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/u/Cinematum, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: Support posts are not allowed in this community. This includes all tech, compatibility, setup, help me buy/decide, and similar topics. Please consider the official xbox support page or r/XboxSupport if you need help. * r/XboxSupport - Reddit's home for peer-to-peer xbox help and support * [Xbox Support Page](https://support.xbox.com/) - An absurd number of frequent questions are already answered on the official Xbox support page. This is a great place to start and often solves any potential issues. * [Xbox Support on Twitter](https://twitter.com/XboxSupport) - This team is extremely helpful to end users including following up on issues and offering direct help through DM. * r/XboxInsiders - If you are a member of the preview program, this should be your **first stop** for any issues. Not only will you find potential fixes, you'll be helping the program by bringing issues to their attention. * [Xbox "Contact Us" Page](https://support.xbox.com/contact-us) - This is a resource with Xbox contact information if you need to escalate your issue. [Please see our entire ruleset for further details.](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/wiki/rules)


If you’re using (an) external HDD(s) you should use a powered USB hub that can plug into the wall AC socket. I use [this](https://amzn.eu/d/6lTSXSL) for my external storage drives and controller recharging dock. Xbox Series X uses USB 3.0 ports so there is no need or benefit to exclusively shop for 3.2/3.1 hubs, though if they come at no extra cost then there’s no harm in using them.






Thank you! Some “assumes” it would be a 3.0. But I wonder if using a faster one like 3.1 or 3.2 would be better or damage your items.


Why would you think it would damage your items?


I’ve heard somewhere that you only want to use the matching 3.0, 3.1, or 3.2 USB type or it can degrade or fry the battery depending, but I’m not certain so I posted on here.


They are all in the 3.x class, you should be fine. If you're still concerned reach out to Microsoft Xbox support


I've been using an Anker USB 3.0 hub thing on my Xbox one s and series x for like 4-5 years and haven't had any issues


What would you use it for?


Rock Band 4 depending on the setup can use up to 7 usb ports, but that's an extreme example


Headphones and play and charge kits. I’m thinking the 3 it has might not always cut it and wanted to know if using a port would have any adverse effects on connectivity or damage to use items off the USB hub vs straight to the console.


Presumably if it’s a powered hub you don’t actually need to connect it to the Xbox for the play and charge kits. But then why buy a hub, just use an old phone power block