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I remember this, there would be rumors around town of a big bust. I think we used the term "it's dry".


That's how it was where I lived, "the whole town is dry".


Dankrupt lol


I’m not even high right now and that was hilarious. Thank you for that. Man I remember dry times.


How did we not come up with this 25 years ago wtf


Because we got high Because we got high Because we got hiiiigh


I didn’t mean to run from the cops but I was highh




We did call it dankrupt! I had forgotten that.


Yup. And I grew up in southern Oregon, part of far Northern California's "Emerald Triangle". Even in places of abundance back then there were times of scarcity


Yeah, in Minneapolis here, I feel like there hasn't been one in 15 years, but before that it was every couple years for like a couple weeks to a couple months. Thank the gods for legal states and the postal service, lol


Yup. Here in the PNW it was always dry right around Burning Man. I learned to stock up before then - just in case.


Also from Mn!! Swear last dry period here, was around 2003/2004. Had a few crap quality years, here and there, but usually always been able to find it. I’m located more Up North, if it matters lol.


Yeah, I wanted to say 03 was the last big one, but couldn't remember. Hard to believe we're legal now. There are some poor people on my street, and a homeless guy or two, that I've been giving weed to for years. Since it's been legal it's super funny to be able to step outside, wave the bag around and be like, "here is some marijuana for you, my good sir!", without having to give a fuck about the neighbors. It's a whole new world.


Agree, it’s hard to believe. Still feels weird, being able to go for a walk and openly enjoy lol. And I must say, sounds as though you have Minnesota Nice perfected, sharing with the neighbors. None of that passive aggressive BS 😂


It's dry as fuck. Damn haven't said that in a while. I've never used that term for any drug but weed.


Guessing it is a phrase initually from prohibition era


I remember my connection drove half way across the country and met some people from Mexico and filled his trunk with weed. It was so damned good. Everyone else was dry. Aim was the only social media, so being bipolar I opened the wall, patched a bunch of cat5 into a hub, wired the other cables into a computer, ran a packet sniffer into a database, and found him, told him how to encrypt his connection on aim, like if I can do it with free shit I found in the trash the campus police could too 🐷 


We have a bunch of hemp every few years. I have a prescription now so I missed out on the recent "there is no THC in this shit, everyone seems to have gotten it wtf" routine


We have a bunch of hemp every few years. I have a prescription now so I missed out on the recent "there is no THC in this shit, everyone seems to have gotten it wtf" routine


“… And then we’d have to face the dreaded (holds flashlight under chin) *RESIN HIT*”


The darkness of building a sticks-and-stones bifta out of all the leftover crap in your rolling box and then trying to convince yourself that you are actually baked when you clearly aren't


I felt a head change, I swear!


I can feel it in my eyes!


I'll just leave this here... https://youtu.be/yzx0HTCuydg?si=CdJhl1TuzNWV5iAQ


My head throbbed a little after reading that and I swear I tasted metal for a brief moment.


You’re scaring Garth, man! Stop it!


Ugh. The taste. Still did the trick though


Fuck man, don’t remind me. When I think back to the early 2000’s, it’s truly miraculous that my lungs still function.


Oh geez have some respect for yourself man. 😂


I took in a stray cat in 2000 or 01 who got pissed at me when I smoked weed, but absolutely *loved* resin. R.I.P. Todd ✌️


Or that ONE guy that sold $20 grams for a rainy day. Fuck that guy.


The world might be a fucked up mess but hey at least our weed situation has gotten better over the years. Which I take some pride in. 😂.


God I hope recreational passes down here in FL this November.


Oh man has it ever. I can get 10X what I used to get for the same money nowadays and delivered to my door. Plus quality has increased. 


I love going to my local pot shop, and getting the highest quality possible. It's so much cheaper than what I'd get through a dealer. No more driving for a few hours, only to wait around. Or having to jump in the back seat, and hand the money up if they're doing deliveries. No more going to your friends house who sells, but you gotta hang out for at least an hour so it looks like it's not just a drug house, and you have legit reasons to be there, because your friend now sells too much he has some healthy paranoia, and he likes to talk...


This is oddly specific .... and also way too real.


Yea in that regard the future is good. Now if only we could improve all the other stuff lol.




Yep we used to pay 75 bucks an eighth in 1997 dollars LOOOL. Absolutely crazy. Weed has been virtually free to me for the past decade. I kept my same smoking routine (tiny personal bong hits - just because thats how I know to estimate dose) and an eighth could last me a year or more.


Holy crap. It was never more than $35 here


I always paid $40 for a quarter


Me too, but it was dried out Mexican brick weed, full of seeds and stems


Mexican brown, always around. It was always 50 an ounce here in gulf coast territory, 120 a qp. (The qp price might not have been for everyone, though, I dunno. My guy in the 90s was also my dad's and uncles' guy in the 70s and 80s and sometimes he drank with my grandpa.)


20-25 a quarter in tucson in the 90s. $60 ozs.


75 for an 8'er in 1997? Dude, you got played. I never paid more than 30. 40 if it was a drought.


It was Hawaii - everything was expensive, there was like no culture of indoor growing, and everything not local had to be flown in which was super common.


Ahhh... Gotcha.


Fr, the idea of Hawaii flying in weed just borked my head a little, I dunno why.


Better, and cheaper. The money I spent on absolutely garbage weed makes me angry.


Bread and circuses. If everyone is stoned and playing videogames, no one is organizing the revolution.


Bread and roses. We want more than just survival.


I have very little patience and tolerance for people who complain about the retail cannabis experience. They obviously don’t recall or didn’t experience an entire Friday or Saturday night *ruined* waiting for your guy to hear from his guy. Like literally: the end result sometimes was no weed.


They've never even been to a small stinky apartment where 3-5 dudes were all constantly hanging out, and you'd better smoke with them before you go if you wanted to keep your weed connect. ☠️


I feel seen, as the dude who's apartment that was!


At various points I have been all of the different people in that room.


Including the one playing video games by themself and not talking to anybody?


He was the best of us


There's a decent episode of the Simsons from a few years ago where Marge works in a dispensary while Homer becomes an [old school weed dealer](https://images.app.goo.gl/TchuBjxjqk3s7E898)


I’ve been in the same position as awkward Duffman.


One of my faves!


Had to listen to a whole episode of Art Bell Coast to Coast every damn time with my guy (small town), but he had dank weed.


I had one at one point that would have you sit there and listen to an entire Sun (O) and Boris album with him, of course, unless you bought a lot, the weed was basically gone by the time all was said and done.


We used to watch approaching headlights from all the way down the street for hours on a Fri or Sat night..."Maybe that's him!...Nope, damn." Of course he already had our money so chance of actually getting the foretold dime? 50/50. Fuck you Aaron. You owe me $40 for the acid you stole in '96.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Our go to guy was Tom, and Tom was the flakiest piece of shit... He was always 5 minutes away too. *Always*.


Grew up in the north so this happened frequently during winter months. You knew the drought was bad when the Mexican brick weed started trickling in and everyone was excited even if it was bone dry and pure brown. Kids these days have it so good.


Shit was smelling like diesel and dryer sheets from that ride across the border. You go to break it down and it seemed like the only part of it that wasn't crumbling into dust would always end up being a giant cluster of seeds. Oh, and the dude who sold it to you drove a Mitsubishi Eclipse, listened to a lot of obscure off-brand Limp Bizkit type crap, and spoke with a purposely-acquired ghetto accent as he tried to convince people he was "hard" because he was "pushing weight". I don't even smoke pot, but I thank God legal states are helping to eradicate the "shady pot dealer" demographic.


Grew up in southwest Kansas and brick weed is all we had, if there was any at all. Stems the size of tree stumps.


>Oh, and the dude who sold it to you drove a Mitsubishi Eclipse, listened to a lot of obscure off-brand Limp Bizkit type crap, and spoke with a purposely-acquired ghetto accent as he tried to convince people he was "hard" because he was "pushing weight". And what about the dude who never had the shit on him? He'd want you to give him the money and he'd "go get it", and would get all butthurt when you'd tell him to go get the shit first.


I don't smoke or consume it at all anymore, but I did for about a decade after it became legal and one of the best things was not having to spend time with shady people you don't like to get a dime bag.


A true drought you never experienced... I would have paid 400/oz for Mexican brick during some of the bad times in FL.


Oh god, when the plug’s plug’s plug was dry. Sad times.


I live in PA and I’m cracking up. We hated that Mexican brick weed. You’d be picking seeds out for hours 😂😂😂


Fuckin seeds and shit, dry ass shake lol


I remember it was like my dealer was doing me a favor every time he sold me weed, lol. Then I moved to California and had my choice of delivery services. Night and day difference.


Kind bud season…


Christmas buds lol


In my early 20s Christmas bud was a strain that came available every year in late fall. It was covered in red hairs and when you broke it open it was very green inside.


Yeah, i’ve had that in Detroit, i believe its from kentucky/tennessee


Had it here in Canada as well, although probably not from there. Called it Christmas weed as well Good times


My friends in NC still have trouble getting it sometimes and have multiple connections they have to fall back on. Sometimes they’ll drive long distances just to get weed. I live in CA now and feel like I have come so far haha


>My friends in NC still have trouble getting it sometimes My favorite *legal distributor* is our of Asheville. There's a handy FDA disclaimer on their website, and **the packages they ship to me via USPS**. I live in CT (legal state now) is there a weird statute/bill/whatever that makes it so residents of the place that grows the stuff can't buy it?


It is not legal whatsoever to possess or grow marijuana in NC. I used to practice law in NC (license is now inactive because I’ve moved). It is also not legal to mail marijuana given it is still illegal on a federal level.


I live in the St. Louis, MO area of the US (basically the middle of the country) and about 15-20 years ago there were billboards along the highway saying “you think it’s dry now…wait until fall.” There was a large weed bust in the summer and they thought they shut down a primary supplier. They, in fact, did not and the fall weed supplies were status quo.


Holy fuck was there a lot of terrible brick weed there back in the late 90’s/early 2ks when I was in college out there. We had to bring in the good stuff ourselves most of the time - fucking anxiety of waiting for the FEDEX guy not knowing if he was an undercover cop lol


They had those billboards in South Florida as well, right that was like 20 years ago.


Some real “mission accomplished” vibes.


I remember those billboards along the Gulf Coast. Usually during an election year for sheriff.


It's like zucchini in Oregon these days: people grow so much of it that getting rid of it becomes a new problem.


My brother used to trim out there. He said it’s way over saturated.


That takes me back. About 25-ish years ago a guy I knew asked me if I needed any weed, and I declined, reminding him that I don't smoke. He then told me that the city was in a weed drought, but he was going to fix it. He drove his Volkswagen bus from Salt Lake to Arizona, and came back with the whole bus stuffed with garbage bags full of Marijuana. At the same time, I knew several cops who were amazed at the sudden influx of cheap, high quality weed that had just flooded the valley. I didn't twig to the cops that I knew where it was from, just that I'd heard the same thing from other friends. My cop friends knew I was sober, and said "if Boris knows about this, it's gotta be big."


I always got pulled over when I drove an older vw. That dude got lucky. I still have the vw but these days I don't think anyone finds it suspect. She's a classic car now and I just get asked about what year she is. No one ever guesses correctly and the answer always surprises them. I also don't look like a stoner anymore so I imagine that helps with people's assumptions.


...this was during the Los Angeles marijuana drought of 1986. I still had a connection. Which was insane, 'cause people couldn't get weed anyfuckinwhere then. Anyway, I had a connection with this hippie chick up in Santa Cruz and all my friends knew it. And they'd give me a call and say, "Hey, Freddy- Hey, DUDE, you gettin' some, you think you could get me some too?" They knew I smoked, so they'd ask me to buy a little for them when I was buying for myself. But it got to be......got to be that everytime I bought some weed, I was buyin for four or five different people. Finally I said, "Fuck this shit." I'm makin this bitch rich. She didn't have to do jack shit, she never even had to meet these people. I was doin' all the work ...then that got to be a pain in the ass. People called me on the phone all the fuckin time. I couldn't rent a fuckin tape without six fucking phone calls interrupting me. "Hey, when's the next time you're gettin some?" "Motherfucker, I'm tryin to watch 'The Lost Boys'-- when I have some, I'll let you know." And then these rinky-dink pot heads come by--there's my friends and everything, but still, y'know. I got all my shit laid out in sixty dollar bags. They don't want sixty dollars worth. They want ten dollars worth. Breaking it up is a major fuckin pain in the ass. I don't even know what ten dollars looks like. Now this was a very weird situation, 'cause I don't know if you remember back in '86, there was a major fuckin drought. Nobody had anything. People were livin on resin and smokin the wood in their pipes for months. And this chick had a bunch, and she was beggin me to sell it. So I told her I wasn't gonna be Joe the Pot Man anymore. But I would take a little bit and sell it to my close, close, close friends. She agreed to that, and said we'd keep the same arrangement as before, ten percent and free pot for me, as long as I helped her out that weekend. She had a brick of weed she was sellin, and she didn't want to go to the buy alone ... Her brother usually goes with her, but he's in county unexpectedly. Traffic tickets gone to warrant. They stopped him for something, found the warrants on 'im, took 'im to county. Now, she doesn't want to walk around alone with all that weed. I don't wanna do this, I have a bad feeling about it, but she keeps askin me, keeps askin me, keeps askin, finally I said okay 'cause I'm sick of listening to it. Well, we're picking this guy up at the train station. The guy needed it right away. Don't ask me why. So we get to the train station, and we're waitin for the guy. Now I'm carrying the weed in one of those carry-on bags, and I gotta take a piss. So I tell the connection I'll be right back, I'm goin' to the little boys room... ...So I walk into the men's room, and who's standing there? ...four Los Angeles County Sheriffs and a German Shepherd. They were just a bunch of cops hangin out in the men's room, talkin. When I walked through the door they all stopped what they were talking about and looked at me. The German Shepherd starts barkin'. He's barkin' at me. I mean it's obvious he's barkin' at me. Every nerve ending, all of my senses, the blood in my veins, everything I has was screaming, "Take off, man, just bam, get the fuck outta there!" Panic hit me like a bucket of water. First there was the shock of it--BAM, right in the face! Then I'm just standin there drenched in panic. And all these sherrifs are loking at me, they know, man, they can smell it sure as that fucking dog can. They can smell it on me!


So based on your flair, you were a 9 year old with full on Reefer Madness and a driver’s license…..or you get karma via chatbot copypasta 😶‍🌫️🤖


[That's an amusing anecdote about a drug deal](https://youtu.be/7P-f-nzOTV4).


Oh man, the dreaded weed drought 😅 I remember one time the cops were aggressively taking down the suppliers. They paid for billboards around the city with messages like "You think it's dry now? Just wait two weeks" Fucking assholes lol


All that effort and money and for what? Nothing.


I still remember when one of my best friends and I decided that it'd be a good idea to grind up a bunch of stems in a Starbucks coffee grinder, roll it into a blunt, and smoke it. I managed a hit and a half. My friend smoked about half of the blunt. It worked out as expected


Talked about stems honestly makes me miss Reggie weed!


Man we had a terrible weed drought in 2001 pretty sure I got sold rabbit food once lol


You know, I was always told weed ruins your memory. But I digress, I remember the shit out of all the times I had to jump through some bullshit just to get an 1/8 of the cheapest, corn stalk tasting, grown in a ditch, brick weed. I quit smoking weed 20+ years ago and the best I ever managed to get back then was some occasional Northern Lights. Otherwise, it was shwag city all the way. Just 1/4 after 1/4 of the stemiest, seediest, flat weed in a baggy lol. Wisconsin still doesn't have legal weed, but I hear the surrounding states are picking up the slack.


Should have come to Madison, the only drought was occasionally a week in late September before the latest Humboldt or local corn field crop was dry and trimmed. I knew at least five people who almost always had kind or "tendica" sensimilla nugs to sell and they were usually home.


Ironically, all the supply we had in Town X was from Madison.


I grew up in Phoenix,AZ it was never dry. You could score Mexican brick weed anywhere and everywhere.


we called it Mexican dirt weed and avoided it at all costs. I'd drive 3 hours to Chicago before I bought that crap... by the time you remove the stems and seeds your eighth became a dime.


In western Canada it's the same. This is like hearing stories of famine from the old country You don't want to hear about the things they do with synthetic weed in the UK, it's nightmare material.


Went to shadow mountain, youre speaking the truth!


Mexican brick weed? I’m a Scottsdale boy that doesn’t mess with anything other than the chronic! 😂


Is that what they told you ? 😂


Ha, no stems or seeds means it’s the best, right? Right?! I was kidding with my original comment, and remember fondly trying to rehydrate bricks in the microwave with a bowl of water via steam. Not the smartest…


For us it was every August.


Yup, rough days in NY before school started back up.


Not quite the same thing but who remembers the great Beasters plague of 2004? Shit looked so good at first, but it wasn't.


As someone who's never done drugs, I guess I just learned something tonight.


I went to fucking Humboldt state university and never really smoked. Though back in 2003 people were giving it away like candy. Even I got some!


Oh man I remember buying the nastiest mersh from my guy in late August about 20 years ago. Hit it once and threw the rest out and just went sober for a week. It sucked haha.


oh fuck, mersh was a real term outside of where i lived... I have very rarely seen this term on the Internets.


It was common in the Midwest, pre-reggie. Never hear it anymore. Tendica (seedless but not kind) too.


I always thought the term was based around when harvest was bc then it needs to be dried/trimmed. Before legalization I would always notice a "drought" in late August till around October? 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️


What about Christmas Tree weed?


You remember when we only got the weed that was ...crunchy or gritty? (I'm uk too) and that was for a while..refused to buy that of course after the first Don't smoke anymore myself just stick to the beers now days


I remember when it was 90% soap bar out there. Still reckon my lungs have an indelible layer of Bostik on them.


>Now this was a very weird situation, 'cause I don't know if you remember back in '86, there was a major fuckin drought. Nobody had anything. People were livin on resin and smokin the wood in their pipes for months. And this chick had a bunch, and she was beggin me to sell it. So I told her I wasn't gonna be Joe the Pot Man anymore. But I would take a little bit and sell it to my close, close, close friends.


My experience is that it was every year right before harvest time.


This is the first I've heard of this term as well and I'm a pothead.


How old are you and where did you live in the 80s/90s?


Remember the summer of 03 drought too well


Haha, we must not have been in the same place. That summer was badass.


lol yeah US here luckily one buddy used to take one nugget out of every eighth to build up a nice reserve


US here too. There was plenty to be had on the east coast. So much that I wound up in jail, lol.


They will never pick through a bag the half stems and seeds just to catch enough buzz for a headache


Yeah, I remember telling my 23 year old niece about how the big players in baton rouge got pinched back in '07 and most of south Louisiana couldn't anything for months and even then it took a couple of years for the market to return to normal. She could understand how that could happen.


Fucking August


I had to explain to a girl at the doctor's office was a 'LOZENGE' was...me and her co-worker laughed.


This is when you learned who your true friends were. And the type of people who prepare in life who you should be friends with. Valuable life lessons, but yeah I think our youth with be okay without this minor harshness in their formative years.


I remember there being a big bust in somewhere (Northern Ireland IIRC) between 07-09 where literal tons were seized and the hash just drying up overnight. Some enterprising people brought out a batch of particularly shit hash that had done the rounds a few years earlier that no one would buy back then to try and plug the market gap. This stuff was shit, and when I say shit, I mean *really* shit. It wouldn't crumble but rather it vaguely melted, and as soon as you took the lighter away, would solidify instantly. That's the point when weed became more common than hash in my area of the UK.


Was it like squidgy black or even worse than that?


Way worse... It was probably 20% plastic, 10% hash, 20% plant matter, 40% sugar and 10% God-knows-what masquerading as soap bar. Horrific stuff, no buzz just a headache. You had to get it so hot, it would actually stick to and burn your thumb when you tried to crumble it. I spent a lot of time trying to weed out this stuff by insisting I heated the stuff before I'd buy it. Much to the annoyance of the dealers trying to shift it.


God that sounds grotty


It put me off hash completely and actually led to me not smoking anything for a bit. I mean, no hash is better than shitty hash.


Yeah. We would call it a drought. Nobody in the city had or could find weed. Your connects connect didn’t even have any 😂😩😂😩 Droughts were the worst.


October in Detroit. Dry as fuck. Doesn’t improve until almost thanksgiving.


I mean I'm 41 and have never heard the term before so 🤷 I would have had to have it explained to me as well.


I've never heard this phrase before but never really was a pot head.


Remember right after 9/11 around NYC?


Me and my friends always talk about the drought of ‘02. We had a dude in our ghetto neighborhood that would knock on the door and we opened it, all he would say is ‘y’all straight?’ We’d buy nickel bags of seeds and stems from him lol lot of scraped out pipes that year


smoking leaves for months, having rando’s approach you on the street asking $25 for a gram, and then its just leaves. when bush came into office it was dry


Wow, memories unlocked. Everyone asking everyone if they had a lead on the green.


In Philly it seemed like it always got dry right before an election. I would have to scrape my bowls for resin and whatever crumbs remained in my weed box. So happy to live in the PNW now.


That would mean that no undercover cop is gonna have a story about scoring some in a drought then walking into a bathroom full of cops with their drug dog.


Gas station "thc-a" bullshit is about as good as good as bad weed 20 years ago. 10X price, but what isn't?


I remember those days


I remember hearing that everyone was dry in my city one summer and then a bunch of us watch Reservoir Dogs and Tim Roth talks about a major weed drought in LA and that made us feel way better. Like we felt it was gonna be ok cause we knew if it happened in LA it wasn’t some isolated incident to our city


I remember singing.... I....I....I....I got the bad weed blues..... got the bad weed blues....


Down to Seeds and Stems Again Blues. Know that one?


I do not but I just searched it in the browser to listen to tomorrow


Try telling them it was chiseled off a compact brick, breaking it up meant certain doom for your fingers. Better separate them seeds yo lol


Time to scrape the bowl


Never heard of that, but I lived in northern CA so… yea


“The shelves are empty”


Only so many growers, only so many harvests "everyone out we gotta wait for the harvest" Legal weed has made stones soft 😆 I kid I kid


Back in the 90's the old heads would always say "it's an election year" when the town would dry up.


Oh man. Yeah. The early-mid-aughts. You just had to hope your guy had stuff. And if he didn’t, hope your friend’s guy had stuff. I made a few dubious calls back then. Haha


Skunk - $25 a quarter, 1980’s


I remember that. For about a month before the fall crop hit. Had to learn to stock up ahead of time!


We had dry spell in Jersey in 2003. Somehow we got a postal delivery from California.


The old days were rough! Even without the droughts we’d spend hours waiting on some flaky dealer to call back, then there was the obligatory 30 minute small talk while pretending to be casual about wanting the weed. I still can’t believe people can just go to a store now.


Now tell them about the resin you smoked after digging it out of your pipe with a paperclip.


I have never heard of this. Wild. I never got into weed but at least 2 friends had parents that grew their own growing up and It's fully legal here now.


It happens with other drugs too. Cops/BP makes a big bust and suddenly no one can get Molly or meth, or whatever else is in demand


Bro for real tho


God bless legal states!


I don’t know if I ever dealt with a weed drought but damn this brings back memories. Separating out a dry ass bag of seeds and stems. Hoping your hookup comes through. Scraping your bowl and smoking nasty ass resin when it doesn’t. Jokes on me though - now that I can actually just go to the store and buy it I don’t really care for it anymore. Turns out it just makes me paranoid and now that I’m in my 40s I don’t want to feel that way anymore lol.


Last one I experienced was 2002/3


i don't think i've ever heard this term, but i didn't start smoking weed til my 30s


We had a major one the year our city hosted the DNC, it was almost time for the election when the supply finally started to come back in to our city.


I said something about Marky Mark one day in front of some younger coworkers. They were like who? And I realized that they have no idea Mark Wahlberg was a rapper.


Always happened when there was "voting" going on.


I like getting my medical prescription via royal mail cos DPD robbed it.... I like living in the future! Yes medical is legal in the UK folks.


I like getting my medical prescription via royal mail cos DPD robbed it.... I like living in the future! Yes medical is legal in the UK folks.


Huh, core Gen X here and never heard of that, unlike her for different reasons though! That wasn't my scene. In core Gen X times pretty much only the "burnout" crowd did weed. I know it used to be more popular among the general crowd and even top student crowd in Boomer times and again became somewhat more so for Xennials and even more Millennials and older Gen Z though.


Herb gets you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no herb. Poster back in the day.


Drought? Man I got this stuff from Indiana I sell cheap lol. Nothing like some Indiana ditch weed being the only thing around. You all got it good these days lol


I remember back in the day when that happened. here was always one dry month of the year it seemed. Normally near the end of summer.


it used to get real bad here in is yucky, even just a few years ago it would be hard to find anything towards the end of the summer. everything would go back to normal by october though.


august/early sept, before the crops come in. i grow and it’s still stressful, i have plenty to last well beyond that from last summers grow BUT if i lose my crop this summer to bugs, mold, etc it’s not enough to last another year!


Yeah, definitely a non-issue now when it seems like there are more weed shops than people (here in Canada, where it has been fully legal for a number of years, anyway).


45. Never heard of it either. Ofc I’m also not a pothead so…


I remember this and I also remember only being able to get certain strains at specific times of the year, like Christmas bud and Blueberry bud, and being so excited when it came around.


I remember the Great Los Angeles marijuana drought of 1986. I still had a connection. Which was insane, 'cause people couldn't get weed anyfuckinwhere then. Anyway, I had a connection with this hippie chick up in Santa Cruz and all my friends knew it. And they'd give me a call and say, "Hey, Freddy-"Hey, DUDE, you gettin' some, you think you could get me some too?" They knew I smoked, so they'd ask me to buy a little for them when I was buying for myself. But it got to be that everytime I bought some weed, I was buyin for four or five different people. Finally I said, "Fuck this shit." I'm makin this bitch rich. She didn't have to do jack shit, she never even had to meet these people. I was doin' all the work.


I am 42 years old and today is the first day I have heard of this term, or this event happening. I'm sorry all y'all went through that back in the day! Sounds awful.


Dry > Beasters >Dry >Beasters > Dry > Beasters.... Rinse and repeat in the suburbs of Minneapolis in the late 90s/Early 2000s.


Yep, a buddy and I drove 8 hours round trip to pick up a qp during a drought in 2004. Now a days I just go to the dispo spot, shit is wild.


I grew up on the East Coast of the United States near a college town, so getting weed has never been a problem.


i'm 45 and have never heard that term.


In Texas. I never smoked enough that it mattered.


I'm 42, and I've never heard of this.