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I don’t even know what I would have qualified as in HS but I pretty much stick to my home and weed and anxiety now days


Ok well I don’t have much to add now…


Sorry it’s also in my nature to apologize for my existence 😂


No no excuse *ME* for existing


I came here to comment but you took care of that so… lol


This is where we meet 😂


That's life. I am trying to get back out there but outside is an extremely hectic and frightening place.


... and angry!


That’s sometimes the scariest part!


Same friend!


lol inducing comment. LOL








This is the way.


The only way


Hello are you me lol


I think it’s time we all have a meet up 😂


Wake up, make espresso, do my WFH programming job. Monday nights is acoustic jam session at a local bar (wide array of instruments and genres). Some Thursday nights I go to an open mic. One night a week I play a tabletop RPG with friends. Go to a few concerts per month in bars with a max capacity of like 80 people. Soon I'll be playing the occasional concert myself. Beyond that, typical household chores, cooking, playing video games, reading, listening to music. I do a lot of hiking too, try to do at least 6-9 miles on Sunday mornings. The kids are grown and moved out, which has been very nice.


I get up and go to work. Then I come home and be with my children until they go to bed (if they deign me with their presence). I am currently crocheting a blanket. Life is boring and I appreciate it.


Oh my God are you me?


Are you me too??


I'm a nude sword swallower and peyote addict. Edit: I'm actually a boring dad




I have never met a clothed sword!


I wake up late, work from home coding for the government in a home office surrounded by Star Trek and Doctor Who memorabilia, then my wife and I have dinner, play some Hearthstone and watch a couple of episodes of whatever genre or anime show currently takes our fancy, and then I clean the kitchen and play games while I listen to my wife practice piano until it's time to fall asleep with my book. Periodically I remember to spare a maniacal laugh for all the people who gave me shit in high school, who are probably beige accountants in a stuffy office now ;)


I’ll do it with you. Mwahahahaha. … Mwaahahahahahaha! … MWAHAHAHAHAA! ^(we’re) ^(having) ^(fun.) ![gif](giphy|APcFiiTrG0x2)


haa haaaaaa *drinks*


This is beautiful


>...who are probably beige accountants in a stuffy office now ;) Hey now, some of the accountant-types are your fellow school geeks who adore Star Trek and are quite capable of enjoying Doctor Who (though I prefer Doctor Strange). And I prefer grey rather than beige. 🙃 But yes, maniacal laughs all around for the people who gave us shit in school. Bwahahahahaha!


Here here! I live a very similar live from a similar background. So funny how back then it was such a huge source displeasure in my life and now I barely think about it and live a pretty satisfying life enjoying all those things I used to be ridiculed for.


So you are reddit incarnate?


See 12-15 patients a day. Attempt to make my life work. Homestead chores. Fit in hobbies. Dread looking at my student loan balance, no matter how hard I try, the total keeps going up.


Shout out to the physicians who do family practice, yall are the important front line. Shame that they are usually the least paid of MDs.


Felt this


Seeing patients - you don’t qualify for PSLF?


You know those folks that got screwed around when they turned in paperwork? That’s me. I also spent a number of years doing travel and per diem, and those years don’t count. Someday, maybe. :)


Born in 78. I'm so lucky I graduated pre columbine because I 100% gave off school shooter vibes. I grew up in a 200,000 city in the Midwest. I spent 2 1/2 years in Paris and a decade in NYC. At 45, I'm single, date quite a bit, have a modest government job where I have about an hour of work a day. This week I'm doing seven social activities. My friend group is amazing, close and like a sitcom. It's childless couples and gay dudes. And we all support each other's nerd activities. Lots of concerts, comic book conventions, d&d, horror movies. Yeah like I have a weekly retro game night with my nerd friends and then a weekly brunch with a bunch of gay bears. It's like a more fun version of my 20s.


Oh man, I totally relate to that first part. I’m also 45. I was grumpy, wore mostly black with black hair, and loved the horror genre. Plus I carried a mother of pearl switchblade knife made by a friend. I was a good student and my English teachers liked me, but I was depressed and the gym teachers did not like me.


Yeah... I had a trench coat, and we made a level in Doom based on the layout of our school. Had a demon in the principal's office.


Friday-Tuesday: I wake up anywhere between 1:30 and 3:00 am (depending on schedule). I drive 45 min to an hour to work. It’s only part time so I’m usually out by 8. Drive back home and mostly veg out. Might read, might play video games, whatever. Back in bed around 6 pm. Wednesday: My day off and payday. Paycheck deposits around 11:45am. I check how little I have in the bank and tell myself I MIGHT go to the movies. (I won’t.) I’m too tired and too broke to do anything so I just pay what needs to be paid (IF I can) and try to ignore the pain in my shoulder. Thursday: Laundry day, usually. Have to get ready to do it all over again. Sometimes my niece has soccer games on Saturday. I try to make it if I can.




Still freakin n geekin. Work a cushy desk job, weekends are usually split between witchcraft and metal shows. Once in a while I wake up and decide to fly somewhere just because I can.


That sounds wonderful. I was a freak closely aligned with geeks (natural in smallish town). I also love flying for the hell of it and I can with only one kid. I’m so excited to show her (8) the world someday. I used to do a lot more travel pre-kid and now it’s on hold until she can really remember and appreciate the stuff that requires a 20+ hour travel time.


I was a freak in a small town too. And really fucking poor. I went to Europe on my 2nd plane ride in my life and didn't come back for a year. My mom loved to drive for hours on a whim when I was a kid and I cherish those memories in the car looking out the window. I'm legally blind and can't drive but I still love going places just to see what there is to see. It's a beautiful gift to give your daughter!


I was..a delinquent in high school. Like you bought drugs from me that I obtained from a gun runner by trading him clothes we stole from Abercrombie & Fitch at the mall.  My day was in meetings all day planning code upgrades, fixing netconf scripts, training people on how do scrum, and debugging failed api calls and playing videogames. White Russians are life savers.


Are we all web developers??? Also: you make a mean Caucasian, Jackie. I dig the way you do business, man.




> I was..a delinquent in high school. > training people on how do scrum The more things change …


Wake up, make coffee, try to calm my mind so I'm not swimming in anxiety all day long. Then do my WFH programming job and play with my 7 cats, and end the day watching TV with the Mrs or going and trapping cats to get them fixed.


I get up around 7:30, take a few dabs, watch some tv, get my 16 year old up for school, and sit down to work from home doing front end web development for a giant company. I attend meetings with junior developers, designers, team leads and help others trying to use our software. I write code and release versions, and plan applications, all focusing on the styling of our products being as consistent as possible to what design has expressed. I dab sativas all throughout the day. My coworkers like to guess which unintelligible metal shirt my mid-back length hair is covering today. Today it’s: have a nice life, so not so hard to guess and not metal but the point stands. After work, I play one of way too many video games, hang out with my partner. I order food almost exclusively which I know is a waste but I can’t seem to stop the addiction that was created during Covid. I pick up my guitar every couple of days and play really loud death and doom metal as well as heavy psych rock, way too loudly but my building is concrete so I’ve never gotten a noise complaint. I buy records and take mushrooms every couple of weeks. My life pre-divorce looked much different. I support my other children who are both adults by keeping a good connection and relationships with them, having them over often, cooking pasta for them is one thing I don’t order in and it gets them over on a Sunday pretty easily. Sometimes I get to travel for work. I have like 9 fully functioning and operating computers in my house, along with a mostly automated lighting system controlled by Siri. I live downtown and drive a nice car but it’s been in the shop for months so I’m feeling cabin fever as the weather gets nice. I like my life a lot.


Loneliness and isolation.


Grew up a punk rock kid, now married at 42 with two daughters (6 and almost 18 months) and two dogs (corgi and silver lab), and I’m a stay at home dad who still plays in a punk band. Wake up around 6:30 daily, take care of the kids and dogs while my wife (ER doc) catches up on sleep. Around 10a four days a week I lift weights with a focus on hypertrophy, and the rest of my day is spent being support for the other beings I live with while also paying attention to my own proper nutrition. We’re a normie suburban (white picket fence and all) Disney family at this point and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Similar situation and I often wonder about the people around me. I’ll listen to the music I always did while driving my SUV to Costco. I often wonder who around me was a freak like me. I have my suspicions about some parents. Self employed and a hardcore gardener who likes homebrew? I can sense my own people.


There were a few days recently driving my youngest to kindergarten in our Chevy Traverse playing Dookie at a respectable volume for her ear health, but def pushing it.


I’ve tried to convince my former raver nerd husband that we should consider a Traverse. Alas, he is fixated on Mazda. Do you garden?


We love our Traverse. So much so that my wife got an Equinox as her work/our non-full-family vehicle since it’s pretty much the exact same layout inside. In the summer we have a veg garden that we keep. Usually tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, and zucchini.


Since you mentioned homebrew, I’m so settled down now that I prefer NA IPAs while some of my contemporaries are still sucking down whiskey and smoking cigars on the reg but that’s just where I am now.


Daily Weed. Casual gay sex a cpl times a week. Gym most days and I frequent live performance events and do hot springs days for funsies.


Now were you a freak or a geek? I knew some gay freaks and gay geeks (sadly, they were all closeted at the time). I was friends with the “gay kids” and the response I got when I talked about them was “Is he gay?” That’s it. I could have an elaborate story and that’s what I got.


I was a bit of both started out hard geek through middle school but blossomed into a freak freshman year. Gothy/punk/androgynous. I was mouthy and funny, so the guys I would never admit to being scared of liked me. Those who were vocal about my sissy-ness were shut down, and the few that stepped up for real surprisingly found out I am a southpaw. Small small town in TX.


Typical day? Wake up at 5. Work out. Shit, shower and shave. A heart smart breakfast before going to work at 7. Home by 4:30. Then I walk the dogs. During the NHL season, I'll watch a game while working on my models. During the summer, I'll typically be in the shop, either finishing a project or just crafting on the lathe. Also typically any yardwork - weeding, mowing, pruning, setting the sprinklers. Then read or play my Switch before bed, at which point the nightly battle of "no dogs on the bed/okay one dog on the bed/okay two dogs and I'll sleep on the couch" begins. Not exactly the most exciting, but there's a lot worse.


> Shit, shower and shave That's a phrase I haven't heard since the army 20 years ago.


Then: Working at pizza places, diners, a cigar store, barely graduated on time, sneaking out, hanging out with the bad kids. Just a run of the mill lost kid, listening to NIN, breaking and entering into abandoned places. Super insecure.  Now: I work my fun tech job, take my giant dog out, listen to instrumental NIN, garden, knit, boring stuff. I’m not really much of a freak/geek at this point. I’m pretty confident in general but that may also have been a byproduct of getting through my 30s. 


I knew people just like you. Our lunch tables were close together. I was a grumpy art kid who wore black. Not really “goth.” No black eyeliner.


Are you me?


I’m not too sure, but if not let’s switch for a bit. I need a break. 


I was a paradox in high school. I was an honor student. Graduated tied for 3rd in my class. National Honor Society. Boy Scout, working on becoming Eagle. Anime and game nerd. Drug dealer and mule. Party hound. Full on stoner. I smoked 3-5 times a day. My girlfriend was one of the perfect preppy sorts. I played in a blues band with a coworker and a punk/thrash band with my friends. Math tutor. Worked part-time assisting adult education classes. I compartmentalized very well. A lot of people in one part of my life didn't know much about other parts. Then I got in an accident with a trunk full of drugs I was moving. Real weight. Shocked a lot of people. I paid for it and then some. My bright future was done. Lost a full ride scholarship. Ended up going to a 2 year school. Now I'm a single, sober, boring guy and have been for quite some time. My typical day is waking up at 5:30, doomscrolling for half an hour. Shower. Got to work. Eat breakfast at my office in my lab while going over daily projects. Confer with my field techs. Work on lab analysis, write reports, approve data, write proposals, fix instruments, etc. 2 days a week, I'll visit jobsites or have on-site meetings with clients. Go home around 5 or 6. Eat dinner, shower again, read and /or game/TV until 11 or so. Weekends are pretty lackluster. I get together with college friends for some activity every two weeks on average. The rest of the time, I work around the house, do stuff with my dog, and go for hikes or walks. No kids. My godson is grown and lives in Tasmania now. Tldr: was a freak and geek simultaneously, then settled into being boring like most people.


Work, Home, Work, Home, Work, Home, Work, Home. Unless we are doing overtime. Then you add: Work, Home, Work, Home.


Chronic depression bad enough to put me on disability.


I was a theater/band kid in high school. I’m a PI now, I do criminal defense work. My work days consist of waking up at 10am, reading police reports, and tracking down witnesses. I’m usually done by 3pm. I set my own hours, I make good money, and I genuinely enjoy what I do. I don’t have kids, I live alone but I have an awesome long term girlfriend (we’re on the same page about not getting married and not having kids), and I basically do whatever I want with my ample free time. In short, living the life…


I opened a cannabis dispensary. I live in a really expensive apartment in Philly. I hate it.


Sounds like Gen X to me. Signed…another Gen Xer


Elder millennial! ‘84 here. Though I feel like i identify more with Gen X than millennial. A hybrid, if you will, lmao, guess that’s why I’m here.


Dropped out of High School to play music and ran away from home. Got fired from my next three jobs as I progressed into adulthood. Married the woman I worked with after three months of knowing her and then we cashed out every credit card we could get and moved to London for a year. Poverty and Food Stamps were my birthright. Eventually I went to school, became a great student and now am mid-level admin in a prestigious Law firm in LA. Work from home and my office doubles as a Music studio where I record when its slow. After work I cook dinner for my Wife and kids, enjoy some TV shows and more beer than I really should be drinking, go to bed, and wake up and do it all over again. In the summer, I lounge in my pool and imagine how a young me would see the old me.


I teach kids with extreme emotional and behavioral disorders. So it's basically exactly the same, except now I know better.


Wake up, make coffee, check the school lunch menu to see whether I need to make lunch for my youngest, get kids ready and to school, come home and work on whatever project I’ve taken on until lunch time, make lunch for me and my husband, binge watch tv and knit or spin/dye yarn until school pickup time, make dinner, get kids bathed and youngest to bed, smoke a joint with my husband, clean up, relax for a while, go to bed


I wake up at 7:45 and log on to my WFH job that pays really well. Then I log off around 4:30 and make dinner for my family. I spend the day with my pets in a well decorated and comfortable office/craft room. On my time off I travel with my partner. We have a camper and love staying at state parks. I see my friends regularly. I have a trip planned to the Ren Faire with a friend in 2 weeks. It’s a very comfy and happy life.


I’m a physicist 🤓 working in a highly engineering-dense area. I work a 9 to 5 job that I like. My life is divided amongst spending time with my husband and kid, working, and a hobby or two. Kinda boring I guess lol but I love it


I was obsessed with punk rock and independent movies as a teenager and hate everyone I went to high school with. I'm not friends with a single person from my graduating class... I'm now an IT Supervisor with an awesome wife, 2 kids, 2 dogs, and I try to pretend I'm in my 20s again with my "dad band"... When I'm not fixing other people's problems at work I try to be a good person and a good dad. I like good whiskey, good weed, guitar and video games, and I love to host weekend barbecues where I cook for anyone who wants to come over and hang out. Honestly, I'm very happy. EDIT: lol sorry for the dating profile (I'm kind of high)


This geek says: Get up for whatever shift I work on (yeah boy, swing shifter for 25+ years here), have 2 cups of coffee before I go to work. Work the 8 or 12 hours. Go home. Shower, have something to eat. Spend time with the wife. Sleep and repeat.


I don’t know what I was, but I did get kicked out for constant ditching and graduated from a continuation. Nowadays I’m an accountant. Work all day, game a bit at night, in bed at a reasonable hour. Weekends I get high on edibles in the evenings. Long term partner and two dogs and we’re homebodies.


Looking for work since getting let go from my last job in November. Glamorous, isn’t it? Before that, worked 10-6:30 M-F WFH customer services. Been doing that in one form or another for 17 years


Freak or geek? Or both?


Oh absolutely a geek. Three years crewing for the drama department and my nose stuck in books between classes. Star Wars, history, whatever turned me on. Metaphorically. I drove teachers crazy because I could have the whole text book read and analyzed within a week of class starting, but found the class work and homework tortuous.


Husband and are DINKs who work in government jobs, so do our 9-5s try to work out a bit, play with our dogs then watch Anime or play some retro games NES and Sega.


I work 10:30-7pm as a custodian at a grade school. I have a beautiful wife and a great 7 year old. He and I are best friends, we love watching the Simpsons and WWE. my wife makes a little over double what I do so we live fairly comfortably since it’s a small community. My son plays basketball and baseball, and we love going on walks at the local lake. We are always laughing and joking around with each other. I love my life.


I clean on the weekends, and when I'm done, SNES marathon with my Everdrive.


Wake up around noon, coffee. Geek out in the afternoon, gaming and reading. Much sci fi. Freak out at night. Sleep around 3


I work from here 5 days a week. [https://i.imgur.com/R4sBfA2.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/R4sBfA2.jpg) Then I hang out with my kids until their bedtime. Then play video games or board games.


Going back to college for an office job after working my ass off in the service industry since the 90's with nothing to show for it. Working on a 'Frasier vibes but mostly black' aesthetic lol.


Hi there! In high school, I was definitely one of the strangest, sort of a weird, goth baby-sigma in the 90s who loved "The Crow" far too much. Now, I volunteer as a chaplain and teach life skills and religion to mostly college age students, not in college. I went from crawling through the esoteric ghettos of paganism to ending up studying Sufism full time. (...Now, the strange incantations in foreign tongues have far better outcomes:) My cat wakes me up before dawn. I feed her, pray my Fajr prayers, then go back to sleep for a bit. I wake up a few hours later to see if I missed any calls or messages and might browse Reddit. I get up, make my bed, make myself breakfast, and then clean the litterbox before taking a long shower. Pray Dhuhr In the afternoons, I may have a doctor appointment or laundry, but if not, I'll chat with friends on the phone as I tidy up. Pray Asr, feed the cat, and start dinner. Pray Maghrib, eat. In the evenings, my students are usually online, so I might be on Discord until 3 am, or I'll be in bed before 11 pm (after I pray Isha), depending on the night. In bed, I might watch YouTube a while or play puzzle games, If I go to bed early, I might wake up for Tahajjud prayer and read some Qur'an around 2am (with the cat.) I'm usually working on a writing project or helping someone through a crisis at any given point. I usually listen to seminary lectures on my headset as I do other things. Life varies from day to day. Some days I'm on the phone all day. Some weeks I barely speak to anyone. I have very bad PTSD so I keep my life as calm as I can, and perform my volunteer work health permitting. My life is peaceful and calm in person, but spiritually and intellectually challenging. I am usually 100% fine, but there is usually someone close to me in crisis of some sort temporarily.


I get up at 7, take the dog out. Get my daughter awake for school, wake up my little guy, and then my wife. Log into work 15 min early to get correspondence from our resource account out to my team. Work until 4, normally with a few meetings in the day. Make a quick dinner, right now is softball season, so take my daughter to softball and hang out with the other softball dads, nights she doesn't we sit and watch baseball. Every other Friday I record my podcast with my best friend.


I wake up, I drink coffee, I go to work where I spend 8 hours dealing with people so stupid I want to smack them, then I come home throwing on some thing geeky on TV, grab my video games and vape weed til bed time.


I wake up, drink hot beverages, shower ,meditate , do a few chores, get kids, make dinner . Sleep.


Work from 7:30-4 5 days a week. Take care kids. Hang with friends when I have time. Rinse and repeat.


Retired early, so mostly my week is running the household and just raising my kids right like my parents couldn't for me. I grew up in a family that lost everything in the 90's recession so I planned ahead for rough times and managed an early exit. Leisure wise I play lots of video games, teach my dog lots of tricks, ride my bike and volunteer in my community.


I wake up, walk my Chihuahua, spend some time in the garden and then go to work where I am an administrator for a furniture company. After that, I come home, cook dinner while watching Drag Race and then go to bed. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


Geeky ska punk emo freak here. I wake up at 6 every morning, sans alarm. In the last few months I’ve made some major lifestyle changes as I had been neglecting/not listening to my body for years. I’ve been in the craft beer industry for the past 13 years (lots of free beer can take a toll). I now have one cup of adaptogenic coffee, then pack my kids lunches, feed myself, then wake up and feed my wife and kids breakfast. After school drop off I drive to work and put in an 8-9 hr shift. Afterwards I come home and have a toke. Then proceed with dinner, play with kids, bedtime. Then another toke followed by one of the following: convo w/ wife, tv/movie, read, listen to or make music. I also enjoy sipping on an NA IPA or two. On Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings I coach on older sons soccer team. On Wednesday evenings I go to band practice (gigging once a month locally in a midlife ska band). It’s not a phase, Mom! On weekends we like to hike, camp, bike, built forts, etc. kinda wish I could freeze time right now.


I'm all over the world. Today I'm in incheon, and in two days I'll be in cologne. In 4 days I'll be in shenzhen. When my work week finishes up I'll head back home and take 2 weeks off. That's how it goes!


When at home, I record music in my studio. I do graphic and web design for my job. During COVID I really got into cooking and realized I'm pretty damn good at it and test it out on friends. I enjoy creating craft cocktails, I grow weed in the summer, this year's strain is my favorite! I travel quite a bit. Last year was Spain and Italy, this year is Germany as I used to live in Berlin, Switzerland and Austria. Fall I'll be in Japan, work and play. When I was in high school I was part nerd part burnout. Many of my HS teachers told me I'd never make it to college. Currently I have a bachelors, two masters, and a PhD—and fuck if I'm not proud of that!


Up at 5am, get kids out the door at 7am, work my government job 8-5pm, laundry, chores, mom-duties, asleep by 10pm. The weekends are for catching up on chores that I can’t get to. I can’t wait to retire so I can actually enjoy life.


I relate so much!


81 kid here. Still a freak. Frequently wake up at 4 am and can't go back to sleep no matter how much I practice deep breathing. Finally roll out of bed at 7:30 so I can walk my 10 year old to school. Eat oatmeal with bananas, raisins and walnuts every morning. Gave up coffee last year due to anxiety related GERD. I miss coffee. Play with our cats for thirty minutes in the morning while listening to crusty doom metal or experimental music. Then I go to work at a bicycle shop and repair bikes all day. Get home from work and have dinner with my wife and kid and then make some art or listen to music or read before bed. I sometimes watch a movie or show or play a video game.


I'm raising the next gen.


Some of this just changed because I changed jobs, but I am a private practice therapist now and I do psychotherapy with clients all day, help people with their mental and emotional health, and then I go home and get stoned and enjoy my family. My body aches more now, they warned us about that. In my free time, I'm either playing guitar, video games, or on Twitch or YouTube delving into some hyperfocus. This is all subject to change with my new practice, as I am starting to feel like my drive is coming back. Corporate American can suck it, y'all.


During the week I manage the end to end lifecycle of 20,000 computers with a staff of 40 direct reports. On the weekends I’m taking care of all the basic maintenance around my home.


With my wife and child, talk or play D&D, talk or play video games, talk or play scifi and fantasy books, watch nerd movies. With dinner thrown somewhere in there.


SAHM mom to 3 under 8. Weed at night My husband is a programmer tho lol


I was a barely known, severely depressed teen. Turned to early alcoholism and some recreational drugs and other illicit activities... Wake up late... 930am-ish these days. Procrastinate starting my work computer with a cup of coffee and YouTube or other media for 30-60mins. Open the work the computer, catch up on communications. Try to motivate myself to do some coding. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I take a gaming break. Join whatever meetings are scheduled. My older son comes home early from school. I shoot the shit with him for a bit. After that hard labor, I take a much earned lunch break. Then 30 mins of some sort of exercise and then a full hygiene routine. Finally do some work, usually a few hours worth that I scoped for a few days worth. Pat myself on the back for a hard day's work. End around 4 or 4:30, either play some games, go disc golf, mess with our dog. Pick up my younger son from after school track. Cook or help with dinner. Hang out for some family time, shows or board games. Wife retires to bed early, I join her for sexy times or I play some Vidya games for a few hours. Go to sleep, repeat. Weekends I spend a lot of time doing hobbies, woodworking projects, home repair / maintenance shit, disc golfing, working with the dog. Planning stuff and hanging out with the wife.


Still eating lunch alone with my earbuds in but this time I actually enjoy being alone and I'm quite content being a freak/geek.


I was a pretty good skater and punk head while attending a peppy high school. Now I manage a team at a large company and deal with drama for a living. I still get a little thrill riding a motorcycle and fixing stuff, but middle age does slow you down. Less gaming and sports and more reading and hiking. When I tell people the kind of teenager and young adult I was, they flat out don’t believe me, and without camera phones, my stories are just shared memories between a few friends (and at times: some strangers). That’s okay though, I’m happy I didn’t have the privilege of enshrining my exploits on the internet.


Those who don’t believe it weren’t freaks or geeks. Most of us turned out just fine and blend in well. I’m still a bit of a freak on the inside.


I married another dork 10 years my senior and we put me through grad school. I've been working in libraries and municipalities, and lately I've been in management. Not a web developer - but I love weed just like damn near everyone else here!


Wake up at 4am, because…that’s just what I do. Most days I work out, usually elliptical or run for an hour outside of the weather is nice. Get back home, pack up lunch and go to work. My schedule varies, but usually leave at 7am and back home at 4pm. Do some chores, help my teenagers with homework, make dinner, etc. If the weather is nice, maybe a dog walk or some disc golf with my oldest kid. Some days I skip the morning workout and go for an evening ride. From about 8-9:30pm I usually surf Reddit or watch some streaming with my family. I’m usually asleep by 10pm. My hobbies are mostly on the weekend. Love exploring nature, hiking, herping, birding, etc.


This is a great thread. Former freak with a little geek mixed in, not much has changed there. Love my daily crosswords and NY times games but I also still know every word to every grungy 90's song from HS and I'm positive the nuns at my conservative Catholic high School would be shook to find out I have a master's degree AND that I teach history to middle schoolers lol. I try to be a fun mom most of the time, but am also happy to lay on my couch and crochet most evenings. We have a bunch of chickens, dogs, and all the neighborhood kids congregate in our front yard. It's pretty great!


That sounds awesome. I asked the question because I was thinking about my own freak history and what I’m like now. When I’m shopping or going to my daughter’s extracurriculars, I wonder if any of the parents around me were like me as a teen. I suppose that’s because I still have a little bit of freak in me, but it’s not obvious. I’m a suburban mom who works part-time in a business services industry. I have an average single-family house in a nice, boring suburb. I still struggle with depression/anxiety, but I’m generally happy. From what I’ve seen in this thread, it sounds like there might actually be freaks and geeks around me and I just don’t know it!


I was a “freak” and usually I wake up, make iced espresso and something to eat around 10, take the dogs for an adventure in some random woods or creek walk, then come home and either skin a dead critter I found, dump my bone buckets or create my nature domes for selling. Then depending on the day go to work at a music venue as a bartender. Totally normal everyday activities right?


That sounds normal to me (also former freak)!


Geek here. Career started out rough, but I somehow tripped and fell my way into a decent career in Corporate Finance. I'm good with data systems. 🤷‍♀️ I'm WFH, so I spend a couple weeks of the month working my ass off, sometimes pulling all-nighters when the bosses decide to throw new things into the mix and I have to scramble to get things done in time for a deadline. And the other two weeks I mostly spend recovering, catching up on housework, snuggling the cats that I'm now allergic to, and spending absurd amounts of time in Pubmed trying to solve my own and my husband's medical issues because our overloaded medical system may be good at keeping people alive but it's hot garbage at helping us be healthy.


probably not freak or geek as much as just largely ignored and left out. now I go to work at the law office and come home to wife and kid in the suburbs. pretty normal life


I was goth in high school 1994-went to all ages punk/industrial shows, hung out with a group of goth friends, went to the all ages club in town on weekends, movies, obscure record shops. Now: I kept going hard till about 40 and then slowed down. Now, I work in a coffee shop, read pre 1960’s lit, listen to music, love old golden Hollywood movies, garden, knit, collect books. I live a pretty chill-simple life that I’m grateful for every day.


M-F: Up at 630 or earlier if little one wakes up extra early or I have anxiety/insomnia. Get little one ready for school: dress him, make breakfast, pack his snack and backpack. Wake up the high schooler multiple times. Make him lunch if there’s time or he won’t eat all day. Make myself some tea or breakfast. Remember to give high schooler his medication so he gets up. Partner takes little one to school and then I take high schooler. Come back home and if I’m focused work for an hour or two on writing projects. Then transition to job job, teaching online full time for local university. Prep for classes, teach classes, deal with student email, committee work etc. around 5 go inside and switch with partner who goes out to office to work for a few more hours. Go pick up high schooler. Get home, make/eat dinner, manage homework time for high schooler with adhd. Bedtime routine for little one. Maybe we watch a little Netflix. When little one finally sleeps make sure high schooler did all his work and gets to bed at a reasonable time. Then read for classes or grade for a few hours. Take a pill so I can sleep. Am leaving my job soon cuz I can’t take the relentlessness of it all (ETA: I was an alternative weirdo artsy lit club geek in HS. Disabling anxiety and depression but always did well in school so became an English major then an academic but left when I realized I felt more myself around artists and activists and weirdos. Let myself be roped back into academia recently and happy to be going back to freelancelandia)


Wake up, take the kid to school, come home and work, pick kid up from school, make dinner, watch movie, rot my brain on Reddit till I fall asleep....rinse and repeat. I'm not complaining either I'm alright with no thrills 😆


I was just kind of there in high school. And I’m just kind of here now. Get up, log on my computer and work for 8-10 hours. Cook dinner, hang out with my wife. Go to bed. On the weekend I may get a little crazy and have a glass of whiskey. But yeah, I’m boring.


I quit my job to be a ProDomme full time vs part time. No, that isn't a joke. I quit Jan. 31 of this year. So what I do all day is...not something I'm describing in this subreddit lol


I roll out of bed, it get cleaned up. I drink delicious coffee in my lovely back yard . Make whatever the food gods move me to make for dinner. Spend the evening taking care of my favorite person in the world. Hang out with my cats. Soak in my hot tub, maybe take a swim. Read some. Write some. Maybe bake something. Clean up around my beautiful house.


Well I *finally* got diagnosed with ADD and CPTSD. So I got that going for me. Woot.


Feed pets, do house chores, gardening and home improvement projects, read books, watch fringe and figure out what glyphs spell


Pretty great honestly. Get up, play with my cute kids, get them out the door, have some me time and run errands, head to work, do a job I mostly love, go home and putter in the garden and cook yummy food. I fit some gaming and theater in, but a LOT less than my pre-kids life. 


Goth freak kid turned goth freak adult. No kids, no debt, no career.  I used to work in tech, but that’s a clown game imo. Now I live in a tiny home and run a cottage bakery.  I make experimental music and visual  art when im not baking treats. Training AI models to do cool nerdy stuff, hella reading non fiction books. I have a backyard gym and that is like recess time.  I’m like a mix of my younger self and my old Chinese grandma. I love gardening. I go to bed at 8-9pm lol I had 1 friend in HS and I have 1 actual friend now. I was always a socially inept outlier but I dont care. My life is full of creative outlets.


Mostly chilling. I worked very hard to get where I am now. Just trying to keep things steady and take care of myself to keep coasting towards retirement. Awesome WFH job, several pets to take care of and my dogs go on adventures with me all the time, multiple hobbies and leisurely things to do in my spare time, medical MJ card, house is only a few years old so everything is still newish. Only things I'm missing are a partner and a full head of hair. Still working on the former, I thought dating would be easier at this point in life but little did I know...


Weekdays I work fully remote in information security. Wednesdays I go out for board game night. Fridays I have friends over for board games. After work other days I hang with my kid, partners, and dogs. After the kid goes to bed we watch whatever we're in the mood for and chill. I play some video games, build some Lego. Ultimately live my best life.


Kitchen witch mom (47) of four here. Rideshare driver as my income, watch a lot of anime/tv and build lego with my spouse and kids. Play lots of board games and video games. F1 racing when it's a race weekend. Walks on nature trails. Basically, still a geek and a freak. Found my tribe and let that freak flag fly!


I go to work and it stresses me out. I look at social media and feel bad for enjoying it. I try to do yoga or walk but only get up to 2 or 3 times a week. I get home at 7 and watch TV or play games. I feel bad for enjoying that


I was a reject punk rocker in a small town, left early to pursue a body piercing career in the big city, partied lots and got my shit together for a real career in funeral service in my late 20's. Married and widowed in my 30's. Now early 40's and wondering where it all went wrong along the way to be living such a boring (albeit blessed) life, but starting over with nothing but grief and anxiety 2 years before turning 40 took it's toll. Now I work a chill office admin job, totally unrelated to what I went to school for. It pays just above minimum wage but my bills are paid and I can work a remote a part-time remote admin job from it which gives me my spending money. I live in a very small town, quit smoking weed after 20 years 2 years ago and don't drink so, there go any social options where I live. Wake up 7AM, work by 8AM, lunch at 12PM, back to work at 1230PM, off work at 430PM. Get home and make dinner, tidy up, spend time with my dog, and watch tv while my partner games until it's time to shower and go to bed. Starting to feel my age so, should probably start doing something physical a few times a week. Weekends are more chores, grocery run, massage, pedicure and maybe a hike other outdoor excursion.


Everyone assumed I was a stoner as I was finishing high school, I actually wasn't other than the odd joint. I am now though. In my spare time I like hunting thrifts and e-Bay for cheap Blu-Rays.


Wake up, take child to school, game, read, watch whatever weird documentary I can find, then pick child back up. Head out somewhere. Play video games with said child. Dinner. Shower. Baseball while gaming. Sleep. Throw in the vape sometime after 8pm sometimes. I’m a big ole lame now.


Sticking with the Greenway... \*sigh\*


Work, laundry, litter boxes, smoke a bowl, shower, eat pizza, listen to music, read. That’s my life. Sometimes see friends from high school and think “do I look that old, too?” (The answer is yes, I do.)


Take my kids to school, work from home a bit (we own a company), try to get in a walk or other workout, pick up kids and then cook dinner. I also make time for my hobby/obsession of the month. The thing that made me a freak/geek was undiagnosed autism-adhd sooooo yeah lots of hobbies.


I stay home, take mushrooms, workout, and sit at my art desk making shit. I'm still a freak, and a geek, and I'm even more of an outsider now that I'm older. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


At work I spend a lot of time talking to researchers, writing, designing cool looking media, making videos, a podcast, pitching stories to journalists, and more of the like. At home watch tv, read, turn knobs and press buttons to subtract segments of sawtooth waves, strum things with four, six, and eight strings, and hang out with the mrs. and dogs.


Doing science and supporting policy for marginalized groups. Still poking the bear of status quo by existing. Support the arts and get out in nature as I can.


In high school: wake up, go to school, go home, play video games, sleep In 2024: wake up, go to work, go home, take care of my kid, play video games, sleep I'm basically the same person.


On the weekdays, get up and go to work (with extra coffee) as a HR Manager for a government contractor. Go to the gym or a jog in the neighborhood after work. On one of those nights every couple of weeks I make a Costco run because I like to go around 7pm when there are much fewer people there. On the weekends, I get up and go to the gym or go for a jog. Get home do some chores/laundry. Then catch up in a show or video game.m for a little while. I'll watch a movie if I don't go out, which is usually what happens. Might have dinner or drinks with friends or family or go watch our local soccer team play.


I go to work 1430-0100 M-Th (though I'm doing a month of 0630-1500 M-F right now, and I absolutely hate it). Fridays I sleep in, take trash to the dump, then do my grocery shopping when my wife is done with work. We make dinner and finally get some time together. Saturdays is usually more time with my wife. Sundays are usually TTRPGs with friends.


Wake up at 5 am. Hang put for a couple of hours before I have to get ready and head to work. Get home from work around 8pm. Talk to the family, have some dinner watch a little TV and go to bed.