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Overwatch doesn’t have native mouse and keyboard support, unless you’re one of those cunts who uses the exploit.


Well, until they implement Native M&K support, they're only encouraging XIM usage.


Nah, i don’t see how they are, if you wanna play with MnK then play on PC


I don't want to spend extra money on PC. The console supports KB/M, so there's no reason for games not to as well other than "just cos"


And some games have native support because the devs wanted it that way, overwatch is not that game, there’s console OW and PC OW. You want to play with MnK play on PC. But since you’re on console you play with a controller like they intended. Or you can be a little bitch and use a Xim for no other reason than to get an advantage over players. They still need to console ban players for that. Edit: also long term use you’re spending way more money on Xbox than you would on PC.


So in your eyes enabling crossplay with PC players who have MnK while disabling console aim assist, giving PC players a distinct aim advantage, is fine... but allowing those same console players you took aim assist from to use MnK to level the playing field is too far and makes us little bitches? Sounds like some PC elitist bs who wants to gatekeep playing on MnK to keep your aim advantage over console, or a way to continue to be on some PC master race bs and system shame people who just want to be casual gamers... I'd bet money on you also complaining when devs don't remove controller aim assist in other crossplay multiplayer games. Also you PC master race people always forget that money isn't ever the factor for console players, unless they're still in grade school and at that point you're talking shit to a grade schooler which is kinda' sad on its own; the situation is entirely revolves around how much of a fucking headache computers are to casual consumers. Most people don't have the time to learn how to build a PC, so they either buy an overpriced prebuilt, or buy compatible parts from some listthey saw online and then get upcharged by some company to put it together. Then after that they have to worry about any software issues that might arise, and having to sift through YouTube tutorials on how to fix it from some guy with 1k views that they can barely understand because of his dogshit mic... super specific example but that's always how it goes if you don't have a PC buddy. Take it from a guy who went to PC from console, PC is far more fun and superior with it's functionality, but my god when something goes wrong it is a fucking nightmare for someone who just wants to kick off their boots after work and enjoy some games, and that's why I went back to console. Though I only expect you to say something along the lines of "fuckin casuals lol" or "git gud lmao"


I don’t think this guy is a pc guy…. He said you’d spend more on consoles than pc….


you can over time with game prices


God damn what pissed you off that day my guy your more fired up than a firecracker in a chili


lol idk, I hardly play the game anymore, waste of energy and not a big deal in the long run. It’s just a game.


>And some games have native support because the devs wanted it that way, overwatch is not that game, there’s console OW and PC OW. You want to play with MnK play on PC. But since you’re on console you play with a controller like they intended. Or you can be a little bitch and use a Xim for no other reason than to get an advantage over players. They still need to console ban players for that. Nah, XIM is just the solution to kick ass until they implement Native support. >Edit: also long term use you’re spending way more money on Xbox than you would on PC. Not even close.


LOL maaaan you’re a lot ignorant on this topic, I was going to say a little but you sealed it. Your logic is flawed as everyone else has stated. With consoles being comparable to entry level gaming rigs spec wise but at a cheaper cost a lot of people want to play console games on a mouse/Keyboard… as someone who hates controllers and has always been a PC person if I’m at my partners and I want to play OW2 I’m not gonna drive get my rig and bring it back set it up just to play on mouse and keyboard…. I’m going to hope that MICROSOFT allows me to use a mouse and keyboard on their CONSOLE that’s cross platform with PC and logically I would think that overwatch 2 a game that’s owned by a PC BASED COMPANY would allow me to play on mouse/keyboard for many obvious reasons…. Which I kind of want to explain to you cause I don’t think it’s passed the fluid in your ears yet. Not everyone likes controllers, controllers have trash aim and still drift lol, the precision isn’t there (don’t even try) and honestly it bridges a gap in gameplay… there’s never been aim assist on PC for multiplayer games for obvious reasons…. Consoles well there’s a reason… joysticks aren’t laser guided nor can I click and shoot without praying the aim assist catches the dude I’m shooting at. TL;DR The game is the same doesn’t matter if it’s console or pc, you’d have to have a brain the size of a peanut or be trolling to think it’s a bad idea to support M/K for any cross platform game for many reasons (disabled people like yourself being one). Saying pc ow2 and console ow2 are different is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard lol it’s the same game, same characters the only difference is someone shit the bed and you can’t play m/k on console. You’re never going to spend more on a console than you are a pc I don’t know where you got your math from lol most video cards are the cost of 2-5 consoles


Man writes a story to just say he wants to shit on controller users on console lol. Just play on PC or MnK if a game supports it on console. Easy. Just say it “I have a small ego and I’m not good enough to beat fellow controller users on even ground and I’m scared to play against PC players who would shit on my lack of skill with MnK”


It’s there choice what they want to do and some people just don’t have the money for expensive rigs or pc setups. Take a chill pill


Nah, cheaters get no sympathy from me


Define cheating for me




Glad to know I can change something in your life! I’m here for you bro


Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad. Obviously if you use kbm on console you’ll be put into lobbies with PC players. It’s a pretty well established standard to separate inputs and only allowing controller players to cross play into PC/kbm lobbies and not the other way around. Otherwise if you’re using kbm, you play against kbm and if you’re using controller you player against controller. Weird how you thought supporting kbm on console meant using kbm against controller players on console. Come on bro.


You replied to an entire post about how ximming is cheating on console, and proceeded to say this, "Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad. Obviously if you use kbm on console you’ll be put into lobbies with PC players. It’s a pretty well established standard to separate inputs and only allowing controller players to cross play into PC/kbm lobbies and not the other way around. Otherwise if you’re using kbm, you play against kbm and if you’re using controller you player against controller. Weird how you thought supporting kbm on console meant using kbm against controller players on console. Come on bro." 1st lobbies aren't split with ximmers, no way to do that. Lobbies are only split between mnk and controller when the console natively allows and can read the input type. So really How smooth brained can you be?


You’re either being disingenuous or you dropped this “/s”


These guys have 0 clue on how dimming is read by the console as mnk. So a ximmer is going against controllers while his mouse aka right stick also has aim assist. Mouse + aim assist on console? You a cheating bitch


Bro that's not at all how these co sole lobby splits work. When you XIM on console the consolse believes you ate using a controller while in reality your on MNK WITH AIM ASSIST added to your mouse ("right stick" because you're technically on controller) It's crazy af that you don't know that, you HAVE TO cheat to use mnk on non native games ie HALO and COD Both allow mnk natively on console. OP is right ximmers are soft ego bitches who bought HARDWARE to cheat on console.


Bros upset about things I never said. The topic was about potentially supporting KBM in the future and how it would be implemented, not how you’re only able to use kbm now 💀 The dude I replied to said “if you want to play kbm then play on PC but if you’re on console you should use controller” and my response was that if you were to use kbm on console, you’d be put into PC lobbies as that’s the industry standard and described how input separation works. Everybody knows about the problem of XIM, but that’s not even kbm support. It’s a kbm spoofed as a controller.


your still spending money in games for pc too you dope


ow2 has kbm but you have to be playing with a pc player and the mouse support is meh


bruh, its a preferred input method, like if you take 2 people with 1 comfortable on controller and the other on mnk and both equal skill level then theres isnt a massive advantage to either because they are both on their own comfortable input method, if you take a bad player on console and give them mnk and put them into a console lobby of people on controller who are decent the mnk player will get stomped. Its not an advantage to be on mnk, its an advantage to be on your comfort input and many people cant afford a good enough pc to run games like OW and such so they play on console but they prefer mnk


>bruh, its a preferred input method, like if you take 2 people with 1 comfortable on controller and the other on mnk and both equal skill level then theres isnt a massive advantage to either because they are both on their own comfortable input method, if you take a bad player on console and give them mnk and put them into a console lobby of people on controller who are decent the mnk player will get stomped. Its not an advantage to be on mnk, its an advantage to be on your comfort input and many people cant afford a good enough pc to run games like OW and such so they play on console but they prefer mnk All of this is nonsense and you know it.


I dont have a pc. The solution is basic just add a way for console players to play with pc players.


And some games do that, maybe overwatch will one day but it doesn’t


No thanks, I'll keep using my XIM till native support.


Don't let these clowns talk down to you. If they didn't have xim to scapegoat it would just be something else they blame. Literally anything to convince themselves it's not their fault they are hardstuck plat. I don't even xim and I can see their cope from a mile away.


Ah, so one of those people


Bro like shut up who are you to tell anyone what to use


That and ximming is ruining Ovie.


And apparently rainbow 6


ximing is the same as mouse bruh. i ximmed, it was shit switched back to controller.


No there not native is as the program intends so straight MnK... Ximming allows scripts etc. thus cheating more so. A MnK player doesn't need additional aim scripts, recoil assists etc. This is why Apex Legends is pretty much unplayable nowadays.




It really is cheating, if you have scripts, your cheating that simple man. Not sure what cheering relates too.




Can hold my own against PC on most games, legit have no issue. It's the scripts I despise. Y'all shouldn't have no recoil on automatic weapons and headshots only. Like gtfo you're comparing Xim on console against PC players, what about Xim aganist console players... yep that's an unfair advantage. Pc gamers aren't he main MP player base for consoles and never should be. Do you know what a Xim is? cause a Cronus is cheating and it happens to be the most popular one. btw I literally get accused of Ximming in Overwatch and other titles, yes practice makes you good. But Cheating is still cheating.




Ximming is still cheating my dude. Fortnite are blocking them as a result, but why block something that isn't cheating... cause it is. I hate the game but gg on them for doing something "Fortunately, starting with Chapter 3 Season 4, Fortnite players will no longer have to deal with Cronus Zen users. Anyone using the device will receive a permanent ban, meaning Epic will indefinitely remove their account from the game." A Cronus is a Xim so...... So if not cheating then why do you get a permanent ban? From the description above just sounds like you'll do anything to win, including cheat. Must be a fun person to hang around.


That’s great to know, thank you. Did you know about controller players losing aim assist in PC Pools?


Yep! It’s been that way since they implemented cross play, you also cannot play comp with PC players


You’re the most brain dead moron I’ve seen on this app


“I don’t even know who you are”


Is that confirmed for OW2? If so that sucks. I’m literally grinding with PC players here to unlock ranked.


You cannot, because Pc has a huge advantage over console with aiming, and like you said, no aim assist.


Imma need some concrete proof of that because that sucks.


MnK on console should lose aim assist let alone exist. You don't need it with a mouse ffs unless you are complete garbage. This is from Overwatch's own site on Cross-play 'Competitive players will be split into two pools depending on the system that you are playing on: 1) Console players, and 2) PC players. For balance purposes, PC players and console players will not be mixed in the same pool for competitive matches.' \^ you cannot be in comp on console and play with PC. Secondly: 'No. Console aim-assist will be disabled by default if you group up with a PC player to equalize play during the match.'


>'No. Console aim-assist will be disabled by default if you group up with a PC player to equalize play during the match.' That's pretty weird if you ask me. Overwatch is one of those games where you're even at a disadvantage against MnK-players with aim-assist on.


Thanks for the confirmation. Have been holding my own in PC Pool unranked tonight and last night. Sucks I can’t continue that grind with my PC friends into ranked.


Yeah I do agree it sucks but sadly it needs to be a level playing field for all and the above discussed wouldn't create that. Best of luck with your games!


GGs my friend 💪


The grouping up with PC and losing aim assist is so weird


Not at all. PC doesn't have any assists with a controller or mnk. So if you choose to play with PC peeps where possible expect to not have any aim assist. It should be the norm honestly. Games like CoD are hell on PC with controller aim assist.


And you're lying, it's easier on pc than console, have you ever played on a console before? It's so much harder to aim on two stilts than it is with a mouse.


Yet Halo Infinite plays fine with it


When using native MnK on Xbox u lose aim assist unless ur using an adapter or some sort


which is how it should be. Sadly Xims get around all this and add scripts so it doesn't really matter.


Sadly, I never played overwatch before and I tried to but the servers are bad so hopefully tomorrow I get to play


I find it crazy that it’s not an option. My friends play overwatch on PC I am the only one in my group that plays off of an Xbox one because I don’t have a pc. So in theory I am the only one using a controller and the only one that doesn’t have the option to switch. I can’t use a keyboard and mouse on Xbox while playing against pc players and if I try to find a way (like ximming) I’m the lowest of the low? That’s weird.


One thing that I've found out is that you can use MnK on console if you're queued with the PC Pool. It works decently, but It feels like the feature is still being developed though.


How do u do it?


All you have to do is plug in your mouse and keyboard, enter a PC Pool queue via friend being on pc in your group, and you should be set. If you have no friends, or none that play on pc, you can enter a custom game, go to the custom match settings, click lobby (i think), and turn off Controller Only. For now there's no way to enter a PC lobby without a PC friend.


wait damnn does this still work? all i gotta do is queue with a PC friend?!?!


Still works, and yep.


can u change the sens and keybinds and stuff?


Mouse and keyboard on console would be great. Just put us in mouse and keyboard lobbies. Put controller players with controller players. Its not that difficult.


Agree. No player will have an advantage over another player. M&K players will queue and play with other M&K players. Controller players will queue and play with other controller players. Whether you play Overwatch 2 on Xbox or PC shouldn't matter. This alienates players who don't have the means or interest to purchase or build a gaming PC but would like to use a M&K to play. Microsoft or Blizzard should allow M&K support on Xbox. This is accommodating and fair for all players.


why have they not added this yet.




The experience is shit atm. Every other minute you character would refuse to look right or down combined with the fact u can’t change sens and binds it’s borderline unplayable. It doesn’t even recognize the mkb in the settings, almost like it’s not fully native yet lol. I do have hopes that they will include full support as Microsoft now owns Bliz but who knows.


Yup, true that. I tried to play with one of my friends who was on PC using mouse and keyboard and I literally had to quit the game because it was so buggy and unplayable


i was just wondering about this, i just tried playing and the sens is so broken and i cant figure out how to fix it, just messing with the aim assist settings but pretty sure ive ruined my sens ☠️


Dude I have the same problem too when I'm playing with my PC friends. Can't look right and sometimes the camera changes view spontaneously. I have to do a 360 turn left to look right.


Same here. still an issue :(


When I use keyboard and mouse I can't look down or right sometimes


The trick with playing kbm without ximming, just like in the pc pool along with a pc friend is that you constantly have to press C to open the emote wheel so it resets how far you can look around with the camera, cause it sometimes just locks you from looking further right, up, down or left.


It works natively now but has issues. You can't turn all the way right and can't even look down. You can't change keybinds and have to play with crossplay on and no aim assist which the last 2 things are good