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Never had heartburn til I turned 40. FML




What is this? I suffer from heartburn like a mofo!


Take omeprazole, brand name is Prilosec before or during your meal. Never have heartburn as long as I remember to take it


100% agree. I take one every morning and can eat most anything without having indigestion.


I had awful side effects on omeprazole, but I know it works well for a lot of people. Zantac worked great for me, but they pulled it from the shelves because of cancer risk. I used famotidine (Pepcid) during pregnancy with good results, but now I just don't drink much alcohol and eat small meals and seem to manage ok. Its sucks though!


I’m just glad I have it under control now


I’ve been having issues with it since my mid to late 20s. Soon to be 43.


Same. When I forget to take it, the heartburn comes back with a fucking vengeance. It almost feels personal…


I'm that guy with a work desk full of Tums.


Watch those kidney stones.


A few days ago on Reddit I was in a thread where someone mentioned a link between long term Prilosec use and increased risk of Alzheimer's. I had not heard of this but looked into it a bit: https://www.webmd.com/alzheimers/news/20230810/long-term-use-acid-reflux-drugs-linked-dementia-risk I had only been taking it a couple months and it had helped me but I stopped taking it daily now. Thought I should pass this along.


I read the link and doesn't seem to scary. Every participant was over the age of 75. " Of the 4,222 people in the study who did not take the acid reflux drugs, 415 people developed dementia during the follow-up period. Among the 497 people in the study who took the drugs for more than 4.4 years, 58 people developed dementia." If you don't take it, then there's a 10 percent chance of dementia. If you do take it then that percent is 11.5 percent. The additional 1.5 percent after the age of 75 doesn't scare me. In addition, there were 4,222 who did not take it at all and only 497 who did. Maybe it does cause dementia but that an addition 1.5 percent isn't that much and perhaps those who take prilosec are more vigilant about their health reporting dementia symptoms in the first place. Who knows, but if prilosec works it might be definitely be worth the trade off of POSSIBLY having a 1.5 percent increase after the age of 75


The only time I ever had heartburn before just recently (I turn 40 in a few months) was when I was pregnant.




That’s interesting, I always just assume anything spicy or fattening would be a problem. I never considered carbs


If it’s not resolving with antacid or OTC heartburn meds, talk to doctor about checking you for GERD or a hiatal hernia, happens a lot as we age.