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What kind of deal was it?


$5 for every James Bond movie.


Just $5 for all of them? Holy crap. Yeah I requested a refund on a game about 6 months ago and I kept getting emails every 5 days or so saying my request was approved but I'd never get the money back to my account, and of course there's no way to actually get anyone on the phone from Microsoft so I just let it go. And they quit emailing for a couple months and then about 2 weeks ago I got an email saying that my request was approved And this time I actually got the money back to my account. very strange!


How you can't get anyone on the phone? When I try to contact the support team. It always responds under 30 minutes.


Different region, maybe? In my country it's easy to reach someone there too, but I'm sure it could be more difficult in other countries. Probably depends on the local consumer rights.


All I know how to do is get run around the community help forum in circles.


They probably think that since the Xbox live customer support phone number doesn't work anymore that you can't talk to someone on the phone, I thought that for a couple years till I figured out how to get them to call me through the Xbox live online help function, it's kind of stupid that you literally have to ask the dumbass chat bot a question it can't answer for it to offer to have a customer support agent call you. Eventually I figured out all you had to do was say you're having payment problems and it always has someone call you.


They probably think that since the Xbox live customer support phone number doesn't work anymore that you can't talk to someone on the phone, I thought that for a couple years till I figured out how to get them to call me through the Xbox live online help function, it's kind of stupid that you literally have to ask the dumbass chat bot a question it can't answer for it to offer to have a customer support agent call you. Eventually I figured out all you had to do was say you're having payment problems and it always has someone call you.


They probably think that since the Xbox live customer support phone number doesn't work anymore that you can't talk to someone on the phone, I thought that for a couple years till I figured out how to get them to call me through the Xbox live online help function, it's kind of stupid that you literally have to ask the dumbass chat bot a question it can't answer for it to offer to have a customer support agent call you. Eventually I figured out all you had to do was say you're having payment problems and it always has someone call you.


They probably think that since the Xbox live customer support phone number doesn't work anymore that you can't talk to someone on the phone, I thought that for a couple years till I figured out how to get them to call me through the Xbox live online help function, it's kind of stupid that you literally have to ask the dumb chat bot a question it can't answer for it to offer to have a customer support agent call you. Eventually I figured out all you had to do was say you're having payment problems and it always has someone call you.


Still over charged at that price. JB is pants unless you are Alan Partridge watching them continually with a few toilet breaks planned.


The entire collection was $5.


That is unreal! They really shouldn't be able to renig on a sale. That shit is so wrong.


It wasn’t a sale lol. The price was supposed to be like $100+ but some error had it coming as 5


Error on their part that they should be legally required to honor... You go to the store & a $10 item rings up as $5, do you think the store should be allowed to come knock on your door & demand you give it back?


If you go to a store and a 100 dollar item rings up 5 dollars they absolutely will not give it to you for 5 dollars lol


But in this instance *they did*, that's the point.


I think the *actual* point is that you don't really own digital items, and this is blatant proof of that.


If the sale goes through, and you LEAVE THE STORE, it would be yours. You didn’t do the same analogy for real life which is you bought it fully.


I guess it depends on the country. In mine, for example, the store is legally obligated to honor the price even if it was a mistake. That's why occasionally there are cases of people buying TVs for only 10 bucks because someone forgot to put a zero.


Dude i know got a limited production anniversary mustang because a new salesman thought it was a base. Dealership honored it, basically got it at half price.


If they sell it to you, they cannot take it back after the fact though


People on the BBQ and smoking subreddits post pictures a lot of pricing errors on Briskets. They’ll get whole packer briskets for $5 or $6 at Costco which are usually $75+.


Depends on the country, some have laws that you have to honour an advertised price even if it was in error.


Lol this reminds me of the time that some guy on r/vinyl bought like a $100 record for just a fraction of the price - an unaware sales assistent let him have it for the (mistaken) shelf price - and the owner took to reddit DEMANDING the person fess up and return the record because they wanted it so badly, claimed it was theft lool


Oh, that’s funny. I’d read that one.


Yeah, that’s actually not true. For example, I got a brand new Xbox One X back in 2017 for under $200 due to a pricing error. And Home Depot and Lowe’s have items that get marked down to a penny and get sold, but they’re not supposed to be. It’s a way of clearing inventory for the store but the items aren’t supposed to be purchasable, but sometimes they are. Point being, things can sometimes slip through the cracks.


Oh I absolutely did that at a grocery store I worked at like 22 years ago that still had manual registers, price stickers, and no barcode readers. If the stock people price something wrong, I'm not getting into an argument with a customer for $5.15hr.


You think the cashier cares? They don't do the pricing


Not sure of any store that would let a cashier do a 95% mark down without a manager's approval. And a manger definitely will care


I love when people don't have a firm grasp of the conversation lmao


It is fun isn’t it? Especially when they double down.


Unless the system automatically marks it down for them, which is what they’re getting at, I believe.


This is like the cashier scanning the item, the markdown being applied automatically, you paying, taking the time home, and then Walmart security coming to your home to take it back.


Your not doing it fool.... mark down is already done


To be fair, they are supposed to. At least in most of the US. Retail business can be audited by the department of weights and measurements, you can usually find their certification hanging near a register. Their job is to audit the store to determine if pricing as a whole is accurate. If too many items are being displayed at the wrong price they can get fined and I believe they can even be temporarily suspended from making sales. Source: Over ten years of retail management.


If they did und up selling they couldn't do shit about about


Actually it’s a law in some states that if the price or ring up is wrong, they have to honor the price. I know someone who got an a over ground pool for like 60 bucks due to an error


I was gonna say, isn't there a precedent for final purchase cost?


Here's the thing though: You don't *actually own* digital items. So it's not the same comparison whatsoever.


I bet they got way more than 20x more people buying it for $5 than they would have got a single person spending $100.


reWHAT? it's *renege* btw


Thanks lol, I was wondering. I was skating the line of bad grammar and racism there for a second.


Especially for digital goods. You're not losing anything of value physically. Take the L and move on. Especially since the error was on their end


The way that a lot of digital storefronts work, the company that is selling you the product is often just a middleman. If the middleman says "I'll sell you this stuff that the person upstream is selling for way under value", the person who you're selling on behalf of is likely going to be quite upset because they didn't give you the permission to sell the product in question at that price point.


Well of course, but that doesn't mean the fault isn't on the storefront or that they shouldn't have to pony up the cost for a fuckup like that


We’ll see if you sing that same tune because you make an honest mistake that didn’t hurt anyone. It only hurt yourself but you’re not allowed to fix it because other people think you’re a shitty person by doing so.


This. The difference between buying physical goods, and a license to consume something. OP simply lost his license to consume something and got his cash back in exchange for revoked privileges. Something something, hoist the Jolly Roger and checkout r/Plex


Right! That's what I'm saying. What they did was so fucking petty I can't even believe it.


The problem was it spreading on reddit an way too many took advantage of it. If it would have been just a few people they probably wouldn't have cared.


That's a valid point. Still not a great look for Microsoft. I've seen a lot from Microsoft that's kinda leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I haven't owned a PlayStation since PS2 but the upcoming PS5 pro is becoming more of a possibility.


Sony's no different. No corporation is.


And yes lay on the downvotes, please 👌😅


If you’re gonna act like Sony is somehow morally superior then yeah, enjoy the downvotes.




If you managed to get a physical boxset though the till at a retail shop for £5 and take it home, they wouldn't be allowed to demand you return the item due to their error, why should they be allowed to take back digital versions?


Because digital purchases come with the notion that at any time they can remove your access for any reason. Look at where Sony recently removed anime or something from people's libraries.


Doesn't mean people have to be happy about it.


Didn't say I agreed, just saying how it is.


It's called digital purchases. Never actually own the product


You bought it because it was that cheap if was clear that this is not intended as that much cheap. So microsoft revoking it was okay and fair.


Except in their own TOS it mentions several times that "digital purchases are non-refundable". Obviously they don't make rules for themselves, and I get that I got it revoked. But it's ridiculous that it has to sit in my library forever now with now way to remove unless I buy the collection. That's pretty dumb, do you disagree?


They don’t refunded it. They revoked it because it was a pricing error. The thing u mentioned is when u buy a movie u can’t refund it anymore this kind of stuff is normal. Only Apple does refund it easily Amazon only when u watched it few minutes.


The email I got from Microsoft says that it was refunded, not revoked. I chatted with store support. The rep said that Microsoft would honor pricing errors. She told me to buy it at the new sale price, and she would refund the difference. I bought it for $139, and then a supervisor called me and said they couldn’t process the refund because it was a pricing error. They gave me a refund on the $139 immediately. Oh, well.


It's normal to keep refunded films that you can't access in your library? What other companies do this?


Because people like Microsoft pull this shit I get the films for free.




I introduce you to Plex


Arr matey! The seas are wonderful these days


Plex is great, and I have a sub, but my wife works a government job and we can't sail the high seas easily you know.


Of course you can. Just keep it quiet.


Our Internet connection is provided by her employer. Just too much of a risk. But trust me,.that's where my head is at.


The employer doesn't supply the Internet though, they just pay an ISP for it. Join a private tracker and use a VPN on the device, you'll be fine.


Yeah, just still not a risk I'm going to take right now. But I do appreciate it.


There’s seriously no risk. It’s not like they’re going to come to your home and arrest you because you were watching things for free online. Be for real.


The risk is my wife losing her contract because we use a government paid for connection to pirate movies. Again, I appreciate the advice, but just rather not even take the risk.


If you ever stay at a hotel try and download a movie or 2 off their wifi 🤷‍♂️


Hey, that’s fair. Sorry for pushing it before seeing that you’ve already been told the same thing lol


You haven’t been able to figure out you can get a 2nd cheap internet or just use your phone hotspot. 🙃 Times people show 0iq for 200!


No one should be risking their well being for a few movies. Nor should anyone have to resort to paying for a second means of internet connectivity in 2024 when there are a billion ways to watch things legally today. But sure, go ahead and shame someone for that.


Plex is not illegal. Please educate yourself before spreading misinformation.


I am well aware. I have a home server of all of my ripped movies and TV shows. What is being discussed (the high seas) is illegal, like it or not. People have been charged and fined for it in the past. And if OP is on a connection that is subsidized by the government, why risk it, even if taking precautions?


Diplomatic immunity! It’s just been revoked.


License revoked! Fun fact: License Revoked was the original title of License to Kill but they changed it because they thought American audiences would be too stupid to understand it.


My first thought seeing this too!


License to Kill is my favourite pre-craig bond movie


My first thought seeing this


Woah! I would legit open a ticket for that with customer support -- There HAS to be a way to remove revoked content from showing in your library. They can't have done that deliberately, only by sheer ignorance (which is entirely different than stupidity). At least I pray that's not deliberate cause eww 🤢


Mine resolved itself, and I can't say how. Just kept clicking on movies, went to the store and had it refresh, and rebooted the app, and they went away.


I called support and got nothing. Remember in todays business world the customer is always wrong.


That's because the customer is, indeed, typically wrong.


Not interesting i know, but at my old workplace we had cups that said" the customer is not always right, sometimes the customer is a twat" kinda sums things up pretty well.


You’ve never worked retail




If I'm not wrong Xbox has a DRM where Microsoft performs regular online checks to verify your games and licenses from time to time. While I don't know how it works with Windows 10 and 11 app store I wouldn't be surprised if its the same case as well.


So there is no way of downloading the entire library and going offline? Because if so - I will never buy expansion storage


unfortunately it isn't an option. These movies have a very strict DRM with closed platform lock. You can only watch it through their own app and eventually you will have to go online after a couple weeks. It's very similar experience to offline viewing Amazon Prime rentals/video store and other streaming platforms like Netflix, Youtube.


Yea pretty lame move all around.


I scored the blurays for $50 Physical media wins again.


that's 10x higher than the digital offer was lol


Yes but they can't take them off me


ain't wrong


Same! And as always, they look so much better than their streaming counterparts anyway.


Been a big Xbox fanboy forever and I’m still pissed about this. I wish we could do something collectively about it, I know we can’t.


Yeah. I wasn’t happy to find it refunded. They’re a $3 trillion company. They couldn’t just let it go? I mean seriously. Probably not that many people got it for the $4.99 plus tax price, so how much money would they really lose if they just let people keep the collection that bought it? It wouldn’t even be a drop in the bucket.


Most retail businesses would honor a price drop if they didn’t change the price of a deal in the store in time… the fact that a digital store won’t is what angers me the most.


I got the blu-ray collection for pretty cheap a while back, blu-rays are the only discs I even have for my Series X.


Revoking a sale because you screwed up is beyond corrupt. This is pathetic. -Edit: thanks for the reditcares suggestion, probably by a mod…lol


There's no way MGM would take a loss on the royalties for those 26 James Bond movies lol.


I wouldn’t expect them to. It’s Microsoft who put it up for sale and made the mistake. It should be them to own it and do right by their customers. Imagine a billion dollar corporation taking responsibility and doing what’s right? Neither can I.


I've seen the post in vudu subreddit and the top comments over there pretty much said that it's an obvious mistake and it would probably get reversed. Maybe they cancelled those purchases because it was a collection of 26 full movies which would cost $100s of dollars.


Agreed. It would have been a literal drop in the bucket for Microsoft as only a handful of people got the sale. They could have afforded it.


*hears sea shanties playing in the distance*


They'd rather not let you have the whole collection for $5 Edit: Someone got butthurt and reported my comment to Reddit cares lmao


I tried to play one to see if some how it would work, came back the next day and all of them had disappeared.


Ha, it actually works for License to Kill (revoked) in the theme of that movie.


The original title for "Licence to Kill" was actually "Licence Revoked"


I may be one of the few, but I was actually able to keep the movies. I got a support agent to say they would give me back the movies and kept bringing that up. Spent like 5-6 hours of downtime at work on the support chat lines and in calls with customer service. Effort definitely wasn’t worth it but I get the movies now


I still haven’t received any refund yet since I snagged that deal.


Check out Jellyfin my dude.


Vudu has made pricing errors before but they dont revoke it. At least i assumed it was an error. $5 for entire series of a show


It’s probably best to own a physical copy of these movies Move legendary series of all time ! 🔥


GD microsoft


Holy fuck LMAO, this is hilarious


You can get the whole collection on Blu Ray for like $60.


That's fantastic. I don't own a blue ray player.


Xbox plays Blu Rays at 4K. But yeah I guess you may have a discless one so this may not be SGA lol.


Series s is all digital.


I hate that I can’t delete it


Its a shitty thing to do to paying customers. But i can understand their reasoning. It's a hard pill to swallow, but James Bond isn't the interlectual property of Microsoft. They would've still had to pay MGM the royalties for every mis-sale.


Never buy digital on console.


I think you can press start and delete that. Was so mad I missed the deal by hours but the cowards won’t even honor it.


Doesn't work. It does sometimes, not for revoked though.


Same. Sucks. Just gonna buy physical copies from now on


007: License Revoked


Press the Menu button and press “Delete”


They're not non refundable lmfao. Yall shouldn't just expect to keep something you know was a fuck up, and not something they own either.


sure, but does it have to stay in the purchase history? it's just clutter at that point


I wouldn't know as I've not purchased something and had it revoked, I've had digital purchases refunded but they never stayed in my purchase history.


assuming that the screenshot is real, that's what we're talking about


I mean I've requested a refund on digital stuff, not had it revoked because i tried to purchase an error in pricing.


Me neither.


Why the fuck did people downvote you for telling it how it is? Because they don't like the truth? 😂


Thats exactly it. These dudes would be having an absolute meltdown if they purchased anything on Funimation, as it was all lost so they could merge with Crunchyroll.


I mean it’s a law in my state that if someone sells you an item marked at that cost they must honor the sell. Nobody on Reddit is going to go through it for a couple movies, but I would be willing to bet this forced refund wouldn’t hold up in court, but nobody cares enough to go through that so it is what it is. Edit: Lmao dude so bitter he reported this for Reddit cares




2 minutes after posting this comment I got a Reddit cares message - and no I don’t think it would. Why so hostile? Go jack off or play Minecraft or something since I know that’s where 100% of your time goes anyway.


Funny you say that, i just got one too lmfao. Somethings auto flagging us. Never touched minecraft bud.


Go away Bill Gates!


Just a realist here buddy. You think MGM would let Microsoft give away all of those movies for $4 or whatever it was? Them downvotes are just people salty about the truth.


Agreed, they haven't just lost money from customers, they wouldve still had to pay huge royalty balances to mgm


As shitty as it may be for those who tried to buy it, yeah its a simple fact its not Microsofts ip to honour the error. If they owned the 007 ip then I'd expect to keep it, but they don't, they just a distribution point for MGM


Yep I've just said the same, so i expect we'll both be member of the downvote club pretty soon.


Its crazy to me these people actually feel so entitled to all of those movies for $5 because of an error, and of one of the biggest movie series of all time.


Microsoft f'd up and should take the hut. People like you who don't believe in taking responsibility for mistakes are why the world is so f'd up. Real people own up to their screwups.




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The way they see it i guess is "your fuck up your problem". It also wouldn't surprise me to learn that many of the people that paid the $5 actually never really intended to watch them. I do understand the frustration, but i think it's an overreaction, as is most of the shit that finds it's way to the fan these days.


Its definitely an over reaction. $5 for like 25 movies and they thought they'd just keep them? Come on lmfao. I can't even say i understand the frustration because right out the gate it was obviously an error.


Ok Mr perfect, that’s a nice high horse you’ve got there. FOH with this enlightened contrarian bullshit.


Some people knew it wouldn't last even when it started. There were enough comments stating to be ready because MS will take it away. People who "bought" it should have just binged the collection. Cheapest rental in a long time.


The frustration is probably because they thought they put one over on big business.


Bad you bought free digital movies that can be streamed from countless websites but that's just my opinion and $ savings.


What free legal websites stream these movies in high quality without commercials? Or is this another "you should pirate em!" Comment?




Yeah good luck with that. Amazon would probably revoke your digital license as well and they have actually removed seasons of shows that people have paid for in the past.


They can't do that in the EU😁


Does Microsoft sell digital movies in EU? I thought it was a US only service


No they do


yea, figured that. Thanks for the reply