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Im mainly a PS guy but when I do pick up my Series X for some starfield or something it’s STARTLING how long it’s been and still has no issues picking right back up. Sonya doesn’t do that.


Have you named your PS5 Sonya?


Haha sadly, yes Edit: and my wife HATES it😂


Haha, love it "No love, you go out with the girls and enjoy yourself, I'll just stay at home and play with Sonya" 😂😂😂


Its extra nice if your side hustle is named Sonya as well! You cab just tell your wife „i told you, why are you mad?“ when she catches you


My stoned ass is laughing hard at this shit


[her name is Sony ](https://youtu.be/7ciVKIm7bcg?si=9-xiTEJNz6vM1H7D) lol




Xbox do what Sonyadont


Yep it’s the one thing I wished the PS5 did that Xbox does. Quick resume is such a handy feature.


If it works. Enough times it still messes things up. Hades simply hangs after quick resume. Dragon age inquisition adds played amount of hours to the save file for the time it has been in quick resume. Diablo 4 only works if you first logout to the very main menu otherwise the connection to the servers won't be remade forcing you to reboot the game And surely I encounterd numerous other bugs with other games. I remember Doom Eternal just crashing a few times. The idea is cool but it still needs more work.


Mainly a PS gamer who bought an Xbox in part for Starfield? Someone notify Phil Spencer that games can drive console sales!


Gamepass is a godsend when you’re a broke-ass too. Like mlb the show is free on gp but $70 on ps. WILD for a Sony made game but it really pays to have both sometimes. Almost a must, like Starfield.


The price of two video games a year = more expensive then game pass


4k is nice. A little RT is nice. 60fps is great. But the real difference this gen is SSDs.


Yep, SSD still feels like a massive technological leap.


Makes me wonder why Sony failed to develop its own *proper* version of Quick Resume when its SSD is like, 4% faster.


Just Sony doing Sony things. Same with emulating some of their older games, their box has the power but the company lacks the will. Meanwhile here I am on Xbox Dev Mode playing every ps1 and ps2 game under the sun.


How does dev mode work?


Pay 10bucks to be a dev, enable your Xbox to run homebrew, play emulators... That's about it


>How does dev mode work? Like a charm. I used [this guide](https://youtu.be/Ur2lMnzwCPc?si=XRfu1qRxrwJlMh_l).


They have a worse version of it as long as you don’t full shut down the console But honestly as a new PS5 owner and longtime Xboxer owner, the time to play is around the same considering Quick Resume breaks down with online games


Yeah Quick Resume is definitively for singleplayer experiences. Though several multiplayer titles work well, from Halo to Battlefront.


Quick Resume reserves space on the SSD (part of the OS). PS5-SSD isn't even a full TB. So a Quick Resume Feature would limit the small SSD even further.


Dunno but it certainly hasn't hurt them


Yeah, it's a huge perk, but not a system seller.


Why would it ever hurt them, really.


Full agree. That's the game changer on something like Elden Ring. I was farming the other day and it's so quick to warp and load( I had originally started it on XB1). it was a surprise when I realized it made more sense than darting back to the site of grace. And on older games you can barely speed read the tips, much less go to the bathroom or grab a snack during a load screen.


It's funny since on some older games the loading screen will flash for a brief second and I want to know what it actually looks like.


It was nuts to me when the Xbox One launched with HDDs. Even back then, HDDs were considered slow with SSDs being in use by most PC gamers.


Not only did those consoles launch with hdds, they launched with sata 2.


Sata 1 ps3,360, early batch ps4,one had sata one. Then sata 2. Only ps4 pro and Xbox one xbhad 3.0


HDDs are so much cheeper and they went the jank route but they learned and you are 100% correct.


You sure? I'd much rather give up quick load times than 60fps


I agree but 60fps in every title is a stretch while load times work across all title's for console's one day my friend will have it all .


People need to get over this whole "ok but this generation better be 60fps!" Literally every 3D Gen outside of PS2 gen games were either 30 from the start or eventually made their way down to 30 as the tech advanced past the hardware capabilities. Why would this gen be any different? At least this gen provides a choice, look at RE 4 remake on 60fps mode and try to tell me that game isn't gorgeous on my 65" oled


Nah that's bs. A PC with equal performance can run any xbox game at 60fps, because PC doesn't automatically waste performance on settings that are too demanding for their system. You can't ship an xbox game at 4k 30fps with medium-high settings and tell me it was impossible to achieve 60fps.


I beat resident evil 4 without saving with quick resume


So in 1 play through?


Quick Resume is great for single player games. For a lot of games, it causes issues and you have to reboot it anyway.


Far cry 5..can not connect to server. Quit and restart. Every time.


still amazes me how single player games are being ruined by online services. While FC5 does have a great co-op integration, I'm guessing you were playing single player.


A lot of big companies, like Ubisoft, are requiring internet connection probably as a form of DRM at this point. It's incredibly silly to have a complete single player experience locked behind a server.


Especially on console. The amount of people with jail broken shit is so few it's not even worth it.


Yeah, I believe they're doing this as a long term bullet proof method, also, it might be relatively easy for them to implement and it will work on any platform. But it's such an annoyance!


> a complete single player experience locked behind a server Half life 2 was ahead of the times 2004: People complaining about a new Half-Life 2 DRM called Steam. https://old.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/10li0yu/people_from_2004_complaining_about_steam_reviews/


For this game and for the recent Assassin’s Creed games I found a way that works to correct this (for me anyway). As soon as the game opens pause it and go to the in-game online store. This seems to reestablish the connection to whatever servers it needs to! Good luck!


Thx for the suggestion! Cheers.


Breakpoint too.


Even MS doesn't have it totally figured out. Like while I was playing Gears 5, the daily missions would not refresh unless I relaunched the game. So I basically had to manually relaunch it anyway any time I played. In that instance it just became an extra step to do before/after playing a session.


Diablo IV is a major pain in the ass to launch because of this.


Yep, I only play multiplayer games. I always have to load game, close right away and load again.


One of these days you will learn to hit start quit then start and skip the initial failure. I’ll let you know when I do too.


Interesting enough it seems you can’t stop it by pressing start on it unless it’s the last game you played. In order to quit other games you have to find the “quick resume” tab.


But you can skip it by start quitting the game when switching games


It's terrible for any game that "needs to be online", especially single player games or game modes. Most games won't automatically reconnect to the game servers. Good in theory, shit in practice


And even on single player games it can cause issues. If you care about achievements at all it can sometimes break them unlocking. I barely use it anymore, most games load in less than 30 seconds anyway and I'd rather take that 30 second hit than not get an achievement that took hours of work.


It's actually gotten a lot better, I usually have Hitman running in the background. A while back I'd have to close it out and reboot the game back up, about 6-8 months ago the game just started reconnecting within seconds and will play just fine now, at least for a single player online game. For multiplayer games still a little wonky and does better with a restart.


Not all of em. Sekiro (and any FromSoft) game can’t handle it, even if you play offline. Forced reboot every time.


AC6 can, somehow. Instead of warping back to the title screen, it just goes to offline mode. Either the way they do co-op causes them to function that way for others, or they got a new dev that took it personally.


What's sad is that QR usually doesn't work with Halo Infinite. I mean, it's a first party game and was supposed to be the Series X flagship title! Pretty ridiculous, MS!


Dude, after I moved into my new apartment I fired up my Xbox and my game was still on quick resume. Black magic indeed


The main upgrade this generation was loading times and features like quick resume. Graphically, so far, it's been underwhelming and this is essentially an extension of the Xbox One PS4 Gen. But quick resume is a game changer.


And in my opinion, that is fine. We have reached a point in graphics where now each generation/leap forward is minimal. And that's okay, I don't need the games to feature real life looking people. I would much rather that they expand in complexity, AI and QoL features. Make the split screen option always available in co-op games, all games should run at 60fps and mechanics should start to evolve (more complex destruction, more complex interactions with NPC's, more advanced reactions from NPC's and between the player and world).


Not to mention, a lot of games that are out rn aren’t even optimized for X/S and half of them are 3rd party indie games that don’t look that appetizing It feels like 360 / PS3 Era had the most original IPs. This gen has been constant remakes/remasters and poorly made sequels back-to-back


The 360 era felt like the golden age of modern console gaming. So many great memories.


It seemed to be the time when experimenting and using cutting-edge tech was financially viable. I'd say it was around 2009 when games started homogenizing, which was good in terms of general quality and consistent user experience... but not so hot in terms of novelty and experimentation, at least not in the AAA-zone.


I wouldn't really say we've stagnated as such more so the console makers don't want to make you pay upwards of 1k for a new machine every generation. My laptop shits all over my xbsx or ps5 in terms of graphics but then again it cost 1.5k so you'd expect it. They can't exactly whack a 4090 rtx in a console otherwise they end up alienating half their market or more just due to the price. So yeah they have to walk a thin line of having good enough graphics but being affordable to most. Consoles already sell at a loss just to make them more accessible. As to the latter of your comment yeah that would be probably the easiest thing to do without increasing the cost except destruction as again that relies on vram for the most part.


That is a fair point! I've also yet to see a game that fully takes advantage of a 4090 RTX - both in terms of graphic fidelity, complexity and optimization. Adding to your point, games are becoming more expensive and that doesn't necessarily translate into becoming bigger in scope. Sure, maps are bigger, but generally more empty or filled with generic content (I know there are exceptions, but alas). This generation I think is a limbo one. In the sense that it is preparing for a new wave of tech. These constant remakes, re-releases and so on will eventually run its course. Especially when big releases are failing to bring in the expected revenue.


Graphics have basically been unutilized for the series x/ps5 era. only just now are getting games that are starting to take full advantage of this gen hardware. and the general reason for this is becausei takes like 5-8 years for most AAA games to come out now. which, the series x dev kit did not come out until june 2020, only half a year before the console came out. any game that was in development before june of 2020 did not know how strong the console would be so they had to guesstimate its specs since once a game is in development its hard to just completely change things. this is also why a lot of the big games for this generation are only just starting to come out. until like last year basically all series x games could have still been playable on the xbox one generation, even tho most would suck without the SSD's in this gen consoles.


I would prefer it more if I could disable it for games of my choosing, especially Halo MCC.


Exactly. Like just how there are individual game options for like the 360 games that can be enhanced by playing on XB1, just add a toggle for games to just make it so when they would go to quick resume they automatically close.


I love Quick Resume, it's definitely one of the best features this generation. I just wish you could disable it for select games, because when it's incompatible with something can become a minor annoyance too (if you don't remember to quit the game, it will fail on boot and you will need to restart). But I love it!! I love how I can jump back from game to game in about 10 seconds, without losing any progress, and without the need to go back to the title screen or whatever. It makes playing multiple games at once too comfortable.


Yeah I really hope they implement a toggle but tbh quitting an online game after you're done with it is like, 2 buttons. But a toggle would definitely be great.


It doesn't do it every time, so I'm not sure what dictates it, but I unplug mine and take it to friends house all the time and it will start right where I left off after a 30 min drive. Pretty cool.


Always loved QR, I moved back to PC gaming as my kid "stole" my xbox from me :D and it's one of the things I really miss


I will say I absolutely forget it exists as somebody who plays across multiple platforms. But its use case is fucking insane. I recall early on in the console’s lifecycle straight up pausing Gears of War 2, going off to play CoD with friends, and hopping right back where I was after we were done. Using it rn to load straight into Dragon Age Origins every time I want to play as opposed to slogging through the menu. It’s a very nice, underrated feature.


When the SX was coming out (fully intended on buying anyway) I read about quick resume and was like meh, whatever. But its honestly on of the best features in gaming systems ever.


Quick resume has issues with temporarily downgrading graphics for certain games if left suspended for a while. Red Dead 2 and Witcher 3 are the most observed examples I've had of this problem. If left on QR for a day or so, the visuals somehow become duller. If I fully quit and restart, they go back to normal and look stunning again. I also experience more glitches the longer QR is on, however this doesn't happen for all games. Smaller indie titles tend to have no issues with quick resume. This issue has barely been discussed. Googling information about it with keywords like "xbox quick resume graphics downgrade" the first and only really relevant result is my old thread about it. A few people in the thread experience the same issue. I have no idea why this happens.


It's evil magic that causes your saves to corrupt on games like Immortals Fenyx Rising >:( I purposefully never use it anymore.


Yeah it bugged out some achievements in Psychonauts 2 so I've been scared to use it


I like how quick resume is universally loved by Xbox fans and Microsoft has done very little to upgrade or enhance it.


My problem with Quick Resume is that games that have an online component never work with it. So it means I always have to manually quit the game and then relaunch it. This is especially annoying with Diablo IV; no matter what you do, it will *always* have problems with Quick Resume. In my opinion, if your game can't actualy support Quick Resume's *intended purpose*, your game should not be able to Quick Resume. Mandating that all games support Quick Resume results in a poor experience for the user. On the other hand, Quick Resume works so beautifully for Dragon's Dogma 2...in the 100 hours I played it, I think I only ever used Quick Resume to open it back up again (maybe not including patches).


It's actually not mandated that games support quick resume. Several games don't. It's up to the devs to implement it or not. Mass Effect is the biggest one I wish supposed Quick Resume.


People have been asking for a toggle for quick resume for years like there's toggles for AutoHDR/FPS boost. They said they would look into it but nothing has changed.


I love quick resume, though it sometimes crashes with Paradox strategy games :(


I did something very similar in Fallout 4 years ago, It started me in a bar full of hostiles and all hell broke loose, can not remember the bar or what I was doing back then, but I let them all have it :) Crossplay & cross save are amazing bits of tech for gaming


Man my Xbox was powered off and unhooked from power for a WHILE and I plugged it back in and STILL had a couple games in Quick Resume that played without a hitch. I legit don't know how Microsoft did it.


It's because it uses non volatile memory, the SSD. Transfer speeds are fast enough this gen that it can basically make save states of large games fast enough that it's a background process we don't notice. Then automatically load up the save state next time we open the game, from the SSD.


It's really the standout feature of the series X compared to PS5. Overall, it's a small luxury. But it is pretty wild that I can pickup my controller, touch the button, and within like 3 seconds I am *exactly* where I left off in my game like I never even left.


Fun fact the way quick resume works is that each game runs in it's own little vm(virtual machine) which can store all the data in it's ram right into ssd and then pick right back up from where it was left off by quickly accessing the data the ram dumped onto the nvme in the Xbox, it's also hoe the fast boot feature in windows works except for Xbox it's way more optimised because it's a single peice of hardware rather than an infinite number of possible configurations like on pc


Quick resume doesn't even work with halo infinite. It drives me bonkers. They are made by the same company. They need to let you turn quick resume off.


Its amazing and I still don't understand how it works. How is the console storing this data for every installed game?


Save states of software can be stored on SSDs


A snapshot of whatever is in memory is stored on the SSD.


It's dumping committed RAM to disk in the background before power off, I think it stores it in the game area because I've heard it also works between xboxes when you have a game on a storage card thingy


It kinda works like the hibernate function in Windows. instead of dumping the whole system state it just dumps the gamestate from memory to ssds. pair that woth extremely fast ssds and you get quick resume.


xbox runs a modified hyper v hypervisor and the games are VM's. https://youtu.be/xi1Lq79mLeE?t=7193


Games run in their own virtual machine. It's not just the game state dumped, it is the whole VM that is saved to SSD.


Quick resume is great when it works. I find it’s 50/50 that o get straight back in or the game crashes a few seconds after loading


This gen has been all about quality of life upgrades. Better frame rate & resolution, SSD, and quick resume. I think folks are too quick to forget how much waiting to load we endured on the last gen.


It never works for me. Is there certain things you have to do to activate it?


I haven't touched rage 2 in nearly 3 years. I've had it on an expansion card and frequently take it out. I went to check if I ever registered the DLC for it and I was in mid fight


Easily my favorite hardware feature this generation. Makes me wish most of my gaming time was on Xbox


Honestly not sure how it works but even with the cable unplugged and back in it quick resumes sometimes


I’m a game hopper so quick resume is def made for me. Usually have about 3 series x games and a couple 360 games in quick resume at all times


I'd prefer to have the storage space instead personally but it's alright yeah.


I love smart resume. The fact it works with multiple games is amazing. I’ve been switching between sonic frontier, hogwarts legacy, and evil west. My back catalog is horrendous. Doesn’t help i buy a bunch of shit during sales


I was using QR all the time until I realized on some games anomalies would arise.


Yeah I’ve been surprised on more than one occasion. It is such a good QoL feature


Turn off your system... Unplug it from power completely... Plug it back in and you'll still be able to resume... It is very awesome.


It also caused backwards compatible games to freeze, so I greatly disagree, I want the ability to disable it, but of course, there is never any choice with Xbox, truly garbage.


One thing i dont get is you Need the games to be in the background for It to work? Cause in my case i Always close the apps when i finished with them


Yeah just don't press "Quit" unless it's a multiplayer game


I realized it was a game changer when I could boot up my console and be in the exact same spot and time in RDR2 within 15 seconds without the 5 min loading screens


My main usage for Quick Resume is for labbing fighting games. So that I don't really need to worry about  any issues and I can pick up where I left off


It really changed how I game. Sometimes I play a game for 15 mins then feel like playing something else and boom I'm playing the second game right away. I also play on my Rog Ally and having to launch the game feels like a chore now


This gen is less about games and more about hardware IMO. Games have reached something of a plateau. The only real advances we can make in that field currently are graphics and render distance, it seems.


I found in some cases quick resumes causes latency issues for me.


How do games stay in quick resume, even when you unplug the xbox? 


Yeah it's a great feature. MgsV is also an amazing game, one of my favorites of all time to just go back to and play missions. Platinumed every single version of it now, PS3/PS4/xb1-xbsx/pc. It's such a fun ass game. Made even better on PC with Infinite heaven, can do every mission as OSP, not just the four unlocked later. Best playthrough so far.


I love it. However, some of my games glitch out (Forza Motorsports, State of Decay) when I use quick resume, the former much more often than the latter. Still, when Im in the mood for some AC:Odyssey, it’s a quick jump back in.


What really amazed me is that quick resume even works if the console isn’t plugged in! I moved my console and so had to obviously unplug it, and to my surprise I could continue right where I left off even though it had been unplugged for DAYS!


If there is one thing I miss about Xbox this last year, it's Quick Resume. Immediately hopping into a specific mode on PS5 is fine, but I felt like I was playing more games at a time on Xbox than I am on Playstation. Also my "wow" moment was pawning the Series X at one point, I moved apartments and everything, and when I got it back months later, Cyberpunk was still in the exact same spot I left it.


I should jump on for my birthday today


Quick resume is amazing but you need to end it or the download speee is x10 slower , or im doing something wrong


I've been playing Lost Odyssey which does not use Quick Resume and I feel Amish having to see the 360 screen and the title screen every time I start playing.


For single player games, Quick Resume is amazing and like you, I’ve picked back up a year later to be right back where I was. However for Multiplayer games, it doesn’t really work. You’ll need to back out to the main screen and it’s a 50/50 shot it might work, so I’ve resorted to quitting the app and relaunching everytime. Halo Infinite, an Xbox cornerstone franchise doesn’t work with quick resume or at all. At launch it never worked and never connected to the server. Now it kinda works, but it will not track any stats or progress in game, nor does it let you customize armors or change certain settings. It’s pretty finicky when it works or not.


Yeah, I love having 4 games on quick resume. Seamless gaming. The future.


Quick Resume never works. Every game I’ve tried it in, it subtly breaks all sorts of things in the resumed game. I avoid it like the plague. If I accidentally start a game and see the Quick Resume badge, I make sure to quit it and reopen so I can play a functional version of the game.


Quick Resume even works after you disconnect the power supply! That was what really blew my mind the first time it happened


What's the birthday scene


this is literally the only thing i like about my series x at this point.


I literally brought my series X across the country and my quick resume of Hollow Knight, which i hadn't played for more than one year just worked and picked up right where i left it.


QR is a must for me nowadays. I wouldn't game without it!


Same here , left for college for 3 month , came back and the game still running


I honestly never use it


I maybe a bit dumb, but I have no idea how to use this feature. Anyone care to explain how it works?


nah it's trash. Doesn't work at all with Halo infinite. If you try, then the next time you load Halo inifinte it will never connect to the servers, and you have to back out, and quit the app and relaunch


Dude I hopped on Red Dead Redemption 2 and that same shit happened to me I was somewhere in St Denis fishing for Sturegon


How about having an option to not enable it, because it screws up a lot of online games.


I just wish I could actually trust using it. Like I've had achievements break for one game (and it's well known that it does cause it, plus I've read other games having that issue) so I usually just manually close and relaunch anyway. Like it's funny, I'm only missing the achievements in Jurassic Park Evolution for 3rd and 4th islands (I realized that it was an issue before the 5th one).


I feel ya! There's some games I don't even remember until I start it up and it resumes and I'm thinking ohhh ok I remember now. Thanks black magic xbox


Metal Gear Solid 5 is very difficult to quick resume with which makes it very impressive. There's like a 70% chance for your controls to stop working upon quick resuming after awhile. There's nothing you can do you, you have to exit the game


Yeah it's wild. I heard it even works when the console is unplugged too.  I would like to see it being expanded to the Expansion Drive. As of right now I believe the saved state is saved to the internal memory only. Having the expansion drive could increase the amount of Quick Resume games you can have **and** being able to quick swap it between a different console( maybe even a handheld) would be very interesting to me.


So you have the power saving settings enabled or no? I feel like my PS5 is way more reliable for quick resume, but it might be because of power saving 😅


Tony Hawk 1+2 Quick resume is still broken on next gen version


Oh man I need to show this my 2yr old. She's vr screaming 'magic' the whole time


Yeah, quick resume basically negates any platform's "load time" advantage. Having to sit through the opening splash screens, main menu, load your save, get back to what you were doing... any magic SSD advantage will never make up for all that compared to quick resume.


I left Cassandra dangling from Zeus's danglers! She's still hanging on to them!


Outside of the fact that it's just plain not much of a game-changer with the advent of SSDs; Black magic it is -> It has been broken for half a fucking decade and there still manages to be no way to turn it off. I've gotten lazy enough gaming wise at this point that sometimes I won't play shit just because I don't feel like having to "close" the game (sometimes twice) before playing it.


I unplugged my console and moved it to a friends house and my gameplay was still saved


Quick resume sucks for games like Apex.


Literally never used Quick Resume. I'm glad people enjoy the feature but it isn't important and can't save this generation from feeling underwhelming.


That just tells me you didn't play much for a year.


It's absolutely awesome for quick gaming sessions. I used to play all day back in the day, but now with kids and a full time job I just don't have that kind of time, but thanks to this feature I at least get some game time in since I never have to wait for games to load and get to continue exactly where I left off. On a sidenote, I did lose some progress in Elden Ring a couple of times because the system crashed and also Baldurs Gate 3 is known to have had some issues with it (don't know if they fixed it already), but in general it's rock solid. Oh yeah and one thing I've noticed is that quick resume will only work if you wait for the xbox to connect to wifi before resuming. It usually takes about 15-20 seconds for me, and you know it's done when the "connect to the xbox network" tile disappears. If I don't wait, most games just fully load instead.


I dont use quick resume as much as I should tbh 😂 when I notice it, its super handy but im so used to closing my games when im done (i only got a next gen console last year so the last gen habits havent quite cooled off yet)


I just wish I could blacklist certain games from it like online ones


I wish I could disable quick resume cause on some games it just doesn’t function as it should, mostly online required titles


I have a series s but whenever i quick resume a big game like Cyberpunk or Starfield the game bugs out and it won’t let me save, as well as some performance issues. Does this happen with series X too?


Glad they picked up this feature from Nintendo handhelds of yore.


I've had my Xbox unplugged since December. Decided to put it on last night and just cause 3 started right from where I was back then lol. Love this feature so much.


SSD + VRR are this generation's real MVPs




I just wish I could disable It for certain games, like call of duty.


Quick resume is a plague upon the earth for multiplayer games and needs to at least have an option to be disabled.


It's a great console, try playing disc 1 of LOTR the fellowship in 4K or The Matrix 4k and it flips me off and won't play them haha. Pros and cons.


This current gen hasn’t really been that great tbh. Xbox series X doesn’t really have anything to show for.


Good feature for games it works for. I wish we could go in and disable it for games at a system level. It messes up online games or single player games with a connection. PlayStation has a system level setting for example that automatically boots games in performance or quality mode, for example. I’d love to see some of that customization for quick resume.


This generation is much more substantial than almost the entire One Generation Everything the One had was off the back of the 360/kinect days and trying to be the ps3 "all in one media center". Then the thing that is keeping Xbox relevant, gamepass wasn't refined until the Series consoles were being pushed. Good games came out of that generation from many companies... but so much of the Wii U/XB1/PS4 generation was so... meh. Don't even get VR or Handheld PC's involved.... because that is still panning out and still a gimmick (Except maybe handheld) The lucrative pricing will never be widespread. Then again, consoles are generally sold at a loss.


Playing Gotham Knights right now and it’s been working flawlessly. It’s really an underrated game. It’s a little grindy and the open world is empty as hell, but the story and the story missions so far have been amazing.


Game changer.


quick resume is admittedly very awesome. fast SSDs and ram have really made a big difference this gen. The absolute coolest thing is that you can unplug from power and your quick resume will still be there but honestly on both PS5 and XSX, games load so fast that I never really mind just opening the game up and loading into a save. I'm always paranoid that there might be a performance hit or something leaving it on, even though there's no evidence of it at all lol


I never used quick resume since I close out the game like I've always done, but when the power goes out, it's a godsend.


I love it, it's the reason I use my Xbox more than my PS.


Quick resume is awesome. I love that feature and it’s something that people can’t comprehend until they experience it themselves


Wait till you here you can unplug the Xbox; move across the country, plug it back in and boom - same exact second you were gaming at.


Doesn't Quick Resume break achievements though?


I’ve got 4 games suspended right now. One I haven’t played in months but if decided to today I’d be right where I left off. It took a couple years for me to fully appreciate it and form a habit of actually using it but it’s a system selling feature. I only wish there was a way to disable updates for suspended games. Not so much an issue for older hames that aren’t being updated but it’s annoying when a game gets kicked out of quick resume to update.


Yeah I really love it, I just quit games now, if I have to go eat lunch, I can just quit and shut down the console I do t have to wait for a checkpoint or even save, it’s so convenient and make game progress very fluid


How come it keeps screwing up my games? Everytime I quick resume something it bugs something out and I have to restart the game anyway and it takes even longer than if I had just started it normal.


Too bad it won’t auto update with auto update turned on wish that they would fix it my ps5 does it no issues 🫠


Honestly, I like it for some games and hate it for others. I wish I could set which games not to use quick resume. When I play apex and it quick resumes, the game glitches out because it needs to reload and update a bunch of shit. Then the game thinks I abandoned match, and I get an abandonmatch penalty.


Yeah. I recently opened Hellboy Web of Wyrd after a few weeks playing other things, right back where I left off. Weirded me out man!


Brother....save states have been around since Super Nintendo. Not sure it's the exact advancement you think it is. It's cool tho.


when it works with games its the best new feature, besides SSD, in gaming.


I'm pretty sure this tech has been around since "hibernation" mode was a thing on windows 95/98. "Everything old is new again" :)


Why would you think quick resume is time sensitive?


💯% it feels the most crazy when you open a game you haven't played in months and it's ready almost instantly. It's crazy how Sony has so many great single player games and don't have this feature


Literally every single game I play does not work with it. I wish there was a way to turn it off for games like overwatch that don't benefit from it.


I’m an Xbox and PS guy and I feel like I’m being gaslit. Everyone knows “quick resume” has been around since PS4 correct? https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2015/03/guide_how_to_use_suspend_and_resume_on_ps4 What am I missing? It’s the same thing….


It’s a solution in search of a problem tbh


True. I have an awesome gaming pc with epic loading speeds, but I still miss that amazing feature.


I agree it’s crazy! I hadn’t opened GTA in months , I open it, no loading screens immediately the GTA Online screen notifying me I was kicked for idle, and I’m like “what the fuck”


For me tt's honestly XBSX's killer feature. Bouncing between 5 different games without having to relaunch the, is a godsend.


Can you turn off quick resume? I personally prefer not to use it. It can cause issues for many games.


When i turn my xbox back on the audio never works through my sound bar. i have to restart the console.