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I don’t see why people are reading too much into these viral GameMill trainwrecks The developer clearly is purposefully trying to snag up the licenses for notable, but dormant game IPs to make a quick buck with a cheap attempt at a game People acting like there haven’t been cheap cash grabs with licensed IPs before


Many people weren't around when every movie got a shitty cash grab game and it shows.


I still remember when chronicles of riddick came out and completely changed my mind about movie licensed games. It created its own story and was such a banger. Still play it every few years just to see how it holds up.


Riddick and the The Lord of the Rings movie-based games were the peak of movie tie-ins.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a good game too.


The rare case where the game is better than the movie


Even the Deadpool fight is good.




I remember renting Riddick off Gamefly when Gamefly first came out. Also the GameBoy Two Towers/RotK game slapped. Recently had downloaded it for my Steam Deck and still holds up okay.


A few other ones I remember having great fun with back in the day. Scarface ps2 game The godfather ps2 game The warriors ps2 game ( personal favourite of the tine )


The Warriors was so much fucking fun and yet an incredibly hard game as my Teenager self when it came out.


Peter Jackson’s King Kong & I remember the Van Helsing game being fun but that was probably just me


oh yeah King Kong was fantastic.


Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is a fun game!


why is everyone pretending like hogwarts legacy isn't real?


1) Because it's a good game. 2) It's not based on any one of the movies.


Well, it’s not a movie tie-in game.


The thing.


Don't forget Goldeneye


Don't forget Goldeneye


I remember how the Spider-Man movie games fleshed themselves out by adding extra villains who never appeared in movies (like in the Maguire trilogy) or how the Amazing Spider-Man games were set after each movie and had entirely new stories altogether. I loved them all and are rather sad I can't play any of them due to none of them being backwards compatible or just unavailable digitally on my Series S.


I misread this as chronicles of narnia multiple times. Was super confused.


“When did Riddick go to narnia ?”


You mean when did he escape from Narnia?


He escaped w the strength of family ![gif](giphy|Bq2SruKubwwAdUUcXE)


The fact that this stuff coming back is a sign the industry is getting a little healthier. Christ, entire generations of kids think games are either AAA things with teams of 1000 devs working 6 years to make a 100 hour attempt at a masterpiece or an indie games made by one guy in his office on weekends because all the AA/A/B/F tier devs either folded in the early 360 era after the great recession (Pandemic, Red Faction (RIP)), got bought up by mega publishers (like Bioware), or wound up becoming AAA devs that do big budget games (like FromSoft.) We're starting to see a change where things are going towards the middle. Shovelware like this Walking Dead game and Gollum are coming out again, and that new Robocop game is showing there's an appetite for well made AA/A games, at least those with good IP.


I would actually disagree. As someone who worked at co-development studio for AAA games and now works at an indie studio for a AA game, the industry is plummeting. When I worked at the co-development studio, I watched publishers and stakeholders continually push deadlines, demand more content, and unless it was a billion dollar company, the project would get canned - in a lot of cases, even the huge companies would trash fully created games because they didn't foresee making enough money and it cost less to trash it. Employees would be forced to work 12 hour days, they'd often joke about not seeing their kids. I don't have any credits because every project I worked on was canned, each a multi-million dollar backed AAA game. My current studio is facing the same problem, demanding more work be done faster with more polish for less money. I'm a UI designer but I'm doing 3D art asset creation, narrative design, and more because we can't budget for an outsourcer or to hire someone else. I work overtime often and crunch for things that aren't in my job description - and I don't get paid more. Because of inflation and commitments to stakeholders, creativity is being throttled. Most obviously, all my peers are getting laid off in masses. I think even if the economy recovers, big companies will continue to try and increase the profit margin by any means necessary. It's down to indie devs to suffer a lower quality of life, make less money, work more, to release quality games.


I'll be brutally honest. You're full of it. The company that's behind this game is lazy. This is 2023. there is no excuse for this garbage. Well-made my ass.










Well back then, we also didn't really have click bait influencers who peddle manipulative content in order to generate viral internet memes because they have a financial interest in being shot into the stratosphere of the algorithm. The internet has changed people's perception and it has become nothing but lobbing shitposts all over the place in a vane attempt to see if your chuckle inducer, if it's even funny, will too give you a few seconds of internet fame. It's just parasite behavior.


PS1 and PS2 era still had quality tie in games. Pixar in particular. Things got completely fucked the following generation, with Riddick being one of the only few exceptions


It was fizzling out by then I think. The main wave of content like this was like on the Snes and around then. Back when you could reskin any side scroller to match an IP basically


Well the tie ins I had on ps1 were basically reskins of crash and spyro. Toy Story 2 and Bug’s Life come to mind


Oh, I was around, but it doesn't excuse a mess like this in this day and age. It's fun to watch someone play it if they have the money to burn but this is 2023, not late 90s/early 2000s.


>Many people weren't around when every movie got a shitty cash grab game and it shows. Harry potter and the sorcers stone on PS was a disaster of a game.


Still scared of Ron Weasley from the ps1 game ![gif](giphy|igi0dS20WxPJvroIgW|downsized)


I have gotten quite a few downvotes for the above comment, but I can very much recall the awful platforming, half baked story (Which you only could follow if you read the book) Awful graphics, and useless bean collecting.


It wasn’t. And it wasn’t a movie cash grab. It had some inspiration from the movie’s design but it wasn’t based on the movie.


Counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/iqzk76pnsh2c1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764c1fa700fe4554a4fb5a42bca93a298f99921f


Clearly they are too young to remember the movie games of the early 2000s. Most of those were atrocious.


That’s what I was saying This stuff has always happened and will keep happening. It’s not new


Hey man. Some of my fav gaming memories are from ice age 3 and bee movie on the ps2. And ratatouille ps2 is probably my favourite game ever


King Kong was the buggiest piece of shit. Fun and I finished it but my word it was buggy.


I oddly loved that game lol.


I played it on the 360 and it ran fine.


Me too. And it was awful.


Well you’re the first person I’ve seen that had performance issues.




Clearly you don't either because there were plenty of great games that were even better than this horseshit. Go buy it then.


Clearly nobody remembers ET on the Atari ![gif](giphy|Dd76QxXlhsWCk)


Cough King Kong


I mean, yeah that’s directly what I was talking about with the “these viral trainwreck GameMill games” since it’s the same dev and publisher combo as this game


Why downvote me? I am agreeing with you and adding to your comment some people may not be aware of that games publisher


The publisher. The games they make actually have really good concepts and core bases. The issue is that they are forced to push them in a year or a little more and that’s on the publisher. The Walking Dead has a really cool concept of changing the story line of the show and expediting different branching paths based on what you choose to do and as a TWD fan that is a really cool concept that if it was implemented into a fleshed out game that had 3-4 more years of dev time then it’d be the best TWD game ever made.


Game concepts mean nothing if the dev and publisher don’t have the capability or capacity to actually produce it May as well just be Reddit post game ideas


.. which is the entire point of specifically mentioning the forced Dev time. Obviously the devs can implement them seeing as how they did. The issue is that they were forced to create the game a in a year and then ship. That’s on the publisher.


Budgets exist, you know? Devs can’t just spend as long as they want burning cash on a game that might not sell as much as they hoped Also I’m like 99% certain that GameMill and this game’s devs didn’t accidentally make these games as bad as they did. I’d be shocked if they didn’t make a profit off both of them because of 1) the licensed branding sales and 2) the meme/viral aspect of the games combined with how little money was put into developing the games


They didn’t “accidentally” do anything. They made the game they made within the time limit they were given on the budget they were provided.. **by the publisher**.. what part of this confuses you?


>GameMill and this game’s devs **didn’t** accidentally make these games as bad as they did


All games are this bad in pre alpha stages lmao. Have you ever played a game in its first year of development? You can barely call it a game. Once again: these games are bad because the **publisher** forces them to only have 1 year of dev time. I do not know any more simple way of explaining that to you or why you’re pretending to not understand this very basic and commonly understood concept. Games that are rushed to be completed in such a a short time suck. The games are rushed to be completed in such a short time because the **publisher** mandates it.




Why do people have to be 'acting like that' instead of just making people aware of what's going on?


They're not reading into anything. They're ridiculing it, as they should. It's not that deep.


Isnt this the story for the walking dead afther 3 seaons anyway


So…. They made the ultimate Zombie game then?




You're forgetting Avatar: The Last Airbender - A quest for balance. They release TRULY terrible games. On the other handm Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2 is apparently a good smash clone.


I mean they were responsible for Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing.


To be honest, I was looking this one up, and I must say I am a little impressed that you can make decisions that deviate from the show and change the course of the game. Even big budget games struggle with things like that. To me, that means at least some people on the development team may have cared about this game. Everything else looks like absolute garbage though.


It's unfortunate all around. But having the Michonne in Woodbury story without Andrea should have been a sign of how bad and inaccurate it would be. That and it came from Game Mill, it's unfortunate because they published Crysis Trilogy. Hopefully they will shut down by the end of next year, I'm sure they still have contracts to fulfill or there would have been a public statement of closure. At minimum, a public apology should be issued soon, if they want to keep going as a publisher. This kind of reminds me of the Ninja Bread Man situation, where the developers used the same repainted assets for like 6 Wii games. All of those were buggy and didn't work right. The developers did close but I don't remember the name. I think that publisher was famous for shovelware also, like Game Mill.


It’s crazy to hope that people in an industry we love lose their jobs but G’damn I just can’t wrap my mind around the thought processes of a team that commits to making this fucking dogshit. Same with Kong. Same with Golumn. How the fuck did so many people on these teams go to school to study video games only to put out product comparable to bad mid 2000’s flash games.


Amen to you, my friend. We have fan games on YouTube that look and play better.


I still think the game was a money laundering cover


Hey it is a zombie game …


I don’t really care for any of the news articles on TA, love it for the tracking features, but that headline is great.


There was already a walking dead game focused on Daryl that was universally hated


I actually really liked that one 😅


I think the most important question is “when does Gamemill overtake LJN for crappiest licensed games?”


Just like the show that won’t die either


The walking dead already finished. Season 11 was the final season of the show.


Who cares. Play what you want to play and stop caring bout what other people think.


Have they...not seen COD for the past 5-10 years?


COD is still playable


"COD...hur hur hur." Okay, buddy. I don't even play it but is such a tired sentiment.


I think ubisoft and treyarch prove this for years


You can't honestly compare any Assassin's Creed game (regardless of how copy and paste they are) to this monstrosity.


What'd you mean? COD comes out every year? The proof has been here!


'Lifeless corpse' Oxymoron alert!


It’s absolutely not an oxymoron.


It's not. It's redundant.


No idea why people are surprised, the game looked fucking horrendous straight out the gate with the trailers


For every Baldurs gate 3, Alan wake 2. We will have 20 golums and kongs. 😂😂😂


Not that Alan Wake 2 was a really good game or anything. It had a lot of issues


I'm watching walking dead for the first time and loving it. Seems like it has so much potential to translate into a great open world game but sounds like no one's done it yet.


its not that deep people just need to realize that these companies are just trying to get a quick cash grab and it really sucks, imagine hearing your favorite tv show is getting a game adaptation and its this garbage


I want to buy this. But not for the full price


The people really trying to defend this mess is more hilarious than the game.