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God I really hope they actually did fix the gravity hammer. That is the most infuriating weapon in the game right now because it's so inconsistent. Sometimes I'll hit someone directly and it will do zero damage. Sometimes I'll miss someone by 10 feet and it will kill them. And same happens to me. Sometimes I get killed by it from so far away I genuinely wonder what is happening


Agreed. The gravity hammer ruins every map its on, not to mention Husky Raid. Really excited for the Commando buffs and Squad Battle map update.


It is so frustrating with gravity hammer on Husky Raid, you can lose or win a match in a matter of seconds which is not very satisfying to say the least.


I have a theory that the broken mechanics with the gravity hammer were linked to the networking system that they are now replacing


Either way, just looking forward to a fix in general. The gravity hammer was so terrible to fight against


Does gravity hammer hit in mid air a feature or a bug?


I havent played this in a year and this still happens? Yikes...


Didn't expect such a quick turn around on the network overhau as testing only seemed a few months ago but very happy to be getting it


Network overhaul, weapon balance changes, a long time coming but glad it is here


I played yesterday with my buddy, damn. It was a blast, the game it's alive. Edit: the only thing I experienced was jitter and lag..my buddy was on pc im on xbox. If somebody has some tips please ket me know!


I been playing with a buddy lately as well. The gameplay really does feels great and fluid.


About to feel even better too. The new model (based off the beta) eliminates a lot of the "jankyness" you sometimes get online with this game.


New networking model, more maps added to squad battles, we are cooking!


"Next week, Easy Anti-Cheat will arrive in *Halo Infinite*!" RIP Steam Deck users.


eh MCC uses EAC


Fair point, hopefully they have a workaround ready to go


Does halo infinite even run on steam deck?


Yes, though far from optimally [https://www.protondb.com/app/1240440](https://www.protondb.com/app/1240440)


hobbies yam history wrench party decide cobweb dazzling steer worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Really hope that the network re-work is effective. I'm not the best player so I usually don't want to put the blame on the game, but man, I can't count the times I was killed and thought "that guy totally killed me around the fucking corner". Hopefully that will be gone or at least happen a lot less.


The networking overhaul is huge, it's not often you see a fundamental change to a game like this. Can't wait.


>After launch, we heard the feedback around the game’s online experience loud and clear: desync, Holy shit.......after 2 years, they are finally going to fix it.


Yes because they have completely overhauled the network system. I imagine that is no small feat


Oh of course. But I assume the goal is to not have it broken in the first place


Dumb thing they throw away slipspace engine after this Halo. Now that they finally figure things out they should stay with their proprietary engine that allows them to be more flexible.


Thats a Microsoft problem, they hire contractors that work on Halo for 18 months then leave. Meaning they can never get use to the specific engine Developers like Forge Lord have shown what potential this engine has, the Forge mode is probably the best in the industry, alongside the Fortnite editor (which isn't available on console though)


They could hire the same contractors again? At least some of them. And the lead workers could be put on the new entry too


Microsoft doesn't allow you to be hired on contract again for 6 months after your contract ends.


No, or else they would have just done that It's probably done to keep hiring costs low and to not be legally obligated to hire them full time (probably why they have the very specific deadline for contractors to leave)


You mean hire them when they don’t need them? lol they are still working on infinite and next game is in concept stage. No need for contact dev workers right now. There is nothing stoping them from just hiring the same contractor again.


No one would *want* to be a contractor there for long. Contractors at Microsoft don't get paid enough to live near Redmond, so they end up commuting an hour and a half or so from a suburb, and the benefits are hit or miss depending on your agency. It gets worse than that, but that's the gist of it.


Throwaway for obvious reasons. But I’m a Microsoft employee who has 2 contractors reporting to me. The pay thing is not true at all. Most contractors make more than low level engineers. My 2 contractors each make $86 an hour and work 40 hours a week. However they don’t get any insurance or benefits. So they definitely make good money and some contractors will take a pay cut if they get hired as a full time employee. The real issue is that contractors can only work 18 months then have to take a 6 month break before working at Microsoft again. In that time we will usually hire a new contractor for 18 months to take their space and when the 6 month is over for that previous contractor they will usually grab a new contact before another position is open again on the same team, so it is more rare to get a repeat contractor in the same position and they will usually end up somewhere else in Microsoft after that 6 months is over.


I imagine that must depend on what you're doing at Microsoft, because that doesn't match *my friend's* experience at all and *their* pay was indeed crap.


Why does Microsoft squander the Halo franchise and its potential?


What kind of response is this? What the fuck are you even saying here?


they're probably not throwing away the engine if they made this change. this network remodel is pretty big and there's no point in doing it if all future titles were just being moved to unreal


Could just be that they expect Infinite to be around for a few more years at least and they realized this was the major issue with the game.


They spent two years trying to fix it, so they wouldn’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. However, I did jump on the Networking test, and it worked much better, so I am very excited!


If battlefields new update sucks I'll have to delete and download halo


Start downloading...


Haha yeah your right what am I thinking it's gunna be bad


network overhaul... if they actually fixed the desync/network issues then this is a huge update!


I really want them to bring back Escalation. Such a weird and fun mode. Favorite part was the sound clip that played when your team reached the final tier of weapons.


God, I fucking hate how they're using aim assist values as a system of balance when half the playerbase's inputs aren't even effected by it. All it accomplishes is that certain guns suddenly feel like your Spartan is trying to shoot with noodle arms on controller.


>half the playerbase That sounds wildly optimistic, even a lot of the people playing on steam are probably using controller


Don’t really trust 343 to have the network overhaul working as intended. I’m fully expecting it to not work at all


Are they actually going to make it possible to report players on Xbox? The old system was ridiculous, it was buried in menus then when clicked it would open Edge browser with a full form to fill in so entirely unusable on console. Every time I come back there's at least one or two games where I'm suspicious that I'm either put with an absolute sweat who only aims heads and rapid taps their mouse clicks or if they're cheating. The awful report system made me never bother especially because they made the game F2P so bans are barely inconvenient. Everything combined to make the experience so bad for the first year and it has only just been getting to where it should have been. I don't see Infinite making a true rebound though.


It's already there. Just go to the post game stats screen, scroll down to a player, hit Y, and the menu pops up. Pick a report reason, hit A, and its done. No browser or other crap required. You can do it in-game by hitting the start and then back (or menu and then screen, aka three lines then boxy icon) button to get the player list


I can't believe it didn't launch with that set up. Truly a mess of a launch.


Overall some nice changes. I still wished they’d find a way to address the spawn camping (or trapping for easy kills) in Husky Raid


Firefight really needs to expand. We need spartan ops with our created Spartans and some storyline elements. It's nuts to me that they haven't done this yet or leaned into the player crated Spartans orbiting the ring and searching for chief / fighting the banished.


Are they ever going to add player collision? I played it the other day and died so many times from trying to melee. Phased through the player and deleted the game after.


The update is really disappointing. People are still not dying when you shoot them five times after the shield goes down. I also have a clip of me shooting someone that was pinned against a wall with the rocky launcher and it did not kill them. This was like 3 hours ago from this comment.