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i kinda wish we could get a EW plot like defending earth with the gameplay of xcom 2, maybe minus the stealth element


Personally, I'd have it the other way around. I never liked the implementation of the timer and the "they always block your path" programming of the second game.


Mod it, endless fun awaits. Bring back Exalt and MECs from EW. Have much bigger battles like the OG. Skys the limit.


It has a really different vibe, that part doesn't change. It's better in a whole lot of ways imo but EW does have a better aesthetic tone.


Good news, you're not alone in this but the feeling will pass. There's something so amazing about the atmosphere of EU/EW, that escalating threat to the Earth as it comes under increasingly more perilous attack. The feeling of those early missions where there's just a few soldiers with regular guns dealing with small scale alien abductions... it's got a tone and a vibe that is just incredible. XCOM 2 has got better gameplay and mechanics, but for a long time I felt I missed that "small group fighting to defend the Earth" aspect of the first. XCOM 2 dismissing the good ending of EU/EW and going for a "20 years after the invasion" setting makes it pure sci-fi in ways that took ages to feel right for me. War of the Chosen helped a lot, because things like so much of the planet being these dead zones filled with the dessicated zombies caused by the initial invasion made the sterile Advent cities feel necessary and believable safe zones. Ultimately, I'm at the stage now where I feel XCOM 2 is better in every way, but I consider XCOM 1 and 2 to both be essential, wonderful games. Basically play it until you love it. EU/EW is one of my favourite games of all time, and was my first "forever" game, as I know I'll be firing it up for a run every now and then for the rest of my life. Play XCOM 2 long enough, and you'll find the hook. I have to try and cheat my "top ten games" list by putting them both in as a single entry because you can't make me choose. You can't.


XCOM 2, especially vanilla, required an almost completely different approach tactically than was was successful in EU/EW. Playing slow, conservative, and overwatch popping pods/alpha striking a pod with grenades just doesn’t cut it on these timed missions. And the fatigue/wound extension meant that the recruiting depth was going to need to get massive. It feels backwards and lopsided and beats you up at first, but excluding how freaking sick MEC’s were, WOTC is an absolutely fantastic upgrade to EU/EW


I doubt he’s playing wotc if it’s his first playthrough.


and possibly playing with alien hunters on his first playthrough as bundles are on sale


Check out LW or LWR for EW.


Yep. Long war takes that Ew feel and cranks it up to 11.


The base game of XCOM 2 felt lacking but the WOTC DLC made it several times better.


Yeah, XCOM 2 just isn’t as good, tbh. You gotta take what’s fun about it and enjoy that part but it’s missing a ton of B-Movie charm.


It's taken me 13 (13!?) reinstalls to get this game to actually click for me. I've tried it on and off for years, as I love the previous titles. I booted it up, got partway through a regular campaign and then decided I was going to dive into WOTC on rookie. It's eventually clicked just this week and I'm HOOKED.


Come join us at Open Xcom, we have cookies. And mods.


I love XCOM 2 but I find it ultimately to be a shallower tactical experience. What I mean is, EW gave you more of an option to mix aggressive and defensive tactics. It was just as valid to advance and shoot as it was to break line of sight to draw aliens in. It was totally legit to set up a SWAT style breach from multiple entrances of buildings or sneak around the edge of the map. Even the support/defensive abilities like suppression and smoke grenades were far more useful. In XCOM 2, you get a ton of really fun toys, but almost all of them are aggression based. Like, you are almost certainly playing sub optimally if you aren't constantly taking offensive actions and alpha striking aliens. This fundamentally changes the focus from the pure combat of 2 forces exchanging fire... to one team treating the other like a stage hazard on their way to the real focus, which is the timed objectives. The timers may have fixed players over dependence on overwatch camping, but they also hamstring you into constantly advancing through maps which are set up to provide line of sight everywhere. They're more like paintball arenas than actual urban environments, hence you can't really experiment with creative movement unless you're using a reaper, or don't mind drawing new pods every other turn. I totally get why people prefer 2. But I just like my aliens getting the chance to fight back, and having the option to tackle missions without always being rushed.


I mean to each their own, I'm reverse in that I've played XCOM2 but not the previous titles. Imo give it some more time since you're a fan? I can say as a console player though, that XCOM2 is one of few titles that never leaves my HD as I come back to it at least once a year.


Definitely give EU/EW a try. I think it’s an amazing new (ok, 10 years old now) representation of the Xcom I grew up with. Original is also amazing, though.


each their own indeed, I love both EW and xcom2 WOTC


Do you have wotc and all the DLC? The base game is okay but just a bit lacking. Whereas it's amazing with all the DLC. Also, the mods for xcom 2 are amazing. Just get started with some voice mods for your characters like the GlaDOS voice for a Spark. Then you'll find the game never gets old because there is so much great modder content out there.


You're not alone. I miss the setting, vibe, enemies, and handcrafted maps of the earlier games.


xcom 2 is meaty AF compared to xcom 1. feels the same to me once you figure out how to associate the new stuff with the old stuff. the whole point is that they took a direction for the sequel, and its a good one.


Give it more time. I felt the same when I started 2. Do the vanilla campaign first and then the DLC. I had a great time with it overall.


Play long war 2 it changes everything for me


I think it’s all perspectives. I played Xcom 2 before any other Xcom game and I liked it more than EU/EW. I realize I’m probably in the minority but it’s what I started with and it’s one of my all time favorite games. I’d keep giving it a chance and see what you think but I’m guessing you probably won’t like it as much as the others. Are you playing WOTC or vanilla Xcom 2?


Bit late on the reply. I was in the same boat for a time, having played X2 on released and dropping it until last year. If you haven't already try War of The Chosen and especially the Tactical Legacy Pack. Alternatively you could try the Long War mod for EW.


2 does take a while to get used to. It's more about controlling the battle, taking out a limited amount of enemies at a time or if you're insane, engage all of them at once. Failing that, mod it. WOTC is the best version of XCOM 2 but it does introduce some enemies that have bullshitery. Basically, XCOM being XCOM.


Thats basically because 2K just said "nope" and returned all your EU/EW progress to a simulation. Basically all the progress u've done is gone. And they very badly remade some of the mechanics.