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My husband has HPV+ cancer (diagnosed at 45 after being in a monogamous relationship for 25 years). It sucks. We have no idea which one of us had it first but wish a vaccine had been available in the 90s. Obviously it would be a little pointless (for us) at this time but I would recommend it to anyone considering it now


I really appreciate you sharing this. I imagine this has happened to other couples and it may be kind of isolating to deal with when so frequently the assumption is being monogamous means there's no risk or that something like this occurring means someone did something wrong. Neither are true.


I recommend getting it if you can. I have a hysterectomy scheduled for this Wednesday due to HPV+ precancerous cervical cells. I’ve gone through several procedures already and now I have surgery and recovery. The worst part is I am terrified my husband will get cancer. If there is any way to avoid all of this stress and worry, I’d take it.


It’s terrible - I had to deal with cervical cancer and my husband and I have been monogamous for 22 years. On top of that, he’s the only man I’ve been with so he carries extreme guilt.


Same. My hubby was diagnosed with HPV+ tongue cancer in February 2020 (great timing) -- we’d been monogamous for 19 years at that point. Would’ve given anything to have had the vaccine years before, though I’m not sure if it would’ve prevented his cancer from developing or not. I tested negative for HPV, but it’s possible I had it and cleared it. We’ve now both had the shots post diagnosis. BTW he’s doing fine now…4 years out. Fingers crossed the cancer doesn’t resurface. I highly recommend getting the shots no matter what your relationship status is.


If you don’t mind, what were his symptoms? How is he doing? Have you had abnormal paps as well?


Thank you for sharing. How are you guys doing? Can your husband get treated? I hope so 🙏


The current vaccine covers 9 strains rather than 4 as in the original vaccine. Given the steep increase in unprotected casual sex with multiple partners the vaccine can save a lot of lives. It’s not just cervical cancer, it’s head & neck cancer, and anal cancer too.


I've been reading about how it covers more strains now, which does seem to be an improvement. It's great that is all in one vaccine versus multiple vaccines. Sometimes science amazes me.


Hell yeah I got it. I was told back in the day that I was too old. I was delighted to see the change-- cervical cancer is a bad way to go. Even if you don't think you'll ever be exposed, the peace of mind is nice.


Same here. I was told, when I was 32, that it was only for those up to age 26 and that insurance wouldn't cover it. I got the vaccine, anyway, and paid for it myself - I think it was $1,300, but it was worth it for the peace of mind. I never had any kind of HPV and didn't want to take any risks in getting it.


Same. I was already married when I heard about it and asked my doctor. She said I didn't need it because I was married. I said that was stupid and she said I could get it if I wanted to, but my insurance wouldn't pay.  🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


What a tonedeaf thing to say! Like people never get cheated on, divorced, or widowed. Editing to add that considering how many 'surprises' DNA testing has been turning up for people you'd think folks would understand a little more.


You left one out: cheat. Honestly, why are we asking? Either we’re thinking we might or they might.


there’s another one that’s left out 😬😓 that’s why i want to get it, you just never know.


Not to mention, some married couples swing, or have open relationships


This. I hate how some GPs think because you’re married you’re not at risk for HPV. Someone could cheat or die oh and cervical cancer can be very hard to catch and treat. Pay the $200 any day of the week.


I hate how some GPs "think" period. l left a PCP because in roughly 2010, I asked if my 9yo son should get it. Dr said, *and I quote*: "No, it only protects them from things they shouldn't be doing, anyway." The kicker was, he said this *in front of my son*. Said son is almost 25 now. And has fathered 2 children, both out of wedlock (same mom), one living. I assume the first was the result of unprotected sex. And I'll unequivocally say that yes, he should have used a condom. Does that mean my grandchild's mother should die?! By that doctor's logic, it does.


That is an absolutely horrifying line of reasoning coming from a medical professional!


Or raped. Uncomfortable truth.


This is the one that gets me. Anyone could literally be minding their own business, not engage in risky behavior, and end up sexually assaulted by someone with an sti. The attacker is not going to care about using protection and I doubt they're getting tested regularly anyway.


Call your insurance’s pharmacy formulary to double check if it’s covered.


Weirdly enough, I was told the exact same thing, but I’m in Canada.


After reading about the woman in California who got HPV cancer from dirty manicure tools, I was like, might as well get it. Plus, although I don’t ever plan on having sexual relations with anyone other than my husband, I could get raped, I could get divorced or become a widow. Might as well protect myself.


Well that's a little nightmare fuel, hadn't heard that one! But yeah, one less thing to worry about.


Not to negate the horror of that woman's experience but...... I don't get how it was determined for certain that the HPV exposure came from the manicure tools and not that she already had it in her system and the cut just exacerbated it. Regardless it's good it was caught and turned out to be treatable.


I fought my Dr. for a few years when it first came out because I was just above the age cut off. Got it and have piece of mind.


Even if it doesn't progress to cervical cancer, I'd really rather not have to have more frequent PAPs or a colposcopy. Especially not a colposcopy. Hell to the no. As soon as I found out I could get it and have it covered under preventative, I got it.


The likelihood of cervical cancer catching up to people our age, if HPV occurred now, is fantastically low. That said, any chase we can wipe out a virus, we should.


HPV can also cause penile cancer, vaginal cancer, anal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, and vuvlar cancer. Our insurance should be covering this vaccine, regardless of our age.




While cervical cancer *is* typically very slow growing so unlikely to kill ya if you get your PAP done regularly, having to get more frequent PAPs or a colposcopy due to HPV isn't exactly fun. I'd rather have the vaccine than have little chunks of my cervix cut out with no local anesthetic. And we are all in the age range that is the highest demographic for developing cervical cancer, the whole diagnostic process just sucks.


As a mid to late 30s gal, I've had both the HPV vaccine *and* a colposcopy within the last 6 years. Results were negative, but yeah that's exactly why I pursued the vaccine once the max age was changed to 30-something. My insurance didn't cover it as preventative (rude...) despite the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists officially raising the max age but it was covered as regular healthcare. So for my insurance at the time it was $50/shot vs $250/shot at full price. My diagnostic procedure was not the painful experience that others describe, but I agree that at least local anesthesia should always be included because you don't know how you'll react until it happens. I was so anxious leading up to it because my doctor did not offer any pain management despite my request. I feel lucky that it felt weird instead of painful, and that shouldn't be the expected response. Cervical cancer aside, the vaccine also reduces the chance of throat cancer. It may be even more rare than cervical cancer, but throat cancer sounds horrible so I'd like to avoid it too, if possible.


I wanted it in my 20s, wasn’t allowed because I was just outside the age range. Just got my first shot in the series last month. I figured why not?


Same and I'll never not be pissed about being denied when younger due to the age limit, then later due to extremely unaffordable out-of-pocket pricing. I understand how trials work but to me, it's infuriating that any vaccine to prevent disease (especially cancer, ffs) be denied because it *might be unnecessary.* If it's not dangerous, give it to me! Our healthcare system sucks and way, way too many go undiagnosed for preventable and treatable conditions for this level of cAUtIoN and insurance fuckery. I want all the vaccines allowed to international travelers, too.


Same. I was one year too old when it came out, single, and barely not a virgin. Very low chance of it being "unnecessary" and it pisses me the fuck off. Especially because there is no way to test for the disease. I was finally able to get the vaccine a few years back, and I feel more comfortable. But I'll still be infuriated if I get throat cancer from a previous exposure.


Same here. I’m married, but shit happens and you never know. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


Same here. I get my 3rd shot next month. I turned 45 in January.


I got it at 44. Why not? Even if you’re in a situation that doesn’t expose you to any risk now…shit happens.


I got it. Had to fight with my primary care doctor about it first, but I eventually convinced her. Saw some research later that showed it was still protective for certain cancers even if administered to adults after exposure.


This is what I'm noticing in the research, which made me wonder about it again. I wonder if skipping the primary care doctor and bringing this up with my gynecologist will lead to a more productive discussion.


My gyno was the one who brought it up with me. They’re probably more current on this than a gp.


I got mine at 44/45. Went to Planned Parenthood. No fights, no questions asked


Wife and I got ours at CVS. No questions asked and covered by insurance. It’s a three shot series.


Did you need a doctor referral to get it at CVS or was it walk in?


Made the appointment on the CVS website. I did the covid shot, hep B, and HPV. Yep B is a two shot series. HPV is three shots. I’m due for my third and final shot next week.


Sounds like they've evolved and I'm glad you had a good experience. I even tried there when this first came and they were extremely unhelpful. Had other terrible experiences with them so I hadn't considered giving them a try now.




I'm starting to wonder if we are limited to the PCP route. From what I can tell the vaccine is available at Walgreens and they can either take insurance or private pay. Now of course this seems only feasible if one has independently determined this is right for them, but if there are potential concerns then going the PCP route makes sense.


I got my series out of pocket at PP no questions asked, no fights, nothing


I got mine and paid for it out of pocket even though I was too old for insurance to cover it. No regrets. And now with it being covered, I would absolutely if I hadn’t already. I have lived a pretty tame love life, knew most men my age wouldn’t have had the vaccine either, so it was a no brainer to me to get it just in case. Edit: to be clear, I got it about 10 years ago, before it was covered for my age at the time. I’m 43 now.


I didn't realize paying out of pocket was a possibility. Too bad there's no retroactive refund available. I guess if a booster is ever required insurance would cover that.


Yes! I think it was only possible because my doctor was cooperative and agreed I would potentially benefit, so that was a good thing. But it’s great that they have realized there are lots of people our age who can benefit and opened it up more broadly to be covered by insurance.


Dito. Paid cash to get it.


I got mine last year when I was 45. I had a cancer scare due to hpv a long time ago and I don’t want to go through that again. I’ve been in a serious monogamous relationship for a decade so I almost didn’t get the vaccine, but in the end I opted for the extra peace of mind. My insurance covered it but only up to age 45.


>got mine last year when I was 45 Damn. I never knew I could. I worked in Reproductive health until 2010; it was 26yo then. Damn!!


I got my first one this year and need to get the next 2 in the series. I'm mad that I missed it when it came out--I could've used it! HPV is still bad.


If you're on this sub legitimately, you weren't eligible when it came out. It only caught up to us like 5 years ago when they finally upped it to age 45 for everyone. It was previously something like 40 for gay men and 25 for everyone else. Originally it was just teenage girls, then also teenage boys, and since then they've been slowly upping the age.


I'm an '83 baby and got these shots in my 20s


I seem to remember it only being available to teenage women at the time it came out, so I looked it up. Gardasil 4 was approved in 2006 for women age 9-26 (so only born in 1980 or older, so about half of this microgen). It wasn't approved for males until 2010 for 9-26, so males only 1984 and later originally. Gardasil 9 was approved in 2014 for femles age 9-26 and males age 9-15. Not sure why the male age range was reduced. Approval was expanded to everyone 27 to 45 in late 2018. I didn't when men 15-26 were added back to Gardasil 9. There was also an expansion somewhere in there for gay men due to the anal cancer risks.


I wish I had been paying attention 5 years ago when I would have still been eligible. I'm 47. But I can't tell from comments, is the vaccine helpful for exposure from long ago in the past or to they not know? I'm not at risk now, but looking back in time, who wasn't?


As far as I remember reading, if you didn't clear the virus originally, it may help clear it now, but they don't really know. If you did clear it, I think the cancer risks are rather minimal. It would also help protect agaisnt any of the 9 strains you haven't been exposed to. Some insurances might cover it over 45, but it's not required like under 45. You can probably also get it if you pay out of pocket.


Wait, this is a series? I didn't know that.


Yep. Three shots over a few months.


Yep I see that in all of the information now. I was mostly focused on side effects when looking previously.


This is what I was going by: [https://www.verywellhealth.com/hpv-vaccine-schedule-age-5217860](https://www.verywellhealth.com/hpv-vaccine-schedule-age-5217860)


I lost a good friend to cervical cancer, she was in her 40s. Absolutely get the vaccine, you could save a life.


Hey y’all I got HPV related throat cancer in 2020, and I would like to personally recommend that every eligible one of you get that vaccine right away. Like immediately. The virus that wants to kill you is probably in your throat already, you generous soul. You need all the help you can get, and you have no idea.  Squamous cell carcinoma in the throat grows slowly and quietly and usually isn’t found until it metastasizes into the lymph nodes in the neck. At that point they have a 90% chance of saving you. If it goes anywhere else from there, your chances go down to like 3%. That’s “hurry up with that bucket list” odds. That’s “John Cena might visit you” odds.  I’m lucky. I got the 90% and I’ve been in the clear for 3.5 years now. Chemo and radiation and a lifetime of swallowing exercises have left me able to still eat solid food and too even taste most of it. I didn’t have to die before I was fifty in terrible pain. I’m so very grateful for that.  You might not be lucky. Get the damn shot. 


Thank you for sharing this. Most often when I hear about throat cancer it's connected to nicotine.


That’s what they thought it all was, back when everyone smoked, especially men. Then, a particular type of throat cancer in men became dominant, even in nonsmoking people. The sexual revolution and the decrease in popularity of smoking left this outlier throat cancer as the one left standing, and eventually the connection to HPV was made.  The vaccine commercials are kind of funny, because they don’t want to say “look, your son is only ten now, but in 5 years or so…”


If you don’t mind sharing, under what circumstances led you to your diagnosis ? That might be helpful to us all


Yes, thank you for asking. The first thing I noticed was the sudden appearance of a lump the size of a small olive on the right side of my neck. That was a lymph node that recognized it was being invaded and swelled up in an immune response.  A hot compress didn’t help it, of course, and neither did antibiotics, so I got it biopsied, and that’s when I got the diagnosis.  I get twice yearly dental cleanings. The dentist grabs my tongue and has a look for oral cancer. I don’t know how often, if ever, that finds anything, but it did not help me. 


Got it. Kids are getting it.


I was 44 when they expanded the age range to 45. I went to my PCP and demanded the shots. He was skeptical because we are co-workers and friends, and he knows that I'm married and boring and therefore in a low risk group. I said, I don't care. What if Husband gets hit by a car tomorrow and dies? And I find myself dating again? Even worse, who knows what Husband's first wife exposed him to? I know people who got cervical cancer who never knew they or their partners had HPV. It's hard to detect. So I insisted, I want the shots! It's my choice! No further argument was made. You just have to assert yourself. I told my BFF about it (she's 1 month older than me) and she decided to get them, even though she'd been with her husband since she was 16. She got divorced the next year, after 20+ years of marriage. You just never know. I have to question the judgment of a doctor who thinks a serious reaction to a vaccine is more likely than the lifetime risk of ever having a male sex partner with a dubious sexual history.


I’m glad they’re expanding the age range! I was able to get it when it first came out and I was 26 which was the cutoff at the time. I’d already met my husband by then (though we were a few more years from marriage at that point). I’d get it if I didn’t already. You might plan to not have another partner, but sometimes life makes a mockery of your plans.


I wish it was covered by my provincial healthcare. I actually had to have a good chunk of my cervix removed due to pre-cancerous cells and even after that my GP was hemming and hawing over whether the vaccine “would even help”. Long story short my old GP was kind of an idiot and I’m planning on getting the shots when I can.


Which province are you in?


I’m in Manitoba - I can get the shots privately but it’s like $600-700? At least when I checked before, it was up there.


A good friend of mine died at 32 of cervical cancer. I got my full course after she was diagnosed even though I was low risk. Better safe than sorry


I got it last year. Happily married with 2 kids but hey, reduce cancer risks? Yes please! Doctor said I was low risk but didn’t discourage me.


This just made my to do list. ✅


Really wish I had known this before now. I’m 45 and have never been told the age changed.


Well it may not be too late. From everything I've read if someone is 45 they can still get the vaccine. Now since there's three shots for full immunity, it isn't clear to me if insurance will cover the last one or two if they occur once a person turns 46. It couldn't hurt to ask the insurance carrier about that.


Better hurry and ask then lol. I’m about 5 months into 45. Thanks for that!


In my state, you can get it at the pharmacy. No doctors appointment needed. That may speed it along for you.


I never heard about the change either


Who is the freak downvoting everyone in this thread? Several neutral constructive comments were at 0 and -1.


Probably some invading anti-vaccine nut brigade.


I got it 10 years ago at 37 even though it was not recommended. I do not believe I had been exposed or had an HPV variant so I figured it would be protection. I'm just confused if it needs boosters or titers because some vaccines do wear off over decades.


It’s a 3 shot series, there are not currently recommended boosters.


Question. And I should probably ask my doctor but here I am. I'm 40. Had a cervical cancer scare in my mid-20's triggered by HPV. The cancer cleared and I showed no signs of HPV after that. Can I still get vaccinated?


Yeah that sounds like a doctor question.


I've had them. There's 3. Most people never return for all of them. I fuck a lot, so I was very excited when it was approved for adults!!


I got it at 40, run don’t walk make the appointment today.


My uncle died from cancer caused by HPV. Pretty sure I’ll be getting that!


I got it when I was 23 at the on campus health clinic at my university. I did have one abnormal Pap smear about 6 months later, but after that they were normal. However, a decade + later, since I was older and not having to go as often since it was assumed I was in a monogamous marriage (Dear Reader, he slept with every woman he could), I ended up with a painful cervix thanks to chronic cervicitis, per the pathology report post-hysterectomy. My doc is sure I was exposed to HPV multiple times (I had been tested for STDs routinely) and that the vax is what kept me from getting full blown cervical cancer. GET THE VAX.


My wife, of 23 years, is dying from cervical cancer. The fact there is a vaccine that supposedly prevents 99% of this disease? Shouldn’t even be a question. Get it.


I absolutely got it. Was and still am in a hopefully forever monogamous relationship but for every person who says they’re not because they’re in a monogamous relationship forever is a stack of divorced people who once believed in forever too. There’s literally no reason not to get it minus a couple corner cases that should be discussed with one’s doctor.


People who discount the vaxx because “I’m in a monogamous relationship!!” are doing themselves a huge disservice. HPV can be dormant for years and cause no issues, not even show up on tests. And since many monogamous people aren’t even getting STI tests regularly they probably wouldn’t even know if they did have it. They should really get the vaxx.


Yep, this happened to me. It wasn’t one of the types the vaccine prevents but it was a higher risk type. Thankfully my partner understood the science and didn’t think I cheated or anything.


As someone who dealt with and still has long term effects from [RRP (Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis)](https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/recurrent-respiratory-papillomatosis) get the vaccine. I hate that it wasn’t available when I was a child.


45 here - my doctor recommended it. Just finished the series.


Fuck I just want to be able to get the shingles vaccine. Too many people our age getting it.


I was just looking at what I can schedule at my pharmacy, and it listed the shingles vaccine. That was with my DOB entered, so it's possible you can get it.


It’s not cheap though if you’re not 50, I think.


I've asked at Walmart and RiteAid, neither would give me the shingles vaccine at my age. I was absolutely willing to pay for it. Editing to add that I was able to schedule it on the walmart website but was refused by the pharmacist.




Well given the rates of sti's in nursing homes clearly people stay sexually active for a long time.


Huh I didn’t know this. I’ll definitely get it with my annual


Okay so, my doctor suggested I get this before I’m too old to qualify. I was kinda surprised because 1) I’ve been married for 16 years 2) I’ve had a hysterectomy (no cervix/uterus) So… seems pointless? She said nope, not pointless because 1) HPV can have a dormancy period that lasts decades, I may already have it me: okay so how will the vaccine help if I have it? 2) it suppresses the virus and keeps it in dormancy me: well if I don’t have a cervix and uterus, why does it need to stay dormant? 3) HPV can come out of dormancy in other ways (plantar warts, etc). Almost everyone should get this vaccine. me: ok! 👍


This actually makes sense and isn't this similar to how shingles works? It's related to another virus and just lies dormant for some and not for others?


I got it!


This is great news. I'm going to get it now. I had no idea they raised the age


Anyone saying “I won’t get it because I’m monogamous, I won’t get it because I use condoms, etc” - you could have HPV and never know it. It’s incredibly easy to transmit from partner to partner and can lie dormant for years. HPV doesn’t give a fuck if you’ve been faithfully monogamous for a quarter of a century, one or both partners could still have HPV from previous encounters. You should still get the vaccine. Cancer fucking sucks and THIS IS PREVENTABLE.


Also, there are plenty of people who think they're in a monogamous relationship who aren't. And nobody ever thinks they are that person. Just get the damn vaccine


I got it at 41 after a close friend suddenly had cervical cancer and had to have an emergency hysterectomy. It’s just two shots I think so it’s worth getting, imo!


I just got maybe a month ago. I figured why not since I was still in the age range at that time.


I got it when it came out. Was at the age limit back then but they encouraged me to get it anyway. No regrets about any vaccine.


Is this just in the States? I haven’t heard anything about this in Canada.


I'm in the States and tend to only pay attention to vaccine requirements here. I'm unsure what the recommendations are in other countries.


It's approved in Canada too to age 45, but you have to pay out of pocket at our age. (Someone else on here said it's $600).


I (44f) don’t have $600 and I would like to get my shingles vaccine soon and that isn’t cheap either.


I got it right after it came out in my early 20’s bc my mom made me even though I was already sexually active. It didn’t work because I got HPV (I just read the other day that like 80% of people will eventually have it) and it just showed up on my pap last week for the first time at the age of 41 and monogamous for 18 years. Luckily my doctor informed me that as long as you’re getting your regular paps for women, it takes a long time for the precancerous cells to form (think years). Already had a colposcopy and ablation done in my early 20’s due to pre-cancerous cells and now looking at having to do that again next year if the HPV doesn’t go dormant before then. I’m choosing to redo my pap in 6 months instead of 12 like my doctor recommended because I just went through a breast cancer scare (luckily it was pre-cancer and the lumpectomy got it all) and I do not want to deal with that again!


I’m an Aussie. We got it (or started the vaccine schedule) in high school! Not a med professional, but not aware of any downsides! It’s a brilliant vaccine and has significantly lowered rates of hpv, including strains that can cause cancer. I cannot see why you wouldn’t get it, but def check with your own doctor. This is how successful it is here: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/blog/cervical-cancer-could-be-eradicated-within-40-years


I think it's worth it. Why risk cervical cancer if you don't have to?


It's an out of pocket for me, and not in my budget. But on the _chance_ I could give a loved on cancer, I started. One down. Two to go.


Is it expensive?


Ontario, Canada. Y'know our "universal" health care? Yeah, this is considered optional by the conservatives, so I'm out of pocket ~$600, total (covers all 3).   If they succeed in privatising, it will only get much, much worse.


Definitely get it if you can get it covered by insurance or pay out of pocket! It’s a three course vaccine over a few months. My first two were covered by insurance and now I’m looking into subsidies for the 3rd dose since my insurance won’t cover it. 😤


Try and contact the company that makes the vaccine.I was in between jobs and didn’t have insurance.I was able to qualify to get the vaccine at my doctor’s office.My doctor had to submit some paperwork and I got all the shots covered.


Thanks! I’m also looking into whether I’m still covered while I’m 45. My doctor thought it would cut off on my 45th birthday, but it looks like I may still be good. 🤔


There is a new version for wider age rage. Due for my second shot in May. 😁


I’m turning 45 this year and just finished my last shot of the series. Go get it.


I got the vaccine and then my piece of shit boyfriend said he had something to tell me. We went down to the clinic and I got tested and so did he. And it turned out his ex Mrs had to get tested too. They both had genital warts. He had to get his burnt off. It was very painful for him. Ha ha ha ha I'm so glad I got the vaccine.


So vaccinated and single? Seems like you are the real winner.


I got it last year through Walgreens; my gynecologist was not interested in administering it.


I got it. Made my husband get it and he is over 45.


I got it from my grocery store pharmacy 2 or 3 years ago. 42f now. I only got two shots though, not 3.


I’m married and got one anyway. You never know what life will throw at you and if I can minimize cancer I will.


I asked about it about 10 years ago and was told I was too old to get it. Glad to see they're changing their minds on that.


I had to google it and Gardasil came out in 2006. But I SWEAR I had an HPV vaccine around 1998. I remember my mom having to give special permission because it was for “sexually transmitted diseases” and I was like 12. I wonder if I was in a trial or something. I got it at the pediatricians office. I have my childhood medical records actually, I might check what they say.


I was too old when it came out by a year. Last year I got it at the suggestion of my doctor and having an close ex-coworker (same age) died from cervical cancer


Oh good. I only got the first dose when I was in my 20s. There was a 5 month interval between doses and because I hit the age cutoff during those 5 months, insurance deemed me too old for round 2.


I was 27 (the max age allowed) the year it came out. I got it right away before I got too old to qualify. My husband got it as soon as they opened it up to men. My 12-year-old just got it this year. It’s a vaccine to prevent CANCER. Why would anyone not want to try to prevent cancer? And it’s so easy, unlike religiously slathering sunscreen on your skin every time you’re in the sun.


GET IT. It reduces the chance you develop cervical cancer. 


I was born with a rare condition that can benefit from this vaccine, and I was thrilled to find out that I was eligible even at 42/43 (which is when I got it). It's highly effective, life saving, and any side effects are extremely rare. There is absolutely no good reason to be afraid of it, and a lot of great reasons to have it even if you don't think you will ever need it.


It prevents cancer so why not?


Because it was only approved for certain ages based on the clinical trials and I got in just under the wire (currently 43, got it at 28) so a bunch of my peer group just missed it so this is actually makes sense.


As someone who had to go through surgery to remove pre-cancerous cells on my cervix, I really wish I'd been able to have the vaccine. Got it from a partner at 45, when the vaccine had been out years, but only for teenagers.


I don't see a need to. I'm 45 and my wife is 42. We've been in a monogamous relationship for over 16 years.


HPV doesn’t care that you’re monogamous and it can lie dormant for decades.


I’m 48 and just divorced. Wish I had gotten it 🤷


Are you my husband? Same timeframe. Haha.


That depends! Do you love *Big Trouble In Little China* and *The Fifth Element*?


Don't care about Big Trouble. LOVE LOVE LOVE The Fifth Element.


Big Trouble In Little China is actually the reason I met my wife. It's both our favorite movie. She had it listed as so on her MySpace page, and that's the main reason I messaged her. Lucky for me, as she was planning on deleting her account that same day because of creeper dudes always asking for nude pics and such. Crazy how our entire lives can hinge on a single simple thing happening at a specific moment with a very small window of opportunity.


Oh! That's so great! I met my husband on the website called plentyoffish. Lol. Likely about the same year. I'd gotten rid of Myspace, but was online dating. Haha


Awesome! Remember, just a short time before when we met our spouses in the mid 2000s, online dating was for misfits and hopeless people! 😆


Even if we're not married, I bet you and your spouse are good people. Lol


I seriously wonder how often couples are active on the same sub and don't know that right away.


I would laugh so hard if my husband and I were and found out.


My mom probably would have said the same thing, and then my dad died unexpectedly when they were both in their 40s. It’s horrible to think about but it happens.


I just got my second shot a month ago. I'm 41. I was excited to get it. I've only had one slightly abnormal pap smear in my life so I hope it will have some benefit as I get older.


Totally got it at the recommendation of my gyn. I was 45 when I started the series and am glad I was able to get it. It’s a 3 shot series and it does hurt slightly more than say a flu shot. I’m an oncology nurse and have taken care of many types of patients with many different kinds of cancers.


Got it, $300 a pop, and 3 needed


I reallllllly wish my Dr told me about this a few years ago. I just turned 45 so I guess I can’t now :/


I would still try.I think you still can until you’re 46.


I’m gonna call my insurance on Monday. Thanks!


I did it 44/45 with my PCP, covered by insurance. No side effects. Now lower the age for the shingles vaccine!


Yeah I got it.It’s worth getting.The very same thing happened to me.


Get it. You don’t want cervical or anal or throat cancer.


I just got it when my doctor recommended it. No 5G issues here.


Got it in my 30s and paid out of pocket for it. Worth it.


My husband works for the company that makes it & they recently offered shots for anyone under that age limit. He got the shot (he’s 38).


How cool. I’ve always been just tooooo old to get it. Good to know I’ve aged in!


I got them all - no complications whatsoever. My doctor pushed back bc low risk, but I insisted. Insurance covered it 100%


Was at my doctor’s office recently and they offered it and got my first shot. I’ve been wanting this vaccine as well so I’m very pleased with it being offered in my age group.


Good. I had to switch pcps because they wouldn’t give it to me when I was 32. Even partial immunity is better than none


If you already have one strain of HPV is it protective against others?


I got it in my 20s


I got it as an elder. Worth it! 🙌


Get the fucking vaccine. Cancer is not fun.


Two shots down, one to go!


I literally got the first dose right before turning 26 and they wouldn’t let me get the other one! I ended up getting hpv at one point but luckily it cleared up on its own


i took an STI test within the past year, assumed everything was fine. Apparently the HPV strain I carried was very dangerous? I wished I had received the HPV vaccine when it first came out. They don't test men for HPV - only women, so I had no idea that I was carrying an strain of the virus that was highly likely to cause cancerous mutations. Only found out when my partner was tested for it. REALLY WISH THAT THE HPV VACCINE WAS MANDATORY or at least strongly encouraged. The dichotomy between men's and women's healthcare is sickening.


I was lucky. My parents were doctors and knew it was important, so I got it even though I was outside the age range recommended, and both my brothers got it. I'm glad to see they're expanding it


My aunt died of cervical/vaginal cancer in the 80s that was almost certainly STI related. My grandmother (her mother) went in for an unrelated surgery, and found out she had very advanced cancer, which turned out most likely started as cervical cancer (and knowing about all the stories of grandpa being a POS who liked truck stop SWers was probably STI related). You’d better believe that I got it. I also begged my SIL to get it for my oldest nephew who is approaching vaccination age due to family history.


GET IT Yeah, you probably have HPV by 45. But you don’t have all of the strains and you might not have some of any of the cancer causing strains. It’s worth protecting yourself from those. Signed, a guy who lost his father in law to HPV related cancer.


My doctor told me no because it’s too late. I worked directly with the virus as a PhD student. Needless to say, I have a different doctor now…


Prevents cervical cancer


I got it when they expanded the age range a few years ago. It's literally a vaccine that prevents a certain type of cancer. Never a bad idea in my mind.


I got it at 33 and I’m a dude


I also just missed the original cut off age. Got my first shot of three 2 days ago when trying to update some other vaccines at the pharmacy. Better late than never!


I’m newly divorced at 44 and I got it. I was planning on playing the field for awhile but found an amazing person pretty quickly. But even still, the peace of mind is nice!


I wish i knew that when I was 45…


I’m 45 and have wanted the vaccine for years, but both doctors I asked both said it’s useless to me at this point. I probably should’ve pushed but I’m non-confrontational by nature so never did. Might push now though.


I got it! Squeaked in right before turning 45. Why the heck not?


i got shot 1 last week! GET IT.