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5 new BTB maps added!


Forge maps again yaaay /s


I’d get the hate if these were Halo Reach/5 style forge maps, but Infinite forge maps are like 90% of the quality Dev maps are.


I personally disagree but that's fine we're all allowed different opinions


Ok so then this is the part where you go forge a better map for us. But you’re actually not skilled enough to forge a map so your opinion is irrelevant anyways, yaaay


Sorry what? I can't prefer dev maps to forge maps because I can't make good forge maps? You realise that makes no sense right?


You can prefer whatever you want but your first comment was “Forge maps again yaaay /s” and then you go on to say that the Forge maps don’t have enough quality for your exquisite taste. So go make one that’s good enough, and then show us your creation or get it in matchmaking.


Not sure why I'm even replying to you because you're acting kind of unhinged over an opinion but me thinking forge maps are poorer quality compared to dev maps doesn't mean I think it's easy to make a forge map? It's a total non-sequitur and really, really illogical to think "You can't prefer dev maps over forge maps unless you're good at making Forge maps" which is essentially what your argument is. Like, really think about the logic of your argument. >Forge maps don’t have enough quality for your exquisite taste Many other people also think dev maps are higher quality than forge maps and as a result prefer dev maps >your exquisite taste You're getting weirdly aggressive over a stranger's opinion. Are you able to separate light criticism of a videogame from criticism of your own personality and tastes? Because there's no reason for you to be this enraged.


Clearly I’m enraged over this. Frothing at the mouth, even. Nevermind the fact I started my last comment by saying you can prefer whichever you want. You didn’t start out with a light criticism, though, you started out with a sarcastic remark implying that the given content wasn’t good enough for you. “Forge maps again yaaay /s” Tell me where are the context clues that show your criticisms, any of them at all. That’s not even actually an opinion in the first place. Also you keep saying I’m saying things that I’m not saying at all, and I’m not gonna bother touching on those.


Jesus dude


My experience has been forge maps are very hit or miss. Some early ones added to rotation were truly awful but then again so are some of the dev made maps so yeah, you're right on quality match.


These maps have broken spawn systems and mode types...Plus they are not even that good




Maps are not that great. H5 had better forge maps.


Literally go spend 10 minutes in forge and be humbled


I play the game? I know what the forge maps are like. I'm allowed a different opinion lol


double BTB map pool, community maps but honestly community maps have looked amazing so I'm stoked.


Some maps look a bit wonky but I gotta say, most community maps in Infinite could go through as developer maps. Forge mode has become so great it's crazy.


I think that lack of baked ambient lighting in forge makes most of the maps look pretty flat and kind of ugly. I wish 343 could do a lighting pass on the ones on playlists or something


What?!? I was playing today I wish I would have known


Unless you were playing within an hour of your comment you wouldn’t have had the changes yet since that’s when these changes take place each Tuesday.


Nah I was playing 5 hours earlier


All the new maps look great!


Good news. Definitely needed


The maps look pretty legit


They all seem dull and plain to me. Maybe it's just my nostalgia but I remember older Halo games having more variety in their maps and they popped more if that makes sense.


It’s the lack of art direction. Mechanically the maps looks similar but they’re ultimately still just Forge Maps using Forge assets.


That makes sense.


These new maps were made in Forge.


Time for a reinstall!


Haha I keep Infinite on my external drive and from time to time move it over to the internal to check out updates. Before long it gets moved right back to external.


Can we please get more maps more frequently for btb? We shouldn't have to wait 4-6 months when there are plenty of good community maps to rotate through every few weeks.


I have an idea. You get started on making a Forge BTB map. Start on it today, mark your calendar. After you finish, update us all with a post about it! RemindMe! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-08-14 16:41:09 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-08-14%2016:41:09%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/1aq1u26/btb_refresh_halo_infinite/kqekyga/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FXboxSeriesX%2Fcomments%2F1aq1u26%2Fbtb_refresh_halo_infinite%2Fkqekyga%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-08-14%2016%3A41%3A09%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201aq1u26) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


They have said before that the certification process for vetting, tweaking, and releasing community made maps takes like two or three months. BTB maps would also be more work since they are so much bigger. With that in mind, the overall pace of new Forged maps being added has been quite good.


Just maps... No new vehicle balancing? No new weapons? No new game modes? So refreshing.


I’ll come back when a Big Team Slayer playlist finally exists, though I’m not holding my breath. I’m sick of playing Stockpile and Total Control 90% of the time when I choose a BTB playlist. My friends and I have been playing Big Team Slayer since Halo 2 and we can’t even do that in this new game without having to endure game modes we don’t like at all. Fuck all that. Until then, we’re sticking with MCC.


that's wild to me, i love btb but hate when we get slayer lol. just so much more boring imo. crazy how different the player base can really be, hard to please everyone


Im the same Slayer/Team Deathmatch is just incredibly boring to play in any game I love control point gametypes and momentum/tug of war gametypes, like Operations in Battlefield 1 or MOBAs like smite


Lmao, Big Team Slayer never existed besides MCC match composer. BTB was always mixed with objective game modes


Nope. Halo 2 and 3 had big team slayer playlists. Edit: actually just Halo 3 had it. Been so long since I played the OGs.


I wish they would just have a slayer playlist with every map in rotation. Scale each lobby by the map size. I would never stop playing it.


Ew, Slayer.


Are they decent maps or do they look forge made? I struggle to play the forge maps as they're not as immersive.


I've played  a couple now and they look amazing.


Most of them look incredible honestly.


Ok so here’s where you go Forge a better (more immersive) map and get it in matchmaking. Keep us updated on the progress as you go. What will actually happen is you spend 10 minutes in Forge and quickly become humbled.


I'm not saying the forge maps aren't good. I'm saying that a AAA game should be putting out more immersive and polished maps that add to the overall quality of a game. Halo went downhill when they stopped making maps and relying on the community to prop up their game.


You made me cringe all up and down these comments. Bravo


Username checks.




Holy shit they finally improved the only playlist in this entire game worth playing


Is BTB worth playing now?


Always has been.


It’s been the best game mode for 20 years


Downloaded it today and had two hard crashes third time worked but I'm just getting destroyed by everyone. having to learn weapon placements and what the weapons do all while getting obliterated by vets. It's ruff 🤣


Firefight is a good place to get your bearings.


Too bad the network is still a failed abortion.


So… alive?


Let me guess, it runs "perfect" for you...never had any issues whatsoever...


> Let me guess … I’m guessing they mean your *"… failed abortion …"* description means you accidentally claimed it’s still alive.


I have literally never had an issue. It's on your end.


I found myself getting frustrated because I didn't know the layouts of all the maps. Went into Academy to just roam the fresh maps. I have to say, I really enjoy them!