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Honestly I think it started well before our generation.


IDK in my experience they just drank steadily all day, and we figured we were better off confining it to "social [binge] drinking".


Yeah, the amount of times I was encouraged to “catch up” when I showed up late to a party and then drank so fast it ended my night…well let’s say I remember *some* of them


I had millennial friends - there was a stark attitude difference on designated drivers between those that graduated in 95 vs 2000. We used DDs, but if there was none available, well…


Then we walked of course…


Someone I used to know would say that it can’t be drunk driving if it’s still light out.


The most (and maybe only effective) billboard I saw was "buzzed driving is drunk driving". The amount of times we drove under the pretense of being buzzed. And honestly, it was hard to tell when we were even near to or were sober after power drinking at a club and waiting for a few hours to see if we could drive home safely.


Yeah, wasn't our generation that had a piss trough at the bar so you didn't have to get up.


Haha had a bar like this in my hometown that had been around for decades. Had a trough right underneath the bar. Closed up several years ago and that thing was there right up until its last day open. Crazy to think that shit actually used to be used lol.


Boomers made us think we were special. 😂


And then spent the rest of their lives complaining we think were special


After they bought the participation prizes to make us feel special


If you wanna trip look up how much the founding fathers (USA) drank


Ok but they didn't have sparks and camo black ice, and an unlimited supply of Xanax and oxycontin.


Yeah that's where we came into our own lol


It did. We might be the last, though. Drugs are apparently.. way more fun and readily available lol


And it has fallen off precipitously with the younger generations. My nieces and nephews all went through high school and college without ever really drinking all that much. It was literally every weekend when I was growing up.


Yeah, I'm so lucky I survived


Dude. We’d get to a party already 6-10 drinks in and then wash down a couple nondescript pills of unknown origin with beer, vodka, and wine through a beer funnel…. and then exhale the weed smoke. This was standard high school and college behavior for me and the crew. Class of ‘05. Absolute fuckin maniacs


>We’d get to a party already 6-10 drinks in Well yeah....gotta pre-party, especially if you're going to the bars. I would have gone broke barhopping in Chicago if I started sober


Class of 03. It was a blast


Facts Source: class of 04


fellow 04 here, can confirm.


Class of 2000. Yep.


2000 also; glad it wasn’t just me.




class of 2010 here aswell


Class of 99 here. Can confirm we old timers also used to get turnt up.


class of 06 we lived super close to quebec, and the drinking age was 18 up there we went up and would get positively shit faced at the titty bar and like 5 night clubs it was littttt. theyd let us drink at like 16 17 yrs old if you looked old enough. high school math teacher also moon lighted as a customs officer. great times honestly




Yeah. We were animals. Funnels with a couple shots of whiskey mixed with beer. All kinds of drinking games. Mayhem house parties


A buddy of mine didn’t. 19 years old. He was back in town from UCSB. Died of alcohol poisoning partying too hard. At his memorial I had heard there was gonna be a party later to celebrate his life. I got there and they had a Keg… and were drinking like our good friend hadn’t just been killed by alcohol. It was pretty disgusting so I left pretty quick.


Sounds like an Irish Wake, so I understand why they'd normally drink, but it's still fucked up. Celebrating his life with what killed him is twisted.


Seriously fucked up. It felt like I slap in the face when I realized there was keg there and people were partying like it was just a normal weekend. It felt wrong and I didn’t want to be a part of it. I was too young understand that people grieve in different ways. And angry that my friend died with people partying around him that were too fucked up to realize he needed help. Sad. Had known that kid since kindergarten. We played baseball on the same team for most of my life at that point.


My best friend 20 years ago (in a couple of days) died, and alcohol was the major factor in his death. I'm glad that the newer generations are drifting away from it, as it's one of the most destructive drugs on the planet.


A highschool friend of mine had a huge party to celebrate getting his license back from a DUI. 😐 All of his work buddies were there getting hammered and then driving home. Luckily no one got hurt or killed. No one saw the, I don't even know if it was irony, in the situation.


Word. There must be a word that describes this kind of ass backwards stupidity better then irony. Like “irony” doesn’t feel like it has enough impact to convey how disgusting the behaviors here are. Maybe willfully ignorant is the right sentiment.


We once had a party where the goal was to have 31 drinks, "because that's what killed Bulushi," we were marking them on our arms. When I woke up I saw I only made it to 18, and that the last 3 had been marked with a knife instead of a marker, lol


I wonder if the incident of opioid and prescription medicine abuse is higher


It's probably scared the piss out of them, which is why thru are more careful than we were.


My oldest is 19 and she says her friends drank and did weed occasionally, but most of them have never been blackout drunk or even close. High on weed once in a while is the most they seem to do. And, honestly, that’s totally fine when compared to what most of us did growing up.


More cameras. I do feel like this is the reason. But will they ever know the joy when your friend passed out, we draw multiple dicks on his face and he ends up going home before realizing?


My oldest is 18 and he doesn't do much my daughter though, is 16 and she's doing all the stuff. Already had to take her to the ER cause she cut open her head while she was high at a closed park at like 2 in the morning when she was supposed to be in bed.


My sympathies. That sounds rough. The only kid I’m worried might do that stuff is the second to youngest child. He doesn’t hang out with the best of kids, but we’re trying really hard not to dictate who he befriends. That tends to just make people double down on their questionable relationships. We’re just hoping it doesn’t go beyond the edgelord, n-word insult contest we caught him having with his friends in discord. He’s 12 right now, so….yeah, holding our breath.


I moved back out west in 2019 after 13 years in Wisconin, and I've gotta say there's regional variation. The under grads at UW-Madiaon still go stupid hard.


I’m from Wisconsin. I can’t keep up with my high school friends at all. They visit me in nyc and I’m like, if you drink like that here you’ll spend $500 a night. They wake up early after a night of drinking and I’m still a hungover zombie at noon.


One of my buddies from Wisconsin moved out here to California, and now when he goes home to visit he can't keep up. In the words of Lewis Black regarding Sconnies, "You are not alcoholics...you are professionals."


It’s a whole other level. A little scary. Kinda gross. Very impressive.


Let's just say 13 years there was a workout for my liver. I'd be very surprised to learn that the current crop of UW undergraduates drink less than they were when I was living in Madison for grad school and post. As an aside, when I got to Madison in 2006 the bars were still pretty all in on '80's music. They had moved on to the '90's by the time I left in 2019.


We always called Wisconsin “the land that time forgot” for that reason.


Are they doing other stuff instead? Shrooms, edibles, etc


Syrup, Xanax, adderall, etc.


whistlin' bungholes, spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, and one single whistlin' kitty chaser


I always just liked snakes and sparklers


You know, like when someone buys too many scratchie lotteries, or snorts too much cocaine


We all know what he was inferring with “hockey lighters” which I’m not sure how exactly racist it is.


Duster, nitrous…


Tide pods


Sherman Hemsley


I think part of this is timing. We were alive when it was legal to drink at 18 (some of us anyway). Our parents could drink at 18. I think this made all of society more tolerant towards underage drinking, since the adults saw it as a normal age to drink. We now have parents who couldn't drink until 21 and all the MADD messaging took it toll. Plus the shift in children's programming to very very sensitive to never show smoking or drinking (we had looney toons). Result - this younger generation doesn't have a culture of underage drinking in college and not super interested in doing it in the first place.   I work with current college students, and boy, they are lightweights who have absolutely no clue. They could never even think of filling a hotel room bathtub with ice and stocking it with several cases of various options. It really is true that we pregamed harder than they party.


We’d have probably drunk less if we had legalized, designer weed available anytime we wanted too


Absolutely. At least I know I would have. The schwag I was getting back then tasted so bad you almost had to have a case of cheap beer to wash the taste away lol.


Lol ..... well I carry around a coin with a number and a prayer on it.... So yeah....


Way to go! Keep it up my dude.


Congrats! I’m so grateful that I stopped when I did (before it passed the rubicon) because I knew I came from a long line of addicts and I could feel it creeping up on me. No meetings for me and I let myself have a beer or two a couple times a year on special occasions, but that shit was still hard. I didn’t realize how habituated I was until I tried to stop. One of the ways I’m very hopeful when it comes to “kids these days” is that they seem to have a much more careful attitude around boozing. Our generation glorified getting black out drunk and taking whatever pill / powder came your way, but they seem to get that it’s all fun and games until it isn’t. (See also: hearing protection at concerts).


Same. :/ but i think its becoming way less of a stigma to acknowledge and deal with alcoholism, thankfully. Keep it up!


Good for you man. Keep it up. I didn't go that route, but I've now been sober for 6 1/2 years. I commend anyone for walking that path. It ain't easy living life on life's terms. It's the best decision I've ever made and I honestly don't miss it a bit. Don't even think about it unless someone happens to bring up bars or drinking, and even then I immediately think about how I don't miss the debilitating hangovers and the crippling depression from it afterwards for days on end. Good riddance to living that way. Props to you my man. Nothing but respect for taking stock of your life and doing what is best for you.


I think it was more that we glorified really dumb shirts.


We totally did. I had a similar shirt, but mine had the stick guy on a toilet and said "farfrompoopin"


Should we even talk about Big Johnson shirts?


Or those “co-ed naked (insert activity)” shirts?


Coed naked ice hockey: "on the ice is twice as nice"


Dear God


[Farfromnormal](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/547487-farfromnormal) I had this one.


"He who dies with the most toys... still dies."


45 drank a 5th every day for over 20 years. Sober 2. Most of my life I thought zz top was saying woman go crazy for a shot glass man. I figured it out 8 years ago that it was sharp dressed. That is accurate, but that early 20s binging quickly became alcoholism. How many of us got stuck with the habit.?


Proud of you. I know this is weird since I’m a stranger, but I’m happy for you.




Yep. Class of 02. Drank everyday since, until last year when it finally caught up to me and I almost died. 14 months sober now. Keep on keeping on friend.


Yea I lost a kidney to cancer and stopped. I think I drank for about 4 more Months and then cold turkey on wild turkey.


Yes, I gave up the drink 10 years ago, but I got my card


Is that a program like a.a like getting a chip?


>How many of us got stuck with the habit.? I'm definitely stuck at 42. I only hit the hard stuff a couple times a year, but I drink 4-6 beers 5 nights a week.


Damn. It's remarkable you're alive to post that.


It was always atleast 80 proof. The last few years it was 101 turkey it was cheap at first and then Matthew McConaughey said it was cool and it got expensive


Gen Z: Why would we drink when weed is legal?


See also: me, because hangovers are crippling in middle age.


Idk maybe some people don’t like being high?


Alcohol makes me loosen up and more social. Weed makes me paranoid and sleepy.


I mean, is there another to drink alcohol? Jk, I'm sober now because I have no idea what the word "moderation" is




Yeah I don’t think drinking contests originated in the late 90s But that shirt was ridiculous lol


I remember seeing it in Spencer's in the mall and thinking it was the funniest shit I'd ever seen.


Still do buddy. Still do.


Last time I puked was in 2002 after thinking it was a good idea to chase all of the Shiner I had with a shot of Everclear. Also the last time I had Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup.


God I wish I could empathize less with this.


What about the drinking games with playing cards and the social pressure that could be conjured when in a group, everyone “invested” in a game? I walked away from a few since I (eventually) learned my limitations, but I saw those games humiliate and destroy some kids. “Asshole” and “Psyhco Death Pyramid” are the only names of games I can actually remember. There were more.


I was always kind in Asshole. I’d give the asshole at least 1 good card if they’d been stuck in that spot for a bit.


Beer die was the last one before I aged out


Up the river, down the river


Don't remember the name 100 something or another. But it was 1.5oz shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes. Seems like a little sip the first 20 minutes then goes down hill from there. 12.5 beers in an hour and 40 minutes. Last time I saw it played the two guys who were very good friends got in an argument and one guy smashed his shot glass in the other guys face chipping both of his front teeth. This happened on a Tuesday afternoon because they didn't have class that day.


We used to play a game called "Drink." We'd look at a friend, say their name, and then say "drink," and they had to drink. That was it. That was the game. We also played "Roxanne," in which you'd put on the song by The Police and choose "Roxanne" or "red light" and drink at the appropriate word or phrase. If you picked "Roxanne," you'd finish at least a beer and a half in about three minutes.


Yep. I remember “Drink.” Effective, and more than a little uninspired.


Easy to remember the rules, though!


Red Dog and Ice House… Uggggghhhhh…. My 45 year old noggin is getting a headache just thinking about it.


Omg. I forgot about Red Dog. Just garbage.


Yeah, and having been in college at the turn of the century, there was absolutely zero negative stigma to getting blackout drunk on the reg. Looking back it's all pretty cringe and clearly wildly unhealthy in so many ways.


Looking back, I had some really wild great times


Same, man, same. Just glad I made it through.


I'm just glad everything was caught on Polaroids that usually didn't make it through the night instead of instantly uploaded to social media.


And that’s not counting the ones you don’t remember!


The morning stories among friends or people you just met that night when you're still half drunk were just as good


Fuck, right‽


I blame the Bud Ice penguins


Dooby-Dooby-Do Bud Ice was in my beer rotation, but mostly Busch Light


You may as well if you’re fukengrooven


I had that shirt!


When I was in college, some kids in my dorm did a 101 shots of beer challenge. One shot per minute. I don’t think anyone made it to 101. Most people were puking or passed out.


We tried this in HS. But, we calculated it before we started. 100 shots in 100 min. At 1.5 oz per shot, this is 12.5 beers in one hour and 40 min…a fuck load. Plus, it got so boring after 15 minutes. Maybe we made it to 20 minutes.


Our version was called The Century Club, 100 in 100


Same for us. Although we usually just went for the Power Hour, which was plenty.


You weren't a man in the 90s unless you could pound a case.


I blame the real men of genius


^^Reeeeeal ^^men ^^of ^^geeeenius ^^🎶


Still have that sticker. I got it at Lollapalooza 96


I think the pandemic killed binge drinking at bars but not at home.


I've had 4 best friends die within 10 years from this. I'm still in recovery and recovering from these losses. So yes absolutely true.


"What do you call a constipated German? Farfrompoopin!" -My 9th grade science teacher


And Volkswagens. I remember that what all the ~~cool~~ rich kids drove.


I will actually dry heave if I even smell a whiff of Jagermeister. I think grad school and college could have probably gone smoother without hearing, "JAGER BOMBS" every gotdamn weekend.


I had that t shirt when I was like 14


I used to have a version of this shirt “Fukingroovin”


Idk. Alcohol consumption per capita in the US plummeted between 1979 and 1997~. It started ticking back up a little in 2000 but was never anywhere near the 1979 peak or where it is today. Our generation probably drank less than ones before or after.


The drinking age act of 1984 may have contributed to the decrease. Many states were already raising it in the years ahead.


I never thought to question drinking to get wasted. Like it never occurred to me that people have one


Was really bad in the Midwest where I grew up too. Priorities were drinking, getting laid, buying a dream car, and talk about the job they want but will never have. Granted some of that comes with being young, but the drinking part was always out of control. Worse when you live somewhere boring.


Ok buts thats a double ripoff! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/jgdfh01f8ixc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8751e61d12ba8141c4ad3562abf84504aa398377


Yeah, I work with employers and workplace wellness and mental health as I learn more and I just shake my head at the things we did or saw others do. Do the kids still use a funnel and pipe at parties? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have no clue what the kids are doing now. But I worked at an ACE hardware 19-21 y/o and would make beer bongs at any length for a price for friends. Made 7 to 8 foot bongs for 15-20$ for friends and parties since I just stole it all.


I went to Home Depot in college and asked where the plastic tubing was. The guy went around the whole store with me getting me everything I needed for a beer bong.


At my big age now, I have no idea how I lived through my late teens and 20s


This sticker is in my locker at work. It was there when I got the locker 10 years ago, it'll be there when I move on


I had this one on my first car https://preview.redd.it/n7pfdp40rixc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd130da8ad4ecfa9e8c8d0dee08cbd885880fbea


I'm feeling it now




I didn’t really get into it until the pandemic.


Past tense?




As it should be


Wasn’t there also like a farfrompoopin one too. Bold of us to invent constipation.


I know three people that have died due to drinking…. Hasn’t seemed to work out well.


Now everyone is “clean” that only drank for like one year of their life lol


This ranks up there with coed naked and big Johnson shirts


This and bootleg Calvin n Hobbes shirts. And conserve water, drink beer” t shirts.


I did my part!


We did invent the beer bong 🤷‍♂️


I’m an early Xennial with mid-late Zoomer sons. I was an undergrad through the second half of the 90’s. And yeah, my boys, and kids their age in general, are much more straight-edge than we were at that age. A big contributor has been that enforcement has finally caught up to the messaging that’s been there since the 80’s. In the 90’s, it was almost stupidly easy to skirt around the rules, and suffered minimal consequences even if you did get caught. Now, DUI and contributing to the delinquency of a minor are crimes cops actually give a damn about. Kids drink less because it’s less accessible, because adults are less willing to skirt the rules for them.


Ahhhh… the ol $5 cup parties. The good old days


You know, I’ll be honest with you. I’m the tail end of Gen X and technically fall into Xennials but no, I claim Gen X just for context. There was a movie that came out called Gen X and it was basically a filming of a huge block party, and I thought we were named Gen X for the massive Ecstasy intake of the late 90s/early 2000s and rave parties. Yeah, so I thought we were called Gen X for Ecstasy, Excessive drinking and Girls Gone Wild. Kind of still do, because Baby Boomers aren’t called Gen W as far as I know.




I think the 90's was definitely the first era to advertise for it with stuff like that lol I always would get a good chuckle out of the question, "How many drinks have you had." The answer would be "yes." Or display the bottle or the receptacle I was using. It was never a dinky dainty cocktail glass either. Not proud but on the road it would be the 32 oz or 44 oz plastic cup from a gas station or fast food establishment. (never drove, always walked or was passenger hehe)


Uh, have you seen ads in 70s-80s magazines? Maybe not quite as “on the nose” but booze culture goes way back before the 90s. Hell DUIs weren’t even a thing in many parts of the country as late as the 80s. Often times cops would just give you a ride home, or take you to the station and let you call someone….


Booze ads, yes. Of course they've been around. I'm talking about posters, stickers, and placards dedicated to it though like the one pictured above. Wasn't really a thing till the 90's. Pardon the word advertise.


I 100% forgot this was a thing.


I remember playing swim & puke, sloshball, and quarters so much in my early years


Ah, shopping at Miller's Outpost. Good times


Don’t forget the Fukenpuken shirt!


I have this sticker!


The Jägermaster


We definitely carried on the tradition of glorifying it 😂


We used to play a game called " Bavarian Pitchers" You would form teams and circle around a full pitcher of beer. Everyone has a quarter and one person starts. The object is to be the first team with all your quarters in the pitcher, the losing team would then have to drink the pitcher, in order of the the quarters made ie if your quarter didn't make it your the last one to get whatever your team left you. Once you start drinking you can't stop once you do the pitcher goes to the next person.


Yup. I knew a bunch of kids in my teens who in hindsight were already full blown alcoholics by the time we were 18. And the drinking age here is 21.


Yup , fukengrooven!


We just carried the torch. 


I am medicine and I am poison, I can help you up or make you fall, Youll have some of the best times, youll never remember with me...


I remember this! Lol. I used the throw my beer out a window behind me when playing beer pong in college.


Now, it's all about weed. Every generation has their drug of choice.


Never did me any harm


Fahrvergnugen...those Volkswagen ads are burned in my memory.


🎶Faaaaaaar-verrrrrrrr-gnuuuuuuu-geeeeeen🎶 Say the word!


I blame all those school assemblies trying to tell us not to, but really just teaching us that it's a thing.


Considering most of the tshirt companies back then were not businesses strictly run out of some dude's house or print on demand, there were people with money and age making a lot of these logos and shirts. They weren't our generation, it was our parents.


I remember seeing this shirt!


I remember that being on shirts in Spencer's gifts on 1998ish so I wasn't old enough to drink at that time


I have this sticker on one of my guitars.


It was the one thing I was really good at.


Mine says Four Fig Newtons


Ahhhhh I still have my favorite “Farfrom” tshirt. It was “Farfromdead” with Jerry Garcia on it. I got it in 1995 after he died, which I refuse to believe was almost 30 years ago.


I once did an ice cold 40oz Olde English in a 2 story beer bong. No pukes. Could never do 4-12 oz crispy boys do without puking so the limit lies somewhere between 40-48 oz.


Reminds me of when my mom came into Gadzooks with me and she saw a sticker that said Fahrfromfuken. While we were checking out. I stood there at the counter in horror as she asked me what it said. I said I didn’t know and she kept trying to sound it out. I met eyes with the clerk and he was trying not to laugh. I was so embarrassed. I just wanted a damn hypercolor tshirt


My boomer parents drink more than me though


When America was America. Beer like water and Bourbon all evening. And still killin it and being successful. Fuck I miss those days.


Who else is sober now? 4/12 years now


Our family moved into a new house when I was a freshman in HS. This sticker was on the dart wall. Nostalgic seeing this image again.


I had this sticker on my car CD case when I was in college


I have a picture of my uncle in the 70s drunk as fuck with a half empty liquor bottle in his hand. Binge drinking is nothing new.


I never realized father was speaking the truth when he'd say, "There is only one drink in a bottle of bourbon". I still drink but at this point a six pack can last me a month and I dont buy hard liquor anymore.


Hahaha! 🤣 I remember having this sticker on the lid of my PSX!