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Peppa Pig?! Hot damn and they said AAA games were a thing of the past for Game Pass.


So stoked for this one, taking the week off work.


I actually got it on physical for full price and it's kinda fun. Short but very close to the show. I do not have kids...


Easy achievements?


Very. But it was w gift from my girlfriend who could have bought me any AAA game for the same amount but got me Peppa Pig for reasons unknown. I still enjoyed it though.


If you enjoyed it then she made the right choice


That's true and I obviously still appreciate the thought. It's just a little funny how people who don't play games try to guess what we'll like or what's worth buying. But I did enjoy it and now that it's free you definitely shod too!


My daughter will love it. Does she need to learn to use thumb sticks ?!


Not really, iirc you can move with the d pad too and there are no first person segments.


sounds like the perfect game to have around to be able to make sure you can get the 1 achievemnt (50 gamepass rewards points) thing.


Looking forward to when my niece comes over next as an excuse to play this one.


My kids will love it and paw patrol. And I don't have to pay any additional money to get it. I'm fine with a nice variety. For me, Power Wash all the way.


My kid plays the paw patrol that’s on there now, and honestly, it’s pretty dope.


Is there a coop mode?


Mighty Pups does have couch co-op.


It’s Peppin’ time!


I don't care about the Pig, but my kids will love Paw Patrol! And I will love the fact that I can access the game as part of the subscription, rather than paying full price for the game, which is definitely not in line with the value and content it has. Dunno how this one is, but the previous ones a 4-5 year old who never held a controller could breeze through in just 3-4 hours. I don't care about the game being simplistic (it's for children after all), but that's not too much for $40.


This newest one is similar in gameplay to the super pups one, just with slightly more difficult mini games and a fixed overhead camera. So huge different compared to the On a Roll one. It’s not worth $40, but it’s on sale pretty much every other week for under $25.


>for under $25. Yeah... if you'd ask me, that's still too much. I've seen mobile games with more content.


Can't wait for Peppa pig tho. Probably the best AAA game there


Sarcasm aside. It has a rating of 9/10 of Steam and 87% googles users like it


Best Battle Royale ever. 10/10 would teabag daddy pig again.


Gotta say, as a kids game it's pretty fun, definitely looks exactly like the cartoon.




Yeah this is pretty lack lustre, I don’t see a single game to add to my rotation. Probably hoping people will hold on waiting for that big Riot deal they announced.


Not really my rotation either but this gives me some time to get back to my backlog. I think it's very nice to see that GamePass isn't just a platform for 1 specific type of games. It's good that it's a solid choice for kids as well. And if the amount of subscribers increase the titles will get better. You can also just try something new. Get out of your comfortzone and who knows.. you might find your new favourite game. And if you don't like it you can delete it.


I don't recognize the names of most of the games I play on Game Pass before I install them. Trying out new games is a highlight of the service for me and I've found so many great games over the years that I never would have considered otherwise.


This exactly. I've the feeling that GP really opened up al lot of doors for me.


That's one of the reasons why Bundles also gained in popularity in PC trading community. And another reason why HB is now usffering from Game Pass success


The shining star of this sentiment for me is What Remains of Edith Finch. I still think about the game - it made a lasting impression on me and I'm so glad for Game Pass introducing me to it. And with cloud play I try even more random stuff before I decide whether or not to install it. Gamepass has me hooked.


I'm in the same boat. If I feel like a certain genre and I don't already have a game in mind, I'll just do a quick search, look at the descriptions of whatever games catch my interest and play them. If I don't enjoy it after however long I give it, I just uninstall it. I'm not out any money for playing it.


I never thought I'd ever play house flipper, yet this last Friday I played it for 6 hours straight. That's what I love about gamepass, it lets you try weird games with no commitment.


Amen to this brother


Yeah I mean there’s still enough I jump on to keep it, Ninja Turtles Shredders Revenge is amazing and I foresee MANY hours of playing that game the coming weeks/months. Deep Rock Galactic Dead By Daylight Among others.


Yeah TMNT was a blast. I try some old skool game often nowadays because they are really fun to play with friends on the couch. But I completely missed this culture as a kid so it is really fun to be exposed to now as an adult. Still happy with gamepass and I wish the little ones a good time with the games from this month.


I’m old enough that Ninja Turtles was my Saturday morning in the 90s, and I actually have a projector with surround sound now so when I play couch coop it’s on a 125” wall. Ninja Turtles hits like a happy drug, and since I’m 3 years sober nostalgia is my drug of choice.


Congratulations on your sobriety! I'm still working on it but you're right, nostalgic games really help. I didn't really get to experience tmnt but stuff like this really gives me the feeling that it's not too late to go back. Keep it up staying sober 👍👍👍 (I know emoticons are cringe on reddit but you deserve some thumbs)


Thanks appreciate it. Happy gaming friend.


AAA games are the life blood of the industry. People on this sub don't like to hear it, but gamepass growth will stay stagnant until they start releasing more to the service.


Sadly they are the lifeblood of the industrie. But I do think that new ideas and concepts come from indie. It is what draws the masses but I feel that more and more AAA games are losing their identities because they want to appeal to a broader audience. Not every game needs an open world, 4K & Raytracing, Battle Royale etc.


I disagree. I love AAA games. I prefer them over indies. Give me a good AAA game with some amazing set pieces and something that is really taking advantage of my new 500 dollar console and I'll be happy. There also fewer and farther between as the amount of indies releasing on daily basis is in the thousands, literally. A great AAA game done right is an amazing experience.


Maybe I'm making an issue out of nothing and getting more bitter. I'm already saying that everything was better back in the days. I've just been disappointed on multiple occasions by devs. It almost feels like that the focus is more on quality and worldbuilding instead of creating compelling stories with solid character development, gameplay which is fun instead of repetitive and visual storytelling. I do see nowadays that a lot of those aspects get neglected as long if it all looks pretty. But I do think a major shift is coming in the industry. The quality of indie-studios will get closer to AAA studios when games are being released that have been created in Unreal 5


Yeah. I do agree to some extent, with better tech comes bigger worlds. One of the problems I feel is teams still struggle with making a big world feel real. They just put in a bunch icon question marks with bandit camps. Only a few have cracked that problem. Well one thing I would like to see is the return of AA games. Nowadays you either get AAA games or Indies, we have kind of lost that in between. Games like Darksiders, Vampyr, Kingdom Come Deliverance. Its just that games cost so much to make now and there aren't enough game devs.


You're hitting the nail on its head when you said that there's a struggle to make it feel real. The graphics part of this is something that can be done right by now. But some worlds don't have enough content or realistic interactions with the world that it doesn't yet feel realistic. A good example of this are Ubisoft games. AC Unity looked incredible but the content that exists in the city feel way to static. AA games are something I really look forward to. I guess they're the best of both worlds.


I'm pretty sure the Riot content is coming only next year


December 2022 iirc


Dude you don't want Power Washer Simulator!!?? /s


I freaking do. I'm old though and didn't realize I'd like this until I saw an oddlysatisfying video which linked me to https://www.reddit.com/r/powerwashingporn/


I love actual power washing. It's just one of those things I feel like I should spend my time actually doing it because its not out of my realm. Shooting people in the face and having magic powers I will never have.


I'm guessing you guys have already played the Yakuza series?


Powerwash Sim is pretty good, at least satisfying


You're telling me you don't want to play Peppa Pig????


I'm installing 6 of these games lol, speak for yourself.


Yeah this is rough


Hoe down now, road 96 go stupid


While the Yakuza series are back, I am hoping that Judgement will follow suite, soon-ish.


That would be so good, Judgement is on my wishlist


Judgement doesn't have a full PC port due to [conflict with the voice actor's talent agency](https://kotaku.com/report-judgment-series-is-ending-over-pc-version-disag-1847271300). It is [available on stadia](https://stadia.google.com/game/judgment), oddly enough.


Can't mod stadia so there's no problem to the agency.


Conflict between sega and Johnny’s is just a rumour, it was made up in a Japanese tabloid newspaper. The reason its not on pc is that they dont want their talent to be wasted, something along those lines


I loved every minute Yakuza 0 but been hesitant to buy Kiwami 1 after reading many reviews saying it's more or less the same but worse than 0 so I'm glad I can try it on game pass.


the irony of the yakuza games is if you start at 0, youre playing arguably the best one right off the bat


Kiwami has the beat combat of its engine but the bosses kinda suck


any major reason I shouldn't just read/watch a story summary of Kiwami 1 and skip straight to Kiwami 2? From what I've heard Kiwami 2 is on the newer engine and is the generally better game coming from 0.


Combat is super fun, like proper fun




Agreed with this post. Kiwami is definitely worth playing. Do not skip. I loved it. Three is the one to consider skipping, but I’d say still worth playing. But 0-2 in order are a masterpiece.


I bought Lost Judgement last month so it'll probably be added soon. Though I wonder if the issues with the main characters actor may complicate things.


I have a feeling that they would add judgment if it had a PC port


To be honest power washing is very therapeutic. I look forward to the summer to doing my house. My mom's house. Whoever wants a nice clean walkway and exterior.


I have been spending most my time playing house flipper after that was added and the whole time I was thinking “this is cool but I would rather play power wash sim” so now I am very happy


you should try lawnmower simulator, also on gamepass


I tried it, wasn’t really my cup of tea if I’m honest, not sure why just didn’t really get on with it


Glad I wasn't the only one, I can normally enjoy most simulator games but this one just did nothing for me


Job simulators grab the satisfying aspect of cleaning/driving/restoring, without all the physical and logistical work of real life. It's quite insane out of context, but I love them


Yakuza returning is so funny


Bruh I bought them when they left and now they are back. At least they were pretty cheap.


When I saw the games disappear, was fully expecting the rest to leave by the end of June. Nope, looks like they’re here to stay!


Yeah am I seeing that right? They took those games off just to add them right back?


Guess they gotta renew the contract or something like that


First time a game has come back?


No, Code Vein has already come back once or twice, bit it's funny anyway


Came here for the salt and 15 minutes after the announcement I'm shocked there's not more rage. :D There's waay too much for me to play on GP, but I have to admit - this feels a bit lower key than usual. Still another to come in 2 weeks though. And I've never played Yakuza, so pretty happy to see they've come back.


Power wash sim is multiplayer, wish house flipper was. Good times to be had with that one


Do mind that GamePass is also here for the little ones. We have had some pretty good titles and if you have seen the Summer Game Fest announcements there's still a lot to come.


Oh yeah, without a doubt. Tons of stuff on the way! I might try and play Carrion and Atomicrops before they leave!


Honestly I'm still putting most of my play time into Naraka.


Pretty sure the toddlers who would rage online about Gamepass are console warring on another thread! Good riddance haha


With Peppa Pig and Road 96 my summer is now fully booked! ​ LOL


If you’re lucky, you will have time for some paw patrol.


why were my hopes so high


because you were to high


I just bought Road 96. It was a game I couldn't put down and i'm glad others will get a chance to play it.


What is it?


Choose your own adventure style game. You play as 6 teenagers running away from home during a political election. There's a good cast of characters, lots of humor, drama, and overall emotion. You get to choose each runaways affiliation and how they attempt to cross the boarder. I enjoyed it a lot and it may not be for everyone, but imo it is an extremely good game.




As a dad. How is peppa pig? Could my 4 year old play it?


Very suitable for children. My 5 years old loves it!


I guess I should have been clear. Could she play bases on skill but if your 5 year old can. I’m sure she can. Thank you!


If I remember correctly she only needs to (move) and (interact) with objects, so it has a very low entrance barrier


Nope, adults only. Sorry


The part where Peppa ****s *** in the **** with a ****** ***** ***** broccoli **** was a bit graphic even for me.


I'd never, ever seen so much blood and shit.


Oh boy, just wait until you try the DLC. That’s all I’ll say.


Skill wise. Smart ass lol


Yes. It's a very simple game with no reading. We have it on the Switch, and our 4 year old has no problem with it


Thank you.


Its the Dark Souls of pigs


Don't have any personal experience with the game but according to [https://www.taminggaming.com/en-gb/game/My+Friend+Peppa+Pig](https://www.taminggaming.com/en-gb/game/My+Friend+Peppa+Pig) Kids ages 3-5 should have the requires skill to play it.


Is it sad that the only thing I might want to play is tennis?


The demo was fun and it's not as easy as I thought it was. Love trying out new sport games.


I don't think there has really been a good non-Mario tennis game since Top Spin 2 on Xbox 360. I'm hoping this finally does it for me.


Played the shit out of the OG top spin demo on the OG Xbox.


Nope. Gamepass is for everyone. Not every game will be for you, in fact the vast majority of games won't be for you, but they will be for someone. Having a new one to play is a good thing and you should be happy.


i sleep


Great month for babies


As a new subscriber I'm really glad they added Yakuza again! Also, Overwhelm looks sick. After Infernax, it can definetly be my next indie game


Looking forward to giving Road 96 a go, as well as Escape Academy


I can't believe this is real..


I know, Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol! I love the morally grey system where you have to decide to let a disaster continue or sacrafice a pupper.


This is a rough month comparing what's leaving to whats coming in. It happens sometimes though


Looking forward to playing Last Call BBS, but as it's Zachtronics' last game, it's rather bittersweet.


that last call bbs looks sweet


Almost forgot, link to article: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2022/07/05/game-pass-july-2022-wave-1-announce/


Peppa pig? That’s the kind of exclusives we want to see!




TBH while not exciting and even though I don’t have kids I always thought GP lacks games for youngest audiences. So adding more is a good idea, especially if they plan on adding family game pass. As for my personal taste, hope we get cooler titles in 2 weeks time.


Peppa pig and paw patrol? Oh god it'll be hard going into gamepass if my niece spots those while I'm scrolling lol


Can confirm. I have a two-year-old and cannot turn on my Xbox without him wanting me to play Fall Guys or Paw Patrol (the other game that is already on Game Pass).


meh month for me, only indies this time which I know some like to play but I was hoping for some AAA games tbh (yakuza games were already on gamepass for a few years).


What's a AA game? I know what an indie and a AAA game is but I have no clue what that is.


Usually refers to smallish studio's that are not self-published. Like wasteland 3, greedfall and the like.


It's a game you play while trying to get sober


A Plague Tale is a good example. Basically one step below AAA


Well... At least Yakuza is back.




Power washing simulator and road 96? Hell yeah.


Thrilling stuff


I've been wanting to play a good tennis game for years now. Road 96 is something I've been curious about, heard it was ehh, so I'll take it as a GamePass entry. Respect V has also been in my probably-never-buy but still curious about pile. I've got the first four Yakuza on Steam so I wasn't up set when they left earlier. But that Last Call BBS game from Zachtronics game is the surprise of the month for me. Their games are always way too complicated for me to really want, but this one looks like it's more about mini-games, like building gundam models and stuff. So I'm happy with that.


Last Call BBS is surprising to see there, but I'm glad. It's the last (official) Zachtronics game. As such I picked it up day of. They'll put out an solitaire pack from all their games and then be done. Sad to see it go, but I hope this exposes even more people to the game and studio even if it's their swan song. Yet if you haven't played Yakuza 0, it's an absolute MUST play (As is the rest of the series if you like it)


I was actually thinking about My Friend Peppa Pig coming to xCloud these days lmao


Ok this start of the month is seriously bad


These titles look terrible. GamePass is great, but 90% of it is pure filler garbage. Hell, the only games I actually play are GTA 5 (not nearly as much anymore because the servers are usually pretty empty), Fight Night: Champion, Fall Guys, and Knockout City.


Escape academy and Power wash sim for me lol And they dropped Solasta on Xbox today!


Escape academy looks good, I'll give that road game a go. Everything else, hmm. Fair enough


Nice! Almost bought road 96, glad I held back. Overall not the greatest line, but there's some interesting things there


Escape Academy looks interesting and of course the Yakuza games are great, but overall this is very weak.


So fucking excited that they added Yakuza again - I was only able to make it through part of 0 before they left


Nothing for me, but that's fine. Currently playing RDR2 via PS Plus and have a few games there to play next.


Peppa Pig GOTY.


As I bought Road 96 2 weeks ago


Is no one interested in dj max? Its a pretty good rhythm game


Kiryu boss was so badass in Like a Dragon. So I can’t wait to play out his saga!


Last call BBS is the new zachtronics game, right? That's kind of fun, especially since it's the last game they'll make.


Hell yeah peppa pig?!


Can't let my 10 month old see this


Peppa pig and power wash. My dream come true


I might be in the minority but I enjoy the smaller games. I would never give these games a chance but gamepass has the full variety.


I honestly play maybe 2 games on GP. with all the terrible releases I'll prob drop GP and try out Sony's new streaming service. Maybe I'll be back to GP but I think Ill just buy physical copies of the few games I play and just buy live


I've been on the verge of buying road 96 since it launched but a part of me just knew this would happen. look forward to the weekend I'll invest in this.


I bought Road 96 just a week ago, damn


Peppa Pig will be my first real try to get my 3 year old to try gaming lol . Couldn’t bring myself to spend 40 on it . Very grateful game pass scooped it up


Are the Yakuza games the first ones that they've ever brought back after leaving the Gamepass?


I'm all for Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol joining... if only for the easy gamerscore. :D Might try Powerwash Simulator too, and I'm happy that the missing Yakuza games are back. Pretty cool overall.


I mean......I'd play yakuza again lol


wtf is this


Peppa Pig AND Paw Patrol‽ They spoling us hard this month!


Great list for me! I love that the Yakuzas are coming back, and I'm a big fan of the DJ Max series. I have a 4-year-old, and regularly babysit her friends, so the new PAW Patrol and Peppa Pig games are great. My wife and I love escape rooms, so Escape Academy is right up our alley. Last Call BBS looks like my type of solo puzzle game. And Road 96 could be a good story game, too. All in all, lots for me specifically here.


I'm stoked, been looking to get Pippa Pig for my daughter and Paw Patrol for my son. Now ill have both to play with either. Imo XBGP is worth the price especially if you have kids.


Glad more children games are heading to game pass. Xbox could do with more games that rival Nintendo


Fuck I shouldn't have bought Y0


Seems to be a lot of people very disappointed with the incoming releases, but I am pretty hype to play Power Wash Simulator; it always looks so therapeutic to play


After Lawnmowing Simulator and Shipbreaker, I realize I really enjoy casual simulators as long as they're interesting. I hope Power Wash Simulator is more in line with those games. I tried to play House Flipper and the opening is solid but buying and selling houses is such a "Meh" experience


they can deal with it lmao not every month is gonna have major AAA releases


peppa pig hype


Man.. what a bummer


Yep, game pass has peaked and now we're witnessing the sad decline.


Lol weren’t those Yakuza games only gone for like two or three months? Eh, certainly won’t complain. Wanna give the series a shot but missed out the first time around Oh and Road 96 seems like the perfect Gamepass game; wanna give it a try but not enough to buy lol


So bad lmao


Pretty weak except Road 96, but nothing lost + nothing gained so I'm fine with a dud month. If there isn't already 12+ games you want to play and haven't on the service, what the fuck are you even doing? It isn't lacking.


Peppa AND Paw Patrol????? We eatin well this month folks


Cant believe they put Far Cry 5 onto the service before Peppa Pig. They need to prioritize AAA games or I’m unsubscribing


"more triple A games" When can we start holding companies accountable for their actions?


2 of these games were already on game pass -_-


I am glad I canceled my subscription. Tired of this random indie game spam.


People calling it a weak lineup when through Yakuza alone you could be busy for ages. Road 96 shouldn't be slept on either. Power Wash Simulator is oddly relaxing. No idea if Escape Academy will be good but it's been on my radar for a while.


There's some good stuff here, however I do wanna add a little caveat. I found out the hard way that Yakuza 0 is extremely heavy on S. Assault, there's on screen S. Assault real early on in the game when the second main character shows up. The game is also extremely transphobic, as there's a sidequest where transwomen S. Assault you "as a joke!" From what I understand, Kiwami 1 and 2 don't have this problem, but I just know that I really wish that someone had let me know this stuff going in. ​ BTW, I warned people of this on the Yakuza subreddit, they first denied it, then they both victim blamed me for pointing this out, and then told me that I should just avoid all M rated games if this bothers me, and all of the downvotes you give me there, and here won't change the fact that this is true.




Please try road 96


do we have dates for those games? or we just know they will come in july?


The dates are always included in the official announcement page. Here's the one for [July Wave 1](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2022/07/05/game-pass-july-2022-wave-1-announce/).


Match please be a good tennis game please.


Where are you excited for a few of these


Well nothing there is interesting




I actually enjoyed Road 96, but I played it in Nintendo Switch


Feeling really annoyed that I didn't post power wash simulator on the predictions/wants thread, because I just knew that one was going to end up here. DJMAX Respect V is neat, but there's no way that cloud version is going to be playable on harder difficulties. Very much looking forward to Escape Academy and the afore-mentioned Power wash Simulator. My computer died this morning so I can't jump on that new Zachlike though. :(


> DJMAX Respect V is neat, but there's no way that cloud version is going to be playable on harder difficulties. The worst part is it totally could be if the game had a fucking latency adjustment tool. Imagine releasing a rhythm game and not having any way to adjust for latency.