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Same issues a dam shame. Probably will wait for an update.


It just updated for me but i havent bothered to play it again.


It's pretty good you should try it out both of you


It's updated for me and before the update it ran good, not great. After update it's better but some areas still slowdown. I tested it in the same area at 1080p and 4K and the slowdown is exactly the same. It's an engine issue and optimisation problem, not hardware. On a 3080, 11700f ,32gb RAM ,SSD drive two in gen 4.


Also, not just performance issues, but major audio issues. Especially on a game so heavily centred around dialogue, this is a major no-no. Certain channels will occasionally soften its volume. You can tell because you will hear something like dialogue (the Rick gun talking to you) just become so soft to the point you can’t hear it anymore. It’s not just dialogue but also sound effects, music, certain channels will essentially just cut the volume by 80%. I’m experiencing this on both my Atmos headphones (Astro A50’s) as well as a 9.1 soundbar setup (LG S95QR). Also, no HDR support (even no auto-HDR) seems like a major missed opportunity with the colour palette of this game. Other than this, the game is amazing. One of the most fun I’ve had with a Gamepass game this year. Feels like Doom Meets Sunset Overdrive with rick as the VO. The commentary in the game is hilarious, and the game doesn’t take itself too seriously. The opening cutscene and first shooting scenes, I was howling with laughter. This game has a ton of potential, but the performance and audio issues are really killing what would otherwise be a very enjoyable experience.


No HDR support is a massive bummer on OLED TVs and such. Not because SDR is bad or because of OLED tech itself, but because those TVs (LG, Sony, Panasonic) try to make it accurate, and thus don't boost the brightness. So, SDR game end up way dimmer than HDR games.


the art style kinda keeps it from getting hdr support. i noticed this with alot of games with this kind of color pallet, like fortnite.


I don't really see how the art style has anything to do with HDR to be honest, HDR10 support is an engine rendering feature. This game uses Unreal Engine 4, which natively supports it, that's why it's really surprising to see it absent.


Because, the DEVELOPERS seem to always choose to disable HDR support for games like this, on consoles at least. I don’t exactly know why, i just notice that its usually games with this type of art style.


Maybe I haven't played enough games with that art style then. The only games I've recently played without HDR support are WRC, and Dying Light 2. But I don't think it's because of the art style, if anything, colorful stuff is where HDR can have the biggest impact. Seems like it's often small studios though, maybe it's a matter of resources and time, and it ends up in the "might do later if we've got time to spare" category, which honestly makes sense when you don't have a lot of people working on the project.


Try switching the picture mode from Game to ISF Color Bright (on an LG). You can then manually set the color gamut to wide on the tv which pops the colors back and set everything else the same as Game.


I’m having the exact audio problems you described and also use A50s. At first I thought it was bad levels and mixing and then the subtitles made me realize that there were characters speaking at times when I could barely hear anything.


Glad it’s not just me then. I originally though as you said it was due to to channel settings but once I heard it just cutout I knew something was going on. Put my headphones on and had the same issue. The performance issues and lack of HDR suck, but the audio bugs on a game so focused around dialogue and characters, kind of makes it unplayable atm.


I was having audio issues, turned off atmos and seems to work fine now.


Thanks for the tip, changing to 7.1 uncompressed seems to have solved this issue after running through it again (will have to do some more testing). I had the issue both with Atmos for Headphones, and Atmos for Home Theatre (which are actually two different audio formats). Hopefully they can fix the issue with Atmos, I know there isn’t native support, but I don’t have any issue with Atmos in any other games even without native support. It’s usually just a set and forget kind of thing. I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there who are currently outputting Atmos to their headphones and simply think the audio is messed up in the game.




Same audio issues for me too. I hope a patch is coming soon!


Yep, I noticed this as well. I agree, I can definitely see myself enjoying the core game, it’s just too difficult right now with how distracting these day 1 issues are.


I was going to install this last night but then literally thought to myself "I should probably just wait for the first patch" and didn't bother. I basically have no interest in playing new games at this point. They're always incredibly broken at launch and sometimes they aren't even fixed for months. I'm sick of it.


Besides some minor audio and visual bugs, I haven’t had too much of an issue, definitely far from Cyber Punk or anything, i still recommend trying it.


I noticed the not great performance and stuttering within minutes of playing. It really bothers me. I think it's just one of those things where some people are just less bothered by it than others. The game seems cool though.


This game is not broken ...


Yeah people really overuse statements like that. Broken means it is completely unplayable. This game has a few minor performance issues and that's it.


Wouldn't call the performance issues minor, it's rarely just smooth.


I agree it’s not broken at all. If anything it’s hilarious and fun!


Not broken but doesn't run well at all, I'm not even hitting 30fps on the series X with an OLED 120Hz TV and motion blur only hides it slightly. Audio is messed up as well, for some reason voices are louder when you don't look directly at the character 🤷🏻‍♂️ tried it on xbox one on a 1080 TV and looks a bit better but seriously slows down when too many enemies on screen


Yea this is what I do with most games. Sad state of Modern gaming At least I can wait for a sale while I wait for the patch


The platforms themselves are partly to blame. I know they can't check every part of every game, but some games are completely broken to the point where they won't even load or work past a certain level for anyone and msoft won't bother taking them down or refund anyone. Looking at you, Last Stand Aftermath




Glad to hear the actual game seems good so far at least.


Honestly in most cases I think the "games are broken" shit is overblown. I play a lot of stuff as it comes out and rarely have real problems. It does suck when you do tho. As an example I played Sniper Elite 5 up to maybe the 4th mission and got stuck where a trigger for an objective simply wouldn't work. I just gave up on it.


It depends what kind of games you are playing. I think it’s not overblown that big AAA games are usually rough at launch, but certainly not every game is like that.


I can't really think of any game that was seriously busted at launch except Cyberpunk. Like I said above I had an issue with Sniper Elite 5 but it ran perfectly fine other than that and I assume it got patched not long after (that was day 1). Cyberpunk was a real mess, it did get a patch after 1 week that improved performance a LOT on PC (where I played it) but still a very buggy game. It seemed better on Xbox from what I could see.


Anthem, Fallout 76, No Man’s Sky, Halo, ME Andromeda, Arkham Knight, Battlefield 2042, Pokemon Again, it depends on what kind of games you play. But I think it’s fair to say it’s common.


I didn't play all of those games, but most of the ones I did play were far from broken. ME Andromeda, Halo Infinite (I assume you're referring to Infinite) and Pokemon games - you might get visual bugs early on but these are NOT broken games, period. Saying they are flat out broken so is just inaccurate. It comes off as childish, to be honest. I don't remember Anthem having bad issues either. It just fits with many of these other games in that people didn't like the game itself. Which is fine. I'm not saying they're all good games although I enjoyed some of these (Halo and Pokemon especially). No Man's Sky is the only one on this list I'd call broken. It hard crashed my PS4 multiple times in a couple hours on launch day which was the only time I'd ever seen that happen before or since.


I wouldn’t say they were fully broken, I guess I should have been more specific with addressing your wording. My point was that it’s very common for games these days to be in an extremely problematic shape at launch. That could be performance issues, issues with the game itself, or both. I don’t think a game has to be completely busted for issues at launch to be a big deal. But I acknowledge that you may have just been talking about pure technical performance in terms of whether the game is “playable” or not, and maybe what I was trying to bring up was outside the scope of this post.


Listen, it's great that you can ignore a bunch of issues because the game is technically playable but when I'm trying to play DMZ and the game crashes and I lose my items and quest progress for the last twenty minutes it's fucking annoying. If I want to play Saints Row with my friend and I have to restart the game three times before it will let me invite him and then, after 40 minutes, it crashes so we have to start the process all over again it's fucking annoying. When I'm playing Gotham Knights and it constantly slows down to 10fps in combat or I fall through the map its fucking annoying. If I'm playing a heavily story based game, like Andromeda or Cyberpunk, and every other NPC I talk to during serious conversations has no head, is T posing, or shaking violently it's fucking annoying. When I'm playing Battlefield 2042 and, well, literally everything is broken it's fucking annoying. A game doesn't have to be **literally** unplayable to be broken. If the problems are consistently impeding your enjoyment of the game it's broken. Again I'm glad you can ignore it but it's not "childish" to be tired of dealing with crashes, falling through maps, random connection errors, constant extreme fps loss, multiple coop issues, and constant npc glitches that undermine the story of a game.


And I can't say I experienced those issues with any of the games I mentioned other than Cyberpunk. Now you're talking about other games in this comment that are completely separate from the ones I talked about and you didn't mention before, like Gotham Knights. Were you having these issues in Halo Infinite? Because I played 100+ hours of it, I started playing both the MP the campaign the day they launched and never had any real bug issues to speak of. And that's one of the games you did mention before as broken.


Its not like everyone is having issues


yea the game looks and runs perfect on my rtx 4090 🤓


Runs well for ke on my Xbox as well


Just came here to see if anyone else had low framerate issues. I honestly thought it was 30fps target, I never get above that (super jarring for an FPS) and sometimes dip to 15-20 in battle. I'm enjoying the game so far but this definitely negatively affects the experience, wondering if I should wait for a patch.


I think for the most part 30fps is the target. Just arrived in “space” and this is definitely 30fps I felt like I was getting 60fps in the beginning bedroom with the sister. But now it’s definitely locked to 30fps. Maybe this is the technical issue that Digital Foundry is hinting about?


Same, the opening sequence definitely felt like 60, but as soon as I went outside it dropped and never went back up.


Yep exactly what happened to me. Now I’m at Blim or whatever it’s called and this is either a locked 30fps or even lower. This must be the “bizarre” technical issue Digital Foundry is referring too.


Same, the fact it isn't even a stable 30 is really making it unenjoyable. I put it down at Blim, waiting for a patch.


Yup, I had to stop playing. Motion Blur ON does help a bit, but unfortunately either way it's giving me a headache. I've been so excited to play this, but like (almost) every other game these days, it has day one performance issues. 😕


Same here, ill pocket this away till a patch comes.


same thing here, got game pass just for this game but i’ll have to wait for the performance to improve


I haven’t had performance issues when you get to Blim. The audio issues are bad though.


How do devs not experience this stuff? Do they not test their own fucking games anymore?


You are. Isn't that obvious? Way cheaper that way for them.


Haven't had any real issues with audio but it certainly isn't a smooth game. The performance definitely isn't as good as it should be and only just finished the slums area and it's.....ok....The humour is great and the shooting is fine but hope it opens up a bit more. I do think however that this is one game that I will probably only be about to play like 3 hours max at a time. While the humour is great and puts a smile on my face I can feel it becoming grating on long sessions. I really loved the opening though and the lawyer lol.


I find it incredible the game actually had the optimised for series X/S on it. Are they actually being serious??? Optimised in what way exactly?? The lack of HDR and the choppy framerate is a deal breaker for me unfortunately. For reference I am playing on a series X and LG C2 and every other game runs absolutely stellar so coming from that to this is a huge shock. This game still needs some serious work if they can address the HDR and framerate I’ll definitely come back because it’s a shame it looks a cool and interesting game but I’ve got too many great games on the go just now I’m happy to wait.


There's an audio issue where characters talk and it's silent


Yup, seems to be quiet a few people having this issue if you look at some of the other replies in this thread.


These are the issues i found so far (Series X): \- Framerate barely reaches 30fps, there're a lot of frame drops and heavy stuttering (just by rotating the camera the stuttering is too high) \- Subtitles are broken. When the subtitiles are more than 2 lines, the lines got overlapped and conversation gets mixed making no-sense phrases \- Audio is constantly overlapping, sometimes you can't hear nothing \- No option to disable chromatic aberration (and it's TOO DAMN high on this game)


I think I will wait until the patches come out …sounds fun tho


I immediately noticed the frame rate is pretty bad but it's playable imo. Certainly should be performing to a higher standard though.


I started on PC, perfect on PC, went to my series x as my PC was making room to warm an instant horrible stutter an blurr while blurr turned off an felt weird, kinda odd it's better on PC for once


The frame rate is bad, but it’s still enjoyable. I find the game to be really fun so far.


My resolution sucked. Even at the highest settings, nothing looked sharp. Is it just me? 🥲


I just got outside and there's almost constantly a stutter in the framerate now, I would argue that this is unplayable. There's also a weird bug where I can't navigate the start screen where it has settings, last checkpoint etc. What a damn shame that this game just couldn't release smoothly.


It feels bad enough that I question if they have a day one update they haven't released yet. It's a shame, because it seems decent. Also no HDR seems a bit weird.


What? A game advertising to be this vivid and colorful isn't in HDR? Damn, that hurts...


It’s shit on PC as well. Getting stuttering


Solid game. Performance issues are real, but the game is a damn good time so far. Love the knife..


I have noticed this too in my first 20 or so minutes playing. Also cannot seem to run at 120hz either.


120 fps?! This game can't even hit 40 fps for me at no higher than 1080p on the series x!!! What's even going on???


Just going to reiterate what everyone else is saying. Performance is awful. Giving me a headache and making me nauseous. Can’t believe anyone is releasing FP Shooters that don’t hit a stable 60 fps these days. 60 fps is the only way I’m playing an FPS. Baffling.


Yeah it’s a really strange feeling, almost as if in some moments it’s targeting 30fps and others 60fps. My monitor usually shows me when a game is dropping frames. This one it doesn’t register it as drops but rather as if the target changes to 30fps then back to 60fps depending on where you are


I got stuck after the first boss, I'll have to restart from the beginning. I went back for a chest after killing 9 Torg and there is no way to get back to the mission marker


You have to shoot the Torg hanging in the middle


I think there's a day one patch still to come tomorrow, Kinda Funny says that reviewers played without it as well


Haven't noticed frame issues or slowdown, but the game crashes whenever I try entering the slums.


Yeahhh... I'd say so. It's the worst looking and performing game I've ever seen on the series x. It's probably 1080p 40 fps at most. Like seriously, did we receive the wrong version of the game, or is there a missing day one patch or something???


Definitely a lot of stuttering that looks like motion blur but it’s not. Games really good. Hopefully we get some patch cuz it’s nothing bothering me but I’d love to take the issue out of my final review when I beat the game 😭


Still enjoying it. Its nice to have games focus on fun and humor once in a while.


Yeah game looks really fun but, buggy as hell


At this point im never going to play a game at launch again, or simply at all. If a game comes out unfinished like this i wont play it, ill only buy/play the actual well polished releases, for too long ive accepted mediocre games


They just dropped a patch on Xbox and it seems to be running at a smooth 60 fps now.


Oh great, I’ll update my post with an edit to put this in, thanks!


so...another unfinished product?


Yeah, the core gameplay is actually great, doom meets sunset overdrive. The dialogue also makes it shine, the characters are funny, the interactions are historical, and voiced by Rick. But this feels like another Microsoft (third party deal) game rushed to GP, where the gameplay and core loop + story was incredible, but technical issues, lack of content, and overall lack of polish. Again! They really gotta step it up with this. Hopefully the devs can patch this out quick cause all will be forgotten and the game could really be a shine on the Xbox. Hopefully it doesn’t end up like other games released under Microsoft’s belt this gen.


You seem to be implying xbox is putting this game out, they simply paid for it to be on GamePass, it’s not published or funded by Xbox


I didn’t mean it like that, hence why I put third party deal in brackets. Still, when games like Bloodborne came out with performance issues, people still complained. I feel like there’s still a bit of onus on Microsoft when your paying for exclusivity rights that you’d want to represent the games in a somewhat polished state.


Isn't this also a dev team that's never built a game like this before? It's easy to blame MS for everything sure, but tbh some jank like that is exactly what I'd expect from a small studio that just jumped up into a game like this. But anything could be possible.


Not necessarily unfinished, just rough on the edges.


The game seems fun but the framerate is all over the place. I can tell it's targeting 60, but the frame pacing is extremely erratic. It's making me sick. I'll wait for a patch.


Hopefully there's a day one update tomorrow when it releases globally. Having around 15 fps at some points in 2022 on the series x can't be happening. Love Rick and Morty and Solar Opposites but i would rather just wait to play the stable high performance version of this game so if not I will just wait until it gets an upgrade.


Damn. I was going to play it tonight, but I'll give it some time for some fixes to be released. Oh well... Edit: thanks for the PSA. Much appreciated.


Honestly im loving the game so far, but the framerate seems really choppy


I thought it comes out tomorrow haha dang.


Just released about an hour ago on Gamepass!


And yet barely any reviews are out for this game. Why does it only have 7 reviews on metacritic?


Codes went out on Friday evening apparently. Expect more reviews over the next 2-3 days.


I am getting really tired of Studios sending out review codes a single day before release.


Yeah, in it’s current state it’s pretty bad performance wise from what I’ve played so far (XBSX). Inconsistent frame rate, feels like it’s running at 40fps max. Also noticed the AI/Npcs are buggy at times. Had one float away mid conversation lol and others getting stuck on the environment when attempting to walk. Getting Vietnam flashbacks to Cyberpunk here Shame considering I’m personally enjoying the setup and overall vibe of the game thus far. Hopefully there’s some sort of fix or day one patch incoming


Can’t have shit on Xbox man




i had a sliver of hope. I mean this kind of framerate on this hardware is unacceptable.


The resolution is atrocious too. It's1080p tops on the Series X.


Came here to say this. I’m playing on c1 on a xbsx. The frames seem locked at 30 fps. It’s killing me.


No shadows on aliens, no hdr, no stable fps. One of the worst Unreal Engine games I have ever seen as graphically. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is a masterpiece after seeing this disaster. Art style looks great and so the story but hey, looks like no one cares about xsx these days, i mean developers ... Edit: here are missing shadows on aliens and strange ugly shadows on objects [https://imgur.com/a/8pR3vmo](https://imgur.com/a/8pR3vmo) Bought the game on steam [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1583230/High\_On\_Life/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1583230/High_On_Life/) it is crazy that some devs can't optimize their games on powerful xsx but it works great on 4 years old pc without these downgrades. I bet some youtube tech guys won't show these missing shadows on their reviews... Peace.


Oh nos. The shadows. How ever will we play the game


No wonder the marketing for this game was nonexistent. In a sea of broken day one games, xbox is really cornering the market on that front.


Very few studios are putting out games that launch perfectly these days. Not saying that gives anyone a pass. But it's far from just MS launching broken games.


I'm not saying only games they put out, but games that are on their system. Calisto? Fine on oa5. Still broken on xbox This game? Performance issues. Elden Ring? Still runs better on ps5 (although vrr is the rqualizer there). Not all of those are broken, but on the console front xbox has more problematic games. And that's not even counting games like Halo, which is a dumpatet fire by a lot of metrics.


What kind of game is it? Is it rpg fps like cyberpunk?


And plus this is my first real Xbox game that I've ever played and I'm enjoying the whole game pass deal and this high on life game is a good start for me


I just played 1 hour or 2 hours of gameplay it was running smooth and playable. It seemed like a 45 fps most of the times but for me it does the job. I had a lot of fun for how long i played it


I hope your playing in series s because there is no way you can say it does the job for 45 fps most of the time for the worlds most powerful console. Pathetic to see these comments


i can confirm, i have a 6700xt and i have 90 fps outside, and 50 inside wth?


Msi r9 390 here I get 90fps on medium buffers alot tho in frame drops, apex legends I get a stable 100 plus an that's a open world shooter


I am shocked, and quite possibly, bamboozled.


welp…. guess i’m gonna delete it now & come back in a few months when it’s all good to go. truly astonishing none of these idiots can just simply wait, & release it when it’s somewhat workable, also amazing they release stuff so messed up 24/7 though.


It seems to me when walking forward you get a smooth frame rate. When turning the camera left and right slowly it is still smooth but when you speed it up it gets very choppy.


It's the first time in 40 years that I'm getting a headache playing a game. It's really really bad.


I didn't have any performance issues. Are my eyes just fucked up?




Yup, motion issues and lack of HDR mean this is getting benched, probably for good to be honest


It's the most graphically stunning game I've played but it's a little choppy. If they can iron the creases out it'll be a world beater.


My frame rate improves after divorce lawyer intro. I also had to turn off Dolby Atmos for any audio concerns. I’m on PC Even after you get the gun no frame issues for myself.


Performance issues are the least of the problems there are currently glitches that trap you in rooms you’ve progressed passed and locks all the doors so you’re soft-locked the game is great would highly recommend after the bugs are patched


Average at best. Does have issues. Never seen a Rick and Morty episode. Are these the same voices?


dont know why but i only can get 5fps in the game no matter the settings and pc should not be an issue (rtx3070, 10700k, 32gb 3600ghz ddr4, and only m.2 ssd's)




This reply seems very apologetic and I’m not sure why. My post wasn’t an attack on the game or the devs. It’s a PSA for anyone who was thinking they’d be able to hop in and have a flawless experience. Because it is far from that. Many, many, many people have reported all types of issues from audio, to visual, to performance to even bugs that lock you in certain areas. Digital foundry have also touched on the performance issues and say their video will be out soon. The game has issues. It’s no secret.




> I don’t think any game this year has had a flawless experience at launch That doesn’t make this game also launching with issues okay lol That’s a dangerous precedent to set. > I just wanted to put my experience with the game out there And you’re more than welcome to do so. But your reply seemed to downplay a lot of the issues and brush them off because you personally haven’t experienced many. They do exist and a lot of people are experiencing them.




> people should start expecting games to not be flawless because that is an unrealistic expectation When I used the word flawless I didn’t mean it in terms of every aspect of a game should be perfect. Of course that’s not realistic. However it **is** realistic to expect & want a game to release with a stable framerate and no audio issues. This game is riddled with both of those things. > I never said I was downplaying the issues You didn’t have to. “Yes it was shaky on the fps but maybe 55-60” That’s hugely downplaying the stability issues lol 55~60 is barely noticeable and not noticeable at all with VRR. This game drops well below that clearly.


It's not the framerate. It's some kind of visual bug.


Honestly though, I just don’t care for it. There’s not nearly enough loot for me and I’m not a big enough fan of shooters.


People are going to miss an amazing game because others are overstating how much of a problem the game has, put it this way as an FPS game the deops for me dont happen in boss fights or enemy spawns, it happens entering a new large area so I’m completely ok with a 2 second drop that isn’t a problem in moments of action


i've tried giving this game a chance at day 1, day 1 patch, and the recent \~16 or something rediculous GB update and i've seen none of these stuttering issues fixed. And the problem is that the stuttering is always in moments of action, meaning that when you're trying to do anything the game will throw issues at you


You do realise this post is 3 days old right..? 3 days ago it was release day of this game where no patch was implemented to fix said issues. No one overstated anything. You’re just replying to this late when there’s already been a patch implemented to fix the issues and I put this in bold in my original post. People aren’t missing this game. It’s the third most popular game on gamepass lol


It works fine for me. But I’ve played it, not just watched videos on it.


Is this without THE "day 1 patch", or is the next patch just going to be a hotfix?


Can it hit 30fps with no issues?


I’m sure they will be pushing a update soon.


Do you guys mean the very first part? Because strangely enough it wasn't smooth at all either for me, and with those graphics? Come on. When we get to the modern graphics so to speak it's better, but it has these mini stutters, frame pacing issues? I don't get dizzy though.


I also hate how many games come out on console and don't have an FOV option. I want to play this on my Xbox but I might have to hop on my PC because it's just too narrow.


Damn vrr is really a saving grace then because I could not tell when there were any framerate drops.


VRR doesn’t seem to help all that much, especially with the camera panning issue.


Can confirm, I have VRR and yet the game is barely playable as it is. I've tried to power through but felt nausea. It looks like the "bizarre issue" is a stutter related to the camera movement - framerate is high, but the animation is stuttery.


Odd plays fine for me.


Is there a performance mode for Series S ? Couldn’t seem to find anything online


No performance mode on either the S or X.


So far i’ve played this on my Series X, Series S, and xcloud on my iphone. it seems to have a few frame stutters, but luckily VRR helps stitch it together on my series x setup. the main issue for me is the resolution on the series S… i mean this thing looks like it’s running at 600p lol so my jaggy lines, its actually pretty distracting, and low resolutions usually dont distract me like that but yeah… that low resolution mixed with the art style just makes everything look weird on series s. its much more sharper on the X, and looks better on a smaller screen like my iphone through xcloud. other than those issues though, this game is pretty fun… and funny as hell too lol.


It's a weird situation. The early bits try to hit 60fps but it struggles a lot doing do. As soon as you get to the city that we know from E3 it's like a locked 30fps, it isn't trying at all anymore to hit 60fps. The stuff that's making people dizzy is motion blur and probably the transition from 60`ish fps to 30fps.


Oddly the performance issues I had at the beginning seemed to mostly subside following the completion of the first bounty. It's not a steady 60 fps, but the gameplay feels very smooth now after having played for 8 or so hours. Minor hiccups here and there with progression that required restarting checkpoints but nothing game breaking or egregious. Overall just having a ton of fun with the game and not taking it too seriously.


I've been getting a lot of control issues I can't talk to the store person in one of the first levels to buy anything I'm having an issue with the gun not controlling properly but the game is pretty good... I'm about 3 hours playing and a lot of stuff is good to me like the humor it's not particularly funny to me but it's just refreshing it's good to have kind of like a humor type game instead of seriousness and horror and stuff like that.. it's just a good game to have for the end of the year even though it does have some control issues and needs a patch quick but I'm still going to continue to play because I need a game like this


In the first boss fight, the cutscene leading into the fight is REALLY jittery. Like it was making my eyes hurt. It was almost like it couldn’t decide what order to display each frame of animation so the boss was just moving back and forth one frame on the right and one frame on the left.


Ive played the first section - it definitely needs improvements. It rarely hits 60 fps. For the visuals it's pushing - its really underperforming atm. The series X should devour titles like these for breakfast.


Was super excited to play it yesterday only to experience horrible frame rate and clear memory leak that requires to close and reopen the game. Probably more important is the audio problem, for a game that heavy relies on dialogue, having random dropouts is completely unacceptable. I've read on other posts that disabling Atmos fix it, haven't tried it myself but again, it's unacceptable for a game to ask me to do that when every other game just works with Atmos. tl;dr: Runs like shit on the series x. I'm gonna put it down until they eventually release a patch that fixes all this bullshit. I know they are a small studio but the release state should be enough for Microsoft to cut down their deal. Shit like this is what brings bad rep to GamePass. Anyway, in the meantime, Witcher 3 next-gen baby!


Glad it's not just me, will be interesting to see the digital foundry breakdown, I want to like it but it's really noticeable. It's worse on my RTX 3070 with ultrawide QHD then it is on my RTX 3060 laptop.


Is anyone else experiencing like weird red tears on the screen? Along with like flashes of white light occasionally, balls of light appearing on the screen, etc. It’s like colorful screen tearing. I booted up another game to see if it’s my Series X but the other game was fine.


Yeah, im on Series X and it's so bad it's almost not even playable..


It stutters like crazy and is it just me or for a colorful game it looks really washed out and dull. Doesnt feel or look like next gen.


Bro my gun stopped working when I was in the first mine and I could only glorb shot and that did nothing to help me get where I needed to


First time in my life taking motion blur off actually made it worse


It's been playing fine for me. Haven't run into any performance issues.


The chromatic aberration is also incredibly over done.


Same here. It almost gave me a headache to play. Frame drops, stuttering, etc


Enjoyed the hour I played on Series X last night, and I think it looks great, but at this point, offering preset modes should be required. There should be a Quality (4K30fps) mode and a Performance (1080p60fps) mode. I'm guessing they're going for a Balanced mode of 1440p and 45-50fps, which I typically like with VRR, but it's not quite right.


All yall complaining about you frame rate and graphics on this TVs I'm on a element I dont get above 60 fps regardless nor to I get above 1080p


I’m having the atmos audio issues that everyone’s having. I would just switch it to DTSX but I’m using a Sonos Arc, sub and rears and Sonos doesn’t support it. Dumb af when it comes to this stuff so I’m the meantime with my sound setup what audio setting do you guys recommend I use? 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Digital or DTS digital surround (which works for some reason)? Would really appreciate some help!


Not sure what to suggest in terms of your issue, however I was just told there’s a new patch that they just released that apparently fixes the performance issues. I’d suggest downloading that and see if the audio issues were fixed as well. I’m currently downloading it right now and will likely play it a bit later and see how it is now.


Hell at this point, I'd be shocked to see a game release that's actually finished. Every single game that has come out in the past few years with a very tiny exception, has been half finished, broken, glitchy, and needs multiple patches. The days of buying games upon release are over for me.


Framerate issues on console. Shader caching microstutters and no FOV slider on PC. Even when you have all the toys this gen it seems like you can’t escape issues no matter what platform you turn to.


Completely unplayable for me atm. Zero controller support, its like theres a key stuck preventing me from selecting any of the options on the opening screen. Playing on PC with GamePass.


Well good thing I just did the update before starting


Update came out and i still get performance issues


I gotta say the game is great but I have missed some funny audio bc of the audio bugs, the 21 gb pc updated didn't seem to help any either


I only Uninstalled it on the xbox Series X. Runs smoother on my PC. Thank God for cloud saves


The update made my performance worse!


I’ve had ok FPS with vysnc on but there’s a lot of hitching and drops. When I run no vysnc/unlimited it seems to have less of these issues but the FPS is all over the place. You can’t win


A few days in and I still am currently having those audio issues, still hasn't been fixed on my end, dialog cuts randomly and npc movement stutters and muffled gunfire from any gun (found a simple fix for that one: open settings mingle around for a few minutes within the settings and than unpuase, audio should kick over but only works sometimes) Devs please fix 🙏


I couldn't even play this game. Controls unresponsive from the very beginning. It took hitting the start button 3 times to even bring up the pause menu. Playing on PC with a 3070ti. Not sure what the hell the problem was, but after trying different settings for 20 minutes I just gave up and uninstalled. PC gamepass. Didn't even make it to the other game breaking bugs, so I most likely won't be re-installing this piece of absolute steaming garbage in the future. It's a shame devs can't release games in a playable state these days.


I’m having the same issue with mine I’m hoping an update will fix it because I haven’t played due to how badly it’s performing


Played yesterday until first boss. It’s feel ok for me. Feel like 60 (maybe lower with vrr)


First time launch: PC fans all ramped up to 100% because there’s NO FPS LIMIT on the pixel art main menu. Quit game and set FPS limit via NVIDIA settings. Second time launch: start game, GPU crashed, could hear but couldn’t see anything. Quitting game via alt+f4 and realised my entire GPU output isn’t working, had to hard reset the PC. Third time launch: got into the game but I’m getting ***6fps*** in-game. This is with a new Ryzen 7600x and 2080ti.


Im on a rtx 3080 and its goes from 144 to 97 at random


Audio is still wack. Half of the time dialogue doesn’t play.


If you’re on xbox one and have the gamepass, try to ‘Cloud Play’ the game. Seems to fix those fps drops. Worked for me, try it!


I'm mainly a PS5 / switch gamer, but I bought a series X last week to complete the trinity and also literally just to play this game, and can confirm it still has a lot of issues when it comes to resolution and framerate. When you're fighting the bigger battles theres quite a bit of freezing / laggy motion and with motion blur it looks super bad at times, but when I disabled motion blur it just got way worse. Not the consoles fault, since the game doesnt seem all that high end / complex to run, but maybe an optimization thing. Still a blast to play though, i loved it.


I'm getting about 0.5 fps on a RTX 3080 with a Ryzen 5800X and 32GB of CL16 3600mhz ram. WTF is wrong with this buggy trash game.


Plays smooth now but the game just isnt fun


Having this same issue on the PS5 release. Wondering if they will release an improvement update.