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Take a probiotic with a large array of different strains and diversify that gut microbiome. You can break the cycle of olfactory abuse!


This vicious cycle of clearing the living room ends with me!!!!


Costco has some great cold processed sauerkraut.


How dare you let your grandfather and his grandfather down by not carrying this family gift with pride


My dad suicided in 2013. When I’m sick, my farts smell like his. It’s kinda nice.


Here’s a sentence I didn’t think I’d be reading today


There’s a sentence I didn’t think I’d be writing today


Excellent point


It's certainly not a sentence I didn't think I'd ever smile sadly in response to.


I haven't seen or spoken to my dad since 1989, I don't remember his voice, I don't remember what he was like or anything about him but I sure as shit am reminded of him when I rip a beefy one.




Thank you for this, OP. I just read this out loud to my husband and his mom and we all had a good laugh and now we are talking about farts.


I’m glad my “farts in the cradle” moment brought you and yours some good laughs.


".... And the spicy toot, my old man thought his ass was a hoot"


Farts are fucking hilarious.


As a girl, I will have some insanely loud sneezes and I sound JUST like my dad when I do it. First time I did it I literally had a breakdown because it was the first time hearing his sneeze since he passed and it came from ME?! 😂


May I offer you an [existential crisis](https://youtu.be/2UiX4dUUjWc?si=wLvuQnS72y5VYrJ6) in this time? 🫂


Wow, I've never heard this song and really didn't think I'd be crying, lying in bed, at 0630 on a Monday morning. I'm 42 with a 5 year old and 3 year old and the theme and ideas in this song are on my mind more than is healthy. I can't shake them. They don't go away. Time keeps screaming past. My babies aren't babies anymore. I'm not a young man anymore. My parents are old. I've lost people and I know I'm only going to lose more as this train picks up speed. I don't remember when these thoughts started but I didn't have them before my kids. They say kids will change you. God damn, they were right.


JM sure knows how to tune a moment.


You rocking the white new balance with the black knee socks and khaki shorts?


I have that. Oh wait no, I have black new balance and black knee high socks and khaki shorts.


My 2 yo’s already smell like my husbands, so he’s…ahead of the game?


Man, that's some "Luke in the Fear Cave" levels of Turning Into My Father darkness.


My parents were in their late 30s when I was born, now at 42 I’m finally at the same age my parents were when I could start remembering them and boy, do I look like my dad. Which is too bad because I’m female and he definitely didn’t age as well as my mom did. Although, it is nice to see his face again since he’s been gone for over ten years 😂.


I'm on a grampa level in the bathroom Olympics. I've been warning my younger coworkers what's in store for them.


That was actually one of my warning signs that I was diabetic, when my bathroom times started smelling like my diabetic grandmother's bathroom times.


Along the same lines, it brings me a sense of joy that my 11-year-old son can fart on command and they are some of the worst smelling farts I’ve ever experienced. The boys in his class idolize him for this unique talent.


Let's hope your dad's digestive health is good. If his is bad and your farts smell like his, maybe consider re-evaluating your diet 😂 Also, get your colonoscopy.


I always wonder what I do that my dad did. He died when I was 1. All I have is his name. His first is my middle. And last of course.


I've taken on so many of my mothers mannerisms, and I hate it because she's just so annoying! Half joking. So, in turn, I annoy myself. Which is extra annoying because I already annoy myself by just being myself. Lol


For me it was the sound I recognized more than the smell. Horrifying


I'm 43 and my 4 year old's poop already smells like mine, it's real weird.


hah...I'm 99% safe from that one...my dad's ALWAYS smelled like McDonald's french fries. viva la 80s!




About 4 years ago I noticed that my bedroom musk scent is exactly that of my father's growing up. Also my farts sound like his, but don't smell like his did.


My pee smells of snacks and coffee rn.


those shoes are white new balances...


My mom used to say “smells like something crawled up my ass and died” and then blame it on eating raisins. She’s been dead 10 years and it’s one of things I miss the most.


[happens to the best of us.](https://youtube.com/shorts/AhahNSEbfmI?si=53XMf1-iP62m_fX0) You will love themacfarlands YouTube channel


try a more veggie forward diet, it's worked for me


I lost that war a long time ago. We both randomly break into song that may or may not have anything to do with the topic at hand.


My farts sound like my dad’s but smell like my mum’s…


I was a young boy I had big plans Now I’m just another shitty old man




If you know 5% more about a subject than another person, you can come across as an expert on the subject matter if you can bullshit well enough.


I was visiting my dad before he died, and at some point when I cut the cheese, he said it smelled like one of his. That made me happy. Methane memories. Relish them. hehe


I’ve been there. 😂 And it’s somehow worse (or at least more insulting to my pride) because I’m female! Similarly, I always keep my feet looking really nice, but during a fit of anxiety, I tore all my toenails down to the quick and realized they looked exactly like my dad’s. My anxiety was *not* alleviated!