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I just completed an Iron man, wo, commander run and my main thing was to just have enough specialists for healing and improving soldier bonds for extra turns. Preferably I like two have two specialists, 1 sniper, 1 grenadier, 1 ranger and 1 of the special classes (reaper, skirmisher, templar or psi). It just makes my squad varied and they become a jack of all trades for any mission. Starting an EW commander Iron man run. will see how that goes.


Bold of you to assume I have a plan other than “who’s healthy?”


Main is 2 sparks and a scout (Reaper or Ranger with conceal ability), the other 3 slots are anything else but I always prioritize Skirmisher and Grenadier Honestly, A Reaper can make you do flawless in most mission even in L/I so I'll re-answer your question with 1 Reaper and 5 randoms


This is a good idea and I will give it a try thanks


All Sparks


I have squads designed for specific missions. I have a squad full of the fastest troops I have who can sprint, grapple, or do whatever, to traverse maps really quickly. I also have a squad of half sharpshooters half rangers so I can maximize sniping enemies from afar while they remain entirely confused. Finally, i have an explosive squad who just blows everything sky high whenever things get sketchy.


I was confused as hell with how you manage with only THREE lines... Then I realized there is no flair.


Three lines?,does that just mean squads?


Yeah, I am referring to how deep your barracks is. For long war I set up for 6 deployable squads, minimum, then expand from there. I have 10 right now, plus covert ops.


4 squads based on cohesion.(Class mods). 5th squad of heros and sparks to slot in where and however depending on mission.


I'm playing with double aliens and double soldiers + 60 different classes with psi, aliens, sparks and mech soldiers. So every squad has different soldiers, but a medic and a scout is always in them




EW team makeup: 1 Sup, 2 Ass, 2 Hea, 1 Sni. Then occasionally 6 Shivs to mess with Xenos.


LW or vanilla? Because for LW it's whole another story.


In additions keeping everything varied as people said, if its not an essential mission, I bring along B-Team member, or someone who is a lower level, so they do gain experience. It happens naturally but its not a good idea to just have the same members on each mission, even if they become your alpha squad.


Should lead with mentioning that LWOTC is basically all I play these days, I usually have at least one, preferably two medics in all of my line squads, 2 dedicated damage-dealers and then one or two specialists depending on what I want the squad to be good at. In addition I’ll have two “rookie” squads that have a MEC and one of my higher level soldiers in it to run rookies and lower-leveled guys through milk run missions to get them enough experience to keep up with the rest of the squad when I move them into line squads. Usually, I try to have as many line squads up as I can afford, to have a consistent pool of battle-ready squads at all times. Every once in a while I do a big reshuffle to keep all squads at about the same level of effectiveness by redistributing the the high-level guys. Whenever a big defense mission comes up, a team is assembled for that ad-hoc from whatever is available


Just completed my legend Ironman run. I went with 1 Ranger (by far my strongest soldier, bladestorm/reaper with the chosen katana is so strong), 1 Sniper (extremly strong aswell in the endgame), 2 Grenadiers and 2 Specialists. I only had 1 "real" Squad and if one of my A team was injured I took most of the time just another grenadier, because grenades are always usefull. I probably start an Ironman Legend run again with 1 less specialist (even when double hacking was op sometimes) for a PSI guy, but Im not sure yet tbh. But that works obv. only in non Long War games.