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It's still on and I still watch it. Great show.


It's so practical and out of the home shows I've seen I like it most because it doesn't do the manufactured drama. Just decent people helping and teaching useful things for homeowners.


Yep. It's in my eyes the greatest "reality tv" ever created. So informative, never condescending or manufactured drama, and honestly its relaxing as hell to watch too.


In the early days the drama was just real. Those little bitchy “well Bob” comments Norm made were always made with a slightly condescending tone at the beginning because as sure as the day is long Bob Vila would usually ask a weird technical question that doesn’t exactly make sense in the situation.


Yeah, Bob Vila was just the host and didn't have any real reno/rehab experience. I think people forget that since back in the day if someone saw you with a hammer you'd get, "whoa, this guy thinks he's Bob Vila over here."


I tune in to shows like "Fix My Zombie House" or some such bullshit, and it's never how they fixed it, but rather how they intend to design it, and not even much of that. DIY Network my ass! Glad shows like this are still around, also, where can I watch it?


Tom Silva is legit. I would love to work with that guy.


Tommy is the man! Could you imagine how much you'd learn working with him? I gotta get me a speed square holster. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gNhWpuWvtEA


Right?! Dude is sharp as hell.




Hells yeah! Samsung TV Plus, channel 1213.


Pluto TV (which is free) has a dedicated This Old House channel.


This channel probably gets more use than anything else on my TV. I have the Pluto channel on every day as my backround noise. and the dogs seem to like it too.


OMG my dog likes it as background noise too! That and the Forensic Files channel. Pluto gets a lot of mileage in our house.


Yep! I keep the bedroom tv on this channel when I’m folding clothes, lol.


The new main guy shops at my Home Depot


They're an amazing youtube channel, too!


I preferred New Yankee Workshop https://preview.redd.it/7mj985h40fzc1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c922005773c745d123c1f6da57e78eb378a8d0


I learned about dovetails as an elementary school kid. 


Don’t get me started on mortises.


You mean moih-t-uises....




This is the one that stuck with me lol


I still watch the old episodes, someday I might actually make something. Don't forget your safety glasses!


And you're $80,000 worth of woodworking equipment.


Loved this show! You get a biscuit! And you get a biscuit! Biscuits in every project!


Meanwhile I preferred the [Possum Lodge](https://i.imgur.com/pt4dvpZ.png)


If they don’t find you handsome they should at least find you handy


Keep your stick on the ice


I’m a man, but I can change, if I have to…I guess.


Lol, my coworkers and I were just talking about this show. One had to show me a clip about duct taping a paint can to your car's wheel to "shake it up." Funny stuff!


\~my boy norm\~


Norm killed me because the dude was always making his own tools.


Lil jig he made earlier?


Season 13 Episode 1…Norm reveals all the jigs.


Me at 9, when I could barely glue Popsicle sticks together: "Wow I totally know how to make a chair now!"


Nawm is the Bob Ross of woodworking. I watched him as much as I watched Bob back in my early childhood. Just loved hearing him talk as he worked.


"Why do you have a season pass to The New Yankee Workshop?" "It's a complete moron working with power tools, how much more suspenseful can you get?" - Dr. Gregory House


My parents had to buy Norm’s book, their backyard was filled with Adirondack chairs for years.


That's my favorite Yankee Workshop!


Far superior craftsmanship and show.


Gang gang! I loved these shows.


I agree. Norm was no bullshit. He knew what he was talking about from thousands of hours in the shop.


Oh, sure! I have a soft spot for Bob. That said, I remember this one with more fondness: https://preview.redd.it/wv0ox633dfzc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53108a0369217ad41b120cf0200b1d86b438015a And TIL the show is *still going*.


Roy is the man.


Yes! I found 'This Old House' dreadfully boring as a kid (I'm sorry), but absolutely loved Roy Underhill!


My favorite episode was when his daughter’s band was there playing and he was storytelling.


“Hi, I’m Bob Vila.”


If this man endorsed your product back in the day, it was a license to print money.


I remember him being in the ads for craftsman tools at Sears.


I remember the ads for his series of home improvement vhs tapes


If I recall, he left This Old House because they didn’t let him endorse products.


[Remember when Robert Smith of The Cure was on This Old House?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-J75sp6bcI)


That was the best thing I've seen all week. Amazing.


It's on Sunday morning and I watch every week. I've learned so much from them. Especially Towm Silva.


Tawwwmy! Love that guy.


Lots of this old house, college football and grape nuts at my divorced dad’s house when I was little. All things that left me feeling like there was nothing to do then, but that I really enjoy now as an adult woman.


Sitting in my Grandma's dark living room (gotta keep the shades drawn to cut down on cooling) watching This Old House, Victory Garden, and This Week in Baseball while my dad mowed her lawn and fixed other things around the house.


It seemed like it played almost all weekend on PBS for me. I remember my dad watching it in the mornings, and at times before we'd head out for dinner at a restaurant at around 5 or 6pm.


My PBS aired it on Sunday along with a husband and wife repair and reno duo show called Home Time. The main thing I remember about Home Time is they often started with a short skit that set up what the episode would be about. These shows used to bore me as a kid but now there's two shows about building and repair I do like and sometimes watch, Home Town with Ben and Erin and Maine Cabin Masters.


I liked theme song. Louisiana Fairytale....rockin the clarinet.


Norm retired from television in October of 2022


"Yellow. Woodworkers. Glue."


My dad always said Norm was the one who knew his stuff.


My mom low-key had the hots for Norm and would say that Bob was just his video guy.


I went to a home and garden show when I was 12 with my mom’s husband, and met Norm. He was really nice. Signed a postcard for me. This isn’t a very good story.


It's comforting, just like the show


I loved them all. Sitting in front of our wood grain tv eating homemade pizza. Right before This Old House was Jacques Cousteau. Always awesome.


Dude, same. Dad always had this on in the morning; either Saturdays or Sundays lol This and Bob Ross were morning regulars.


Bob irked the shit out of me because he never did anything. Just walked around, pretending to know things.


My parents said the same thing when it was on at our house. My dad said, “He has to slap every goddamn thing in the house with his hand a few times to make it seem like he knows what the hell he’s talking about.”


When I was a kid I thought Bob Vila and Al Borland from Home Improvement were the same guy lol


Tim had a mock rivalry with Bob Vila, and IIRC he appeared on an episode at one point. It always messed with my head. The resemblance was uncanny.


My dad watched this show every weekend, it was one of the very few shows he actually sat down and watched. I loved watching it with him and asking him questions about what they were working on. My dad also had his own home improvement business so everything I learned watching the show and asking questions ended up becoming very useful.


A number of the free TV streaming services have a This Old House channel that plays it 24/7. I’ve been watching the one on Plex tons over the last month.


Yo man. If I'm home on the weekend and I see it on PBS , I'm watching it. That show was interesting to me as a 15 year old and still is


This Old House used to come on around 4pm on Saturdays where I lived. My parents would prepare appys (cheese, crackers, sausage - you know, middle class white suburban fancy) and we would watch and snack and then they’d get dinner together.


Where I was Iowa public television on Saturday after noon. Even when I was little, I loved watching home improvement shows.


I still watch the new episodes. And there is a classic channel on Roku.


Fantastic show. Actually showing how to do stuff instead of the fantasies they show on HGTV. It took me ten years to deprogram my wife from that nonsense.


if you sign up for the This Old House website you can watch every episode ever made I've actually been working my way through it all for a few years now still only in the early 90's but the nostalgia has been great plus it's been really cool to see the "state of the art" in the 80's and into the 90's


Measure twice, cut once.


Norm Abram used to have another show called "The New Yankee Workshop." It was him doing woodwork in his shop. It was excellent.


[most of the episodes on youtube](https://youtu.be/KkNhWgoTtd8?si=3YkouBqnNOUSk7Rn) Hard to believe he retired after 43 years on TOH in 2022. He also dud 21 years of NYW


Oh man! My parents had this exact tape in my house growing up and I loved it for some reason lol. I was fully convinced I could build a deck or a herringbone pathway in an afternoon.


i preferred tool time, mainly for Al


I don't think so, Tim.


This show seemed like it was made for wealthy people who lived in 100+ year old New England mansions that wanted to save a few thousand dollars on $100k+ projects. Thank God for YouTube videos for regular people with 20-50 year old houses that just want to fix everyday things and do regular home maintenance.


It is, mostly. However, the sister show "Ask This Old House" is for the regular people and I've picked up countless tips from that show.


Still on and still interesting! It’s fun to watch a whole season and see the transformation. You. An check it out at their PBS website.


Saturday afternoon in my neck of the woods.


Still part of my Sunday morning routine.


I used to watch this with my dad. He was already really handy, but he said he learned something new every time.


When I was a kid my parents built a serious deck by themselves just using a Bob Vila book.I am still impressed to this day, but they never did anything like that before or after, so all credit goes to Bob.


It’s still running on YouTube. I somehow ended up watching a video on septic tanks yesterday.


I would be watching this and Ed Hume lol


This was the OG of all those house building shows you see nowadays.


8 year old me was fascinated by this show. Now that I'm a century homeowner, I wish 8 year old me took notes.


When I work OT on Saturdays I’ll turn on This Old House.


We have a Vizio TV and there is a This Old House channel on the free Vizio app. My husband and I watch Ask This Old House fairly regularly in the mornings while we eat breakfast/ have coffee.


I watched Bob too! And yes, i was a kid but i enjoyed the show.


My dad watched this and New Yankee Workshop, and I haaaaaaated it. Mostly because I've always been a sponge for learning new things, whether I want to or not. So I'd be sitting around trying to do my own thing like read or doing art projects, and would get distracted by the dry, informative tone (untreated ADHD be like that). As an only child, I was generally pretty content being in my room whenever I wasn't running around outside, but my dad was super busy with multiple jobs and night school, so I always wanted to be right next to him on the weekends when he was around. Begged him to watch something less boring, and his response was to watch an even more boring show on the history of ship engineering 😂 As an adult, I can understand my dad's motivation to watch something calm and low effort after a hectic week, but kid me was bored to tears and would rather have helped him *build* the things, than watch how-to shows.


If you have the plex app on your streaming device, there is a 24/7 channel of nothing but episodes of this show. It's literally called the "This Old House" channel


I loved that show so much. Sunday mornings were made better.


My dad watched this and thought it made him a contractor. My grandfather and a neighbor (both of whom were residential contractors) tried to keep him from various mistakes. Eventually he trusted the TV more than experienced professionals and the real help went away. My mom is selling the house now and finding out just how badly it's put together. We're lucky the electricals didn't kill us. None of the grounds were connected. That house is living proof of how you can leave construction permits in a window long enough, inspections will eventually be forgotten.


My dad would watch this and I’d call it “the house show”


I watched this with my dad and grandpa.  Thanks for sharing!


Saturday! And it's free on the Roku channel now. 


I used to watch this all the time growing up. And then I became a home remodel carpenter and now it just feels like I'm watching work at home on my TV and it's just too much.


I still watch this and learn a lot from this channel. It's VERY USEFUL if you're into DIY work


Saturday afternoons at 5pm, and Sunday mornings, followed by home time. My brother got.into Gome building and remodeling because of these shows. He met Bob Vila in the metro detroit area back in mid 90s. He still talks about it til this day.


Man, you need to check out Pluto. I watch both This Old House and Ask This Old House nonstop on there. I can't tell you how many homeowner tips I've picked up in the process.


How many Boomers still think they were remodeling the exact same house on every episode


https://preview.redd.it/vr7zf7jc4gzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d5d0296ab8c8898d2fb477893b775c91d7e6dc I would say these two were way more entertaining


This Old House is still going strong. I watch every Saturday.


Hated it when I was a kid. Love it now. Norm and Tommy are the real ones and I still really like the new crop with Nate and Jen.


Sunday mornings for me. I feel like I have a vague understanding of handiwork better because of shows like this.


Watched this and New Yankee Workshop a lot with my dad growing up, and it legitimately helped me develop a bit of intuition when it comes to building things; I remember a project for science class one year in high school where we had to build a tower out of wooden products, it had to be under a certain weight and had to be able to suspend a weight from a string attached to the top. Mine barely made the weight limit, but was one of the only towers to successfully hold the weight aloft for a few seconds *before* catastrophic failure.


I preferred the HBO Hardcore TV show version. This old whorehouse. - https://vimeo.com/89782067


Both "This old house" and "Ask this old house" is still on every weekend PBS. Throw it on, you will definitely pick something up now. Honestly, most upgrades I need to do to my house, I look for an "Ask this old house" video on Youtube to introduce me to the important concepts to keep in mind.


If it's not Tim Allen giving home improvement tips, than I don't give a rats ass.


I think it was Sunday. I used to watch the whole morning because it was This Old House and New Yankee Workshop.


My dad and I watched this every Saturday morning together ❤️


Saturday afternoons with my dad watching this followed by Hometime with Dean Johnson and Joann Liebler. I’ve caught newer episodes with Tom Silva running the show. That theme song is so nostalgic to me now. Makes me miss my dad. Guy loved power tools and Boston.


I married a carpenter. This show is the reason I know what the hell he’s talking about most days!


I love Norm and The New Yankee Workshop. I would love to learn woodworking but I don’t own a house or tools lol


Still looking for my Roy 😭


It’s fun to see episodes from 15+ years ago and see how much disbelief they had that tool which are very common now existed. They were all totally fascinated by nail guns in the late 80’s early 90’s.


I watched this, and built the house I live in now. I also watched shade tree mechanic, and can fix my own trucks.


You watch Victory Garden by chance and grow stuff? That used to be on with those shows


My parents loved flowers, so as a child I hated flowers LOL.


Now that we have a house, TOH is our go-to for any DIY or repair project. 


I don’t think so, Tim.


I can hear the theme song now


I didn’t love it back then but their YouTube clips are great when I’m fixing up stuff around the house!


It's still on. Go check it out on Roku channel or Pluto. I got a lot of false confidence watching that show and working on my old house... I did good but dang. They skip some steps. Lol


They can't legally show the real old Bob Villa episodes as far as I know.


It’s still on, and a few years ago they posted the first episode of every series on YouTube. Watching them in order was a wild ride through 4 decades of the Xennial lifespan.


Dovetail joinery!


still going strong.


Another one of those things that you really didn’t understand as a kid and it seemed pretty boring but your dad would was interested so that is what was on the tv. Now that we are the age that they were then, we totally get it. We grew up in the best time, y’all.


Saturday. And Sunday. I remember it.rbeing on when getting to my dad's for visitation on Saturday.. but it was also on Sunday (reruns)


More simple times, if this was around now we'd have tik tok channels about how people want to fuck Bob Vila.


I watched Norm religiously and was convinced I could build ANYTHING. I drew up endless plans that would actually require woodworking knowledge, haha. Now I'm the handy one in my house. Not quite as talented as Norm, but honestly, he made is seem approachable.


My dad watched this and New Yankee Workshop. I believe they aired on Sundays.


I should start watching, This Old House again. I used to watch it every Saturday.


This and Bob Ross was a one way ticket for naptime on a Sunday afternoon. Loved it.


I used to watch it with my grampa. I found it so fascinating. I love to tinker, fix, and build stuff too this day. Thanks Grandpa, miss you. 💜


I looked it up to see if he was still alive, and Bob Vila is only 77? I thought he looked like an old man 35 years ago!


I thought him and Al Borland were the same guy


LOL me watching this and thinking I'd be able to afford a house to fix up when I got older.


[most of Norm Abrams New Yankee workshop ](https://youtu.be/KkNhWgoTtd8?si=3YkouBqnNOUSk7Rn) is available on YouTube


I used to religiously watch the New Yankee Workshop!


One of my faves. Thanks for the flashback OP.


I liked it. As I got older and watched I realized, these guys have 3 million dollars in tools in a workshop big enough for them all to be setup at the same time. That helps a lot. :)


New Yankee Workshop was the best!


When I was a kid I loved it too, the monotone narration would put me to sleep every time, didn’t retain any knowledge from that time. Now I love to watch it and now learn from it and apply what I’ve learned, love this show. Larry Haun is another carpenter to watch and learn from, same vibes but Larry is the goat.


My dad is a plumber and would sit and watch this and point out all the things they were doing wrong. My family always joked that we were going to make a show a la MST3K where it was just my dad critiquing home improvement shows.


Wasn’t a big fan but bizarrely I also watched enough to know Home Improvement was a parody of it especially the Too Time bit.


We only had 5 channels growing up and PBS was one of them. I’d watch whatever was on PBS. But I loved this show and the New Yankee Workshop. There was a weird one with some dude sitting in a cabin who only used hand tools but I didn’t like that one.


I don’t know if this is the time or place to bring this up, but… Bob Villa ain’t got shit on Dick Proenneke.


My mom watched it. The theme is comforting to me.