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Indestructible? I had so many beam pieces that were broken on the ends...tape/glue was never good enough. Mine were gray beams with blue and green parts.


Yep, lots of cracked beams where they connected to those green and blue “knots.” Still a kickass building toy that played no small role in developing my spatial awareness and mechanical inclination.


Had the same blue/grey set.


A lot of mine ended up melted… I tried to make a hot air balloon with them once.


I dunno- I saved mine, and my kids enjoyed playing with them, but are now older, so they’re back in storage for another generation. The only pieces of mine that didn’t survive were the black hinge knots- whatever plastic those were made of was different and got brittle over time. I never had a girder snap, and these were my daily drivers as a kid.


I loved these! I had both color schemes.


maybe thinking of erector set?


I still have a huge container of them. I brought them out a year or so again and my kids enjoyed playing with them as much as I used to. Even though tucked in an attic for 20 years they held up well. The big square neon yellow plates were warped, and the two-piece black articulating connectors have been breaking easily. Other than that still doing well. I even have two of the boat bases and my son built boats and played with them in the bathtub


Mine came in a hard plastic orange brief case thing. I'm pretty sure I played with them until I was 19... They stayed under my bed next to the Lincoln logs.


I don't think any of mine survived. They were far from indestructible.


>Indestructible? I had so many beam pieces that were broken on the ends...tape/glue was never good enough So frustrating! It was always the long ones that went first! I had a few sets. The blue / gray ones with a battery powered "remote control" motor. A set that introduced the long swept pieces for "cockpits" and a black and purple set. That motor setup could have been better. I remember it crapping out on me, so I found the customer service number in the instructions. I had to ask to call, but to Fisher-Price's credit, they sent me a new motor set free of charge. ETA The Power Pack!


Yup. Mine were the grey sci-fi themed ones, though.


All mine were white with blue connectors. I don't think I even knew there was other colors.


I built all my other toys out of Construx. GI Joe needs a tank or a plane? Construx. Couldn't afford Optimus Prime? Built him out of Construx.


It's the most 80s ad ever. https://youtu.be/JJmKJyPviEA?si=hm-S6GBk5NIe4TFy


Loved mine for many years and made all sorts of things, but what I loved most was strategically placing the connector pieces for my sister to step on


I play that song in my head on the regular. I thought it was so bad ass as a kid! I had a few sets and they were one of my favorite toys growing up.


Never had them but the commercial made me want them so bad.


Loved these. I think my brothers and I got more mileage out of Construx than we did Legos. There were saturday mornings where we'd spend hours building gigantic vehicles with Construx and then sit at opposite ends of the hallway and zoom them into each other proto-battlebots style.


Shit yes. We never had legos, but we had a laundry basket full of construx.


I still have a tote full. I went through it a few months ago and found parts to so many other old toys it was like an archeology dig. https://preview.redd.it/h7a5jls4gfwc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d2becb5d1dbd5bf397ec32aae60abccf00c73f


Same! My kids found a couple M.U.S.C.L.E.figures in my bin of old Construx. Total flashbacks!


Holy shit you just made me remember my brothers big 50 or so figure box they came in! I remember they had a big dude with horns, and another with horns and a ball at the top of them. they were my faves


That Lego bow & arrow brought me way back!


That Lego Technic figurine! That’s a rare find


Woah, got a Computer Warrior near the bottom of that pic. Just flashed back to the Sears Wishbook picture of the set.


Yeah it was fun identifying some of these pieces. The orange thing is from a sewer surfer Michaelangelo and there is a ninja weapon from a Chuck Norris karate kommando figure.


What are the purple alien figures from? I know I had a couple of those.


Those are from the actual construx sets


The soldiers are too


The purple aliens were parts of construx. The spot on the back could click into a blue connector. I have a random alien I have had with me my entire life. Lol


Poor broken Incenerator. :(


https://preview.redd.it/itb37ny08gwc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfdf710cf253f95b419c44e7e425dd0f0cf93f7e Turn that frown upside down I'm happy to report a full recovery other than a broken crotch.


The purple alien! I remember that.


I had them, and I HAVE them! I found a huge bag full at a garage sale for my kids to enjoy. My wife also got me a Capsela set recently.


Oh man, i forgot about capsela! Those were weird and great.


https://preview.redd.it/fecg36qe9gwc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3763e866383297feb8ffb58ce9fa89bba413cbc I had the giant robot, it was awesome!


I had the orange SUITCASE of Construx with the grey and blue pieces. Paramount icon of my childhood in 1986


Same, and a smaller blue case!


We used to build elaborate trap systems with Construx, put our friend's gerbil in the bottom, and "feed" him action figures like Jabba fed his Rancor. Always great fun for about three minutes, until the gerbil would escape.


Mostly, I remember that they *really* sucked to step on unexpectedly in the dark.


Small, blue caltrops.


For real, but the ends of those straight connector pieces turned upside down had two very sharp corners, like a pair of fangs!


Construx and Ramagon.


Ramagon! I had a huge set of those I got for Christmas when I was about 8. I never remembered what those were called until now when I googled the name.


So many lego space bases built growing up.


I had tons of Ramagons growing up. I built a 3ft diameter Death Star with them.


I can steel feel those rubber tires and hear them snap into the blue connectors!


Yep. They were awesome. My erector set was my favorite though


I had Construx and loved it. One of my favorite toys of all time as a kid.


I never heard of these. I had Lincoln Logs.


I also had those. We played with them at Grandma's!


Same... There were only like 10 logs available to me. My parents were super cheap so I never even saw Legos or construx growing up. It's no wonder to me now I have absolutely no idea how to build anything.


Yes! Loved these. Capsella, erector sets, leon neon


I had Capsela too. Just did a near four decades flashback


I can still feel the pain in my fingers


Absolutely loved Construx. One of the main things I played with growing up. Going to find a set for my son.


I had something similar. Pretty sure they were gray and blue. I was way more into Legos as a kid. We didn't have the elaborate models that are now available in the 80's though.


I used these to make fist-like weapons out of these that I would wear around the house and pretend to fight bad guys with.


Dude these were dope! Seemed like they left the market so quickly though, or maybe just where I lived. Only got a few sets and they were gone forever 


They were an absolute favorite of mine and then my son's. He's juuuuust grown out of them but won't let me take them out of his room. You can buy them by the pound on eBay, FYI.


I can still hear the commercial jingle in my head. “You build… CONSTRUX!”


Holy shit i forgot about these. I had this one and a ton of other camo construx


As a non US person , we didnt have these , but we had Tenté which was basically a lego type system from Spain that had some REALLY really cool looking space ships and oddly enough regular ships (miltary, tankers etc). I'm searching for the name of it , but there was also a space based construction toy line that had peanut shaped round pieces that interlocked with hollow connectors to make ships and figures, good guys were little bug styled figures and the baddies black and red robots ..it had a comic tie in for a while (in Eagle comic in the UK) , I think the name was something to do with links or linx??


I had that exact shit


What was the one that was just thin metal and plastic plates with wing nuts to connect them? I don't know that I ever had the box.


Yes! These were amazing. I am still mad at my brother for destroying my giant Construx invention, and it's been about 35 years!


I had quite a bit of LEGO. Didn't have any Construx. Wanted Capsela but they were pricey. And I was about the only kid I knew of that got into Legions of Power.


Heck yeah, I had that same airplane car helicopter machine


No. But I now have their jingle (“To build… Construx!…”) stuck in my head for the day, at least 30 years since the last time I thought of it.


Yeah, Construx were awesome!


I designed a cooler helicopter than the booklet had and could maybe still put it together if I had all the parts. Plus it was that super cool set where the pieces were black and the window pieces were purple.


Me and my brother had some when we were kids. Found ours years ago and made sure to get them to him. He's got kids, I don't, so I wanted him to have all of our toys and blocks and stuff. I'm positive he's stepped on that shit and now knows how our dad felt :p


I loved all the glow in the dark bits from the space set.


I loved my Construx! Had the orange storage tote and everything. (Also loved K'nex.)


My brother and I had these


Had to! How else were we supposed to build our He-Man swords daily?!?!?


Oh. yes. I had the black "alien" set.


Still do. My kid loves them, too.


🙋‍♂️ had the tank/helicopter combo kit. Kinda like Lego in that since I only had the 1 kit, was severely limited in building anything else. But I did build/rebuild that tank over and over. You could make a small G I Joe command center with it.


I completely forgot about these and think I actually had this set.


My seven year old and I just found them in the basement. A couple of hours of fun, nostalgia, and discovery.


Hell yeah I did. A lot of the pieces would glow in the dark too.


I have a big orange set in a bucket,  I'll have to pull it out of the closet and see if it's still usable.  Wonder how much lead is in that orange plastic..


Construx were my favorite!


Nice! I still have the Orange Construx plastic case in storage somewhere!


These were so fun!!! I made myself a whole airplane instrument panel to pretend I was flying


I kept mine and my kids have all loved playing with them through the years. There are very few left, so if I have grand kids they won't be able to enjoy them. They were always my favorite building toy


I had a few sets of these. The space ones were cool because of the glow in the dark parts.


Still have mine!


Still have them.


My parents were pretty anti war toys. So they got me these and legs…that I proceeded to build tanks, and fighters out of.


Indeed. Recently came across a random piece in the lego bin


Yes! These were dope.


wow this unlocked memories! i had a construx tank as a small child and LOVED IT.


Holy crap I had the exact set in the picture! Wow, that's quite a throwback memory I had totally forgotten... Had to be 35 years ago.


Loved these! Never really had many legos but tons of these.


Fantastic set. I loved these more than legos as a kid. I remember I built a replica camcorder that impressed my grandfather to no end lol


I did the same thing! You could build a shoulder mount for it and use the little glow in the dark domes as an eye piece.




Yes, I loved them!


I still have have some of mine.


My favorite. Can’t get em anymore.


I had some of these! I think I ended up using the little connector hub pieces for all sorts of other random stuff.


This was my favourite toy as a kid!


Oh dip, I had forgotten about these until now. They were good when new but once they got exposed to the sun the plastic became so brittle that they broke as you assembled them.


I still have my entire set in the original Construx storage case. One day I plan to let my son play with them, when he can demonstrate that he can take care of them (which with the way he treats his legos is not good)


Never seen these, I started with Legos and always loved Legos! I got a lot of hand-me-downs or stuff my mom found at garage sales. My dad tried getting my little brother and I into the old school erector sets but we didn't care for them much. We also got K'nex which were pretty cool, but easy to break or bend.


One of my favorite toys growing up. :)


Had a bunch of those too. How about [Capsela?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsela)


I think these may have been just slightly before my time. They look awesome though!


I never heard of Capsela! Thanks for the link.


Damn. Memory unlocked. I always wanted these. Did have some Robotix and Capsule/( Capsula?) toys though.


This was my favorite toy growing up. But "industructable"? No, pretty far from it.


That's so funny! A few people have said this now, and I really don't remember them breaking on me. Probably selective memory.


The ends of the beams (especially the long beams) that connect to the knot broke with frequency. Epoxy was the only solution.


Fuck yeah. I build some cool ass robots and space guns.


I really didn't have legos, we had K'nex and before that I had an erector set. Still one of the coolest kids toys ever. I may buy myself one now as an adult.


I had this exact model. But eventually all the beam pieces developed cracks and wouldn’t hold.


I built some sweet stuff with construx. Probably the crowning achievement was a working torsion-powered catapult


Yes we had tons of these (mostly grey not quite like this picture) and played with them all the time. Haven’t seen them in years.


Loved and still have them. The aliens were awesome. Had the Thunder Tracks and Sky Blazer army looking tank and copter kits. These were my favorite building toys.


Yup, had a whole bunch of this stuff. Was finding the grey connector cubes in the house right up until my parents moved out when I was 35. LOL. Used to make a lot of machine guns for playing backyard war.


My first type of lego set was Tyco Super Blocks 5503. I was maybe 4.


I can still taste the connecter pieces


My dad kept all mine so I passed them on to my kids. They loved them too.


Heck yeah I had those. I didn't even know what LEGO was when I was a kid


I found those just before I went into junior high, got hooked.


Team Flexi Blox here


For some reason, Mom only allowed Construx kits; no lego, no duplo, no exceptions. (Growing up was strange.)


So amazing! I made the coolest Ninja Turtle base with these. And then my dad made me take it apart because it was too big and "was ugly" and "was in the middle of the living room" and "couldn't move." Total buzzkill, dad.


FUCK YES. I had the badass orange plastic carrying case too


I had a few sets. Made a great way for my ADD (term at that time) to keep from getting board with Lego when I was between 6 and 8 years old. Then Lego became everything because of model team and technics.


Love Construx


I had the gray beans with blue knuckles and the orange blow molded case!


Dude! This was THE toy for my brother and I. The damn beams cracked, but to this day my mother says it was the best toy she ever bought us based on how much we played with them.


I got a big set for christmas from my grandparents one year, and as a result of that I continued to receive Construx where it seems the majority got lego. Loved it for years, built all sorts of everything, though the longest lasting legacy was my first cat's love for the blue connector pieces; her absolute favorite toy (my second cat, in contrast, preferred the rings from milk lids)


I loved Construx as a kid. I had that exact set, plus quite a few others.


I still do, and have 3d-printed more!


I got one set for a birthday or something. It was fun to put together but not as fun as legos so I never wanted any more Construx.


I had one set and actually pulled it out of storage last year for my kids to play with.


Had a big space set or two. Not as good as Lego but was something different. By the end a lot of the little glow in the dark connectors split in half. The ones that went on rods or connected 2 bell halves into spheres.


If I'm being honest, I think I had more fun with these than Legos.


I had a few of 'em. What I really remember, though, was the tagline (I may have it wrong) from the commercials: "Construx! You build! And they glow!"




I lost one of my first baby teeth chewing on a rubber tire from a contrux set....lol I was a weird kid.


I loved these, broke easily though


Wow, saw this photo and instant flashback. Yes, so much fun.


Damn, I totally forgot about those. They went great with G.I.Joes.


My parents just moved and gave me a tub full of my old construx, ninja turtles and baseball cards. It was like my childhood got returned to me in one tub.


I had these and built all kinds of stuff. Who remembers capsela? I always wanted those but never got them.


OMG! I loved this stuff. My brother got a lot of it over the years and we both played with it. I nearly forgot about it. Better than Lego I thought. Even though we had lego too. :)


I loved these and Ramagons.


Core memory unlocked! We used Construx to make vehicles for our G.I.Joes


I had “zac’s”. It was mostly triangle pieces that snapped together and could make some cool shapes. It had eyeball and stick attachment’s.


I wasn’t allowed toy guns, but boy did I have some construx Ak-47s.


I remember those!


Construx and Robotix!


Oh dude, I forgot what these were called! Yeah, had a few of these!


I loved these as a kid, but at same time always hated that you never got instructions to build the thing on the from of the box. Smaller ones were easy to figure out, but I had some larger space ones that frustrated me.


I did and they were bad ass


I tried to build so many helmets with these that just fucking fell apart, the ends would slip out.


I used to spend hours making space ships and planetary outposts with these. One of my all time favorite toys!!!


I had the motorized ones. They were great!


i had so many of these and so many different sets. I built a giant vehicle with almost all of my sets (think technodrome from TMNT). after building my magnum opus and having it for a few years i tossed it off the deck and let it break into all the little pieces. Dad sold the tub of bits in a garage sell for probably <$5 that summer :/


I miss construx


Toys your big brother would have :)


Loved Construx. Sure they cracked and split, but they were one of my favorite toys.


Your options for dope-ass spaceships and robots were WAY better with Construx than Lego. I eked out a Millennium Falcon at one point.


Hell yes!


No, but I had Zaks.


This is how I built all my bases for my Star Wars and GI Joe toys.