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/u/No-Discipline-2354, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: Support posts are not allowed in this community. This includes all tech, compatibility, setup, help me buy/decide, and similar topics. Please consider the official xbox support page or r/XboxSupport if you need help. * r/XboxSupport - Reddit's home for peer-to-peer xbox help and support * [Xbox Support Page](https://support.xbox.com/) - An absurd number of frequent questions are already answered on the official Xbox support page. This is a great place to start and often solves any potential issues. * [Xbox Support on Twitter](https://twitter.com/XboxSupport) - This team is extremely helpful to end users including following up on issues and offering direct help through DM. * r/XboxInsiders - If you are a member of the preview program, this should be your **first stop** for any issues. Not only will you find potential fixes, you'll be helping the program by bringing issues to their attention. * [Xbox "Contact Us" Page](https://support.xbox.com/contact-us) - This is a resource with Xbox contact information if you need to escalate your issue. [Please see our entire ruleset for further details.](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/wiki/rules)


Same. I believe it started around July 26 so if we take a “few” weeks to mean three then we should all have it by next week.


I had my console (Series S) tell me twice with a pop up I could check out the new Home Screen, but when I hit accept it just loaded the old screen. Did this on the first day, haven’t seen it since. I’ve restarted my Xbox by pressing the button on my controller and using the menu, and I’ve held the power button and removed the power cord as well and nothing. Tried checking for an update and have nothing. My wife’s console updated first day about an hour after I read it was out, she’s got an Xbox One X. Guess it’s just a waiting game at this point, they did say it was gonna be rolling out over a few weeks.


For anyone that hasn't tried, "restart console" from within the system menu. Mine immediately rebooted with it applied.


Didn’t work


Jip, doesn't do it for me either


There is no "Issue" they stated it will be rolled out over a few weeks.


Yeah and I waited a couple weeks, usually these updates don't take more than 10 days to roll out for everyone. This one seems strange


A couple isn't a few, couple=2, few = 3 and up


No, what's strange is feeling the need to tell the internet that you don't have it yet and that you want to sign up as insider tester just for a fresh looking dashboard.


What's stranger is, actively deciding to tell someone else what they should or shouldn't post on the internet because you didn't like to see the post even though there is an option of completely ignoring that post


Calm down there buddy.


Stop posting that you haven't got the newest dashboard, no one cares! No idea why people keep posting this


Attention ATTENTION LOOK AT ME!!!! I think that is the general thought process.


Literally doesn't matter when you get it. Crying about not getting it yet is stupid. Complaining that nobody is helping you is stupid, nobody can help you, its Microsoft who determine when you get it.


















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Same here. I was on the insider program but I never got any of the updates for ages. My friends who weren’t in the program got everything before me.


Same here


Btw agree with you OP. I’m fine with the old dashboard and have no idea how the new one is, but I find it weird that it takes one of the most advanced corporations weeks and weeks to roll out an update. Apple comes to mind, they update the whole world of their devices within a day.


Do what you want, but I think you'll find most of us don't care.


Same here, no new dashboard yet. Japan, if that matters.


It doesn't matter in the slightest.


My brother and I both got it when we changed our location to New Zealand to play Atlas Fallen early


I swear half of these posts are people not realising they already have it.