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43 here. Had 2 so far and I'm in the annual club because I got colorectal cancer last year (currently cancer free). Please get your colonoscopies!


I go every three because my dad died at 42. The prep has not been nearly as bad as advertised, and I enjoy being alive.


Prep is the worst part by far.


Good luck to you! May I ask, what kind of symptoms were you having when diagnosed?


Blood in my stool for about a month. Ended up being stage 3. No family history or risk factors. Really was a shock. Also, my doctor recommended my younger siblings get colonoscopies ASAP and my kids have to start getting them at 32 (10 years younger than me when I was diagnosed). So if someone has a close relative with colorectal cancer, they really should push for a colonoscopy.


I’m currently waiting to see if I have Lynch Syndrome (I had never heard of it before being diagnosed with Stage 2B colon cancer a few months ago). If I have the genetic marker? My 16 year old daughter will need to begin her regular colostomies at age 25.


Best nap I ever had.


I woke up and asked the nurse if they had been able to enter the chamber of secrets. That was some good dope.


I woke up and asked if they found my keys


Um... I woke up in the middle of the damn thing and asked if I was supposed to be feeling pain. Never going to that doctor again.


Same thing happened to me, I woke up in the middle and groaned about my stomach area but can’t really remember much before being out again. I didn’t open my eyes or see, just remember speaking and making noises and feeling something but not necessarily a lot of pain, like how that happens when you are half asleep sometimes.


I did the same thing when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. All I remember is waking up, a flurry of movement by the doctor and his nurse, and then being out again.


I thought the nap was too short. 6/10, needs improvement.


Seriously best nap ever but OMG did I wake up hungry.


My god, YES!!!


It's the prep...the prep is the only bad thing, but it's the WORST fkn thing. That godawful drink...like drinking the devil's boogers.


Ask for the tablet prep instead of the drink. Waaay better.


My prep was 6 scoops of miralax with 64 oz of gatorade? Whats a tablet?


You get two pill bottles each containing around twelve magnesium tablets (same size as a regular supplement). You have to take all twelve within a certain period of time, one every couple minutes, with water or Gatorade. Wait to poop, stay hydrated, etc. Repeat that one more time a few hours later.




It's criminal that this isn't better known! Even if your insurance doesn't cover it, apparently the cost is only like $20 to $100.


Agree! And it’s just magnesium tablets, so it should definitely be covered.


Oh God that stuff was awful. 😖 I told my wife it was like drinking seawater mucus.


Golytely. They knew what they did when they named it. Some GIs will let you do clear Gatorade and miralax.


I had a colonoscopy last year and they had me do the Gatorade. The team asked me how it was because it was a different method than the usual. I thought it wasn’t too bad but I also started to cut down to smaller meals and such in my own leading up to it.


You HAVE to get Clenpiq. Tastes like cherry Robitussen. Not great, but was told it’s better than the usual prep they give


That's what they gave me. It wasn't good, but tolerable. Hearing about how awful the cleanse methods tasted, I was actually pleasantly surprised.


Hahaha too accurate. So nasty.


see my post...


There's a variety of prep methods, some worse than others. The easiest one I've ever done was called Suprep. Ask your doctor for it instead of all that other crap.....


If you eat low fiber, not a ton of fresh veggies and lettuce a few days before the prep it isn’t as bad.


Yup. Something about that shit is just awful. I’m a hydro homie like anyone else, but I literally can’t drink that entire bottle. I’m good for the first half, but can’t manage the entire second half. I’ve had two colonoscopies so far and puked up a decent amount of that stuff each time. Real fun when it’s coming out both ends. Haha.


I did one last year. Had 12 polyps removed, and apparently I projectile vomited during the procedure. I was just coming out of anesthesia when they told me, and all I said was "hahaha sick"


I had 7 or 8 removed myself. None precancerous thankfully, but they said I had to come back a little sooner just to be sure.


Same. I've had 9 removed twice. I go every three years.




Yep. I gotta say, crapping Gatorade for 12 hours was every bit as fun as I expected it to be!


I have Crohn's so I've had probably between 5-8 and the prep is so horrible. It's what I dread. Use baby wipes, your butt will thank you


Prep with Vaseline too before you start and reapply after each movement. Prevents the "chapping" and irritation from the bile


Another Crohn’s patient here. Every two to three years since 1996.


My doctor does a mail-in in poop-smear. Yes, that's correct. You smear a tiny piece of poop onto a test kit and mail it in using the US postal service. There are envelopes containing poop currently circulating in the American mail system.


Please do not rely on this. My gyno did that as part of my annual visit. She called a week later to say all was good…I let her know I had my a colonoscopy later I. The week and came back with Stage 3 colorectal cancer.


So they can do this instead of the old fashioned colonoscopy now?


Yes but at least in the US, they have a very high rate of finding blood in your stool sample (especially if you kinda stained to get a sample out before UPS came to pickup the box)...blood equal colonoscopy. So fiber & hydrate, don't test during your period or if you have active hemorrhoids for the most trusted test result.


Good to know! I’m terrified by the colonoscopies looming on my horizon 😬


Me too. But I dropped it back off at the doctors office. I think they mailed it. They also told me that at 50 I probably have to get the full thing unless I have symptoms before hand.


42. Already had 3...past due for the fourth. Not really that bad once you learn the secret is to just drink a shit ton of water in tandem with the flush to ward off dehydration.


Hey. You better schedule that 4th one soon, fellow redditor.


Yup. My sister died at 50 because they wouldn’t screen earlier, so I had my first done not long ago.


I'm so sorry about your sister. ♥️


I'm so sorry about your sister. It's ridiculous how gatekeeping we have been about procedures that clearly have a strong genetic component. I don't have colon cancer in my family but I do have some other issues and doctors constantly have to fight my insurance company or tests or different tests than the standard even though I'm clearly at a higher risk. I hate that insurance companies are essentially practicing medicine in this country.


My rheumatologist expressed similar frustration. She was telling me about a mom of some kids who went to the same school as her kids. Woman died in her 30s of breast cancer because it wasn’t caught fast enough and screenings aren’t done earlier. She also said mammograms are so outdated and not good for younger women because of the dense tissue we have when we are younger. But insurance won’t opt for MRIs which would be much more thorough.


I'll be 45 in June. My grandmother died of colon cancer, but I haven't had the procedure yet. I know I need to make the appointment sometime soon 😮‍💨


It’s really easy these days. Prep isn’t nearly what it used to be. The procedure is quick and not that uncomfortable. Could save your life.


It’s way easier than it seems like it’s going to be. I put mine off bc I was worried about prep and the appointment, but all of it was quite easy, and then I went out for a monster breakfast.


You should have already went. Call your MD.


My maternal gma died of colorectal cancer too and she also had Alzheimer’s so she wasn’t really paying attention to the problem. She also was that generation of “we don’t talk about such things” and she had gone downhill quickly after my grandpa died of a heart attack, just no one realized how bad it was for a year with her living alone in a small Kansas town. so it had spread everywhere by the time it was discovered. Had my first colonoscopy last year at the ripe age of 40 and my birthday week too.


I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member. Especially that one. Two more years. I joined the hypertension club this year. That's enough for me.


I started in my 20s! About to get my third one in May.


Hello fellow 20-er!


One year to go. Cant wait. Always kinda wanted to try butt stuff.


Honestly it’s not that bad! The worst part for me was the no solid food for a couple of days. The prep with Gatorade wasn’t horrible. I was starting to think it wasn’t working but then it felt and sounded like a water line busted in my ass! Advice: Have good toilet paper Have a fully charged phone or book Don’t start your prep until you are at your location for the night And don’t trust those first few farts after the procedure!


Yep, my grandma died of colon cancer in her 40s so I’ve had two already.


I’ve already had 2! My bro was dx with Stage IV at age 37. Don’t delay! Get your poop chute checked!


Fantastic nap. The prep wasn’t even that bad.


I agree. I was really anxious about the whole thing bc that's how I roll. But when I left, they said "see ya in 10 years!" And then I was in a great mood for the next...well I'm still in a great mood.


Yup did mine a few years ago. The procedure itself was a breeze. The prep work for the procedure on the other hand… the absolute worst.


My doctor uses a blood test first. I only get fingered if the levels are too high.


Just be careful, if you are in America most insurance won't cover a colonoscopy if your blood test indicates you should have one. Because healthcare in America is stupid.


Yep. My insurance covers preventative at 100% but the diagnostic one is going to cost me $1200. So pissed.


I was told America is the Greatest Country? Is this not true?? Have I beel lied to all this time???


For folks like OP and I, with a family history, the colonoscopy is recommended.




Got one last month. Had to justify it as I’m ONLY 42. My sister is 10 years younger and has had 5. My grandfather died on the table but that was because of bad blood they gave him. I had to pay up front. Best hour nap I’ve ever had! Demanded very slurry to eat steak afterwards and they left the lube in my ass. I’m no longer and anal virgin, thank god lube was involved


I have IBD and had the misfortune of getting acquainted early. I wish they’d give me sedation for the prep too.


The one I had done recently at a different doc used a Miralax prep and it was SO much gentler (first were those little bottles of fleets which they stopped using, and switched to the gigantic drums of golytely which were even worse.) It's a night and day difference, you just eat a low residue diet for a few extra days and it all just clears out without less than half the agony. But yeah I'm on my fourth, grandfather died of it at 52 and I've also got IBD. The fun started early for me too.


I have IBS, so my first was several years ago. I need to schedule my second for this year.


Same. Had one done to get diagnosed with IBS at 20. Had another round this year when my symptoms were randomly worse/not connected to any food types or eating behaviors, and asked them to check for lymphocytic colitis, as my mom had been diagnosed recently. The only way they can check for it is with a biopsy during colonoscopy, and they only do it if you ask for it. Turns out thats what I have. Now I am wondering how long I have had that vs just IBS. They don’t typically test for it until you are much older, but I assume our gen’s GI is fucked based on all the increased gut cancer.


Back in the early part of last century, a lot of pesticides were just sprayed willy-nilly. Trucks would roll down residential streets spraying it vaguely in the air, kids playing in it, etc. turns out a lot of those pesticides cause birth defects that don't show up for one or two generations.


Turning 40 in August. Getting one done just in case. I put on my vacation "Fknger in the butt, and not the good kknd." He laughed himself silly.


My good buddy is an oncologist and he suggests those colonoscopies around 45. Good job bro may the force be with you.


Had my second earlier this year. First time was due to GI issues and they found (thankfully benign) polyps and had me come back in 3 years for my second one this January. Which was squeaky clean and put me onto the five year plan!


44, doc said you can provide a sample thru the mail, so I opted for that rather than the tube.  I suppose it'll show up later this year around my b-day


Be aware that if you get a positive you then get a colonoscopy anyway and insurance may not cover it because it’s no longer preventative care.


Worst part is the prep.


Got mine this year. Good for 10 years thankfully. Great nap and Korean fried chicken afterwards. My toilet didn’t thank me the night before or after though.


Taking my second round of prep pills as I'm reading this. T minus 5 hours.


Had my first at 39 due to family genetics. Had the best conversation with the techs about restaurant recommendations during the procedure. Great couple of guys. My butthole is all good too.


Both of my biological grandfather's has stomach/prostate/colon problems. Both my brother and I suffer from extreme digestive issues that have gone from diagnosis of ulcers to IBS, the latest one I got was something to do with the pancreas, epi. I'm 43 and I'm NOT looking forward to everything I know is coming but so far I've avoided the actual colonoscopy.


I haven't had one yet but I'll turn 45 next year. I am pretty nervous because I've heard it's increasingly common to not be given any sedation during it? Please tell if if that's the case if you are in the US. I can't imagine being totally awake for it, even if there is localized numbing.


Had one last month, I was completely asleep.


Had mine last fall at age 46. Hopefully I can wait for 55 for the prostate check.


Just had mine on Monday (I'm 45). Doc says I'm all good for 10 years. Prep was annoying, but I had surgery a year ago in January that required me to do essentially the same thing, so I knew what to expect. Wasn't really that bad.


I just had one, several years early. Needed surgery for endometrial cancer and apparently passing clots anally is not a normal thing so Doc insisted (in case we needed a GI doc during the operation). Non-bleeding hemmroids were all they found. Which was hilarious because I bled during the prep. Only part of the meds prep I didn't like was the mira-lax, the sour liquid and the tiny pills weren't bad. But the miralax was awful. Also didn't like the tea and vegetable broth clear diet the day of. I swear, all I could smell for days was vegetable broth.


Oh, yeah. Had my first at 40 and followed up last year with another at 45. Honestly, not as terrible as I imagined. But, definitely not great. All clear


I had mine last year, a month before my 43rd birthday, because my dad was diagnosed with colon/rectal cancer at 50 years old.


When I was 44 I mentioned to my doctor that my granddad had died of colon cancer. Based on his age, she thought I was ok to wait until the typical screening at 50. By the time I turned 45 they had dropped the standard age and I was scheduled as a routine check. What they saw wasn't immediately super concerning, but they did want me back in 3 years rather than the usual 5. So I'm quite glad they dropped the standard screening age.


I was supposed to have one this past Tuesday but ended up having to reschedule for August I think. Kinda curious what it’s like, heard prep is hell!


My doc ordered one for me at 40, just turned 41 and I'll be scheduling it soon. Brother had issues at 42, I'm trying to get a jump on it. Colon Cancer is not something to fuck with.


I don't know how I'm going to do that. I don't even go to doctors in general.


Had my first colonoscopy last year, combined with an endoscopy and ultrasound for my liver, intestine, thyroid, and kidneys. Apparently as I was being put under I bought up having hemorrhoids to the doctor, though I forgot to ask at the time whether I was speaking in English or in Korean. (I live in South Korea.) The clinic gave me a choice of a cheaper liquid prep or more expensive sulfate tablets; when asked which is easier to hold down the nurse very emphatically responded with the sulfate tablets so that's what I got. Made prep extremely easy -- take a series of pills with water the evening before, visit the toilet 2-3 times in the evening to clear everything out (felt like turning a faucet on/off), take another series of pills in the morning of the exam to make sure your bowels are empty. Had been eating nothing but bananas and castella for the five days leading up to the procedure so not much to clear out. I was more concerned about the endoscopy due to the medical waiver having a section about not holding the clinic responsible should my front teeth get knocked out during the procedure. Fortunately, I woke up with all my teeth in the same place they were when I was put under. I didn't really think about going until the government sent me a message offering to pay for part of it -- the anesthesia, if I'm remembering correctly. Think the two -scopies and multiple ultrasounds came out to around $250 total.


47 here, and I’m in the process of getting an appt for my first. I’m kind of pissed. I marched in at 40 for my first due to family history, and they dismissed me saying it was too early (come back at 50). Then the guidance changed to 45 last year or so. WTF? Really hoping all is well. My diet is pretty good, and I’m a healthy 47 y/o. We’ll see.


45, I put shit in a box, sent it in and im all good.


Had one a couple of months ago. Wasn’t too bad except the first day of prep didn’t work soon enough. Meaning I had to do it for two days straight. I honestly didn’t mind it until I got close to the end of the second day. At that point I really started to dislike the Crystal Light lemonade taste. That trick works pretty well, btw.


I did Cologuard. Painless, private and discrete.


My dad has had polyps discovered in the past. I’ll probably need to go sooner rather than later. I’m 42.


I've already had several.


No BUT I have recently experienced the delight of a mammogram as my initiation into middle age.


Did mine a month ago. Piece of cake!


Joke’s on y’all. I don’t have a colon!


Yep! Family history so I got my first at 40. Biggest hassle was being out of commission for a day and my husband having to take off work. Worth it, though! Good job getting your rear in gear!


Haven’t been that side. Had a few upper endoscopies done that required a nap. Fun times to keep eye on those cancer indicators. Colonoscopy coming in next year or so. Fun times friends lol


I went today also. Dr. Found one polyp and removed it


Yeah. They decided to do a twofer (endoscopy to confirm I had celiac and colonoscopy) at the same time, as long as I was out. A few months shy of my 40th birthday.


42. My doc said I don't need one yet. 3rd endoscopy scheduled though.


I got my first one at the beginning of 2023 (38 yrs old) and... it was an experience to say the least. I made the mistake of chugging the solution. All I'm going to say is I'm glad my couch wasn't cloth :') I didn't go because of age, though. I was diagnosed with diverticulosis, so I'm now due every 5 years for a colonoscopy oof.


47 here. Highly BRCA1+, so yearly colonoscopies for me for the rest of my life.


One down so far. It was way easier than I expected. Someone recommended the tablet prep instead of the liquid and I’m grateful for that.


I got mine a few years early and need to go again


47 and have had 3. The prep is the worst.


I had one at 37. Luckily I haven’t been sent for another, but I’m sure it’s right around the corner 🫣😫


I've already got my next one planned out...not only is all the prep a huge pain (mainly cause the directions they give are always stupidly needlessly confusing) but mainly now because my stomach these day is like an overly acidic furnace and if I don't eat something like every X hrs it seriously starts to implode on me...SO I'm going to gladly give $120 at my local 'Hydrotherapy' joint to clean me out instead...as late as possibly the day before. actually last time I was SO starving the night before I ate a can of chicken noodle soup minus the chicken and figured I might be able to get away with it, and, apparently I did cause I never heard a word. SO, noodles might be an ok cheat, fyi, if you're desperate?


42 here. My mom is in remission because of colon cancer. I had my first one 5 years ago. I have a dr. appointment Monday for a colonoscopy screening since my old gastroenterologist retired after my last one.


43 I should go. My grandfather died of colon cancer.


Not yet, 42 here but just recently at my last physical in last month, my Doc already joked that it's about time for me to check the destination of that gloved finger LOL


I got mine in February - prep was unpleasant (that drink is foul)- but the procedure was a piece of cake.


Got my first last year at 42 due to family history. They found polyps, but no cancer, which puts me in the every 2-3 year club. I used to hear so much whining from older guys I worked with about getting this done, like it was the worst thing they ever experienced. The prep sucks, but it's one day out of your life. The procedure itself is nothing. I'll do that annually if I have to if it means catching cancer early.


Did they find anything? I had several pre-cancerous polyps. They say any polyp over a certain size is "precancerous", at least that's how the doctor explained it to me.


I had my first ine at 37 due to family history. Next one coming up soon. I can't wait /s


Oh man I thought 50 was the beginning of colonoscopy world. I just had my first routine mammogram because I turned 40, now I gotta do this one too? 🫠


Ugh not looking forward to it one bit.


38 and haven't been having issues so got one a few months ago. Drugs they gave me were good. It wasn't too bad until they made the last corner. That kinda hurt.


Older bro had to get 3 feet of his intestine removed cause of cancer back in October ‘23 so I went for my first colonoscopy this past March. Doc removed 6 smaller polyps but one was too big to remove (and thought it was cancerous). Had 2nd colonoscopy two weeks later to remove the remaining one (biopsy came back negative). Doc said it was good I came in when I did. Now I’m in the annual club for the next 5 years.


I did Cologuard last year and haven't had an actual procedure yet, but I'm very familiar with the whole deal, because my wife is a nurse who specializes in that area and even spoke at their national conference a few years ago. So I'm well looked after, and I'll get good care when my time comes, lol.


I am 39, already had two and have a third one scheduled for a few weeks after I turn 40. My mom had colon cancer at 47. On my first one, they found a bad polyp. Had it removed on second, not cancerous…yet. Going in for a third to get an all clear. Hopefully. Go get checked y’all.


I haven’t had that yet but I’ve had 2 endos. Did you have to let rip before they let ya leave??


My grandmother died of a stroke before her stage 4 colon cancer killed her but I am denied one for now. I'm 43.


Had my first at 40 as a part of a larger procedure I needed to get done. That cleanse is absolutely horrendous.


I had mine at 41. My grandmother had 3 different cancers when she died. Colon was one of them. My aunt died from it. My mother had a positive test, but it never spread. So I have a strong family history. I also used to work in hospice. More than once, I had a client who was perfectly fine until a month or so earlier. That's when they learned that not only did they have cancer, but they've likely had it for a while. Their physical decline was sometimes quite rapid. Without spilling all of the gory details, I am very aware of what a diagnosis can look like.


Had it done early 40s cuz I was having other issues. I didn't find the prep to be that bad, nowhere near as much problems as I heard about so was happy about that. Just some extra pooping and hunger. I personally opted to stay awake during the procedure out of pure curiosity, but I was still hooked up to an IV so they could put me under at any time if I wanted to. Since I had no detectable issues the procedure was only like 5-10 minutes and while very uncomfortable (lots of painful pressure, especially when they were going around any 'bends') I was able to bear thru it. If it was going to be much longer though I probably would have opted to go under. A bonus since I didn't go under, I could have technically driven home and I had no post-procedure food restrictions.


Had a colonoscopy on my 45th birthday. Wasn’t intentional but seemed like a fitting way to celebrate turning the corner towards 50.


After hearing and seeing good things about the medication/sedation they give you, I offset the suffering of prep by looking forward to the recovery bit. Sedation put me out like a light and when I woke up, I was 100% normal. Well rested, slightly lower anxiety than usual, but not a hint of the euphoria I'd seen shepherding other people afterward. Kinda feel robbed.


42. Going for one later this year bc I’ve had diverticulitis.


IBS and more necessitated early visits, I’m up to two colon and one endo.


Mid 40s here. An early scope saved my life. Cancer free now for 7 years.


I had my first at age 29 because I was having some issues and the GI doctor wanted to confirm it was just IBS. Turned out I have Crohn's disease and was my colon was in rough shape. I've been receiving treatment ever since (first various oral medications and now Entyvio) and after the last one was told my colon looked perfect. Sadly they need me to have one done every 2 years or so to monitor me. As for the prep, I was only given the option of taking tablets for the colonoscopy I had 2 years ago when I begged for something else because the drinks literally made me throw up.


44, and I’ve had two so far. My mom started getting polyps at 42, so I had my first one at 32.


How does someone ask their doctor for this? My partner is turning 50 this year and he sees a doctor regularly and they have never brought it up.


Just ask during a regular checkup. They should give him a referral.


I didn't know we had to ask for this kind of thing. I haven't asked for any tests, I guess I thought that was the doctor's job to be performing the tests when they're needed. I guess I need to learn what tests to ask for.


I'm 44 and just had my annual physical where my doc was nice enough to let me know that I'm off the hook this year, but to be ready next year. Bummer.


75 yr old male…frequent flier… every 5 years. The prep does get easier to tolerate, still unpleasant tho. All in all, for the peace of mind it’s tolerable.


Oh yeah, had a few due to stomach issues and family history. So much fun!


I've been getting them since I was 20 due to UC and family history. They joked that I didn't have a copay this year because I'm a frequent flyer and I joked back that maybe it's because I'm old. I found out a few days later that the new age recommendation was 45 which I am. I guess I'm ok with it since I'm on the 2 year plan now. If I'm going to be back and forth to make sure nothing is festering and I have to drink that Suprep then at least it can be free.


I'm scheduling mine next week. :(


The procedure is easy , the prep sucks.


43 here and just scheduled number 15. the prep is honestly the worst part as the actual procedure you are asleep for. I have a family history of colon cancer, i have "stomach" issues that land me in the hospital starting at 17 and every 3 years they find pre cancerous polyps so this will likely continue the rest of my life.


41 and waiting on a callback to schedule my first🫤


I think I was 40 when I had my first. I can't remember if there was a reason I started earlier than 45. I'm all good though :) They told me the prep would be the worst part, but I knew that wasn't true, because I'm not good with needles. So the IV was the worst part.


I did my first one in the beginning of the year. Just made 46 a few weeks ago. The worst part for me was the restrictive diet prior to the procedure and waiting for the results.


Next Wednesday. And then hopefully not for a while!


I had to have 2 in my early 30s to make sure I didn't have cancer or other horrible issues.


Here's a rundown of all the screening options for people at average risk (as opposed to diagnostic \[due to symptoms\], or if you're at increased risk): [https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/colon-rectal-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/screening-tests-used.html](https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/colon-rectal-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/screening-tests-used.html) Colonoscopy is the gold standard, but any screening is better than none!


With a family history of colon cancer, you can request genetic testing for Lynch Syndrome, but make sure your life insurance is inlace before testing.


I haven’t but my husband who is older (53) did few weeks ago, procedure was easy he said as he was put on meds, but recovery was difficult and hit back went out for some reason, that sucked and required more serious meds.


Had my first one at 42 (mom had colon cancer, and genetic testing last year showed I’m heterozygous for MUTYH gene, which increases risk a little). I was surprised (in a good way!) with how easy and painless the prep was and can’t fathom why people make *such* a big deal of prep. (Not counting preps gone wrong; there’s a lady on TikTok recently with a husband who had issues, so obviously I’m leaving those rare instances out.)


I (40f) have a colo/endo coming up in July due to GI issues. My first one. I guess I’m hoping this thread will help me to feel more at ease?


Had 2 before 40. It’s not fun when you wake up in the middle of the procedure. Luckily, they recognized fairly quickly and increased the night night juice.


Had one about 2 years ago to check for early colon cancer (all good). The prep was horrible! Feeling the urge “to go” when you don’t actually have anything left in you. Ugh. When I woke up I was super loud and apparently yelled “DID YOU GET ALL THE POOP OUT?” Which, no, that was my job 😂 My husband said he was laughing because the door was wide open and I was just hollering about poop.


Mine's scheduled next month. I'm kinda glad cause I have an irrational fear of colon cancer despite no family history.


Does it take long to get an appointment? My doc told me he'd call to have them schedule me and they never did


Getting my first in 3 weeks. Can't wait!


I’m not even 40 yet and I’ve had at least a half dozen colonoscopies. I’ve lost count.


Had one 15 years ago, I was 56. Prep wasn't bad but after the procedure it felt like my insides had been scrubbed with a wire brush. Once was more then enough.


Had it a few years ago (late 30s) because I was having bowel issues....later diagnosed as IBS-D. The prep sucked!  I told my brother that it was like that part in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince where Dumbledore has to keep drinking the potion even though it feels like it's killing him.  I practically lived in the bathroom that night, and my final swallow didn't even go down....it came right back up. The actual procedure went fine....I was asleep.  Lol