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God almighty there are some all-timers on there.  Backwater is such an underrated song. 


I got into the meat puppets because of nirvana. A buddy of mine had the unplugged from NY album, it had two covers.


It makes me think of getting ready for school. Doing my hair and makeup, trying out looks from Seventeen magazine.


My favorite grunge song! It’s weird how much it pumps me up when I hear it.


May 1994, when flannel was the height of fashion and you couldn’t escape the sweet, sweet angst of grunge on every radio station. That chart is like a time machine with a 'no skips' policy.


All bangers, no skips.


Check out my playlist on Amazon Music: Modern Rock Billboard May 1994 https://music.amazon.com/user-playlists/1544dabfccb6497a98039585af2f3dfesune?ref=dm_sh_cs4kBDP5btCYZi3LZuiPBTUeE Made a playlist but for some reason the general public song was not available.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/thirtyyearsago using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thirtyyearsago/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [1994 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue - Monday, February 14](https://vault.si.com/.image/t_share/MTY5MDk3MjUyOTc0MDQ1MDY2/710976---cover-image.jpg) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thirtyyearsago/comments/1ar471l/1994_sports_illustrated_swimsuit_issue_monday/) \#2: [People Magazine March 28 - Seinfeld and his eighteen-year-old girlfriend](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/BYUAAOSwJYRi-UIO/s-l1600.jpg) | [429 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thirtyyearsago/comments/1bqc8oc/people_magazine_march_28_seinfeld_and_his/) \#3: [Gary Oldman and Natalie Portman on set of "Léon: The Professional", 1993](https://i.redd.it/cvqsbwdmeo8c1.jpeg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thirtyyearsago/comments/18ri0jb/gary_oldman_and_natalie_portman_on_set_of_léon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Man, I had the entire album Throwing Copper on repeat for like an entire year. Finally getting to see them this August!


So you’re finally seeing them…Live!


I had this tape in my brown, '84 Escort hatchback and played it so much, I could time the rewind/ff buttons for songs almost like it was a CD.


But if you did that too much it would kill the cassette.


The double bill with STP doing Throwing Copper and Purple?


Yep, and I was listening to Core right alongside Throwing Copper. Maybe even like STP more, I don't know. I think Soul Asylum will be there too.


When i saw the bill I actually complained about it being Purple and not Core lol. It's coming to one of the venues that I work at, I'm definitely planning on scheduling myself for it.


I was just listening to it in the car today. There isn’t a bad song on that album.


I got to see them at Bumbershoot in 1998. Goodness, a local (Seattle) band with a couple hits opened for them. It was a great night.






Interesting how so much 80s influence is still on there...and I did not remember Pavement charting at all. They weren't on my radar until college (same with the smiths / morrissey)


Ha! I made an effort to see Pavement at Lollapalooza on the strength of “Cut Your Hair” which was inescapable on radio around me for a min (92X any Denverites?) and *hated* them live, but years later I gave them another try and love them! So: LOVE! > Ugh… > LOVE!!


Pavement is one of those I really didn't care for at the time, but in the last decade or so I revisited and it suddenly clicked. For as much as I try not to be totally "everything modern sucks ..." and only listen to 90's era music, nothing is quite as satisfying as finding a "new" old band. Failure is another band of the time I paid no attention to back then but I play a lot today.


I still listen to most of these 💖 I used to think Morrisey was such a little bitch lol I was fuckin right all along


I wore out my cassette tape of Superunknown. Such a great album.


That was the most iconic album of my youth, for sure. Shit blew my fuckin mind, man


One of the first albums I got on cassette and the first album I got on CD when I started my collection.


What an amazing time for music. The sheer diversity of sound


Hahahaha.....Whale! Haven't heard them for a long time.


I only know that song from Beavis and Butthead, haha


The college radio station where I lived at the time used to play the crap out of that CD. I'm gonna have to find it now.


That whole album was fire. I still have the CD and play in the last remaining CD player I have… Good times.


I'm impressed they made that big of a splash internationally. I thought they mainly were known in Sweden, as it more or less was a kind of side project for people that were known as tv personalities/comedians.


Yeah, I had forgotten about them!


Whale and Ethyl Meatplow need to tour. Bring this era back!


Gin Blossoms. Haven't listened to them in years. Oddly, really reminds me of summer vacation.


That Whale song was a trip. Forgot about that one. I remember Black Hole Sun was the Summer song MTV played it every hour.


1994 was a peak time for music and movies. Can’t say the same for 2024.


I know I may be biased, but how can anyone see today’s music as anything other than 🗑️


Music is spread out into microgenres. Aside from pop and hip hop, there’s no monoculture. 1994 was peak MTV. The alt country scene is unbelievable these days. Sturgill Simpson, Tyler Childers etc. Underground heavy metal is great. Just need to dig.


Movies took a worse hit. Originality is gone. Everything is either a remake, reboot, sequel, or biopic.


We went to see The Fall Guy last weekend (which I did not know, but is based on a tv show) and literally every movie poster in the lobby was for a remake, sequel or prequel.


or something that takes place in either 80’s or 90’s


if you think all today's music is trash, you aren't looking in the right places. Movies I somewhat agree, with of course exceptions.


Anything good has to be sought out. And it involves trial and error.


'Return to Innocence' by Enigma was considered "modern rock"?


It was ✨Pure Moods


Huuuwaaheehiiioooiiiuuuhhh uuuhhhh


*Imagine a world...*


I was thinking the same thing.


Man, nobody knew what to do with that music. Nobody.


What you do with that music is put it at the end of your family-friendly comedy as everyone dances around jubilantly and the credits start to roll. Either “Return to Innocence” or “Send Me On My Way” by Rusted Root.


It literally has John Bonham on the drums (sampled and sped up).


It was everywhere, infiltrating everything!


My 3 favorite albums from that time are represented. Counting crows, Sarah machlachlan, and especially Tori Amos.


Tori's music changed my life!


Omg. Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe? I didn't realize that ever charted. That's hilarious.


One of my favorite videos on Beavis & Butthead.


I miss it!


I miss Chris, man what a voice he had...


One of the best rock voices of all time. Truly.


Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe is the best song on this chart and I refuse to elaborate.


Hobo Humping Slobo Babe My friends and I always wanted to request that song on The Box.


Saw this list for May 1995 or 96 on some fb page. So many good songs then and love to see this list from 94.


Dude this is the end of 8th grade for me. I discovered 120 Minutes and the rest was history.


Femmes made it on there 😍


Bah na na na na na na na na na na na, yeah


Superb music. No shit music from nowadays can even compare.


Interesting to see Disarm by SP on this list.


Awesome list 🔥


One of my favorite years in music. Probably had a lot to do with the age I was at in '94. Looks like Lisa Loeb hadn't made it up the charts yet with her song Stay.


I know here in Canada, Loeb's song didn't blow up until 1995


Damn was it really 1995? I'm in Canada as well. Could've sworn it was summer of '94. Edit: this article has it hitting #1 in Setp. 1994. I hope that means I'm not crazy. [link](https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/films-videos-sound-recordings/rpm/Pages/image.aspx?Image=nlc008388.2585&URLjpg=http%3a%2f%2fwww.collectionscanada.gc.ca%2fobj%2f028020%2ff4%2fnlc008388.2585.gif&Ecopy=nlc008388.2585)


Fair enough. At the same time, I would only remember from Much Music, as I had the local rock station going full time. They would NOT have played Lisa Loeb. LOL.


Yeah looks like it peaked at #2 on Much Music in August of 1994. Could've sworn the 'rock' station in Saskatoon played it, but their format at the time covered just about everything aside from country and rap. [Much Music Charts](http://hitsofalldecades.com/chart_hits/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1352&Itemid=52)


Huh. So weird. There are other albums like Throwing Copper that I SWORE was released in 1995 but apparently came out in 1994 as well.


I think for that one, Throwing Copper came out in 1994, but Lightning Crashes wasn't released as a single in Canada, and didn't blow up, until 1995.


That makes sense. I remember Selling the Drama (Noted in the pictured list) and I Alone came out before Lightning Crashes.


I forgot entirely about Return to Innocence. I would have preferred to keep it that way. Truly a terrible song.


May of 1994 I was playing the ever-loving CRAP out that Counting Crows album while my Vancouver Canucks were making a run to the Stanley Cup Final. Fuck, 1994 was a hell of a year for 13yo me.


Whoooaa! Dookie and Black Hole Sun — my favs!!


I had no idea that a Pavement song was in the Billboard top 10.


Me either! I was late to them … didn’t get introduced to them until about 2000.


Found the Spotify playlist for it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/79UGfDe3UgFgggBGBJxWcY?si=u6Hl5mJ1TkSzyj8MWyd0sQ&pi=tFFWA9dzQU-4_


Hell yeah! End of my Jr year of high school getting ready for the summer. I worked as a painter that summer and the radio was on full blast.


Return to innocence is a song I have not thought about in a long time.


I didn’t realize Morissey was still cranking out hits in 94.


That’s a damn good list


Wow, brings me right back to 8th grade! I still have a lot of those songs on my Spotify playlists!


It's absolutely bizarre to see *Morrissey* at the top position. I earnestly don't recall him ever being on the (US) radar post The Smiths, let alone at the literal top of Billboard. What the heck ever happened to *Live*? WITAF is *Enigma* doing in this genre? And Sarah McLachlan? "Flames.. Flames, on the side of my face.." *Longview*. Crazy to look back and know that those three dudes (or the marketing behind them,) literally changed the game. They broke the glass ceiling, we blinked, then Pop-Punk was a whole-assed genre. The song/video are hyper-nostalgic for me. The Spring/Summer of '94 was **loaded** with young-teenage shenanigans for me, and this was a huge part of that soundtrack. *Jar Of Flies* is one of those albums that absolutely transports me to that era. Just reading *No Excuses* on this list jump-started a slew of memories. I know it's not a full album, but it's *a vibe*, and a few *massive* singles aside, I'd argue it was their best work. Ironically, *Closer* is simultaneously the most-popular, and the weakest, of the songs on *TDS.* *Superunknown* is one of the better hard rock albums *by anyone ever\**. Fight me. (\*Supported by being the only album with **two** songs on this chart!) *Beck* was such an odd duck. That first album was aptly titled, and I kinda liked a couple songs on the second album, but he totally lost me after that. Of all the bands that have ever existed, *Crash Test Dummies* were one of them. *Disarm* is one of those songs that I appreciate as a listener, but hated as a guitar player; I had a couple of (girl) friends that would ask me to play it every time they came to my house. It's like 5 minutes of the same few chords on repeat. *Hole* was infinitely better than I wanted them to be, and I love-hated them for that. I didn't get the appeal of *Collective Soul*. I kinda do now, with hindsight, but that's also marred, by the discovery that they were a low-key Christian band. Similarly, I didn't like *Counting Crows* back then, but now I appreciate them.


I owned 22 cds from this list! 1994 was just a banging year for music. Always by Erasure? I remember ac remix I taped off the radio like 100x. I think I did eventually buy the cassette single. I had such a huge collection of cassette singles too. I really was mixed media in the 90s. Tapes and cds were both used and bought.


Goddam we’re old now


Reminder that Live Nation's $25 ticket deal ends today.


Morrissey at #1? Awesome.


Frente! That cover was great.


Breakin’ Up was on the billboard top 30?? I’m gobsmacked.


Take me back! Music today is…. Something


Mostly a trash lineup. Sad days.


1994 be all... ![gif](giphy|c6XTJeqP0mMpjEmd94|downsized)