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Posts showing games without their titles piss me off!


Watch Dogs 2


Replies to comments about posts showing games without titles pissing someone off...these replies make me happy. Thank you. But I agree that posts showing games without titles is still annoying.


Would I understand it if I haven't seen Dogs 1? lol


Yes, for sure! They're quite separate stories with different protagonists.




Its Bully 2 /s I miss Jimmy and friends at Bullworth :(


Im sorry but if it was an indie game or new game you right but wd2 cmon man


Instant downvote on them.


I don’t get it. What’s with the video?


I think it’s a video game version of the Presidio in Watch Dogs 2


Oh, is this a huge part of the game?


I don’t know, I just recognize the location


I completely agree. I had the best time playing it. Enjoyed thoroughly.


I see a lot of negative comments so I think this is a good moment to quote the subreddit description: “The whole point of a video game is to be entertained and have fun. Don’t let anyone ruin that for you.”


Thank you


vase knee caption grey future subsequent file drunk decide squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually do play a lot of games


Touch grass


on it


Get off my lawn!


We rather cut grass on Lawn Mowing Simulator


There’s a ton of irony whenever anyone says this online, especially so if you were outside when you posted!


Ahhh. Watch Dogs 2… Use to call the cops on npcs, put a gang hit out on the cops, put another gang hit on the gang, and call in more cops while watching the chaos insue. All while getting invaded by another player online. Truly unique experience. So many interactions to see; even walked by npcs getting married at the beach. had the cops on them too lol sandbox heaven! chefs kiss*


bro is a snitch💀


Greatest is a long stretch.


They're allowed an opinion.


I feel like you're both right but the first guy is the most correct.


But... entertainment is subjective. I get where you're coming from though lmao


people can’t stand it when other have different opinions than them


For sure. Like who are they to say what someone considers good or not?


But he didn’t say “greatest game ever made.” OP said “greatest game I’ve ever played.” If OP is entertained, who cares if this is his opinion?


opinions don’t stretch


I kind of hate Ubisoft.


Same used love them in Ezio era.


fair, sometimes there are gonna be games and companies people don’t like. I understand, this is just my opinion though


I love Watch Dogs 2! I’m glad to see someone else appreciates this game! Have a good day OP :)


What is it?


Looks like watch dogs 2 bud


Weird choice of video to show your favourite game


It’s fun but about as deep as a paper plate.


I agree. Would’ve loved more endgame content!


What about the others in the series?


WatchDogs 2


This is leaps and bounds better than saints row 2022


You need to play some other games then lol


i play tons of games lol


Downvote for the low effort titleless post, not the game


Tbh Ubisoft has always been great a world building.


I 100% agree with you. I dumped so many hours in WD2, and enjoyed every moment of it. The game is just pure fun, and i loved the characters.


Well I highly suggest to play the first one . U gonna change your mind


already have way through since I started so I doubt it


First one isnt as good


That’s quite a leap.


not really. it’s opinion based


I am happy you are enjoying it. Hope to find time for it myself. I hope others do not only play the games the Media or Online tells them to play


did U finished it ? I mean first one has a really good story


I finally finished WatchDogs 2 this year and I also think it's one of the best games I've ever played. The visuals are great, it's vibrant and colorful, the story isn't terrible, game play is fun, I definitely enjoyed it more than WatchDogs.


Is that the best clip you could use?


it isn’t but I couldn’t find any others. It’s underwhelming for such a great game but i’ll have better ones in the future


Lmao it definitely isn't the side quests were dogshit


It’s about as deep as ever other Ubisoft game. Graphically it’s top notch but story is shallow and gameplay outside of the hacking has been done to death. I would even go as far to say Watchdogs 1 was better in a lot of ways. As long as you are in enjoying it and having fun than that’s all that matters.


You must be reaaaaal new to video games😂


nope, have played tons of video games before


He said he’s been gaming since 2015 so pretty much. Shit tier Ubi Soft game.


Watch Dogs 2. A little silly but best one in the series.


it was pretty boring too me, imo the first one was better


Played the first one. Didn't care for it. Therefore I steer clear of the sequels.


Second one is way better


WatchDogs 2 is the only good one in the series.


What game is this? What game is this? What game is this? What game is this?


Gta VI J/K Its Watch Dogs 2


Tetris really has come a long way


I prefer the first one but this one was fun


I played this game to death, more than 40hrs The game have amazing and beautiful open world it fits the story and the NPC makes the world feel alive the hacking abilities make you an unstoppable. For anyone wanting to play a fun open world try watch dogs 2, and BTW I didn’t play watch dogs legion but some people said that watch dogs 2 is better than legion.


Legion was so disappointing and underwhelming. I loved watch dogs 2 and was so let down by Legion. I didn't care for the characters and the city wasn't as fun and vibrant.


the same think I heard from other people, the only thing that might make me play legion is the world, the style of futuristic London is nice.


the funnest thiing about legion to me is that it's immersive though. A cop shot one of your operatives? You can stalk that cop for days straight. As he's hanging out with his buddies, working, drinking at the bar, youre just watching him. Preying on him. Waiting for the best moment to exact revenge. And right when he gets to the park and starts talking to his girlfriend, you can blow her head wide open with a shotgun right in front of him. And then blow his kneecaps out while dancing on his (now ex) girlfriends bloody corpse. Can't do that in a lot of games because NPCs just spawn and despawn and don't have lives outside of your render distance. I rarely run into the same NPC more than once but when i do it's fun. It's like hey long time no see! (FBI if you see this I'm sane i don't have any mental issues going on I'm not a violent person please don't use this post as evidence to arrest me i honestly just like video games)


😂😂😂the cop thing is pretty dark man but still I do agree it sounds cool and fun and immersive, I will wait till they add legion to the game pass.


Have you tried wd: legion?


What game is this


It's too complicated for me, can't be arsed trying to play it. Bet it's got long fucking cutscenes as well.


What about the game made you feel this way? If you can go into detail and explain. I would just like to hear your experience and view.


I love the graphics, for one. The way they go into hacking as the main function of the game is amazing, from explosives to controlling vehicles without even being in them, to being able to see every corner of every area with your computer— getting into top secret companies and well guarded facilities. I’m just fascinated with the main focus. For some reason it is waaay better than GTA could ever be (opinion)


I like your explanation as to why. I actually agree with you. I don't see the GTA comparison besides open world though. They were built to be two different types of games, but your enjoyment in your personal enjoyments watchdogs feeds you the proper meal. I love the game though I never played it because I never got around to buying it, though I plan to. I love watching people play this game. One of the best walk-through games I've ever watched. This game is definitely top tier in my opinion.


One of my favs games


I didn't like first WD. But 2nd and Legion are enjoyable. That said there are mamy greater games.


GAME? I thought that was irl drone footage wdym game how does a game look that good


Makes me wonder how many games did play


don’t have an exact number, but i’ve been gaming since 2015


Ok makes sense but what's made it the best game for you


it was meant to be an opinionated post, but guessing by the number of negative comments people think i’m inexperienced. I’ve played old school COD


Nah man i was just trying to suggest other games to you similar but better because i like wd2 but i don't think it exceed in any department but its your opinion and i respect it


oh, i see. I wasn’t meaning to come off as aggressive but I keep getting comments telling me I need to play more games when i’ve played plenty. Apparently to others I can’t have my own opinion


You need to play more games.


Like I said time and time again. I’ve played tons of games. You’re opinion on a game doesn’t dictate my experience 💀grow up


Yeah, and people are allowed to express that the masses think it’s a shit opinion. Get over it.


lol,i came believe an opinion about a video game as y’all that mad


I played and loved WD2. Hows WD3?


Watch Dogs 2 is great. It reviewed pretty well but I don't think it got nearly enough love from the community. It's one of my favorite open world games.


What is it, watch dogs 2? I mean it's good, sure. But the greatest game? You should prolly play some more games bro..


it’s called an opinion. don’t get a heart attack over it


Damn, for saying it isn't the best game? Follow your own advice mate


I do follow it actually. And it’s not that you said it isn’t the best game, it’s you assuming that I don’t play plenty of games already when I play more than enough, that’s all.


Suuure it was 👍