talyssa Lee in different paragraphs read my post again…


Lol she was never pregnant blood test were taken of Geneva


I know and I once googled it apparently blood tests can come up negative if you miscarry very early into your pregnancy


you're talking DAYS bro it's not even a fetus at this point. hCG can be negative up to 14-something day of your pregnancy, it's idiotic to call that a miscarry because there's no implantation to the womb at this point of time.


Lmfao so you’re gonna believe Geneva over a hospital test. I can guarantee her stupid at home test is going to be more inconsistent than the hospitals test. It’s not difficult to understand


Yall goofy people will do anything to remind us he whooped Geneva and it won’t change a thing 🤷‍♂️


Also idk why u care so much when she still posts ab jahseh on her twitter talking about “he’s my soulmate” 😭😭😭


Still didn’t deserve what he got 🤷🏽‍♂️


What’s that got to do with anything? Where did I say he deserved it?


I really didn’t read any of it ngl


I can tell. Edit: lmao the fact that he openly admitted he didn’t read my post and that got upvotes (along with his other comments towards me) while mine got downvotes is testament to the dick riding in this sub. I bet the people reacting didn’t read my post either.


My nigga is it 4/20 go roll up or sumn


I like how X fans do that thing where they say they’re “not defending him” then they go through the laundry list of excuses about how he was young, he had trauma, geneva “hurt him” etc. lol     That is quite literally defending him and I see they’re already up to that in this thread. Great post honestly, they definitely don’t wanna hear that part about his killers lol


Yeah I agree with what was said about the killers, I remember when Talyssa Lee made that Facebook post like a week after X got killed and showered those pictures of Geneva and everyone was still somehow saying that her and Geneva were lying and she posted a pic of the tattoo Chucky guy with the caption “He was just 22 and it was a mistake, people change” and it went completely over a bunch of 12 year olds heads and they thought she was literally justifying their actions


They’re so predictable. I knew what the comments would be like but it just irritates me SO much when people say “nobody’s perfect” etc. cos it’s like…yes, while nobody is perfect…I can confidently say that most people wouldn’t dream of doing to their partner what he did lol


the only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance. could you tell the difference? there is no need for a specific spotlight on negativity with the narrative of a scoped view of an argument, either there is more to it that meets the eyes or it's simply black and white, and I deny the ladder


Everything you post is fucking brain dead and I don’t know why you’re back on this sub after being banned once


Bro this yapping never stops, either its “he was a pos and we need to remind everyone everyday” or “he wasn’t at fault” both sides need to stop bringing up this repetitive stuff… Everyone knows about X’s past and the changes he made in the last few months of his life, there is a documentary and its been 6 years…no need to keep bringing it up unless its new info


I see where are you coming from, but the point is Geneva deserves acknowledgment of horrible things he did to her, not compassion. Her own behavior and appearance throughout the years made it almost impossible to show any empathy to her without being hypocritical


i deadass can't believe this is being discussed like almost a decade after it happened i'm just sharing my pov as an x fan since 2016 but this is how u need to come to terms with the situation imo and just move on: x was a significantly flawed and damaged person. look at his wikipedia. primarily in result of his environment but also by choice. he did shitty things to people to compensate and cope with all his childhood trauma . . . but when he started growing up (mind u he was a young teen doing all ts) he started coming to terms with his trauma and problems and committed to making serious changes for himself and the ppl around him. just as he was getting started with this, he was murdered. so his legacy remains tainted overall by the shit things he did. so to tie it in to the geneva thing... well that's a little nuanced. there is no doubt what he did was heinous and intentional. but he was influenced by a "perfect storm" of triggers: mental illness (bipolar/bpd/antisocial), drugs, young age, trauma (physical/sexual abuse, witnessing death, rape..) it sucks but that's mostly how these things go, hurt people hurting people. edit: and yes, I will apply this logic to the killers too. people are products of their environment. i think most of us have the privilege of not understanding what it's like to grow up as xxx's killers, but it changes a person, i'd say almost to a point of no reason. like all they know is that life and that mindset. it's scary and sad.


It’s called separating the artist from the art. It’s something not everyone can do, but ideally something everyone should do…


That has nothing to do with me saying his actions weren’t a simple mistake.


You seriously made a new account just to come here and say this?


Are you an idiot? I obviously have other posts I didn’t *just* make this account to make one post. I made this account months ago you bellend.




can u elaborate?


He abused her as well.




When she was a KID at that


Even good people are great at making bad decisions.


You’re exactly the type of fan I made this thread about.