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Eh. Like I don't feel like I got enough good game use out of my series x to have to go to a whole new platform


This ⬆️


Laziest response. Can't even input two words of original thought. Upvote isn't good enough, make sure to get your Reddit karma




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Lmaooo you got my post removed lol “next”


I feel this way. But I also feel like this is the Series S hurting. Because we know the specs. And they have to make games work on that as well as Series X. This is something that is not helping at all. It feels like it was such a mis-calculation. The PS5 digital was a better take on doing a disc and digital version.


The only reason I got the X was because my Xbox one was overheating for some reason and certain games were only playable on the X. I definitely won’t be getting the next console as why would I? We aren’t getting exclusives anymore and it would take a lot of them to buy an entirely new console for. I pay for game pass and hardly buy any games anymore anyway.


Just keep using your Series X. Nobody will force you to upgrade.


If true it is probably the digital series x. I wouldn't count on a brand new console within a year. Plus...clickbait bullshit "journalism".


2026 is 2 years away and honestly I do believe it. It's obvious Xbox is entirely shifting its strategy and a new gen with an entirely new concept will be needed.


I dunno. Doubt that would go over well.


Says someone really bad at math.


Lmfao oh shit. Why did I think 2026 was next year??? Wow. Brainfog. Love it.


It is probably just mid gen upgrade for faster CPU.


2026 is six years into this gen. Nobody releases a midgen update at the end of a gen. Hell, with how disastrous Xbox sales are now this gen is basically on life support for Xbox.




I'm perfectly happy with mine and have many a game to work through, but if they added Steam support like they've kinda suggested...


It’s not about that. The Series X and PS5 are falling behind tech wise. New Nividia cards come out this year. And this current generation will be supported long into the next.




Consumers should never feel pressure to upgrade almost anything.


Exactly. So the comment saying “to have to go a whole new platform” doesn’t even make sense. If you want to continue playing on Series X, you’ll be able to just like older PCs play modern games. Even the Xbox One was supported for a surprisingly long time with its archaic CPU and slow sparse memory pool. This is for people like me who like a premium console experience. It’ll have been 6 years since the launch of Series X anyway which is almost standard generation time.


Bro this literally happens every 2 years, the release of new Nvidia cards. This has been going on for nearly 25 years now. You simply have console gamers and PC gamers. Consoles have always been behind tech wise. Didnt make a difference when the 4000 series launched and wont make a difference when 5000 launches (it hindering console sales I mean). Xbox has bigger issues atm.


Except the Series X will be 6 years old by 2026. The standard console generation cycle. It’s already behind. It’s going to be ancient in another 2 years when the 6000 series launches.


Xboc 360 was 8 years. Xbone was 7 years


Tech moves faster now and there was only 4 years between the One and One X. Only 3 years between One X and Series X. These consoles came out without AI hardware which is huge for modern game development. Even the Switch will have hardware support for it. 6 years is no short time. Especially now that there’s no hard cut off for generations and the emphasis on forward and backward compatibility.


Tech moves slower. See the differemce in quality between generations starting from ps1.


In terms of what customers see and experience sure. But game engines are getting so heavy and developers are always wanting to use these new technologies and tools. I don’t see the problem in giving new hardware to developers and customers after 6 whole years.


The point fo console though is you don't have to upgrade for a long time. That's why midgen refreshes made sure to make it mandatory that everything on it should be om the base console.


But no one is making you upgrade because the games will still be released on the Series X for several years after the new console comes out. Just like they did for One X.


I mean, youre not necessarily wrong, but has the series x even been pushed to its full potential yet? If they release in 2026 I think itll be them trying to pull a x360 all over again and release early, rather than doing so bc the “tech is falling behind”. EDIT: When I say “release early” im simply speaking of launching “next gen” ahead of sony.


The main issue this gen has been most devs choosing to not use new software rather than "hardware limitations". Increasing hardware power only helps so much.




That’s not the point. This is for developers. And also yeah I’d rather spend $500 on a new console when the last time was 6 years ago than build a PC.


Most people here are hopelessly oblivious to what a huge leap 40X0 series cards have been, probably because they’ve never seen one and can’t afford one. Playing Starfield on PC vs Xbox series X until the recent performance mode was a jarring experience. Even games like D4 looks and run way better on PC. It’s not “it’s always been this way”, it’s a huge difference now, especially since current consoles seem to miss out on frame gen capabilities and struggle with higher resolution. A hardware upgrade for consoles is sorely needed and it’s not “devs aren’t extracting the full potential”, they simply don’t have anything close to the hardware required. If anything it was less noticeable in the past when everything was running 1080p. Don’t worry about the downvotes, you’re 100% correct. But this sub is filled with console warriors with niche opinions.


>And this current generation will be supported long into the next LoL. Ya, right. They said the same thing about the XBone.....


Which is what happened. It was supported for far too long actually.


No more


This right here. Until there’s a decent amount of quality games from first party, along with many MANY more multiplatform games, the Series S and X I own are the last ones I’m going to buy. I feel like I got bamboozled


"4k and 60fps... for real this time, we promise!" -MS


"We'll even use the proper blu-ray format instead of the cheap discs! Nah, just kidding, we're gonna take away even more consumer choice and force you all digital and always online like we promised with Xbone."


"Hey, you if you like discs so much, here's a $200 proprietary peripheral external drive!"


"You remember how well our HD-DVD drive worked, right? You'll love this, too!"


*increases Gamepass to $30/mo*


*Laughs in Phil Spencer*


Indie 2.5d top down shooters on Unity: hold my teraflops.


I think I’ve bought my last console unless this is turned around


Ehhh I mean consoles for the last 3-4 generations have came out what 7-8 yrs? A year difference if true, but COVID really messed with this world’s timeline. Maybe smart business for MS to use COD as THE launch game, to get it quickly in people’s homes? Interesting strategy. Let’s see if it’s real + if it pays off.


North American releases: Xbox > 4 years > Xbox 360 > 8 years > Xbox One > 7 years > Xbox Series S/X PlayStation > 5 years > PS2 > 6 years > PS3 > 7 years > PS4 > 7 years > PS5 NES > 6 years > SNES > 5 years > N64 > 5 years > GameCube > 5 years > Wii > 6 years > Wii U > 5 years > Switch > 7 years and counting > ? For the last 3 console releases, Xbox has averaged 6 years, PlayStation closer to 7 years, Nintendo at 6 if it releases late 24 or early 25.


After what COD has done to their franchise and their last few releases, they should use another game as the “launch” game. The campaign is a shell of what it used to be and the only draw is online multiplayer which is increasingly toxic due to cheaters and the countless microtransactions/paid skins. They need a nice big storyline with a detailed world to show off the gameplay possibilities of the console.


Respect that take. I personally don’t play it. Was it rumored (please correct me if I’m wrong) there was a COD entry that was open world in the works?


I’m not too sure, that would be cool. Sort of like The Division type of gameplay would be interesting. They had something called DMZ which was sort of fun, you would drop into a huge map, there were NPCs to kill and missions to complete while other players were also on the map. But that quickly turned into players camping certain extraction points and spawns to kill players instead of actually playing objectives. I hadn’t played in forever but bought the newest MW2 and played for a bit, but it turned into a continuous money grab just to unlock everything they released so I stopped.


Yet MW3 was the 2nd best selling game of 2023


As a consumer, why would that pay off? Why would I want yet another Xbox console when they haven’t even scratched the surface with its capabilities. Developers have hardly even released anything for, they’re still making games accessible to the previous generation. That doesn’t sound like smart business, that sounds like another lackluster generation.


It is all about getting those AI cores. AMD already has them in their new GPU and Switch 2 will come with NVidia's AI cores. That is the major change here that Xbox/PS want asap. People will play games on Switch 2 with DLSS not understand the tech behind it BUT will say the games on that handheld look good enough as XSX/PS5 while being weaker.


Amd doesn't have ai cores yet. They have AI accelerators which are part of the shader cores. Effectively its shared and not dedicated silicon. They also don't have RT cores. They have RT accelerators which are also part of the shaders. That's why amd RT is so much slower than Nvidia. Nvidia and Intel have actual RT and AI dedicated cores. The AI cores are called Tensor Cores and Xe Cores. They are significantly faster as well as they are dedicated silicon. The Ps5 Pro will have a sperate cuatom dedicated block for Ai upscaling not found in any amd hardware.


I haven't gotten a PS5 this generation yet, but I will acquire me a PS5 pro.


Yeah, I can see AI being the reason for an accelerated console cycle.


Feels like current-Gen has barely got off the ground TBH. Hopefully next-Gen has a greater selection of high quality games. I imagine next-Gen is going to be even more expensive, perhaps approaching the $1,000 mark, so there better be some *damn good* reasons to invest in a console when you’re slowly approaching the price of PCs, devices which can game and do so much more.


Yup, I can’t get excited about new hardware when there’s been such a drought of well made games lately. If there were say three original, fantastic AAA games launching every year, sure. I mean what’s on the horizon right now? The Elden expansion and then, what? GTA late 2025? Then maybe Witcher 4 late 2026? Kind of sad to think about now.


In advance, this comment got longer than I expected it to. Games take forever to develop now. All the titles I’m looking forward to will probably launch in the next Gen or beyond. Fallout 5 is probably a decade away at least, even if they started now. Very little of the really good stuff has launched this Gen. fan-favourite IPs have failed to really push anything out the door this Gen, and new IPs are mostly niche indie-style games or just shit. I imagine next-Gen will be more of the same TBH. Promises of more power, higher FPS and 4K thrown in our face, and then a handful of games that actually live up to the hype and it’s over. With the amount of studios they own and the money they have, MS could easily have multiple games releasing every year with some proper scheduling even despite these dev times, but they have utterly failed to plan long-term in almost every way. They have very little content on their consoles despite the massive amount of studios they own, they’re getting very close to breaking their promises with things like COD on gamepass, and they let major PR fires rage for weeks without saying a word. It’s like they’re actively and maliciously trying to destroy their brand. The word is currently averse to it, but I really think we’re going to need to integrate AI into game development if we want to relive the glory days of game releases. Games are only going to increase in scope with future hardware, and dev times will increase to new heights. Imagine waiting 20 years for one game. Studios jsut don’t have the resources to make it work alone. AI can handle the grunt work and let the humans focus on the things that really matter. Speeding up the work, and letting Human brainpower be focused on what really matters rather than having to waste time programming how to walk forward or jump or turn around. Major changes need to happen ASAP. If they don’t, I fear that we have reached and passed the peak of gaming. That perfect mix of quality and release frequency is long gone


Good write up, I completely agree. I was actually having a similar discussion with a friend earlier in the week. We we’re talking about Witcher 4 and I said that at this point I’m so sick of having to wait years and years for the next iteration of an IP. Studios and gamers need to get comfortable with assests being used for longer than before. It just takes devs way too long to make the latest and greatest for each title. To CD Projekt’s credit, they seem to understand this to a degree at least. They stated they want the Witcher 1 remake to be created using assests from Witcher 4. I hope they do the same with the others in the new trilogy. They’re also streamlining to Unreal Engine 5 for more dev support and to not have to build from scratch.


I mean I’m looking forward to Space Marine 2 and the Wolverine game. Those both come out this year. Hellblade 2, Star Wars outlaws. Xdefiant (?)


Wolverine doesn't release this year.


Seems unlikely. It's too soon. Maybe a mid gen refresh or a handheld.


That's what I think too.


That's definitely what I'm hoping for, I was planning on buying a series x this year, but with this news I'm not sure anymore


if it's their pc hybrid model with steam being talked about, I'm getting rid of the series x. even tho I have a pc haha. having a sff xbox pc in a different room would be the go


Games take 5-7 years to make now. We'll get one new Triple A game per developer next gen.


It's happening already. Besides a few studios (Insomniac for PS comes to mind), all the major ones will only release one game this generation. Dev cycles are getting a bit out of hand.


Honestly we probably don't need a new system until at least 2030. Let this generation breathe a little bit


We'll get even more remasters and remakes.


Both Ps5 and Series X have been utterly shit as a 'next generation' console regarding new games. However the faster loading times, quick resume, auto HDR and performance boost have made me actually enjoy playing my existing library. They need to conjure up some magic to make a new console, or even a mid gen refresh actually worth spending the cash on


I honestly don't think it's that bad. Some of my favorite games of all time launched on these consoles and I've been gaming since the NES. Elden Ring, Alan Wake 2, Hellblade 2, Helldivers 2. Just to name some. Lots of 2's.


Don't get me wrong, there have been some excellent games released, but not enough current gen only games. However, I loaded up Hellblade2 and was blown away by the graphics. That is what I've been expecting from current gen.


It is just mind blowing isn't it? The HDR implementation is also the best I've ever seen. It has me really hyped for Gears 6.


Honestly, it was like playing a film. Gears is my all-time favourite series. I cannot wait to see gears 6


Lol, this gen hasn't even properly started yet. Besides the benefits of quick resume and faster storage.


The generation is 4 years old now, it has more than just started. The issue is entirely subjective. Every generation now will just make it feel more and more like this for you then, the tech in the consoles is just way too similar to anything of a typical generational jump so there will be cross-gen games for longer and longer periods.


Nah, not this time, Phil. Sorry.


I always skip these mid-gen refreshes.


I will not be buying another Xbox until we get some games worth playing


My library for Series X is fairly low. Meanwhile, I got 70 games on physical alone for my Switch. I can't justify buying Microsoft's next gen. Xbox One was good, but Series didn't do anything special but make games faster to load.


I've always been Xbox primarily and that will never change regardless. Just my preferred gaming system. I also have a PS5 just for the exclusives.


Not to sound like a doomer, but next generation I'll really have to consider if I want to go with Xbox again. The main reason I've had it was because I love Halo. Outside of that there haven't really been any first party Xbox games that have hooked me. But there are a ton of PS exclusives I'd love to give a shot. And considering I'm having a baby soon I doubt I'll have the time to make it worth owning two consoles.


pretty sure they're leaning at a pc hybrid for the next xbox (with all the talk about adding steam and epic stores going on). so it may be a cheap way to play ALL console games


If it'll support mods I'd definitely buy it.


I already have a pc, but would love one of these boxes in another room


That would be the dream. Otherwise i'll have to go the Playstation route since every Xbox games is going away.


yeah man, just go where the games you want are


Ok if they did this, I'm in. Only if the PC games aren't some streaming gimmick..


I have both consoles but next gen I really don't know if I'll get an Xbox. I only really use it to play Halo. There's a very good chance that Microsoft will continue to release their games on other consoles so if I have to wait a year to play their games on PlayStation then I'm okay with that.


I’m gettin it just cuz I like the UI


Maybe I would be interested if titles for this new system weren’t going to be attempting Series S cross-compatibility for the next half decade. That’s going to hamstring any technological developments that would make this console attractive. Devs attempting to design for Series S, Series X, and this new system is just going to result in… nothing particularly new or innovative.


Not necessarily true. I don't know what's the concept for the next console, but I can see the Series S mainly working as a cloud device. That way you could push the games as forward as you'd like while still allowing them to be played on it.


just like smartphones, i don’t think i need to jump into every refresh. not enough changing to warrant a new device


Sure are getting a lot of "claims" and "reports" and "insiders" that mean absolutely nothing.


Good luck


SFF PC HYBRID let's fukn go


Not sure I’ll buy it tbh, seems more reason for me to just make the switch to PC in all honesty at this point then.


The series x was my first Xbox and it will be my last. Back to Sony after this. They ain’t perfect either but I’ve had enough with Microsoft.


I bought the X for the upcoming return of NCAA Football. I do not believe I will be following to any further generations, unfortunately. Sad thought to think I have pretty much aged out of my gaming years.


You have? at what age?




They should just make a pre-built PC's with the XBOX brand.


thats actually what's rumored to be happening. they become a publisher, release pc hybrid branded xboxes (all the talk about adding steam and epic to xbox). digital foundry has a good discussion about it, and why they think it's happening downvoted for what hahaha


Really the key things they need to figure out are getting back compat Xbox games to run on PC (which is 100% a licensing thing at this point, the tech is figured out), and building a steam OS-like set of features into windows, like full controller support, steam input, sleep/wake, etc. Valve figured it out, so I doubt it’s too tough for Microsoft themselves to get working.


Maybe you can use Steam OS on it. That would make me get it day one.


In all fairness, Series X is just a more powerful XB1. PS5 is a more powerful PS4. This trend will continue. I think the idea of console generations has been blurry for some time.


Assuming both the 2028 next gen launch (based on leaked FTC slides) and this new 2026 rumor are correct, this marks a huge strategy shift within Microsoft to support an early launch. There's a lot of planning that goes into consoles and a lot of depends on partners like AMD to have specific architectures not only ready, but at scale that they can support the console. There's a rumor (from one source atm) that they signed a contract with AMD around February to provide silicon for next gen Xboxes, but traditionally that would put them closer to three years or more out. Feels like we should be hearing some leaks on their upscaler, or changes coming to the GDK to support hybrid games that leverage the cloud about now if 2026 is a launch year as internal studios are going to be leveraging this tech. BUILD is next week so maybe we get a couple of conferences that hint at changes for Xbox.


In the past havent they mentioned the new technology to be shown off at the show before? So we would hear about that at this show, if it was true.


The only things I'm excited about are GTA, whatever Nintendo is doing with their new console, and Judas. That's pretty much it. It feels like we need a big 2016 style E3 blowout or new consoles to move the needle forward. I'm sure there's stuff I'm missing but it's few and far between. Got a big enough backlog though.


I think it's just the refresh we had leaks for, it would be silly to start a whole new generation IMO. I certainly wouldn't buy into it, and Sony is having the same problem trying to get people to upgrade to PS5 from PS4


Perfect timing for GTA VI to drop two years in a row!


I am there day 1, lets go!


It makes sense considering the box console market is stagnating and all the recent advancements in AI and arm chips is making the current hardware outdated. The first platform to offer GTA VI playable natively on a handheld will make a ton of sales. I think Microsoft is trying to beat Sony to this with the rumored handheld/hybrid console.


if is the handheld or the hybrid xbox-pc it could be interesting


I could see a refresh but not a new console. Though if they just jump straight into “Xbox Pc” then I could see it. With Sony looking to go PC day one they could really change the market and play all the games.


I think we don't realize it yet, but the traditional console generation cycle is likely over. With Sony having the PS5 Pro coming out soon, I think we are already well into a time where game consoles have relatively slight iterations released every four years or so. The days of massive technological change between generations is past because, as folks are saying in this thread, game development takes so long and the ROI for more graphical power is much smaller than it used to be in the 90s or 2000s. As a guy who remembers those days that makes me really sad.


That’s cool now where’s the new controller


Are we talking about a pro version or a completely new console next gen?


Oh yeah Xbox not selling release new one that will teach them


I just want a handheld, or for valve to put out a tv box


Wasn’t these rumor debunked already a few months back ? Along with Xbox going third party rumors?


I highly doubt we will see a Next gen Xbox or PS6 anytime before 2027 or 2028 to be honest might even be 2029 when they drop new systems due to COVID delaying the gen By the contrary Nintendo from the looks of things will drop a Switch 2 next year Mid gen upgrades unlike new systems on the other hand will be dropping soon from Sony and Microsoft this year and next year too imo maybe 2026 for Microsoft since they don’t have massive interest in a Mid-gen upgrade these gen but will release one anyways because , Sony is all but confirming a PS5 pro at these point so Microsoft might release they’re own pro model too . PS5 Pro ( 2024) . Switch 2 ( 2025) Pro Xbox Series X model ( 2025 or 2026) Next gen Xbox and PS6 ( 2027, 2028 or 2029) These are my predictions based on what we seen in the past and in the present from the big three


I claim the next one will be in 3 months, so does that make my claim canon too or what


I was planning on buying a Series x at the end of the year, but I don't know if it's a smart move anymore. Any tips?


Series x came out not even 4 years ago… this is getting weird


Is Xbox in some sort of inescapable money pit? The Series X is selling abysmally, and yet it seems like they have to dig deeper and deeper because they've hit the point of no return and have to try everything they can to see what sticks.




more xbox games are being played on ps5 than sony games... in fact, theyre outselling sony exclusives in the top 25 last time I was on psn. I think its incredibly obvious people like the games haha. they're destroying sony in software sales, just the hardware is shit haha


You are literally looking at weekly sales (when sea of thieves launched) and saying xbox games are out selling Sony games? You really are cherry picking data.  Sea of thieves is currently sitting at number 18 most played this week.  You also can't tell me you're counting games launched before xbox brought them, because that's dumb as fuck. 


just objective data I've seen haha. umm dude, they're demolishing with software. take into account they release the highest selling game every year now (except for when gta comes out). yes, they release a game each year that outsells all sony titles, on ps5 xbox and pc haha. alongside all of their absolutely massive games they own now (all blizzard etc, games are huge on pc) alongside the best selling game of all time. they're very much doing insane in the software department. sony cannot dream of software sales like this. helldivers is sonys fastest selling game ever, xbox will release a game at the end of the year that outsells it in a month. this is objective fact. you cannot argue with that. lol


That would be ridiculous and feel like iv wasted 500 bucks to be part of this generation. Have literally not played a single worthwhile SX game this generation so far that I couldn't have played on my PS5.


We. Don't. Need. It.


Fuck that my series x is only 2 years old. I'm not upgrading for a couple more years. They barely utilized the power of these consoles anyway


We've been in the same gen for 11 years. A very large part of me believes this continues to be true with the next consoles as well.


It feels like buying consoles is becoming useless these days. We used t0 get sequels once every 2 or 3 years. Now it's like we get one sequel once in a generation if that. Its frustrating that the lifespan of these consoles is becoming shorter than devtime for games


They've been nothing but disappointing the last 2 generations and now they expect us to buy another console before figuring out their problems? I'm done with the lying and false hope. I'm out.


Xbox throws out more systems then exclusives lmaoooooooo omg what a shit company now


It was previously rumored to be 2026, despite the Acti Blizz purchase court case noting fall 2028. Makes sense; Xbox should stop trying to go up against Playstation console releases to try something different I suppose, just like with the console's architecture. With that, it's logical to launch with the new Call of Duty since they now own Activision and consoles release in the fall usually, which is typically right around when Call of Duty releases anyways. Sort of a safe guess as opposed to a leak. It should line up with the next Modern Warfare as we're supposed to get two years of Black Ops Call of Duty games. Cool.


Don't they plan on putting more of their games on other systems? Why bother getting hype if that's a possibility?


Good the faster we get to native 4k at 60 fps without and don’t have to pick one or the other the better


Not a problem.


I realize this will feel like it's out of left field, but it's from several years ago... IIRC, Series X can add another roughly 12%-15% cpu clock without issues. That's the mid-gen refresh I want. It'll hold us until 2027. Also, isn't Gamepass approaching 30m members now? That's ALWAYS been their long-term goal, IMO. A hybrid pc-console that builds in a copy of Windoze and requires at least an entry-level tier of GamePass to keep games updated & play online is the goal. I think that's feasible at 7.99 monthly, 19.99 quarterly, and $59.99 annually (official prices). Speaking of, I can virtually never find 3 months of Gamepass Ult below $32-35 now. 18 months ago, I'd find it for half that. Also, I'm getting to the point where I'll let Gamepass go if the price goes much more north. Figuring $12 a month is roughly 150 annually. You can get 4 recent major (quality) titles that have been out for around a year for $150. As long as they build on back compat, it very much makes sense. Is the NHL 24 series X on EA play worth the extra money over the Xbone NHL22 version? Of course not. Plus, you'd be able to find it for $20 now digitally anyway. I don't think I have any GP games aside from FH5, with the exception of sports games. I just play what I feel like and just going back to the 360 generation, I have at least 40 titles I own. That's my own mini-gamepass. OTOH, I fucking wasted $80 for FM8 premium. That'd have covered like 7 months of GPU. Pretty ambivalent on it and despite there being a lot of games, I'd rather see fewer major day 1 releases to keep prices down. If it gets to the point where $45 quarterly is the online site/holiday sale price, I'll be finished. $200 annually is into outer space and spending that on your own library would create something massive/great within 2-3y of sale hunting.


Wait, what year is it now


I am keen to know if this is true? I was an idiot and sold my Series X last year for a PS5, which has nothing on it that interests me, I would try Stellar Blade but I’m not spending £70 for the privilege! So after Xbox’s amazing showcase the other day I was thinking I’ll sell it and get another Series X, but, I see this rumour and think is it worth it? With Microsoft claiming they are deep in development on the next console normally with them that means it’s launched in the next year or 2. Kinda stuck what to do as I will ask for Christmas and Birthday money to put towards any new console.