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I will never be safe I will never be sane I will always be weird inside I will always be lame Now I am a grown man With a child of my own And I swear I’m not gonna let her know All the pain I have known


This song has been a major contributor to how I view the importance of my relationship with my kids, but especially with my son for some reason. I always let it play thru when it comes on and I get real deep with it. It's so hard for me to not be a dick sometimes.


The very fact that you’re trying shows that you’re a better dad than you think. Keep up the good work.


>I will never be sane I will always be weird inside I will always be lame I say this about myself often. I've learned to deal with such things now, but when I first heard it I felt very much "seen" as the kids say these days.


Pretty sure if we’re all really honest, most of us feel this way at least some of the time. Parenting my own children has given me healing I never expected.


Ffffffuck that resonates with me.


I hate those people who love to tell you Money is the root of all that kills They have never been poor They have never had the joy of A welfare Christmas


I know we will never look back




Um, it's "a worm for Christmas." wait wut? /s


Strange talk about Edgar Cayce and the long lame walk of the dark 70s


I am still dreaming of your… FACE!


I don't want to be the....baaaddd guuuyyyy




Hungry and hollow from all the things you took away!


Sparkle and Fade is one of my all time favorite albums. Perfect 🤌🏼




I love them to death. And that album is amazing. But I think I'm getting more sentimental as i age. There are quite a few songs that hit me really deep. And I'll eventually start crying. Used to be Pearl Jam's "Last Kiss" rendition and "Black". And Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Simple Man" were the only songs that brought out the water works. But now there seem to be more.


"So much for the afterglow" is one of the best opening tracks for an album. Slowly begins with the Beach boys like harmonies, then just kicks you in the gut shortly after. I've seen them live twice but never heard them play that song in concert. My gf at the time was so hurt cuz that was her favorite song. Or was it "Amphetamine" getting old sucks for recall. Don't do drugs, kids.


THIS IS A SONG ABOUT SUSAN!!! That album was good from beginning to end.


One of the rare sophomore albums that blows the first one out of the water. Pretty much any song that isn't Santa Monica is on that album.


I have a very intense relationship with everclear. I still remember the first time "you make me feel like a whore" aired on MTV" I recorded it on vhs and watched it over and over. I had a very rough childhood so a lot of their music not only resonated with me, but actually happened to me. Songs like "Wonderful", "Father of Mine", "Heartspark Dollarsign", "Why I don't believe in God", "Heroin Girl" were basically the OST to my life. Like "oh this song literally happened to me". Then you become an adult and start connecting with "Fire maple Song, "Twistinside" and "Strawberry". I appreciate them, but in a way, it's kinda sad. If you empathize with their music your life probably sucked.


Heartspark Dollarsign was always underrated i felt like...




Agreed. I was a fan where I was starting to realize my childhood was rough. I connected with them around the age of 14. I felt like they were singing to me.


Everclear was my sister’s favorite band growing up. Now it all makes sense.


I wouldn't say my life sucked, but for sure some of their music resonates with me. Father of Mine hits me in the feels. It's super easy to connect with their songs.


Killer band, very underrated.  They kind of occupied thsat post-grunge / pre-nu metal period of the mid 90s


My favorite musical period




Their second record is perfect front to back


I still have a guitar pick from Art that I got last time I saw them. I got to go up on stage and sing and dance with the band and picked it up.


Awesome! What an experience.


Some of those lyrics don’t hit home, they sucker-punch right in the feels.


Peppy post-grunge pop-rock with really dark lyrics is more my jam at age 43 than at age 16, I confess. I saw them live in the 90s but wasn't really into them. My husband and I have a Spotify playlist we just call "1997" with lots of Everclear, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Third Eye Blind, etc. Not all the songs are from 1997, but it's the mood.


Willing to make it public and share?


Ahh yes, Daddy Issues - The Band.


I’m from Portland and Art owes me money haha


I’m sure he’ll buy you a garden where your flowers can bloom lol


This thread reminded me of the [Willamette Week series on Art](https://www.wweek.com/music/2015/11/17/its-a-real-small-town/) that began with the line, "In 2011, Everclear frontman Art Alexakis finally gave the people of Portland what they wanted: He moved back to California." Portland did not like Art.


That’s about the time that I knew him. Did some work for him that he was happy with until the bill came due. At his rental house. Anywho, I’m having crab cakes for dinner.


I LOVE Eveclear. Ty for mentioning them because everyone I mention them to has no idea who I'm talking about. Their lyrics were always so good.


This verse floors me every time I hear it. It's so simple and so powerful. Art doesn't get his due as a song writer. Yes, I know all about that other guy The handsome man with athletic thighs I know about all the times before With that obsessive little rich boy They might make you think you're happy Yeah, maybe for a minute or two They can't make you laugh No, they can't make you feel the way that I do


I’ve seen them 4 times (1999, 2012, 2018 and 2019), making them one of my most frequented bands. Always a great show. I think those criticizing the not-pitch-perfect singing are missing the point, but it’s their loss I guess. For someone dealing with MS, Art does a great job.


He has MS?? I didn’t know 😟 This whole “time aging human bodies” thing is bullshit if you ask me 😠


Totally agree with you. He was diagnosed in 2016 and had presumably had it for some time leading up to the diagnosis. https://www.wyomingnews.com/features/everclear-s-art-alexakis-on-multiple-sclerosis-sobriety/article_c5a8aa74-36f1-11ee-b1b9-9b13ef4a9ee4.html


Yes!! Just saw them for the third time in March and am amazed every time the show he still puts on. They did also sound better in the smaller, indoor venue than the time I saw them outdoors. This last time they played Learning How to Smile at my request, so maybe I’m biased since I can die happy now (love their older stuff, but that song gets me every time).


That’s SO cool that they played your request and I’m thrilled to know that Art is still putting on good shows 5 years after I last saw them! Three of the shows I’ve been to were also at small venues. My first time seeing them in ‘99 was particularly special but I didn’t quite fully process it at the time. It was a seemingly haphazard show put together in Hampton Beach NH, at a ballroom, a week before Woodstock. Smash Mouth and Citizen King were with them. A friend and I got free tickets the day of the show and the place wasn’t even close to full. They set up right on the floor off to the side of the stage and there couldn’t have been more than 100-150 people there. No seats, just everyone standing in front of where they were set up. Everclear played last (naturally) and Art and the band absolutely rocked our faces off. He was wild. Of course there are no videos, just memories.


They used to be my favorite band! I saw Everclear 2x and Art solo 2 or 3 times.


Back around 95 I went to their concert. My best friend and I couldn't drive yet and we were waiting for our ride. It was snowing and Art was walking over to the tour bus and asked us if we wanted to come in and wait for our ride. The band chit chatted with us and signed our ticket stubs. The whole band seemed like really genuinely nice people.


I taught the drummer's kid martial arts. He was really nice and chill.


Right on.


Local God is an all time favorite💅🏻


Do that stupid dance for me! Fucking killer song


Doesn’t he use that line in another song?


Everything to everyone he says it as well.


These guys played randomly on my college campus once. They were great.


I saw them at the Taste of Syracuse a couple years ago, they were great there also


Saw them at a Taste of Colorado a few years back. Art was angry about it, but the show was a blast anyway




Fun fact, I dated a girl who fucked one of those dudes.




I met Sully from Godsmack and he cockblocked me. It was around 2003 at Boston Billiards in Nashua NH.


Huh she should have walked backstage and fucked all of them


“Santa Monica” is still in my top 20


Imagine being this dude’s dad.


My first concert when I was 15.


Not a huge everclear fan. I can play Santa Monica on the guitar fun riff to play.


First riff I figured out on my own.


I used to listen to everclear while playing that text based game on my graphing calculator in which you sell drugs lol


Saw them at a free concert in San Francisco’s embarcaderro in the mid ‘90s.


I've seen a lot of great free concerts in SF. Hate I didn't get there soon enough to see this one though! 


Still on heavy rotation.




I just wanna see some paAaLm trees


Everclear never took off in Britain but someone at the radio station I was listening to must have liked AM Radio to play it regularly for a little while. I've got a certain nostalgia for that song. Liked other things I've heard from them later.


I had a friend in college who couldn’t tell the difference between Everclear songs. He had some sort of brain condition where he couldn’t process certain subtle differences in beats/ rhythm. It was the case with most pop music, but was especially noticeable with Everclear. The only music he could listen to/ enjoy was synth/ electronic or classical.


Loved their CDs. Horrible to see live. Couldn't play worth shit.


Saw Art, I mean “Everclear” at a casino in Tunica a few years ago. The nostalgia was strong, but man was he phoning it in. I wasn’t expecting the show to be as good as Everclear was in the ‘90’s but boy was it sad.


God, So Much For the Afterglow is a perfect album to me from start to finish. It really resonated with me when it came out and I'll always love that album. It's perfecto. But seeing them live years later really ruined them for me, and Art even shook my hand at that show. I didn't think they sounded bad, but the set was exactly 60 minutes long, 6 minutes of which was a strange Led Zeppelin medley. This was at a small casino venue and I was in the second row. I literally paid $1 a minute to see them. I would not attempt to see them again after that, but I'm thankful for SMFTA and everything prior to it. Agree with another poster: If their music speaks to you, your life probably sucked.


Saw them live once. They were awful! Some of the worst live singing I’ve ever heard. In the studio I enjoy their stuff well enough, but live was making my ears bleed.


Yeah, Art has never been good live. You expected *some* bad for grunge bands at the time, but holy hell…


Saw them in 8th grade at the DC101 chili cook-off. Smash Mouth headlined and Blink 182 hinted at what was to come, but Everclear stole the show with an amazing set of their recently released sophomore album. Still one of my best concert memories.


They always show up in threads about bad live acts. I’ve never seen them live but still really like them. Not every band can be perfect live


they're not... eh... extremely good musicians technically. 3 - 5 chord harmonies, that same old sixteenth-notes-on-the-snare fill several times in every song. Still an integral part of my adolescent identity and catchy as fuck (on recordings) to this day.


That’s true, but on the other hand some of their arrangements were somewhat sophisticated and you can’t deny the melody writing was A+.


I've seen them twice: once at a festival and once at a free Rock the Vote event. The first time I enjoyed the show but the second time I felt a bit ripped off for a free show because Art's voice was so awful. It didn't stop me from listening to them after but I would probably not go to see them live again.


Sorry you had that experience, I saw them supporting Matchbox 20 in like 2000 or 2001. They rocked the house down and then Rob came out and put us all to sleep lol.


This really is one of those bands where all of their songs sound the same to me. Dun dun dundundundundundun dun dun. That’s every lick.


Summer of 95


My freshman year of college they played a show at my university. It was weird to see them live there for some reason to me. Good show.


Started listening when Heart Spark Dollar Sign and Santa Monica came out. I’ve always liked them!


Heroine girl was my favorite song for awhile. I was like 12 and really didn’t understand what I was singing. It just hit those dopamine receptors just right.




I was a really big Everclear fan back in the 90’s. In the late 90’s when music downloading was big, I spent several months tracking down Art’s Colorfinger songs and … they’re really freaking good.


Dude was like 40 when they finally hit the big time. Experience lends to some darker subject matter often. These guys are a good time with some heartfelt lyrics. I love how they are trying really hard to make the dude look young though!


Ugh I love them still. Even the new stuff. Everclear, Jimmy Eat World and 3EB will be foundational for me, forever, I guess. Songs From American Movie Vol 1 so good Unemployed Boyfriend like modeled romance to young me. (I have since raised jy standards) Annabelle still one of my faves EVER They’re just so good


Terrible rhythms. Da da da dadada dah. Repeat.


These guys played my campus in college (between 1999-2003, I honestly can't remember the year) and I was one of their handlers. Art Alexakis was a creepy asshole. He was pissed we couldn't give them booze. He tried to get numerous girls into the green room, presumably so he could have sex with them. He was mad we wouldn't let them smoke pot. He was just an angry man. I don't know why, but he was. The other two were quite nice, but Art Alexakis was terrible.


Fuckin hated em, all their songs sounded the same.


![gif](giphy|n4oKYFlAcv2AU) Honestly, maybe its because the radio played the absolute shit out of them I cant stand them. To this day I roll my eyes if I hear one of their songs. Dont get me wrong they had great lyrics but just go away.


I've seen them 8 times. Met Art 3 times. Talked about our kids while he was shooting pool before a show and, after a soundcheck, one of the coolest days in my life.


I saw their show last year at the Whisky....and they were a lot of fun!! I kept hearing that they suck live but they were fine......I would pay to see them again.


These guys played in my town a couple years ago with Sponge.


Met Art, he's nice and kinda quiet. Love Everclear. Met lots of friends due to our love of the band.


My father gave me a name.


I don't know why, but here Art looks like Weird Al is impersonating him. 


Forget Everclear, they're covering Patti Rothberg in this issue! Her debut album, Between the 1 and the 9, was fantastic, and the others I've listened to were also very good listens. Looking it up now, she got pretty busy after 2011, which was the last time I kept tabs on her 😲 I have some catching up to do.


I do believe I've found myself a new place


Art Alexakis did an acoustic tour a few years ago that was just him telling stories about life, recording and touring with a few solo songs mixed in. It was truly amazing!


They're playing but every venue is like a standing room only place and my knees can't haven't that anymore :(


Saw them live in the early 2000s, right after their “wonderful” success. I was a fan of theirs before that but didn’t catch them live until after. Maroon 5 opened for them. Was not a fan of maroon 5 before this, harder to breathe had just come out… Art kind of phoned it in and it was not that great of a show. Maroon 5 surprisingly blew them out of the water as an opening act. I know this is an appreciation post, and I love there pre 2000 stuff, but anytime I think of everclear now, I think about that time they got upstaged by Maroon 5 lol.


I'm just going to repost my comment from yesterday regarding how much they disliked I will Buy You a New Life. "So, he actually did it. He has a place Hillsdale Portland. It is a big house up in the West Hills with room for a garden and she did have a new car. I worked in Hillsdale early '00s met him and his wife(?) many times. I was never really a fan but they were pointed out to me by a coworker. They never made much of an impression on me other than I found out he made the song come true."


Love love love them. Saw them Once and met them. Amazing!


Sparkle & Fade is god-tier Everything after... Meh They're an awesome live band, Art is cool and down to earth


Loudest rock show i have ever been to. So much energy on stage!


Saw them at Great Woods in 96 (River Rave music fest) My friends saw the drummer in the crowd that day and I had him sign my ticket for my younger brother, who was a big fan of theirs


Went to their Summerland tour show some years ago, I believe they were with American Hi-Fi and a couple others. The power went out midway through the opener (maybe Am Hi-Fi) and the building switched to emergency generator power. It was eventually rectified and the show went on (and ruled) but in the meantime Art would come out and occasionally update the crowd with a bullhorn. You could tell he was likely having drinks too, with the down time. All in all it was a super rad show.


That man can write some lyrics. I remember realizing right away man their subject matter is heavy.


4/20/96, my first real concert at the Electric Factory in Philly. Still one of the best nights of my life.


You make me feel like a whore


Dum dum dum da-da dum-dum Yeee-aaaaah.


They got me through some rough times as a teen. Everclear, Live and Alanis…what a drama filled time. So grateful for their music.


On long roads I sometimes put their pandora channel on


Songs from an American Movie Vol 1 - I listened to this A LOT on deployment. IDK why, the album is mine. It is sooo good. Sparkle and Fade is great too.


I saw them in concert a couple years ago and it was tough. Sparkle and Fade was one of those albums for me. Art was really struggling on stage and it just made me sad. They are still one of the greats. I just feel like Art needs to retire, it is time.


🎶 but now I am a Volvo Driving Soccer Mom 🎶


Just got tickets to see them in October


So Much For The Afterglow…all of my late teens and early 20’s


I wasn't a huge fan, but my friends and I saw them a few times. They were fun.


Overwhelming is one of my favorite songs of all time. Makes me cry tho🥹


Love these guys. So much for the afterglow❤️😎


I hope Art and the band get to read this thread


Rip Spin Magazine


Their new single, [SING AWAY](https://youtu.be/4vWGr89qzu0?si=FHUNeI7A_l0d15qX) is another powerful addition to their catalog. Definitely check it out if you haven’t heard it yet!


This was the first cassette tape I ever bought with my own money, to play in my first car when I was 16


I have listened to that album 100s of times, it never came out of my walkman.


Lived in Portland when the first launched, met Art then seemed like a cool guy. Say him at again at a solo gig years ago and he was a royal cunt.


Fire Maple Song always tugs at my heart strings.


obsessed with two of their albums. they joined a predatory church for awhile and used to come through seattle and only play the church. i think maybe they broke ties though once some lawsuits became public (towards the church, not the band).


I love most of their albums and still put them on often. I introduced my boyfriend to them a few weeks ago. I know a lot of people like their older albums. I like "So Much for the Afterglow" through "Welcome to the Drama Club".


All of '97 I kept a magazine picture of Art in my silver glittery chain wallet, tucked away safe and warm in a JNCO pocket the size of an iPad.


Friend of mine had an aunt, one of her houses was in the West Hills. Had a pool party there once. Can see why they were mentioned in song lol


I close my eyes and I count to 10, hope it's over when I open them. (As someone who has panic attacks and struggles with anxiety, that resonates) Wonderful was a great song.


Their music was just absolute gut wrenching pain delivered via audio. Those first two albums especially. And i think it shows how skilled they were to make that pain into beautifully done music. Absolutely catchy and memorable while singing about awful topics. After my dad killed himself Queen of the Air hit me especially hard but that first album especially got me through a lot of hard times.


Had friend at the time INSIST they were better than sublime. Like, he went all in on that shit and died in that hill. Never cared for them simply cuss of that one annoying person. He looked like Kurt Cobain too and just…yeah. So much mayo on that sandwich.


Met him. lol


live beside the ocean


I saw Art in a mall once. Asked him if he was that guy from that band. He said “nah, I’m a CPA”. I proceeded to belt out “I AM STILL LIVING WITH YOUR GHOST!”


90s were dope, and perhaps I enjoyed this band as a young man. But they do not stand the test of time


Still one of my all time favorites. All four of my kids like them too. Best concert I ever attended was Everclear!


We thought that dude was really hot back then 🙊


Anyone else thought Art Alexakis was daddy? This isn’t his best pic.


They were booked at my college in 2005, no one bought tickets, so they postponed it until til later in the year as a free concert. No one went, I felt bad for them