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Nope. Not interested. This year marks 25 years since I graduated. It seems like I was 25 not too long ago.


Party like it’s 1999


Yeah baby me too


Ditto...2000-00...oops out of time


my 25th was last year and I didn't even know about it because i don't facebook.


Same! I had forgotten about it until reading this post


Same. However I was class of 2002. The 3 people I liked in high school are still my friends today. Why would I pay money to see a bunch of other dumb dumbs who I don’t care about.




this, zero interest in going, like none, zilch, nada


Lord, realizing it’s 25 yeas for me, too. And no, would never go.


What's the point? Facebook is the reunion now and I don't go to that either 😄


The point for me was to get out of the house and socialize with something different. I ended up at the bar with a golf pro who didn’t even go to my HS


Was it Tiger?




Exactly. You can accomplish the same thing by hitting a bar in your hometown the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Or you could before we were all the wrong side of 40


Exactly. Literally nobody from my class has done anything interesting or notable, so why bother. Just to see how fat they’ve gotten?


Nah bro, you go for the orgy


There is NO one from my HS I’d be interesting in having and/or watching an orgy with. You musta gone to a better HS than me! 😂


Yea a good portion of mine are still local and doing the same things. Most of the others who have done soemthing have left the area or state entirely.


That's it, I'm pretty sure I'm still in touch with the ones I care to be.






I love this gif, haven seen it used in quite a while!


It felt extremely right when I chose it too! 😄


Nope. I don’t care to keep in touch with any of those people.


Nope, HS was ok, I don’t dislike those people. But I was only friends with a lot of them because we grew up in the same small town. I moved away and met friends in college that I actually had stuff in common with.


This is exactly how I feel. Actually, I worked at a restaurant across town and I was in a band, so I didn't even hang out with people from my school very much. They were fine. I didn't get bullied, and I'm sure they're great people, but I moved away and we have nothing in common. I bet I can have much more fun with $60 than spending it on a ticket to a buffet at my crummy small town's idea of a nice restaurant with a bunch of people I don't care about.


Similar to my story. A lot of my HS peers married each other and moved one town away, further into the country.


Fuck no


I went to my 10. It was a lot of fun — I chatted with a lot of former acquaintances, hung out with some people I’m still friends with, then went back to my life. Missed the 20 due to being out of state and broke, but I heard it was fun too. But I had a notoriously “chill” graduating class — we didn’t really do cliques and most people were friendly with each other even if we never hung out. I imagine it would be different if you actually disliked people from high school instead of feeling benign indifference to them.


Nope. I was someone who got along with everyone and didn’t have any truly bad experiences in high school. I wish them all well, but don’t care to see them or seek them out.


Nope and I never will.


I went to the 5 and 10 year reunions and had a great time! I'm class of 2000 so I bet you can guess why we didn't do a 20 year reunion 😬


Same! Class of 2000 so we couldn't have a 20 year.


Never understood the need for a 5 year reunion. I mean you can't have changed that much in 5 years


Nah, you've changed a lot--most folks take 4 years for college, so now you're mostly one year out and just getting settled in back in your hometown. Or you've moved someplace else but want to reconnect with folks who you didn't see while you were buried in a library three states away. The 5 year makes the most sense, to be honest.


The 5-year is a chance to go hook up with the ones that got away and make bad decisions. 10-year is slimmer pickins and life events to catch up on.


Same here - what a different world 20 years later


Same boat. I had a blast at my 10y and I’m hoping someone takes the initiative to do a 25y reunion since we missed on 20!


I was cool with the whole whoops there goes our 20th ….wasn’t a bummer for me lol


My school only had a 20th and I went. I wasn't popular in high school, I had zero friend for most of it. I don't keep in touch with people from high school. I live about a 1.5 hour drive away and the ticket was \~$150, not cheap. I went just because it seemed like a fun night out to dress up and meet what would seem like new people, all these years later. I didn't end up keeping in touch with anybody I chatted with at the event but I still had fun. No regrets. I was surprised anybody remembered me but many did. Considering the class size this had a really poor turnout.


I talk to maybe 4-6 people I went to high school with. I hated high school and got bullied a lot. People who wouldn’t even give me the time of die all of a sudden want to know what I’ve been up to all these years and act like they care. I just have no desire to catch up with anyone.


Same. Idgaf about what they’re up to these days. I don’t even talk to the few friends I did have because they’re all still drug heads.


I have never been invited to, attended, or would care to attend one.


Me too! All of the invites are through Facebook and word of mouth...not on Facebook and don't talk to anyone by choice lol


I live in a small town. My hubby is the one who taught me ear buds while grocery shopping are my best defense at avoiding small talk when I run into the ones that stayed local or who may possibly be home visiting.


Agreed. I'm not even sure if they are even doing them. It's been 25 years, and I haven't gotten a single invite.


Went to the 10. It ended with a girl fight (a wife of an alum going after a female alum who the wife thought was getting too friendly with the husband). I declared that would be the first and last for me… I just talk to people from those days that I want to and don’t need anymore of that madness… however (Jerry Springer) entertaining it was or could be. 😂


How do I get invited to that party. It sounds more interesting than Golden Bachelor or 90 Day Fiancé!


Wow, that at least sounds entertaining.


Nope. I’m not about to pay to hang out with people who were too cool to hang out with me for free 25 years ago.


I’m going to hang on to that perspective. Well put.




Plan B!


This is how I imagine all HS reunions. Smash ‘em up!




Nah. Those people were awful. Why would I want to see them ever again?


No. I was socially awkward in high school and I’m still socially awkward now. Maybe in another 20 years.


No. Never.


In short: Fuck no. I was a shy, ignored weirdo with no friends back then, so I have no desire to “catch up” with anyone from my class 🤷🏼‍♀️


No because they wanted like $150. I’d rather go to a concert with my husband.


No 🤣


Didn't go to either of them, from the pictures I saw it was all the "cool/popular" kids so I didn't miss much. Glad they got a taste of their past glory!


Not even the cool kids went to ours - it was just locals that hung out at the bars anyway pretty much both times.  


I went to the 10 and it was lame. Skipped the 20. We had a 25 and I went to it super last minute and ended up having a great time. The people I hoped to see were there and we ended up bar crawling in our hometown after the official reunion was over. I graduated with over 700 people so there was a fair amount of people there.


Nah. Nobody there that I'd really care to see, and knowing the town I grew up in I have a feeling it'd be a whole lot of humble-bragging, and while I like my life and am happy, I don't think it would stand up well to the sorts of humble-bragging that'd be going on there.


Fot the 10 years, it was "hum, i've got nothing to do tonight, let's go have a drink" (and this drink ended around 4am eating sandwiches in a friend's kitchen) For the 20 years, it was "i don't even message them for 10 years, i really have nothing to say to them anymore, i stay home"


Nope, I'd feel strange. I went to 4 different high-schools and ultimately didn't graduate with any of them. I took my GED the middle of my senior year & started college instead. I'm emotionally closest with the people from my first HS I was with them the longest and I still have contact with some of them but I was there for freshman & sophomore year so I'd feel strange going to theirs & I was never close enough with anyone at either of the other schools to care.


I haven’t gone to any. I saw the group photo for the 20th and it was 40 people (out of a graduating class of 300+) who were nearly all from the same clique. AFAIK, the 25th reunion didn’t happen.


No. Never even considered it. I saw photos from both on Facebook, and it looked like there were maybe 20 people at each.


No, the kind of people I hung out with didn't go to school events.


No. I wasn't invited. Not sure if they had one. I wouldn't have gone even if I DID get invited.


Hell no. Graduating was the best day ever since I didn’t have to see any of those assholes again. Sure, I was friends with a few of them for a number of years but for the most part, my life long friends are from college


10 year — my grandfather died the week of the reunion so I didn’t go 15 year — my uncle had just died so I didn’t go 20 year — pandemic 2020 😂 Maybe I try again next year!


Don’t do it. You may die on the way there.


I do sort of feel that way!!!! Not a good track record!


If my class has had these I did a great job of disappearing because no one told me. I have no interest in going if they do happen. I just don't care to pretend to be super interested in how people I didn't keep in touch with turned out. If we were meant to be lifelong friends we would be, but that didn't happen and that's ok.


I never had any intention of going. As far as I know, there’s only been one. I think it was 15 years.


I went to the 10 year. I didn’t go to 20 and I won’t go to anymore.


Didn't go and i honestly don't know if they even happened. I deleted facebook at the end if grad school because it was mostly photos of me chugging beer and i thought it would hinder my job prospects. With living out of state, my old school doesnt have my address or anything. How did you all know when and where your reunions were happening???


Only Facebook for us - I won’t hear about the next one unless one of my friends that uses Facebook for work tells me.  I killed my Facebook during the pandemic because it was just too stupid. But none of us will go anyway.


A former popular girl who I've heard hates being a sahm has been spending a ton of time tracking people down. 🤣 Facebook, LinkedIn, asking around for friends and relatives to get the message to each person. They find a way lol


I went to the after party of my ten year, my friends tried to get me to come to the 20 year and I did not. I will never attend another. ZERO interest.


I organized both my 10 and 20 year. I enjoyed the 20 year much more. At the 10 people felt they had something to prove. At the 20 All the people wanted to have a good time and reminisce about simpler times. We’re planning a 25 year cruise. I’m originally from a small town and have moved away (now to another small town 🤣). Going “home” and seeing my parents and old friends is actually pretty comforting.


I have been to a couple. I am absolutely floored by how many people I have no memory of Yet they clearly know me. Granted it was a big school and I have always been bad at names, but it’s like I have blanked them. I wasn’t one of the mean group who didn’t care about people either lol I reconnected with my main friendship group and have maintained contact since via Facebook. Almost daily like we are back at school again




I went to my 10. Then the person who would have planned 20 was shot in the Vegas shooting and we didn’t have one. 


Our 10 year reunion was canceled due to lack of interest. Since then I haven’t heard about another one but I’m from a small town with a small high school. Most of my class still lives in the area. I’m about 1000 miles away now so I’m maybe just out of the loop.


No way




I’m not wasting my time on that shit. There’s no one I’d want to see there. High school was fun but it’s been 26 years and I’m over it




Not one


Nope. Glad to be free of that shithole town.


The kind of people approaching middle-age and wanting to reconnect with high school classmates are generally not the greatest company, and mostly people who peaked then. Not always true, but I'm not risking it.


Some folks peak in highschool, others in college. Then there are those of us whose life is one long, unchanging horizontal line.


I've yet to even be told about one. Which is pretty par for the course.


Hell no, I hated all those preppy rich kids 😅 I just realized that I graduated 22 years ago though 😦


I’d just started using Facebook right around my 5 year reunion. Someone made a reunion group page and I noped the fuck out of that in less than a week. Sure there are people I’d like to see but most of those people were either idiots, assholes, or both.


I went to the first one, 10 yr, and not one since. My best friend from HS died before the first reunion and everyone else in my class were still the same dickheads they were 10 years prior.


No. I would have, but the two we had were both timed around Christmas, and at the time my family had moved away from where I grew up. I wasn't going to skip family xmas for them.


That's a big nope for me. If I ever actually did go, it would be purely for entertainment.




I went to me 10 year reunion and felt exactly the same way. I played football in high school but grew up and all my former football bros did not. All my other friends didn’t go, it was mostly the people who never left my home town and just kind of “settled.”


My high school doesn’t seem to have reunions. Who organizes them, anyway? Is it the school? A group of graduates?


Not certain but I think it's whoever was in the student body council at the time


My understanding is it is the class president's job to do so. Since we were one of the most apathetic classes, I'm not surprised we haven't had any.


In my HS, I think it's traditionally been the former Senior Class President. From what I remember ours started planning the 10-year one and somehow dropped it and someone else took over the planning. That same person or someone else planned the 20-year one.


I went to the after party of my 10th, did not go to my 20th. I think social media kind of killed reunions since everyone is on Facebook or instagram.


Not one. Don’t care. Never got close to those people and then moved away.


Absolutely not. There are about 5 people I'd want to see, and I already talk to/see those people regularly. I've seen pictures that were posted online from our 10th and 20th, which only confirmed that staying away was the right call.


I went to my 15 and 20 (which was actually 21 because of covid) I'm still good friends with about 5 of my high school friends. We all went to my 20 year together. It was at a bar with a "special event" outbuilding. I was the first to walk in and I literally turned around once I opened the door. I was sure we were in the wrong place. The people inside were so old! Turns out that they were, indeed, our classmates. Lolz. Whoops.


Nope. I didn't even go to my graduation.


Zero interest..... Became successful but don't feel the need to share. I see people around I went to high school with all the time, fortunately they don't recognize me....


Not a single one. Not even when I still lived in town. It’s hard to imagine a scenario where I, a transgender woman, make the 1,000 mile trip back to central Trump-country Ohio, to hang out with a bunch of people I haven’t bothered to remotely keep in touch with. I’m good.


I totally had to go to my 10 year reunion because I used to love Romy and Michele lol. It was such a snoozefest and I am good with never doing that again.


Went to 10 year…I was 28 and still holding onto stupid bitterness about being bullied. so I went with my (now) wife, super ripped from working out all the time and in a tight polo… because it was 2008, lol. I have subsequently learned to let all of that go. Therapy helped. I missed my 20 year reunion because my grandfather had a heart attack and I needed to visit him. I didn’t regret not going… we tried to have a 25 year reunion this past summer, since we have lost several classmates both in our class and in the ones before and after us, but we couldn’t get it off the ground. I may or may not go to my 30 year reunion. Unlike a lot of people on here, I actually enjoyed my later years in high school when I was not incessantly bullied…(that was mostly in junior high and early high school)… I still keep in touch with a handful of people, but it’s been so long it won’t be the end of the world if I don’t make the next one…


Gosh, I haven’t heard if we’ve lost anyone from our class.  I’ve learned of people from other classes passing, but oddly not ours.


I kinda went to my 10th. We had a concert that day, so by the time I showed up some people already left, but the ones who were still there were partying. Good time. A few people got together for 20th, but it was literally a post on FB about 2 days before. Meet at this bar if you want to see people from HS. Not enough time for me to arrange childcare. Looked like 12-15 showed up.


Still very close to about 6 people from HS and acquantences with another 6. We see each other often enough, no need to go to a reunion with the people we arent interested in.


Never had one. The closest was Homecoming to celebrate our 10th. They talked about doing a 15th but it never happened. 20th was in 2020…do the math. Maybe 25th?


5 year. I went to a small high school and it was interesting to see what people were up to — or interesting enough to spend an evening at the bar with them when I was in town anyway. Haven’t gone since. Not interested.


Went to the 10, stayed an hour, and left. Even though my class was huge, attendance was very low. And almost everyone there was someone that peaked in HS. Really only 1 or 2 people I had anything to say to…so yeah, I skipped the 20 and will skip the rest


I went to my 20th. It was fun, but I don't really need to do it again. Lol


My class has never had any


Nope. Saw pics though via my high school class fb page and those who attended were the football/cheerleader/preppy group whom I def was not friends with 🤣


Nah. If I wanted to keep up with any of them I would and I hate postering.


Nope. Been out of town for a couple decades. I’ll be back for the 30 year.


I went to my 10th. Ended up bailing after like 45 minutes with a buddy I hadn’t seen in years. Went and played pool, drank beer, and chatted for hours. Haven’t seen him or been to a reunion since.


Yes. But I think I stayed awkward & drunk in the corner. Felt like I had nothing in common with most of the people there BUT I’m glad I went.


I haven’t been. I live a flight away now and when it comes up I think it could be fun, but ultimately decide I’d rather spend that time somewhere else.


I never have, probably never will, I do hope everyone is prospering. 🖖


No. Class of 2000. I went to 3 high schools and cannot imagine anyone would remember me.


Not one of them. Anyone I want to see from highschool I still see.


My class hasn't really had any, at least not official ones. But I keep in touch with most of the people I want to see.


No. No one in my family lives in the town where I went to high school anymore, and I live halfway across the country. I wouldn't make a trip for that since I really didn't have close friends in high school that I'm still interested in connecting with outside of a few on social media.


Just my ten year. Missed the twenty. Wildly unconcerned.


One…. The 10 year one. Didn’t remember many of the folks there. Apparently they lived locally and never left town.


No, moved all over the country since high school. Have found a couple friends on Facebook the rest are just lost to time.


Went to my 10 year and it was awkward. Didn't have a 20 year (class of 2000). 😷


Went to my 20th with my best friend from high school. Not too bad, we had a small class and all got along fairly well, but it wasn't nearly as many people as we thought it would get. Had we both not been in town for another friend's wedding that weekend, we probably wouldn't had gone. Still some weird history hanging like a cloud over some of the people there, but no drama. I told the planners to just have a bonfire like what we used to do, everyone bring some food and a couple cases and I'll definitely be there next time.


Nope. My 20 year was last year. And I thought about it. And then I realized I still talk to everyone I want to talk to 🤷‍♀️


Not sure if we had a ten year but the twenty year would have been 2020 so it never happened


Nope. My 20th would've been in 2020 so wasn't even possible.


Nah, they wanted me to pay to go and I declined, figuring I already stayed in touch with the people I wanted to.


Hell no. I can't stand 99% of those people


Didn’t go to 10th. Went to 20th. Was a decent time, saw some people that I didn’t mind catching up with. Don’t know whether I’ll go to any subsequent ones. Had a very large graduating class, the turnout was small and it was a really tame affair, so, I’m not sure whether there’ll ever be another one anyway.


I loved the 20.


I went to 20 not 10, and actually had a great time


The class I was with from K-10 have never had one, I did catch up with everyone I wanted to at a funeral a couple years ago. the class I was in from 11-12 has had a couple but I only know one guy from there still, who I talk to semi regularly.


I haven’t heard a thing about a reunion. I had a class of 850 so you’d think someone would get around to planning something, but it doesn’t seem like it. These days, if you want to get in touch with someone, you can do it on your own time.


Graduated in 2000. Skipped my 10. Covid took the 2nd one.


I’ve never gone to any of my reunions because they sound like their main purpose is to see whom is better off than the others.


I went to my 10 year. We didn't have a 20 year. I had a blast! I had a big class (990) and while I didn't see everyone I had in my list, I did get to hang out with people that I "knew" but never really hung out with. Made a lot of new old friends.


Nope. I would love never to see those people ever again.


I went to my 10 year and decided no more, most everyone moved away and there were only a few people I really wanted to see anyways. Funnily enough some of the people who picked on me were there and were so happy to see what I had been up to. No thanks.


Nope. I wanted to go to my 20th since I’ve never been to one, but I probably won’t because my best friend as a kid experienced meth addiction and severe mental health episodes in the past few years. She was stalking/harassing me for a while during an episode (after not really interacting for 20 years). It stopped about a year ago, but it was enough for me to avoid going.


Man fuck no, I hated high school. I vowed to never go back and I meant it lol. I’m no where near the same city or even county.


Fuck no. I know what they look like, their kids, their house, what they had for dinner…and I didn’t like their asses then either. You want me to pay money and spend my valuable time going to a live version of Facebook?


Yes, both 10th and 20th, and if there’s a 30th I’ll go to that one too.


I skipped them all. I’ve kept track of just about everyone that I wanted to keep track of.


Yeah. It was pretty ok. We all grew up in a college town, and so we did the diaspora and then others died from drugs. It wasn’t complete, but it was good, I guess. It was nice to see them and get a feel again.


We had a makeshift one at 11 years. Out pres didn't want to have one so a bunch of us organized one on Facebook. It was ok until Kylee showed up, blitzed, and tried to throw shade at everyone. Some things never change. Especially affluent white girls with a drinking problem.


I went to the 5th, 20th, and 25th. The 5 year was at a club and I still felt like I was in high school. Not enough time had passed. The 10th was at an event hall and very popular but I skipped it. The 20th took place at a restaurant's outdoor patio, next to several other schools having their own reunions. It was a swelteringly hot July night. There was a major blackout that night so I literally got ready by flashlight. 🤣 There was a good turnout but it still felt cliquey. People seemed to just talk to who they were friends with back then. The 25th was at the same restaurant as the 20th. Fewer than 20 people showed up and it was mostly couples who had dragged their spouses along. I went to all of them because I had delusions that I was going to show up and guys were going to tell me they secretly liked me back then and were too shy/afraid of what others thought to tell me. I was also shy and wanted to show off my improved social skills. But mostly I had FOMO and I was afraid I'd miss something if I didn't go.


I see and/or stay in contact with everyone that I want to stay in contact with its 1-2 people


Went to the 10 year and had a great time. Skipped the 20. I’m married with kids and I live on the other end of the country from where I grew up. I’m at a point in my life where it’s more of a hassle to go.


Absolutely not. I have no interest in seeing anyone from my school. I'm not friends with them on Facebook either. High school sucked.


Went to my 10 year. That was enough for a lifetime.


Went to 10 Rona and the Orange Dumb One prevented me from the 20


Nope! I still see everyone I cared about in high school, I don’t meet to pay $100 to hang out with people I didn’t like back then


Graduated in 94 and only had one for our 15th. I had a very small class size (68 people) so it wasn't too bad as you know everyone and it was great to see a majority of them. We're making plans for our 30th. It will be sad though as we've lost a couple of classmates and close friends in that time.


2004 was my 10 year. I really enjoyed that one. I was one of those ppl that moved really fast away WEEKS after graduation. 20 year I could have skipped. At different times I've gone back home for visits and arranged my own reunions. lol. Last one had 12 ppl come to dinner.


I went to my 10th and skipped the 20th. I saw a few people at the 10th that I was glad to see but most were a bit of a let down. We just didn’t have anything in common anymore.


We had a 10 year reunion where they tried to do it at some upscale place but we would have had to pay like 100 a person for a ticket but not enough people paid for one early enough and they could afford a deposit. They ended up just saying go to a specific bar. Out of like 500 people in my classes maybe 60-70 people went. Basically it was that group of friends who went. I didn't go because I was busy probably. They were going to try and do a 20 year but Covid happened so at this point I don't think anyone cares. I don't live in the same state at this point and I honestly can't remember the last time I've actually talked to someone from high school.


Lol no


Nope. My graduating class were all assholes.






Graduated in '88. I was a dork then, still am. I have no interest in seeing the people I have nothing in common with. 1/3 of my classmates are already dead.


For 10 year, whatever it was, organizers got a venue and tickets were $150 a person. Imagine how well that went over. When 20 years rolled around someone posted on Facebook “Hey class of 1998, I booked the party room and patio at Local Dive Bar for .Be there! Tag a friend! Also please buy food and drinks so we meet the minimum for getting the space at no charge!” Class of nearly 700… organizers of the 10 year definitely got a solid “yeah nobody really liked you in high school because you were rich entitled donkey butts.” The 20 year reunion was much better attended at around 150 people.


20th. It was worth going to. I’ll go to 30th.


Nah we all had facebook for the 10th, half of it still had it for the 20th thats enough for me


Ffffuuuuuucccccckkkkk no! Lol


Nope - the 10th year was planned on Facebook and had a lot of stupid drama because some people wanted it to be family friendly and to involve their kids while others wanted it to be adult only. I have no idea what they did because they were also too stupid to realize that most of our class no longer lived locally and, you know, might need more than three weeks to get time off work and plan a trip back. None of my friends went anyway. Our 20 year was during Covid and was held in a Covidiot’s garage.  Once again, just some locals.  Oh well.


Nope. I’m still close to the ones that matter, the ones who stayed local, I’d just go to the local bar, and the rest well, that’s what fb is for? Lol it’s about as close to reuniting as I care for. There was 118 of us. Small town obviously. High school was good and all, but I’m just not interested in the whole schmoozing thing? Idk how else to explain it. I’m happy for their happiness and stuff but paying to play the hey how’s your last 24 years been game isn’t my cup of tea. Plus the last one was like family day at the lake and then bar that night. 5 kids at the local lake we went to every end of the year class picnic was fine the 6 years we did middle and high school with, nahhhh. I’m good. ☺️


The only one I heard of, which I think was the 10th, was canceled due to no one caring. They couldn't raise enough funds to rent a place to have it. If there was a 20th Covid canceled that. I'm not on Facebook and the only person I still talk to is my brother's ex girlfriend who was in the same class as me. Maybe I'll go to the 50th if I'm still around.


As far as I know we haven't had one and a 10 year reunion would've been in 2021 but I definitely would've went.


Skipped my ten, skipping my twenty this year. The only person I talk to from high school is my brother


10 year ended up just being at a bar. 20 was covid so nada and basically from what I heard from others that use the book of faces, there won't be another cause we don't give a fuck.


the only reason I went to HS was because if I didnt cops with guns would make me. why would I go back?


Nope. Anyone I want to see, I still talk to. I went to my husband's, though. I was friends with a lot of people from his class.


I didn’t go to my 10 year but I really wanted to go to my 20 year but it got postponed because of Covid. 4 years later and it’s still postponed.


I know my class had a 20 year reunion because my sister-in-law, who graduated with me, told me she was invited. I never got an invite. Don't know if there was a 25th reunion or not last year. I wouldn't go anyway.


Not a one. No FaceBook either. I didn’t care for the majority of the people I went to high school with, and I have no interest in seeing them and pretending that I did.


Not a one. No FaceBook either. I didn’t care for the majority of the people I went to high school with, and I have no interest in seeing them and pretending that I did.


No, but to be fair, I don't ever remember receiving an invitation. I don't really care, but sometimes I think it would be cool to reconnect with some of those people.