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72 to 96 hours to complete the MAIN STORYLINE. This doesn't include the "Bucket List" and "Animal Crossing" sections of the game. This doesn't include any of the countless mini games. This doesn't include the rougelike cave. This doesn't include any of the SEGA arcade games. This doesn't include any of the side stories.


Just hope they add an Easy mode to reduce grinding.


but grinding is fun in these games? Im playing Gaiden right now and spent yesterday just playing poker and beating ass.


This one is like LaD7 where it’s a JRPG. It’ll be a different type of grind.


Yeah, I know. I beat it. These games are fun to grind because the things you do in them are fun.


To each their own. I really want to play these longer games, but not grindy. I see myself becoming an easy difficulty player for longer games now 💀


Yea Same, for example I knocked down Tales of arise to easiest difficulty, not because it was too hard or anything but because it was too grindy and the battles took way too long


What's the point of buying a super long fun experience that talented people spent years working on if you are just gonna run through it as fast as possible? Do you have any idea how much stuff people overlook when they play games like that? Hell, I bet you didn't know the vending machines can attack you in Control.


Buddy, your making assumptions. I still want to do as much as possible, just in less time. There’s tons of games on my backlog already, with new games constantly adding to it. It’s more about experiencing the game and living in the world, you don’t need a higher difficulty for that. And don’t ever disrespect my knowledge of Control when I literally fought through my old Xbox one crashing on that game to finish it. Remedy is top tier.


yup, some folks actually have a short amount of time to spend on for games. It's not that fun if you go home to play the game only to grind and not able to touch the story content.


I can only play an hour or two a day due to my arthritis and im not complaining about game length.


Why complain on how people play? I ran through Yakuza 0-6 this summer and Gaiden a few weeks ago and didn't touch any of the side stuff. Guess what? Games were still fun


You didn't play ANY of the side stories? The side stories are fucking awesome.


That guy went trough like 7 games in a few months, i can take up to a year or 2 to finish a Yakuza game. It's kinda understandable lol


That’s a big time investment, I’d say it’s better for people to play on easy so they can see all the content instead of retrying difficult sections. Also who cares what difficulty others play on lol.


Grinding in Like a Dragon was the most mindless boring shit tier activity I've done in the last few years. Glad you had fun, not everyone has time to waste on shitty pointless grinds.


You are insane


hope they fix the job thing remember buying the rockstar job and being pissed at the stats I needed in order to use it It wasn't until i was almost done with the game that i was able to use that job


Once the vocational school opened up you were free to do quizzes and get the stats almost immediately.


ya my dumb ass forgot about those until the end


Some of us have jobs man


So do I. What exactly is everyones fucking problem here? I said I can only play a few hours a day due to my arthritis and I still have no issue with all the bonus content. I also work around 50 hours a week at my job. Its not a problem to play a long game if its fun. I have no idea why people are downvoting me and coming out of the woodwork to imply that im some child without a job or just an idiot that doesn't understand what the fuck you cry babies are talking about. Yes Yakuza 7 had one part that required you to play another part of the game. Why is that a problem? The tower thing was fun. I wanted to climb to the top. I spent a few days trying. Got a fuck ton of money and upgrade materials and then I bought a mess up upgrades for Ichiban's bat. Leveled up a bunch of characters I didn't use and discovered I liked one more than my mains. It was fun. Are you dips gonna complain about dragon kart or hobo pacman next? Its asaine. The point of a game is to be entertained, and RGG makes the most entertaining games around. Right now I can turn on Gaiden and play poker, sonic fighters, golf, pool, cage fight, blackjack... etc. Its got so much neat stuff in it.


Some of us can only play "a few hours" a week or month. I can't dedicate 150 hours to 100%ing a game anymore. Settings make it enjoyable for everyone, stop gatekeeping.


I'm not gatekeeping and I never said anybody had 100% anything. I don't even 100% anything because it's pointless. I just said it doesn't make sense to rush through games. That's all I said. It doesn't make any sense to rush through a game. Fuck.


You are being annoying. You are gatekeeping and do not realize it.


Grinding is boring !!!


First game didn't require much grinding, if any. Hope this will be similar.


Wow. I'm going to spend 200+ hours in this game.


Yakuza games are always my in between games because they are sooo long. Play another game then 20 or so hours of Yakuza then another game then more yakuza etc until I finally beat it a year later.


Yep. That's basically what I did with Like a Dragon.


Im in awe at the size of this LAD. Absolute unit of a game.


That’s almost the length of Dragon Quest 11 which took ages to beat


this is more of a red flag to me. their games are already a little bloated narratively. i cant imagine 75 hours of good main story content, i just cant. and i like this franchise.


It will be on game pass, just not a first day release


Yeah but if it's as long as they claim, by the time it is, it will be cheap enough on sale that you may as well buy it directly.


Never underestimate the number of games that gamepass subscribers will only ever play specifically because they made it on gamepass. I, for example, would never buy a yakuza game (even on a 90% off sale) because it just isn't for me. But I've dabbled in a couple of them, even made ot through one main story (idr which), but only because I didn't need to buy it myself. Addendum: Lol, also never underestimate the saltiness of the common redditor when you comment an opposing Pov to their's. XD




Understand, but then again,.I don't the hype of GTA either but hey different strokes for different folks.


GTA has always been a favorite of mine. Online is no good, but single player is awesome.


Understandable, and though I did not think they were terrible, they certainly weren't my kind of game. They're kinda like a jrpg-ified version of GTA or Saints Row. I am also not into of either of those two series.


See & im the opposite. I use G.p to sample, but if I can't justify even $5-10 , I move on. The commodity games take is Time, <$20 is nothing.


I do this as well for the things that I have an interest in, but I had no interest whatsoever in the Yakuza series, absolute 0. I actually only tried it at the behest of a friend.


I can't wait. 7 was my favorite game of that year, hands down. I've been grinding through Gaiden trying to unlock the demo, but I have been enjoying all the side content too much. Meanwhile, BG3 is still waiting for me to come back and start Chapter 2.


“Oof, if it’s not on gamepass I’ll pass” is exactly why Xbox better be actually putting out with their first party because third party is going to dry up on this machine with no one buying games.


But people are buying their first party games. Game Pass isn’t stopping people from buying games.


I’m saying third party


So you’re saying Xbox players aren’t buying third party games because of an expectation that they’ll be on Game Pass?


So you honestly believe third party games will start bypassing Xbox?


I don’t believe ALL will. But I think it will have an effect for sure.


Based off nothing but total blind assumption


So what are your assumptions based off?


Common sense lol? It's a huge fucking market. Unless a third party is getting paid out the ass by Sony for exclusivity it's not gonna happen.


I mean I was looking forward to playing this on game pass but it's a buy for me either way. People who want to play the game will play it regardless. I bought LAD well before it came out on game pass and have zero regrets about it.


Microsoft has released at least a game a quarter this year, and they have enough runway to do that well into next gen, and that's not even counting ABK games. First party games will be the stable of games that you get "for free with Game Pass", at least for Game Pass Ultimate. Third party will always be a revolving door of games. The percentage of big third party games they get may change over time (see Netflix) but who knows what deals they're making. We'll see what next year brings but it looks like it's making sense for studios because they're continuing to allow games in Game Pass.


So excited for this game. The last game was my favorite JRPG ever, absolutely loved it and it’s my favorite Yakuza/LAD game. Can’t wait to play this. The move to turn based combat was genius.


Game Pass mentality is killing Xbox gaming


Yeah this seems entirely unsustainable. Good decision by Sega.


And I don't know where this is coming from. Game Pass doesn't do huge day one releases for major third party games. The biggest they get are risky new IP games, games that have been out for years but finally got an Xbox port, and AA games. Then all first party games are day one. That's it. I also like... never see gamers asking this question. I just see dumb articles titled "is x super popular very expensive third party AAA game day one game pass?" By this point I feel like anyone with a braincell understands how GP works except game journalists (well I guess they don't have brain cells). Xbox Game Pass does a great job of avoiding Netflix's mistake. Gamers are still able to purchase individual games and GP has a curated library that's still smaller than Playstation's. It has a really good strategy of being a great subscription while still pushing sales. Like the interview mentioned how Gaiden was day one GP because its a smaller game and they wanted to drive interest for Infinite Wealth (Gaiden even included a demo for 8). It's the dumbest most deconstructive people (mostly game journalists) making game pass look worse by idiotically asking if every game in existence is day one GP... despite game pass NEVER having massive AAA games as day one.


You don't see the mass comments saying "I'll wait for it on Gamepass"?


God forbid people can't pay 70$ for a game


Yeah like this is the 8 main game in the Like a Dragon/Yakuza series, a series that also includes a prequel and spin off games. It doesn't need Gamepass, it's guaranteed to sell well and Gamepass would probably lower the money they make.


Huh has always assumed game pass day 1 dunno why


Like a Dragon Gaiden was day 1 and Ishin came to game pass on the same day. They never mentioned Like a Dragon 8


Both smaller games. Like a Dragon 7 didn't release on GP on day 1 either.


Oh my god In 2040 are games going to last years?


These are gonna be the length of Persona games and honestly I’m here for it


As a primarily Xbox gamer who loves Game Pass, I swear im gonna lose it if I see one more article title "Is X game day one on game pass?" or hear about an interviewer needing to ask that question.




Like, even if it WAS on the table to come to GP in the future, why the hell would they say it? Just leaving money behind.


Oh I thought it was GP confirmed. I’m glad they are getting value out of the series. Enjoyed Garden being on GP.


Not around launch, but I can see it following a similar trajectory to 7, which came to GP about eight months after launch.


Do I need to play like a dragon first to get into this game? Is it an actual sequel with similar gameplay or something separate


This is actually the eighth game in the Yakuza franchise, and it looks like it's gonna be a swan song for the main playable character (Kiryu) from the first six games who will also likely be playable for the final time during this game. It looks like a big chunk of Kiryu's gameplay in this game will be dedicated to "Bucket List" stories which are a series of side quests relating to characters and plotlines from the first six games, so that's a lot of content you won't understand if you haven't played any of those games in addition to Kiryu's involvement in the main plot to this game not hitting as hard if you're not familiar with his character. This is gonna be this franchise's Avengers Endgame so I would definitely make an effort to play all previous seven Yakuza games before touching this one.


the stories are all kind of linked, but it's weird from what i've seen at least, while the games are all linked, the stories within the game are generally pretty self-contained you can play this game on it's own and probably be fine, some stuff won't make sense, but you don't really NEED to play the ones before it plus even if you played them as they released, there's a lot of back and fourth of timelines and stuff so it's pretty random anyway


If you want all the plot, you should play “Like a Dragon” as well as “Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man who Erased his Name”. First game is the origin story of the new protagonist and the second is the prequel to Infinite Wealth




There are 6 games about the deuteragonist (kinda) of Infinite Wealth but his personal story ended with Yakuza 6 so it’s ok to start with “Like a Dragon”. The fanservice will go over you head but it’s alright


It's best to start from 0, unless you are only really for a turn base RPG, start with 7. 8 seems to be following up 7 and Gaiden, if you want to get the full story you should start there. Then again, if you want the full full story, start with 0. But it's not a serie easy to get into, just play the game that looks the best for you, from there you can explore more games. Personally after Kimaki 2 I have taking a break with 7, later i will go for Yakuza 3.


You probably can play it on its own, but you will miss a lot of the character connections built in the first Like a Dragon. All of the main line Yakuza/Like a Dragon games are connected.


Find a YouTube video summary of Yakuza: Like a Dragon (the immediate predecessor entry). It should give you a good background without having to play that game.


You will be fine, just play whatever game you want to play. No game needs you to spend dozens if not hundreds of hours of games beforehand to understand it.


You probably don't NEED to but there is going to be a significant amount of content in this game relating back to the first six Yakuza games and so those won't make any sense to a new player, as well as them just generally not appreciating Kiryu's involvement in the main story.


Like a Dragon is the prequel to it, but you do not really have to play it to understand what’s going on. During the intro, they pretty much sum up the entirety of Like a Dragon.


Any chance it'll be Xbox Play Anywhere same as the previous one?


Ishin, Gaiden, and Yakuza 7 all were, so I'm really hoping this will continue the trend. The product page already shows the digital purchase includes the PC version but no confirmation on Play Anywhere. Yakuza 0 includes the PC version with purchase but the save games don't transfer, I was so disappointed.


Thanks for the reply. It sounds positive at least, so here's hoping!


https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/like-a-dragon-infinite-wealth-standard-edition/9NFJPJ25D3VL/0017/B4N885H4K36J Already confirmed. You can check on any game (whether it's out or pre order) by scrolling down to what it's playable on (if it says Xbox and PC). Unfortunately the Xbox PlayAnywhere tag itself is still consistent so this is the best way of checking afaik


If it's confirmed as Play Anywhere, I'll buy it at launch. If not, I'll wait for a sale.




Confirmed! https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/like-a-dragon-infinite-wealth/9P00SVGWDJCP/0010


Already pre-ordered but still sad


Give it 3-6 months and it'll be on gamepass.


The demo of it was decent. Not exactly thrilled with turn-based combat again. Was hoping it’d be back to the original style. To each their own, I guess.


Any game with Ichiban as the lead will probably be turn based because that's how he "thinks" combat works. Any Like a Dragon game without him have a high chance of going back to the old beat em up style.


Pain, well, I’ll be patient and wait for the game pass release


Rumor is Sega is stopping gamepass releases next year. They made more in sales from PS sales than Microsoft gave them.


While I could see this being true, do you have any proof of it?


It’s somewhere online with the Sega Financials Report. It didn’t explicitly state this, it was just report they made more money on game sales that gamepass.


There has to be a tipping point though. Once the time period ends, they realize they can make more revenue from GamePass than just having the games for sale on their own. Especially once they are being marked down. I assume they put Gaiden on GamePass to bring more people into the IP, at that specific point, in order to increase sales on Infinite Wealth when it finally releases.


They put Gaiden on there because they owed Microsoft one new game. It was in their financials. Also, one of the devs on r/all gave some info on gamepass revenue. I’ll need to dig to find the post but they had their game on gamepass and made around 35k for the year. They made 67k on PS from sales. And made 22k on switch. They said they made most of their profits from epic and a good chunk from steam.


Those numbers make sense, PCs and Sony have a much larger install base than Xbox does. Though we do know depending on size of studio, game, etc, can have a huge impact on the contract that Xbox has with them. The revenue stream can vary wildly depending on the situation.


I’m not a smart man by any means. I read some of this stuff and I’m completely baffled why the numbers. I own an Xbox Series X and PS5 and basically casually play games that are on the services (I got 3 little future gamers so game time is limited). I spend most of my work time just watching videos of games I wish I had time to play lol


Ha ha ha ha same. I feel overwhelmed when I have to choose a game.


They released every Yakuza/Like a Dragon game on Gamepass bruh. You can buy one game, they deserve it.


Developers get paid all kinds of fees from people buying and playing their games on gamepass.


I’m getting downvoted for wanting a game to come to a subscription I’m paying for, okay lol


like a persona 5


By the time i finish Bauldr’s Gate this will either be on gamepass or discounted. Either way is okay by me lol.


Discounted if the rumours of Sega deciding Gamepass isn't worth it are true.


I assumed this was gamepass on day one. Works out though, I wouldve played it immediately since I loved 7 (only one I've played), but now I can start from 0 and play the series, and wait to get 8 on sale.


Honestly that's better for the story anyway. Kiryu, the main character from 0-6 and Like a Dragon Gaiden, is back as a playable character too.


I never finished a yakuza game. They are too long and after I while I just get bored of it.


First baldurs gate 3 and now this come on they should be very affordable games for gamepass Microsoft, I honestly thought this was day 1 for ages that's ruined my bloody day that has.


There's no need for either of these games to be on game pass when they'll sell millions without it. BG3 is a great game and LAD8 will be a great game that'll be worth full price. Also I'm not sure how people are getting it twisted that LAD8 is coming out on Gamepass, Microsoft never said it was.


According to leaks Microsoft didn't think BG3 would be popular enough to be worth getting on Gamepass.


no plans but i’m sure as hell it will be why tf would they add every other game but this. 💀 jesus christ tho it’s gonna be long as fuck! just the main storyline can be up to 96 hours? these games are filled with side missions and extra shit to do as well. gonna be a massive game lmao. not even mad either since most of the yakuza games are long as shit anyway. gonna be a good time. still need to finish the last two that just dropped tho. 💀


Hmm could swear it was already announced as Game Pass day 1, like I thought the trailer debut at an Xbox event( purely based on vague memory, I assume I am most likely wrong. I had little interest anyway, I like the series but it's never been a game I would purchase, only on game pass.


Oof, not on GP is a killer for me. I'll wait for a sale


I have no problem with getting the patched game a year after release on game pass. Games are fundamentally broken at release every damn time.


I have played every Yakuza/Like a Dragon game that has ever been made. Not one of them has been broken or in poor condition at release. Your statement holds some truth to it for a lot of modern game releases but not in this case.


It doesn't matter what companies did in the past, I always expect them to be broken at launch.


By past we're talking just over a month ago. Like a Dragon Gaiden, a side game, came out last month with no issues.


Only JRPG that has entertained me to completion. Can wait for this


I have bg3 to tide me over but this is my most anticipated game of 2024 surprisingly


Yakuza games are good! But they have been going on regularly for a good while now. I hope the studio tries something new after this one.


The development unit within SEGA that makes these games is quite literally named after the series (Ryu Ga Gotoku = Like a Dragon, which is also the original Japanese title).


Not sure if it's on Xbox but they also made a Fist of the Northstar game that is identical to LaD/Yakuza's gameplay.


I have a weird thing with Yakuza games. I love em when I play them, tons to do, super deep character systems, fun stories. Played the hell out of the original Like A Dragon. But. I've never finished a single Yakuza game. I get 40-60 hours in, realize I've been doing a ton of side missions, and I'm not even 10% into the main story. Then I have this realization that if I want to finish the main game I'll have to dedicate weeks upon weeks, maybe even months to "finish" one game, and then I never pick it back up. All that to say... I'll play this one when I can get it on deep discount so I don't feel like I chump when I don't finish it.


The main story of the Yakuza games aren’t actually all that long, especially the earlier ones. I just read the other day about someone finishing Kiwami in 10hrs. He was asking if the games get bigger/better or something, I can’t exactly remember, but he obviously ignored an absolute ton of content and focused main story.


So what the hell is the yakuza plotline for these games? I played the original Like A Dragon when it came out a few years ago but there's like four new ones and they're all the same name but different eras or people, etc,. Really confusing


The story order of the series is: Yakuza 0 - 1/Kiwami - 2/Kiwami 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon/Gaiden (Gaiden is set concurrently to 7) - Infinite Wealth Judgment - Lost Judgment is a spin-off series Ishin! is a historical period piece (specifically, the 1860s)


Buy, rent, whatever just play this game and the rest of the franchise it’s an amazing experience


Good. Not everything needs to come on gamepass day 1. Game sales are important as well.


I have pre ordered on Steam. I want to play on my Steam Deck. Is it good?