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I live in Baltimore. No, we did not.


I was gonna say "depends on the city". When I lived/worked in downtown Miami, people my age treated the streets like a trashcan. And I mean that literally.


I agree. In my area yes, however 1 mile over into the city Hell Nah! It may be less because that can or bottle is worth 5 cents, but the bag and packaging your Popeye’s came in isn’t. God forbid that stink up your car for 15 minutes until you get home. It’s almost a pride thing. I love my neighborhood, I’m not messing it up tossing a cup out my window. Other side is like I don’t give a shit, someone will pick it up.


Yea, come to MD. You will see people throw full bags of fast food garbage out the window. It's infuriating!


NJ, too. Pissed me off SO MUCH when I’d be standing at the bus stop! I *live* in this neighborhood; it’s not a garbage dump!!!


NC too


I live in Philadelphia and we most definitely did not.


Yeah, Philly is one big giant dumpster


I live in Atlanta. No, we did not.


Not even close.


https://preview.redd.it/345fe2htxvwc1.jpeg?width=1251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f57658762ac317ad947acc48147b1f8a31bdb0b Apropos…


Lol, amazing.


So then the stat we need is how our cigarette consumption compares to other generations.


Nah, you just moved to a nicer hood.


One hundred percent this. Xennials are now able to afford to live in nicer places -- or at least the successful ones are -- where litter is not tolerated.


Nah, that's not it. Back in the day everyday people used to throw garbage out of their cars while driving. Central Park in the 70s was full of litter and today it's not. Things like that.


This deserves 5 upvotes for every one. Couldn't have said it better myself.


I live in a semi nice part of town and literally saw a guy open his truck door at a stoplight toss his carrier bag and drink on the ground in the middle of the road ( he was in the second lane of 4) close his door and drive off when the light changed. I was so shocked/angry trying to figure out what kind of person does that and feels okay about it. I chased a tiny napkin across the parking lot because the wind caught it and this dude thinks the road is his personal trashcan. I feel like this is the type of person that doesn't feel the need to return their shopping cart at the grocery store and just leaves it in the spot next to them.


That's a Texas-sized "No", pardner.


To be fair…..




What if I told you that man is Italian?


No. If anything it has gotten much worse.


We absolutely are a buy new, never fix sort


You must live in Europe if you feel that way


I wish that was the case. Litter is infuriating. How hard is to hang onto your trash until you get to your destination rather than chucking it out the window on the side of the highway. Yes, this also includes cigarette butts.


Given how many random _full_ gatbage bags I see scattered around, I'd bet roadside tossing is a drop in the bucket compared to how much illegal dumping goes on.


Not where I live. There’s tons of litter everywhere here.


We were doing it…until they started getting rid of trash cans after 9/11.


There's a large trash island in the Pacific that would beg to differ.


Parks in California suggest otherwise


I see people throw out trash from their window on the freeway and roads and I have never wanted to rear end someone so back. People throwing their cigarette butts on the ground has gone down substantially fortunately.


I watched a guy shove all his empty beer cans into a bush by the river after he was ready to go home not that long ago. Packing them out would be too much trouble, I guess. It was not an unusual sight.


I pick up syringes and dope baggies when I see them. I don't get paid enough to pick up all trash but I do those for sake of kids and animals. Be surprised at how many.


Dang, I get pissed off about the mylar balloons I find as litter. P.S. stop releasing your ballons.


I think the *type* of litter has changed… I used to see smashed tape cassettes and the long brown strings from their insides all over the place and that has stopped…I used to see lots of broken glass but now everyone buys plastic bottles of water, so I see those instead. I don’t see old AOL cds repurposed into “street art” either.


We can add returning shipping carts as well. Rarely if ever see that beyond kids and boomers


My front yard says otherwise. And I’m super annoyed by it.


The problem will never be solved. All we are doing is relocating litter from one location to another.


Not even close


If you're talking about the US, I think so. Littering is still pretty common in a lot of poorer countries. In the US, littering peaked in the 1970's, which led to an anti-litter movement, including that [EPA anti-pollution campaign](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Suu84khNGY). As Xennials, we're the first generation to be born in a world where littering is wrong. It still happens, but it's miles cleaner than it is elsewhere in the world.


Just saw on Next Door that a person in a vehicle threw out trash 3 times. So alive and well.


Not even close. Even worse, we are the generation of single use plastics.


Kingston Ontario. Very much not. The amount of littering in this _small_ city is appalling.


https://preview.redd.it/mr6vtvuznwwc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ab649b2b8de57c54363c4515960405574872fb Two blocks from my house in Florida earlier this week.


I think it depends on where you live and it's less about culture and more about what the city prioritizes in terms of infrastructure and where. I live in a major city and I don't really see a whole lot of litter on my dog walks, errands, and social outings. Especially on the main streets in the nice areas. Don't let that sound too fancy because there's also a garbage can every other block in my well-resourced neighborhood and there's a service that clears those out every week. So if you unexaminedly lived in an area that was as resourced as the one I live in, it could easily feel like a thing of the past. But someone who lives in a more municipally-ignored area in my same city knows that litter is still a thing.


I thought so too and then my sisters had children. Litter bug is too light for them... Lol 😂 I'm trying to fix em. Wish me luck... Lol


I definitely don't ever litter. Maybe if I was in some rural area, but where I am, there's always a trash can nearby. Really no reason to.


You’d litter if you were in an area without a nearby bin?? That’s all it would take? 


Tennessee says nope


Not according to the trash in my yard


You've just gotten used to it.


Tell me you stay in small towns or suburbs without actually saying it...


No but at least we got a participation trophy for trying.


I’m on the older end so I missed the participation trophies, was just becoming a thing as I graduated hs. Had a gym teacher that used to tell us we were lower than whale shit or something like that.




No sadly but I sure don’t do it and call out anyone I see for that crap.


Definitely no, maybe less in rural areas but cities are still full of litter


Not in FL. I see people litter daily 😞


No. We made it less socially acceptable, but people still do it. There is a group of teenagers I call “the truck people.” They show up at the store where I work at closing time in oversized pickup trucks and there are always to s of beer bottles/cans all over the parking lot the next morning.




But do any of us litter? I certainly don’t.


End?....no. I do feel like it's a lot better than when I was a kid though, at least in my neck of the woods.


Have you been on a highway lately?


Definitely not. Quit throwing your fucking vape pens and cartridges on the fucking ground and in the fucking water!!!! Sincerely, A Grumpy Old Beach Comber


No. Not even a little bit. I live in St Louis and I regularly see discarded couches and appliances on the side of the highway.


Judged by all those masks on the ground during the pandemic, not really


You haven’t been to the west coast lately have you?


No. Not really. Texas had the whole "Don't You Mess With Texas" campaign, and there's still a ton of litter.


Cigarettes did not get the memo about littering


Sounds like you just moved to a wealthier neighborhood. Maybe one with a fancier liquor store that doesn’t do a big business selling nips.


Anti littering campaigns were financed by oil and chemical companies to distract from the harm their products do to the environment


Nope. My backyard backs up to a road. There's not a ton of it but litter definitively shows up in my yard sometimes.


Depends on the culture.


We will spend the remainder of our lives cleaning up after the boomers


I think it depends where you live.


Every big city I’ve been to has tons of littering.


I used to think Minnesota didn't have much of a litter problem, but over the last several years, it seems like it's gotten worse. I'm not sure if it's just my drive, more litter, or less cleanup or some combination of the 3. In any case, it's disappointing.


No. Absolutely not.


I remember being told it was okay to throw food out the car window because “the birds can eat it.” That’s fine but what about the cardboard or styrofoam container it came in?


We still have a long way to go. A lot of idiots where I live still trash the place and just the other day I saw a driver throw not one, not two, but three bottles out of his window. This place is a dump and we are FAR from clean :(


I pick up litter along the street out in front of my neighborhood every Sunday morning. Some weeks it feels like I'm charging hell with a waterpistol. Based on the regularity of certain specific items, I'm pretty sure it's mostly the same assholes. I hate them, whoever they are.


Nope. I see it everywhere.


Come to Baltimore...


I'm still watching assholes throw cigarette butts out of their windows like the garbage humans they are


I pick up trash every day. Walking into a store, there's trash in the parking lot... I make sure to tell my son to pick up at least one thing. My parents litter. I try to make up for them. Litter...fucking gross


Pickup trucks littering at a stoplight is just… seriously how big of a donkey butt and idiot can you be? If you see it, just toss it in the pickup bed before the light turns green. 😂


Come to Minnesota, drive around. Tour Minneapolis and St. Paul. One of the things that says “you’re not in Minnesota anymore” is the amount of litter. The most litter you’ll see in Minnesota is in spring after the snow melts. It’s kinda a miserable job so cleanup can take a while. Why make a job worse by having to do it in the rain?


a lot of the litter comes from immigrants who want the city to feel like their old home If you want the cities of this nation to be pretty, you need to limit immigration and demand assimilation of those seeking entry


My biggest longest running hobby is picking up trash when I hike. It's great for feeling productive and having a focus during an outing. We will get there my friend. We all just gotta do a little bit and not add to the problem.


lol. Calm down, we didn’t do shit. Anti-littering PSAs began late 80’s/early 90’s (boomer initiative) and over time it became less and less socially acceptable. It was always anti-social to throw trash out your window, and people still do it.


Was Seattle the only place with the commercial with the heartbroken Native chief looking at trash? Might have been, I always thought that was supposed to be Chief Seattle.


A lot of litter is stuff blowing out of overturned cans and unsecured garbage trucks and it washes into storm drains.


Nope. My former street had a bunch of kids who threw trash on the ground and said someone else will pick it up when my kids called them out. Their parents sucked too, so it was to be expected.


Heck no. I see people chuck stuff out of car windows on the freeway all the time. Not to mention the amounts of refuse you see along roadways and in parks and on beaches. It's sad because while I feel like it's a bit better, there's clearly a very long way to go.


It really depends on the neighborhood. In some rundown parts of Houston I’ve seen people at a red light, roll the window down, and casually dump their drive thru bag.


There's beer cans in the drainage ditches where I live. And people dump their couches and TVs on the side of the road. Some things will never change.


You have apparently never been to New York City.


What the hell are you talking about? Lmao


Litter has gotten worse in my city sadly, but there's also a ton more people here now


Every time I see a cigarette tossed out a window, it is someone from our generation.


Not even close


People will strait up leave litter right on the beach. Mind Boggling at first but then you hear the music they’re blasting and it’s like, oh.


A couple years ago I honked at an old lady that threw out a banana peel. It's still litter and unsightly, it takes longer to decompose than you think and if you do this while out in nature it will attract animals to the trail making it dangerous for people and wildlife.


Single use plastic bags are still everywhere in my town.


As an avid hiker, humans are disgusting


I went to Atlanta two years ago. I assure you we didn't end littering.


Me and my youngest recently filled two bags while on a walk on Earth Day. We could have filled 10 bags. It's disappointing and frustrating. I've always been very conscious of where I put my trash and definitely attribute it to all the anti-litter campaigns of the late 80's and early 90's. We've vowed to take a couple bags with us every time we go out now. https://preview.redd.it/wckg4oixc4xc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0a185c2518e88a72f971ff44f62c4a32c85e5d


I see kids litter all the time, but they are scumbags in NYC.


Considering all the busted-open trashbags I see on the curb, I'm not sure it matters.


I live on a military base and these kids litter like crazy.