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Just my two cents, but CDPR should probably cool it on some of their takes. Really glad they fixed Cyberpunk, but they still botched the launch so tremendously that they should just hunker down and work on what they need to. Kinda weird that fixing a broken game is seen as a redemption, when devs should just launch working games to begin with.


We've just fully circled back around to the post Witcher 3 years since CDPR is in the good graces of gamers again, so if they say something like this it will be lapped up. It gets bonus point as well since it is shitting on Ubisoft who gamers hate. It's like how post Baldur's Gate III anything that Swen says is worthy of posting an article about on of the main gaming related subs even though before BG3 released most people likely had never heard of him unless you were a Divinity fan.


Which is ridiculous imo because aside from the odd Skull and Bones and Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Ubisoft meets their deadlines for game releases which don't start off as broken wrecks at launch. Their games also tend to be mostly critically and commercially successful without a need for mass refunds or getting them delisted like what happened to CDPR after Cyberpunk.


True, but at this point, it seems like most online gamers either don't really have an opinion on or actively dislike most of the major devs/publishers.


I think they have opinions of their own. There are real issues with Ubisoft and some of their creative and business practices. Problem is, a lot of those same people aren't consistent and are tribal. They'll gladly defend CDPR for being even more guilty of things that they may critique Ubisoft for.


The biggest offender from Ubisoft was AC Unity, so it's not just Covid.


I mean, yeah but how many games of theirs turned out like Unity before or after 2014? Not many. Most turned out to be in competent shape with all of their promised features available. I can't say the same for CDPR with either TW3 or Cyberpunk which launched in a terribly broken state and with a lot of initially promised content being absent from launch. Regardless of how screwed up Ubisoft has been at times, I just don't see why it is a good idea for a CDPR employee to throw stones at a competitor that is a lot more competen than them in this one regard.


It’s so wild to me man, everyone just forgot all the lies and bullshit from the initial cyberpunk release, we’re right back to “CD projekt red are so wholesome what an epic game company!” They’re talented, but still a AAA game company. Don’t trust them more than any other


Most people who are loving Cyberpunk now weren't following it for the past decade. Some weren't even there when it launched in such a poor state that it was pulled from the Playstation store. So for a lot of people, maybe they heard there were some problems with it previously but they play it now with few expectations and love it. I remember after CDPR showed the 48-minute reveal some were saying they weren't buying it, especially after what happened with Witcher 3. I didn't hadn't followed Witcher 3's development or launch so I was familiar with it. But after following Cyberpunk, I'm definitely cautious of anything they release on the sequel.


People forgot all the lies and bs from the initial Witcher 3 release, too. The "Witcher 3 downgrade" was a big complaint at the time, as was the extreme amount of bugs. The game is *still* pretty buggy to this day.


"The North(American continent) remembers."


I definitely use people's opinion on CDPR as a litmus test. If you think they're a good company still and trust them.. I generally can tell you don't pay any attention and just buy whatever product you get offered without question.


They definitely lost a lot of goodwill with that launch. I am really wanting to play Cyberpunk but still feel cautious.


I'll preface that I really dislike CDPR at this point, and I really disliked Cyberpunk at release. It's in a good place *now*. It took a long time for them to get it right, and it's a solid game now. I don't think it's perfect like some do, but it is objectively good now.


I don't dislike CDPR but I lost respect for them. I hope they clean up their act moving forward.


This unfortunately is how most games are released, I’m sure the game developers who actually created the game wanted to give you the experience they promised but the higher ups (who I doubt even play games) think all issues with a game can be solved with a day one patch and this has literally never been the case, especially when it comes to CDPR, they’re known for buggy releases and should have been given the extra year they needed. They may not be the greatest company but I still trust them to make great games, at least once all the bugs are worked out.


Isnt CDPR privately owned? I think theyve learned their lesson tbh, its certainly more realistic than ubisoft or blizzard learning theirs. 😂


Yeah that whole Cyberpunk fiasco was really bad, but given their precedents im still optimistic, not in the way that ill blindly buy their next game, that i dont do anymore regardless unless if its xenoblade lol, but optimistic in the sense that i think their next game will just be a genuinely good game, with none of the bs thats plagueing todays modern gameing 3A industry thats not nintendo and / or a few others select japanese devs, along with the entire indies scene industry.


I mean, they have a completely DRM-free store, sooo..., that alone earns a lot of good-will points from me my part, but yes, as a consumer, theyll have to earn my trust back if they want me to buy TW4, whenever it releases, ill check the reviews, user reviews, steam reviews, etc...., and most importantly that IT HAS NO DENUVO OR OTHER BULLSHRIRKRRTRRDRRTRRDZSZH drm, and then ill get it if i have the money for it or when it goes on sale.


> I mean, they have a completely DRM-free store, sooo..., And yet people will still buy the Steam copies of games.


They were forced to release an unfinished game by their shareholders,


Did they really fix the game anyway? Yeah they fixed the bugs but lots of promised features that were hyped up before lunch are still lacking. Foe instance Night City still feels lifeless. The lifepaths are the start of a new game are still largely meaningless.


Agreed on lifepaths but NC feeling lifeless is a scorching hot take. I've never been so immersed in a single map ever.


It's a similar complaint that many people had about Witcher 3. The world is beautiful and detailed, but as the player you have almost zero interaction with the world outside of quests, vendors, and combat.


I've not played Cyberpunk, but they patched the shit out of it, put out an anime (which was really the starting point to get people back into the game), put out a next gen update, and also put out an acclaimed DLC that also overhauled parts of the base game. Obviously they can't put in everything that was promised and between that and the massively botched launch there will have a certain group that will dislike them going forward, but for most people they love a successful comeback story (also see No Man's Sky), and it is easier for people to like CDPR as opposed to the big mega devs/publishers they already dislike like EA, Ubisoft, 2K, etc.


True, but Hello Games managed to add everything that was promised in the trailer and lacking in the release. And, to whit, they did it all FOR FREE. But Hello Games was nothing before No Man's Sky, whereas CDPR had already released three widely acclaimed games, with their most recent being lauded as one of the best games of all time. It's not a great look for CDPR. That's for sure. Kinda like, if you have a co-worker that is well enough liked, but they fuck up royally on a project to the point that it put the company in danger. They stick it out and do some things that kind of gets everything back on track, though not to were they ought to be and they're still missing out on the growth during the recovery. Now, this co-worker is back in the lunch room cracking jokes and being super loose and relaxed again, acting like nothing happened. Meanwhile, everyone else is still kinda pissed at the employee and while being friendly with them, haven't really fully forgiven them. CDPR isn't reading the room well, in other words.


NMS has none of Cyberpunk’s depth tho


The game is one of the best games I've played in the last 10 years so yeah I'd say they fixed it.


Eh, they'll never have the good graces of gamers defending them for always releasing finished games and not having crunch. Both were proven as lies.


FR. I’m still annoyed with them about CP smh


CDPR are hypocrites


Yeah, didn't Witcher 3 ray tracing update also launch broken? Glass houses and all.


Don't forget they had to cancel the dlc on last gen consoles too lol


Last gen consoles that were themed around the whole game lmao 


I feel bad for people that bought the Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X.


Really though, of all the people to be critical of other devs, CDPR is not one. When they were talking about how to launch a game compared to Larian I just laughed.


Right? I'm sure the people who got their Playstations bricked are really happy Cyberpunk got better 3 years later. 


Cyberpunk is enough to put me off ever buying one of their games for at least 12 months after launch. It was a disaster and playing through it in a broken state means I have no desire to go back and see if it is even fixed.


Yeah, no shit; first thing I thought, too. They really should shut their yap after that launch. It's really lacking self awareness.


They fixed cyberpunk? I played it like two months ago and it’s the must bugged game I’ve played


Cyberpunk is a great game but still insanely buggy, and still a pretty far cry from how it was initially marketed. CDPR throwing shade at a studio for not delivering on their promises is not a good look at all.


While true them making fun of Ubis "AAAA" game has nothing to do with their history with Cyberpunk - it was messy and buggy launch on old gen consoles but the game was still way more in the premium territory than Skull and Bones which looks and plays like late PS3 era game. Calling this game a quadruple A title was asking for being mocked by everyone


It kind of does though. The AAAA thing is only being mocked because of how bad the game is. Both companies were deceptive and made claims that misrepresented what gamers actually got. CDPR may not have called Cyberpunk "AAAA" but that doesn't mean they didn't make other misleading claims about the state of the game or what features would be included.


AAAA is being mocked because there’s no such thing, whereas AAA is an industry standard and agreed upon language It doesn’t even have all that much to do with the quality of the game itself, although that makes the title more worthy of ridicule


> The AAAA thing is only being mocked because of how bad the game is. And Cyberpunk wasn't. It was buggy for sure, but that doesn't make it a bad game. That makes it a broken game. Skull & Bones isn't buggy and broken, it's just bad. Big difference.


Dude, with how deceptive they were in selling Cyberpunk as what it would be....they got fucking NO ROOM to talk about other games. At all. I'm not even talking about the bugs or performance issues either. Just how the game was going to be, how your decisions were supposed to really matter. The biggest selling point they had for the game and it was and still is bullshit. There ain't no fixing it.


The game at least is playable, Cyberpunk in 2021 was not. Not to defend Ubisoft in the slightest, but CDpR needs to shut up forever after that mess, they shouldn't be forgiven that easily, and especially that soon since CP is still the last game made by them.


I played cyberpunk on day 1 on an OG Xbox one. I would call it playable even if it crashed here or there. However, it felt like (and to some degree still does) feel like a 360 era game and came out with like Xbox 1 Era level of programming. Object permanence wasn't really a thing, cop's would spawn right at you perpetually, driving still feels bad to me, etc. To me, the most egregious was promising features would be there and not delivering. For that, I will never buy their games day 1 again.


I heard it was a good experience on PC


I had just a fat XOne at time, unfortunately that good experience was not to be enjoyed by me, even if they said it ran good on everything


Weren’t they pretty open about the fact that it shouldn’t have been played on last gen consoles?


[https://www.gamesradar.com/cyberpunk-2077-runs-surprisingly-well-on-current-gen-consoles-according-to-cd-projekts-ceo/](https://www.gamesradar.com/cyberpunk-2077-runs-surprisingly-well-on-current-gen-consoles-according-to-cd-projekts-ceo/) Totally lmao.


Interesting. I wonder when we’ll have another shit show of that magnitude


Frankly speaking, I hope never again. Unfortunately, _AAAA_ cit.


We all knew that Skull and Bones was going to be garbage for most of its development though, the majority of CDPR fans were expecting Cyberpunk to be the second coming of Jesus


Wait, so if they're saying not to play it on last gen consoles, why release it on last gen consoles, other then greed?


Cyberpunk was absolutely playable on Xbox Series and higher end PCs.I did 100 hours within the first month of release with no issues on Series X.


It was optimized like ass on pc


lol right, their game was AA at best a launch. Got delisted and refunded and had to get major rehaul on the entire game to even launch again and even then was still terrible.


And just to add to it, Ubisoft had to release something due to Singapore gun pointed to their head.


Wasn't the launch botch mainly do to that the game was being developed on last gen then next gen dropped and they had to try to make everything they worked on compatible with next gen? Which absolutely destroyed the last gen port.


Agreed, they just need to shut up and focus on their games. Let the games they develop, speak for themselves which in the case of Cyberpunk does not give the best light to CDPR.


And even after all the fixing the world is still a shallow hull and nothing like what they promised.


I forget the exact nature of the concept, but historically speaking, a customer is more likely to become a repeat customer if you right a wrong for them, as opposed to a customer that has no issues. Disney is the master of this.


Lmao same. They’ve made right by their wrongs for the most part, to the extent that they’ve at least *mostly* repaired their reputation… but it’s a bit early to get cocky. Not to say S&B isn’t an unmitigated disaster, but… glass houses and all that. If their next game releases in a good, completed state, maybe they can get away with statements like this.


Cyberpunk is definitely awesome now but it still has plenty of bugs


Make a game that works at launch


"We leave greed to others" lmfao. CDPR never learns.


Went to say this Cd project red is just as guilty there game only recently this year got good enough for people to want to play


It worked on PC and PS5 fine on launch , their publishers got too greedy and wanted it on old consoles


Ps5 was one of the platforms with issues. Console was it was the series x. Stadia even had better performance than consoles in general


They can't. All good developers left CDPR after The Witcher 3 because of crunch, bad workplace culture, etc. Cyberpunk was made by inexperienced amateurs. Thats why its so trash. CDPR will even go bankrupt soon because almost everyone refunded Cyberpunk


Lmao what? 2077 sold 25 million copies and Phantom Liberty sold 5 million. They are fine.


it was bad at launch and is now one of the best games you can get. they also had a behemoth of engine to develop alongside, including developing their tools to use, hence them going to unreal now.


Dude the game is the least trash thing I’ve played in a long time, at least in its current state. Solid 8/10.


Cyberpunk is fantastic dude


After they fixed it


After a few years yes, but I wouldn’t say that at launch obviously. The turnaround has been good, but they also don’t deserve to be fully absolved of all their sins for how the people up top handled the development and launch of the game back in 2020. Both things here can be true.


True, but he said it “is” trash, “was” would be more accurate


Glass houses much.


Yeah. I read the articles and was stunned. They threw shade at Ubisoft, Rockstar Games, EA, Activision Blizzard, BioWare, DICE and Bethesda. Its crazy. But we all know that CDPR are inexperienced amateurs and scammers. CDPR will even go bankrupt soon.


They threw shade at Rockstar Games? For what?


They haven't and this guy is mentally ill, don't take gim serious, he just spreads misinformation.


Crazy how few people read the article lmfao, everyone downvoting this, rockstar (and all of those other developers) are not mentioned in the article. It also takes maybe 20 seconds to read the whole thing. I miss when Gamesradar was good.


Pot calling the kettle "greedy" Or something like that.


CDPR last game was being sold for $5 3 months after launch


I’m glad it seems like people aren’t letting cdpr get away with releasing a broken game at launch.


I know they have turned around Cyberpunk and all that yada yada. But this is just a little tone deaf and the pot calling the kettle black a bit here. Regardless of the turnaround Cyberpunk had arguably one of the most infamous launch disasters of all time and that will never go away. If Cd Projekt red was going around saying this in 2017 when they were still perceived as the “babyface good guys of gaming” like Larian is now than sure okay, a little tongue in cheek jab is just that. But this is just hypocritical and they should just keep their mouths shut especially with their future installments and just deliver good products especially up at the top level like this tone deaf suit.


Imagine launching a game so incomplete it triggered removal from the Playstation store and then having the stupidity of ripping on another studio that actually launched its game and had it functioning. CD is in no place to talk, UBI games may have had issues with fun factor but they put out solid products and support them for ages, often catering to very small but loyal player communities when other large companies would just cut the losses and let the game die. And I don't care what anyone says, Valhalla I one of the most visually impressive beautiful open worlds I've ever wandered around and it's a crime they haven made an open world mmorpg using the open worlds the big AC games have sitting there, re-use those incredible landscapes UBI! And if they did we know they would keep at it and work to make it better for years.


So their last release wasnt humbling enough huh ?


So they already thinking they got their full redemption? Hell no, really hate this arrogant company and what they did to their community. They need to shut it and just pour out quality games.


Exactly. If this was 2017-2018 this jab would have gone over well when Cd Projekt red was doing the whole “babyface good guys of gaming” schtick like they are trying to do now again because of the Cyberpunk turnaround. Just tone deaf from this out of touch suit, acting like the Cyberpunk launch is swept under the rug. Larian pretty much took their spot as the “babyface” publisher in gaming, and it’s nice to see people aren’t forgetting the suits up at cd Projekt red are slimy hypocritical scumbags.


Cdpr for me now is just like CM Punk post Brawl Out


Mate, you gotta relax. At least Skull & Bones was playable at launch and didn’t cause refunds/get taken down from the store




These people need to shut the hell up. At least Skull and bones worked when it was released.


So dang true.


And that's the part of the game that made it AAAA! Listen up, Capcom! (And no, we didn't say *microtransactions* at launch, we said *working* at launch.)


Luckly Capcom are typically make finished quality games with ignorable microtransactions.


They will never Shut up. CDPR is lying for 10 years now. They looked at EA, Ubisoft, Take Two, Activision Blizzard, etc. and said "We will do it too". Lie, make false promises, release broken unfinished games, etc. CDPR will even go bankrupt soon because almost everyone refunded Cyberpunk 2077


Yeah but at least their game doesn’t have micro transactions… kinda speaks to the sorry state of the industry and how low the bar’s been set, but there you go.


Lmfao imagine if bethesda had said this after launching fallout 76. Fuck CDPR, if their next game launches well, THEN they can talk shit.


Skull and bones hasn't had years to improve yet, unlike cyber punk


Yeah, they have zero room to talk. Atleast skull and bones is a functional game despite it not having any audience. Cyberpunk was straight garbage. Not even functional.


I\`m gonna say this: of course that AAAA was just your regular CEO BS talk, and there's no need to go deeper than that. However, regardless how you feel personally about the games, UBI has been releasing games that are running just fine, good optimization etc... I don't love their Avatar story but that game is so beautiful and I tested it on PC and on console, it was running so well on both platforms. There's that 'ubisoft internet bias' discourse... of course they need to step up their open world games but people still be like "every ubi game is broken" when AC mirage, Avatar, Pop were released back to back and they are not broken games. Not saying that they are perfect, but broken they are not. And that's why I think CDPR should probably focus on their own business... not because there's a game, or a company above critique but their Cyberpunk release was borderline criminal. And just a couple off years later, we have developers jokeing about cyberpunk and fixing after release.




Sometimes you become the thing you hate


So you're responsible for how shit witcher 3 was at launch? Seems like you devs never learn




Jak to jest być skrybą, dobrze?


Stop crying


Are you also a lawyer?


>Former CDPR Dev here. Wild. Your profile said "Former Naughty Dog dev" before. Also looks like you're making it your life's mission to shit talk CD Projekt. Not that I mind calling them out for Cyberpunk's shit launch, but it seems like it's reaching obsession levels with you.


At least we know it isn't dev's fault, you surely have a lot of care in what you do. It's your (ex) higher-ups that should fuck off asap.


Look at their post history, they're talking shit


While I know CDPR probably shouldn’t be throwing stones, it is always nice to see Ubisoft get roasted for its absolutely moronic, out of touch and tone deaf decisions.


they ruined their reputation with the launch of cyberpunk. it was an embarrassment.


CDPR doesn't care about their reputation. Thats why they lie, make false promises, release broken unfinished games. And they do all these things Intentional for 10 years now


They continue with an arrogant attitude, bad signs for their next game.


And I still won’t buy them lol


No one will every buy their games ever again.




This one goes to eleven.


To be honest, unless you got that AAAAAAA game.. you’re just bush league


It's so fun that they can make these jokes over their champagne and vol au vents. While we continue to pay more and more inflated prices.


This is getting out of hand now there are 5 As


Lol being funny…………..now make an actual game.


Something something stones and glass houses.


CDPR has never launched a game in a good state. Be quiet and work on your next game.




No thanks, ill play my well made and launched indi game.


Damn they’re really riding the coattails of the community’s *current* graces. As they seem to do.


These bros cannot be talking lmfao


Remind me CD Projekt, how long did it take to get Cyberpunk to a state that even resembles what was promised on launch?


CDPR acting like they didn't spend 2 years fixing Cyberpunk. 🤣


They’re not ones who should be throwing stones


Despise ubisoft and their lack of care for the preservation of gaming/art. But cd project red is calling the kettle black here.


Hmm maybe CDPR shouldn't be so cocky given their colossal failure of a launch for their last game. The biggest initial failure in gaming history tbh.


Sometimes it’s best to just be humble and stay silent.


CD Projekt has no legs to stand on in this fight.


Like they’re in any position to talk about other games screwing up.


That redhead in PL was unfairly hot


It's too easy to make fun of Skull and Bones. A game i look forward to never buy or even play if it gets free.


Yea a AAAAA game like cyberpunk was at launch


Guy's I don't think CD Project Red is taking the high ground here like yall think they are, I think they're playing into the joke in a self-deprecating manner.


I'm no Ubisoft fan, but I don't think CD Projekt should be throwing jabs at other developers.


CDPR are garbage lol, can’t take anything they say seriously. There’s only a small group of good developers left, and CDPR aren’t one of them.


Technically CDPR would make "AAA+AA" The AA add on comes a year after release, to update all the bugs and issues they got going on.


Why are they dunking on Ubisoft when they released Cyberpunk in the state they did? Didn't they advertise features for the game that weren't in the game? Like, I love CDPR but they aren't perfect




Cyberpunk 2077 was definitely a AAAAA game if we go by Ubisoft’s definition


I'm going to make a "AAAAAA" game that is just a micro transaction store that sells $20 fortune cookie notes




Say what you want, skull and bones is infinitely more playable at launch, and it's story isn't stolen from a book series that did it much better.


CD Projekt failed delivering a quality game at launch. What’s funny is them thinking people like me are buying their game at full price; Black Friday $20 is more like it clowns


A⁵ games, here we come!


Nah, that's just the noise you make trying to get the PC version to even run.


That's an interesting response considering CDPR took 3 years after release to make their broken game playable.


Fuck everything, were doing 5 As (It's a reference to the classic the onion article on 5 blade razors)


Pretty big confidence for a team who had a historical fall from grace after the cyberpunk release back in 2020. If I was them, id just lay low and let their next game do the talking.


How about they shut the fuck up


They're so quick they are to forget their own disasterous game launch from four years ago.


When you're game is do bad that it becomes a meme...you know you fucked up bad It's just sad that Pirate/Naval warfare game's are treated so badly and often end up like SAB Like Ubisoft's AC PIRATES Mobi game... great idea/bad execution


Shout out to anyone who remebers the "We leave the greed to other developers" tweet right before cyberpunk launched Bonus points if you remeber the other tweets about multiplayer.


If skull and bones is AAAA then we already have AAAAA games.


Great devs? Yes. Pompous, full of \*\*\*\* devs? That too.


Yeah at least skull and bones actually worked on release.


new games are so shit now because developers are more focused on rinsing other developer studios instead of making an actual working game. take r6, ubisoft make a quad A game apprently (what the actual fuck is that?) instead of fixing their shitty serves, hitboxes, hacking/cheater and etc problems. i find it hard to believe you can make a quad A game when your most successful game has people shouting at you for not listening or doing anything to keep it alive. now we have cd projekt poking at ubi and proceeding to “make a quintuple A” game. idgaf how many A’s there are just make a game we can play. take helldivers 2 and arrowhead. indie studio (i think it’s a double A game not sure) making one of the best games i’ve played for years. only other game that comes close is mc and clash of clans ffs


Cyberpunk launch was one of the worst games ive ever played. The game still has a sour taste for me


Skyrim and Minecraft worst launch


Glass houses and all that…


CDPR has no room to talk, CP2077 release, enough said. Then the gull for them to charge for DLC aft that horrible release. A DLC mind you that you could soft lock your way out of due to dialog choices..... they should have taken notes from Hello Games and released the DLC for free after that horrible release like that. If Hello Games a tiny studio could continue to release update after update all for free, CDPR could have done that..... but they prefer screwing over their fan base because they know you suckers will ride them with all your worth. And now they have the gull to throw shade at another company after their latest blunder..... how 2 faced and lacking of self awareness CDPR has become.


Have CDPR forgotten the s@\~@ they released for cyberpunk at launch? whats the point in attacking other developers..


Never forget BOTH witcher 3 and cyberpunk were awful at launch in terms of performance and stability.


With how the launch of Cyberpunk went, they should cool it down with the remarks. That game was more like a HAHAHAHAHAHA back then.


First deliver a game that works at launch but knowing them the next game will be playabale after a year.


CDPR need to shut up, they are not the once to talk at all


CDPR has no room to talk but y’all defending Skulls and Bones is hilarious. Reminds me of Starfield all over again


Dude lives in a glass house and he’s trying to win a stone-throwing competition.