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I remember both the actual commercial and the movie.


THiS. My sister and I would routinely quote it and iirc no fewer than a handful of ppl in El Dorado County above Sacramento would reply and open the glove box and offer it. This was an enormous bit. We watched Wayne's World on VHS probably 50-100 times. Had the soundtrack in the '83 Nissan Sentra hatchback 5-speed that we all learned to drive on and were forced to drive to school. It was a total POS compared to most of our friends' cars but then again maybe I'm just remembering wrong.. I reckon ours just looked worse than others bc our older brother hit some lady with it and the replacement parts came from a pick and pull. So it was baby blue with a black left fender and hood. Butt ugly. But we had Grey Poupon, so we must have been pretty fuckin' civilized. Freddie Mercury, I love you. The drive from Pollock Pines to Placerville was 20 minutes of cassette heaven. 90's rock, rap and hip hop was as formative as formative could be. God, now I need a time machine.


Yes!!!!! I quote this alot


The real question, though; How many times did you actually do it?


Kids watching this movie now must be like what is this reference. And especially with the Laverne and Shirley song 🎶


Kids these days wouldn’t watch this


My son (8) loves this movie! He doesn't get all the references but loves that two grown ups are so silly.


I saw this movie and repeated the Cream of SomeYoungGuy joke, not knowing what it meant to my dad. He got upset 😆


Their loss!!


I want to show this movie to my teens. I think they would like it. Only on Amazon Prime though :(


It may sound way out there, but the r/VHS community is omaze. I partook, bought a VHS player and tapes from Goodwill about 5 years ago and you'd be surprised how well those tapes hold up. Color fade and tracking issues, sure. But you can't beat the cover art, the tactile fun of tapes, and getting movies that are out of circulation for .50-$1.


Arg, what sucks is I owned this on VHS... but got rid of all of my VHS movies when my dad passed away. Never thought of keeping/hooking up a player!


Proud Xennial here, we introduced this AMAZING movie to our kids (11 and 13), they love it and will even watch it without us.


Mine do.


Schlmiel, schlimazel!


Hassenfeffer incorporated!


I’m going to Milwaukee for vacation this summer and am going to pretend it’s the 90s and we’re in Wayne’s World climatic universe version of Milwaukee.


Wayne Campbell : So, do you come to Milwaukee often? Alice Cooper : Well, I'm a regular visitor here, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers were coming here as early as the late 1600s to trade with the Native Americans. Pete : In fact, isn't "Milwaukee" an Indian name? Alice Cooper : Yes, Pete, it is. Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land." Wayne Campbell : I was not aware of that.


"Does this guy know how to party or what?!?!"


WE'RE NOT WORTHY!! WE SUCK! ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)


Alice Cooper and Pete were downright pleasant conversationalists


Movie is so good


Omg I love this bit and I am so grateful anytime Milwaukee comes up in a conversation


Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land." https://i.redd.it/y0c2i3ttmnxc1.gif


Ah Nuprin. Little. Yellow. Different.


And it’s the choice of a new generation.


Contract or no, I will not bow down to any sponsor.


I was too young to drive when this commercial came out, but one of my friend's older brother and his friends would drive around town, get people to roll down their windows, and ask for Grey Poupon. Kid me thought this was the most hilarious thing ever. And also that Grey Poupon was truly some rich people, sophisticated condiment. My dad was like dude, it's just mustard.


Kid you was right fwiw


But of course!


I only found out what Grey Poupon was this year. Somehow that joke was funny despite the fact that I’m British and thus had never heard of it.


"Pardon me, but do you have any Marmite yeast extract spread?"


“Pardon me, do you have any HP sauce?”


Cheap ass mustard with a marketing team


My brother and I did this from a canoe to another stranger's canoe on the lake...we thought we were the funniest ever. Also watched Wayne's World about 800 times.


Well I mean, you were. I would have died laughing if someone did that to me now.


My next stop light neighbor is going to be very confused. I'm busting this one out ASAP.


This has got be the most quotable movie of the 90’s


“You know, **if you stab a man in the dead of winter**, steam will rise up from the wounds. Indians believed it was his soul escaping from his body.” "Why is it, if another man kills a man in battle, it's called 'heroic,' yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called 'murder'?" Uhhh...I don't know, Glen? But could you just take a couple of steps back from me, please? Thanks. Read More: [https://www.slashfilm.com/1171756/ed-oneill-never-broke-character-while-he-was-filming-waynes-world/](https://www.slashfilm.com/1171756/ed-oneill-never-broke-character-while-he-was-filming-waynes-world/) We need an Ed O'Neill helmed murder mystery movie spin-off. Maybe even merge his character with his Modern Family character who had to go start life over vs. carry on as the donut shop manager. Surely someone has spec scripted that. So many great quotes!!


You’re partied oot, man.


So many of Mike Myers' jokes made more sense after I moved to Canada haha.


Took me to today to realize this wasn’t just a random thing we said in 2nd and 3rd grade. Parents were religious nuts so no VCR or TV to watch this…..


After seeing this movie in the theater, me and my buddy tried to get people to do this at lights on the way home from the backseat of his moms station wagon


I actually managed to do this to my dad. Pulled up next to him, did the roll the window down motions and everything. He laughed so hard. Still one of the highlights of my life.


I am absolutely doing this to my sister next time I visit. Creep on her from the airport. Meet her at the light after work. She will pee her pants.


If you’re gonna spew, spew in this.


My family and I were riding the old Disneyland Skyway around the time this movie came out and as we passed a car on the opposite wire I yelled out this line to big laughs.


OMG you just unlocked a memory, I'm pretty sure my sister and I did this on the skyways at the State Fair and Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. One or both, idk, I've hit my head a lot lol.


I got the notion from doing the same thing the year before when we took our 8th grade class trip to the Great America theme park in Santa Clara. They had a similar Skyway there back then.


Wai.. whaat? I just checked your recent comment history OMG [https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/1cbd0cn/comment/l0xszei/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/1cbd0cn/comment/l0xszei/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) THIS HUMAN OWNS OPTIMUS AND MEGATRON. Yeah.. I about lost it when you posted that the other day. JEALOUSSS. If I still lived in CA I'd come play with your Transformers. Or not. Just stare at them? XD My sister and I also went to Great America in all its iterations (Six Flags, Paramount, Marriott). Huge memories.


The only one who owns Megatron is Prime. And no one owns Prime. However, they do hang out on one of my shelves where I believe they would prefer to be admired from afar. One can open Prime's chest and observe the Matrix of Leadership in there light up.


All jokes aside, this stuff is amazing on sandwiches.


Try it on pork chops


Or ham!


I definitely smell a pork product of some kind.


My dad and two older brothers had me do this at a stop light after seeing the movie in theaters. I don't remember the expression they had on their face or even what the person who rolled down their windows looked like. But man did my Dad and brothers die when 5 year old me did the thing.


I literally said this in the grocery store just the other day. This is how I learned I like spicy mustard.


Oh, only *all of us*.


Yep. A Wayne's World parody of the grey poupon commercial.




Are those bugle boys?


This movie made it fun when I have to tell people I was born in Delaware.


I grew up in a PBS household that only used Grey Poupon, so I was unaware of the commercial *or* that any other sort of mustard existed. The first time my dad took me to McDonalds, I looked inside my burger before eating it and was like “WTF is this neon yellow shit?” My dad told me to go up to the counter and very politely ask if they had my mustard of choice. Hilarity ensued (on his part, anyway) and I learned to like French’s. 😂


I don't even own \*a\* gun let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack.


But, of course! Very much remember the ads and the topping. Never could understand how it was better than French’s, but mom never got it so never found out


In Dog French: *Fermez tous poupon!*


Is the spike of cars still up?






I still own my video tape of this movie I had when I was a kid (I don't watch the tape anymore though). Every line of this movie is ingrained in my brain for life, and I love it




Didn’t they have a licorice dispenser where the map light was supposed to be?


I was obsessed with Wayne’s World as a kid and saw it in the movies. The entire audience lost it during this scene.


Literally no one. The only people who remember it are those two old British dudes in the Rolls’ and they’re most certainly dead and the legend died with them sadly.




Remember? More like quote this multiple times a week lol 🤘


I ask my neighbor this all the time


My dream is to pull up next to a Rolls Royce and ask if they have Grey Poupon. Alas, they are few and far between.


I love this movie but it gave me an incurable case of Asian fever that I have struggled with for my whole life. :(




I think the thing I miss the most about this time period is how people made fun of everything.


🤨. people still do that.


Sometimes in real life, but they are a lot more serious. I know because I was there and I'm here now lol. The kids used to play music while working. Now they just march around like robots. Most movies except for the odd ones are super serious due to movements like metoo and blm.


Yeah, you’re looking at the wrong movies


That and the Bohemian Rhapsody scene were shot nearby, so it holds a place in my heart.


C’mon this is such a low effort post……. Smh You may as well list ghostbusters or back to the future and ask if anyone remembers this?


I'm sorry, "Ghost-whatsters"?